Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 23 May 1902, p. 4

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heumaihm jotnt- every bo bad wholly lo t3- and It reelected J Trent It a TEW lfcal7js AlftTcrft it KTsreiJ not lift and ledKartxIygtt op or Hoot Coca- was vrith it W and to were permanent fci It blood gKiatUm gtfiriiiJgidio The conductors the Kail and Em pire do not know the workings of our institutions or are wilful ly misleading public opinion It says While in the lower Provinces sheriffs of the Peace Crown attorneys and coroners are by the Province in On tario they are paid the couui ties or municipalities The above statement of the Mail is not correct In Ontario the county pays only in the first instance then afterwards is reimbursed from the Provincial treasury all fees for ser vices ration NATURES BLESSING I J IS FOUND HEALTH AND FREE DOM FROM PAIN This Gift is for AllJ-Qnyt- Happiness and usefulness of Life Depend Without it Life is an Hard to Endure Health is natures choicest gift to man and should be carefully guarded Ill health is a sure sign that tbe blood is either insufficient watery or impure for most of tbe diseases that ted with criminal admin- mankind are traceable to for sheriffs clerks of the cause- Every organ of the body re- The Toronto Star of Friday re marks We thought from Mr Whit neys speech at Marie that he was to the Cen tral Railway bill But now he pro claims that he would vote against such a measure again if the occasion arose He must be a backslider- The Canadian Freeman a Roman Catholic journal of prominence pays tribute to Horn Ross His personality great Liberal party of which he is the head in the Province bis genius gives it its strength and force LEGAL I J Robertson alary Public c Street Newmarket to Loan on gov Far security T Solicitor Notary ate Court Building Lennox c Cboppfu 3 or Post Herbert Aurora will beat and CouM Rom Ontario Bank Aurora Block Loan ft lb Sat action DR DENTIST to Dr Opposite Store GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY NORTHERN TIME TABLE p a ft rt aO CO a ft 53 I a I I I a fa- I ft m peace county attorneys coroners etc etc and for the maintenance of all criminal prisoners in theJail in the territorial districts the Province the whole charge of the justice is borne from Provincial funds In addition to this Ontario pays all fees for the Assize and of all fees paid to Crown witnesses These facts well known to every municipal man throughout the entire Province and it is therefore surprising Mail should make the statement contain ed in the foregoing extract- o Where is Mr Whitney at in regard to taxation of corporations At Aurora April be made bold to de clare his emphatic hostility to any such tax as verified by his- own in the and had been further asserted that- no taxes would have been placed on cor porations had he been in power That is true said Mr and moved the six months hoist of the Mark this was stated April Just one month and days later May at Burlington alter learning sentiment dur ing his election Whit ney wheedles around declared that he was not opposed to the tax on corporations- and he a statement trjat he was as an absolute and At the Aurora meeting told his audience that he the sis months hoist yea gloied in it but at Burlington with of a months campaign he eats his own words and declares his oppo sition to the tax a falsehood This is the kind of a man Mr Lennox would support as a leader and Prem ier for Ontario What do you think of the picture as pointed by himself A a 4 to Turning on Himself S3 a i W to rt a AND a Wui air Ok CI S 5 t H a o a ha n a H CO fl in H a in 10 o a M 10 o o a r iq a 4 t 1 o a 2J in 9 w in 3 CT 0 do a The visit of the Opposition leader to New Ontario has served the of demonstrating the measure the man The curve was a short one to turn but he made it all the same In the Mail report of April respecting the Algorrjapentral Rail way bargain Mr deoribed it as themost steal the attempt at public the most heinous crime ever attempt ed by any man in the Province of On tario and the did not think he would be exaggerating if he said the Dominion Canada In less than one year is reported in the same organ the Mail March in a speech at a dinner to the members of the Advisory Council of the Lite A of Ontario in Toronto as fol lows the to Mr believed the was too hut he was glad if it had to be given that it was giv en to a man of the stamp Mr was not a man on the Government side who would go far as the members A the Opposi tion in up all Mr legitimate under tali and he were all legitimate If the receiver is as bad as too thief must be a villain or he not be a party to the greats cat attempt at public robbery the most heinous crime ever attempted by any man in Province of Ontario And yet with knowledge of this of his suriequent believed the of Mr were all goes about coun try casting JowrTjAiof is the to Prime of is the man a 49h quires rich red blood to enable it to properly perform its lifesustaining functions and at the first intimation that gives that all is not well toe blood shouM be cared for Pur- medicines will not dothrs it is a tonic that Is needed and Dr Williams Pink Pills have been proved world over to surpass all ctttiex medicines in their strengthening and healthrenewing qualities From one end of the land to the other will be found grateful people who cheerfully acknowledge that owe their good heath to this great medicine Among these is Mr a prominent young man living at St Jerome He For some years I was a sufferer from dyspepsia My appetite became irregular and every thing I ate felt like a weight on my stoma I tried several remedies an3- was under the care of doctors but no avail and I grew worse as time went on I became thin suffered much from stomach pains and was frequently seized with dizziness One day a friend told me of the of a young girl who had suffered greatly from this trouble but who thru the use of Dr Williams Pink had fully regained her health and strength and strorgly vi me to try these pills was so to a cure that I acted on his advice and procured a supply From the very first my condition im proved and after the a couple of I was fully restor to after having been a con stant for four years It is now over a year since I used the pills and in that time I have enjoyed the best of health This I owe to greatest of all medicines Dr Wil liams Rink Pills and I shall always have a good word to say on tltr be- Through their action on the blood and nerves these pils cure such dis eases as rheumatism sciatica St Vitus Dance indigestion kidney trouble partial paralysis etc Be sure that you get tie genuine with the full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale on ery box If your dealer does not keep them they will be sent post paid at a box or six boxes for by ad dressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Ont OB The Recorder calls atten tion to an important fact t says The land of the stunted popular has developed into such proportions that Mr Whitney now thicks it ought to have a Cabinet Minister of its own A few years ago he voted against Agriculture having a Minister of its own According to advices received from ail parts of North York at Mr Committee Rooms the re suit of the polling on will be perfectly satisfactory to the Commis sioner of Crown Lands and creditable to tbe electorate the Whitney andidate anticipates victory there will certainly be some surprjss in the funeral arrangements It sometimes happens that an elec tion is lost and defeat suffered he- cause of overconfidence and apathy Let every Liberal out on the and record his Instances are upon record in which the unpolled votes could have changed into victory Let this not be Repeated in North York The Ross Ministry will be returned all enough and it will be foe North York to send a man agin the Government The Regiment and two squadrons of the Regiment sailed from Halifax for South Africa on the on Saturday TO CUBE GRIP IN TWO DAYS Laxative removes the cause Groves signature on every box Price 25 cents Reports just issued by the Board of Trade in regard to railway acci dents show that not a single passen ger was I Wed in the year in Great Britain A CARD We the undersigned I refund the money a lie Greenes Warranted Syrup Tar If II fails to cure your cough cold We also guarantee a bottle to prove satisfactory or refunded J A aad K of all OLD iTSWBfAJEaB FOR BALK AT ERA your walks ittflyfi have Painkiller you run no wrapper Dixon of toas fiight Saturday regaining wH vu At Georgia a number of Iraded in a store resist arreat A lot rrrlijMja took polkenien and a white were The riew P R bridge eg is completed and ready for the Arthur Brown a section- man was run over and killed near Belleville Endorse Mr Ross patriotic pro gressive policy and VOTE FOR DA VIS Goliad Texas was swept by a tor nado- From to one hundred are reported killed In North Toronto the question has been receiving an airing and Dr Beatty although an candidate maile nut a triumphant case for the Government This was cruel on the pari of Dr while scribe of Mr Len noxs organ is going about this Rid ing making a fearful wail over the same question The Opposition ap pear to be cutting their garments ac cording to the quality of the cloth some of them are grotesque enough The Dominion Senate is a costly piece of Canadian furniture The Globe calls attention to the fact that the Senates rejection of the Yukon Railway bill cost Canada That is more than the Senate has earned since the day it was created If justice were done all round Conservative Senators collect the amount from the United Government whose traders anil ship pers were enormously benefited by the Senates action and pay it into the Canadian treasury Indications from all parts of On tario will be favorably remembered next Thursday the 23th There is luck in odd numbers was the of an Irish poet and Mr Ross having chosen the as the day of reckon ing has acted thoughtfully lie be lieves that his majority in the As sembly to be chosen next will he larger than in the last House and if one may judge by recep tions everywhere accorded him and he enthusiasm his ringing have aroused in all parts of the ince it is quite within the range that his anticipations be fully realized A very suggestive report the Star of Friday of Mr speech before a select limited audience in Toronto Hie gross of Ihe prohibi tum ts opoit was the text upon which the go I man Newmarket dilated It goes on say that he as a hayseed from tie iilry Tom I this is terrible to your principles by the of the to wormwood to gall the message he took down to the city was that Mr T Herbert Lennox would defeat the Commissioner of Crown Lands Hon Mr Davis what a Corker There is more catarrh In this sec tion of the country than all other din- franes together and until the last few years was supposed to be For a great many years doc tors it a local and prescribed local remedies and by constantly to core local treatment pronounced It Science has proven catarrh to he a constitutional diiyoie and therefore constitutional treatment Halls Cure manufactured Cheney Co Toledo Ohio Is the only constitutional cure on the market ft Is taken internally In from drops to a teaspoon ft acts directly on blood and of the system one dollars for any fails to cure Sad for circular and J CO Toledo Ohio Sold by druggists Halls Family are the lst Notwithstanding the fact that have been at the Committee of Won J Davis that Conservatives in dif ferent parts of the Riding will give a support on the 29th it is said that some Liberals of certain persona or sentimental will vote for his oppon ent Before dcing so however ii would reflect upon what such a line of action Implies that It means turning their backs upon the party has this Province the rich heritage of civil and religious li berty the people now enjoy and cast ing in their lot with those whose po litical they cannot regard as satisfactory we think would hesitate before making a change Vote for Davis and a clean Government A Mr Deputy Min ister of Agriculture died at Ottawa last week Children Cry for A zJt 1 COMPANY CANADA Cor King apd Victoria HON GEO A COX President J Paidup Capital Fund Interest allowed- on Deposits Repayable on Demand Interest allowed on Debenture Repayable on day notice WRITE FOR COPY OF ANNUAL REPORT AND FURTHER INFORMATION WOOD w 1 v -v- YOU CAM GET Y0bK On The Paper Required In a Moment If It Is Properly Filed i jfs Ate not an expense and a luxury but a straight system of economy and a necessity It will cost you no thing but a Postal Card to get any our catalogues The Office ONT J Limited Bay Street Toronto The day before Parliament adjourn ed the Senate concurred in the resol ution of Hon Mr extending the period of time for the tree admis sion of machinery used in the manu facture of beet root sugar one year from the 1st of April This shows a laudable desire on House and Lot For sale Apply to Albert son Property for Bale- part of the Government foster the The cottage of the late John beet root sugar industry The Youths Companion some time ago arranged with characteristic en terprise to have the picturesque ceremonies in England de scribed in its columns by no less an authority than the Duke Argyll- husband of Princess Iflie appears in of and is illustrated with fine of King Ivdward and Alexandra The Duke of some of the custom- nccuiar to a Coronation and describes the elaborate iluial whtoli placing of the crown on Kings head by tic hi op It Is significant of the feeling of warm friendship existing be tween the two caking peo ples that the brotherinlaw of lands king be a regular con tributor to Americas most represen tative Victoria Day may i RETURN WILL ISSUED AT Between all Stations in Canada all Stations In Canada to and from De troit Mich Port Huron Mich Fort Covington Bombay Helena Springs Routes Point Island Pond Vt all Stations In Canada to but not from Buffalo Black Rock Niagara Falls and Sus pension Bridge Good or Valid returning from destination on or before May Tickets all Information from agents Grand Trunk Railway System McDONADD District Pass enger A pent Toronto A Agent Lewis situate on tho corner of ham and Court Streets and the double houses situate on Court St for sale Terms reasonable In tending purchasers can Inspect the premises For particulars- apply to H Lloyd Solicitor for Kxecutors GENERAL Builder ft Contractor Is now In a position to take con tracts for all branches Mason Work Estimates Given at Short Notice and satisfaction guaranteed SETTING GRANOLITHIC AND CONCRETE SIDEWALKS GRANOLITHIC ROOKS FOR BUILDINGS Intending builders will do well to consult A HUNTER St Box Newmarket Court of- Revision COAL 1902 Sealed tenders addressed to the Provincial Secretary Province if On tario Parliament Buildings Toronto and marked Tenders for Coal received up to noon on MONDAY rfAY for the delivery sheds of the institutions named below on or before the July next except as regards the coal for London Hamilton and Asylums and Central Prison as noted Asylum for Insane Toronto Hard coal tons large egg size tons stove size 100 tons nub size Soft coaV500 tons lump tons soft screenings Asylum for Insane London Hard coal 2600 tons small egg size tons stove size too3 chestnut size coal tons for prates Of the 2950 tons 1000 may not be required till January Asylum or Insane Kingston Hard coal tons large egg sise 260 tons small egg size chestnut size tons hard screen ings terns soft screenings tons stove size hard Asylum for Insane Hamilton Hard coal 3575 tons small egg size tons stove size tons chestnut size coal for grates tons for pumphouse tons soft slack tons bard slack screenings the above- tons may not be required until January and February Asylum lor Insane Mintito Hard coal tons large egg size tons solt stove size tons chestnut tons soft screen ings cords green hardwood Asylum for Idiots Soft coal screenings or run of mine lump tons tons hard coal stove sue tons hard coal grate size Asylum lor Insane Hard coal tons egg size tons stove size tons small egg Of the above quantity tons may not be rcqiarud until January and March Asylum for Female Patients Hard coal tons large egg tons egg size tons stove sie Central Prison Hard coal tons small Soft coal tons soft coal Ings or run mine lump The solt coal to be delivered monthly as re quired Institution for Deaf and Dumb Belleville Hard coal 800 tons large egg size 90 tons small egg size tons stove tons nut size Institute for Blind Hardcoal tons egg size tons stove size tons chestnut size Reformatory tor hoys tons egg size tons stove size tons nut size tons coal screenings or run of mine lump De livered at institution dock- Reformatory Toronto Soft coal screening or run of mine lump tons stove coal tons Tenders are to specify the mine or mines from which the coal will he supplied and the quality same and must also furnish Satisfactory evidence that the coal delivered is true to name flesh mined in every respect equal in quality to the standard grades of coal known to the trade Delivery is to be made in a maimer satisfactory to the Inspectors Prisons and Pubic Chanties And the said inspectors may inquire additional amounts not exceeding per tent of the specified lor the above mention ed institutions to be delivered there at at the contract prices at any lime up to the of July will be received lor the whole quantity above specified or for the quantities required in wxU insti tution An accepted for payable to the order of the Hon the Provincial Secretary must be furn ished by each tenderer as a guarantee his bona lidcs two will be required for the hue fulfil of each contract Specifi cations and forms and conditions tenders may be obtained from Inspec tors Prisons and Public Parliament Huttings Toronto or from the Bursars the respective in stitutions The lowest or any lender not necessarily accepted Newspa pers this advertisment with out authority from the will not be paid for it I It STRATTON Provincial Secretary Parliament Buildings Toronto May WHITCHURCH Court of Revision The Hat sitting of the Court of Re vision for tho Town of Newmarket be held at Council Chamber Monday Juno at 10 oclock am DAVID May Town Clerk sitting of tho Court vUton for the Township of Whitchurch will bo held In Hills Hall May at a J Clerk

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