Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 23 May 1902, p. 3

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fc- M IS SOW Vote for And progressi gove Broughton de6eres a great deal of credit for putting in a -first- class sodawater fountain at his Drug Store with a lull set of beautiful silverware equipment The domestic water was put in this week and the srzring of the fountain to gether with the neat and airy appear ance of t store are very a Cradle Hammock Ion Baby Only at A Improvements Mrs H Simpson has had the roof of her tenement house on Pros pect Ave raised three feet gives a Rood height to the ceilings in the storey and a splendid ap pearance to the place Mr Frank Barry is building a new kitchen to his on St P As Victoria is u statutory holiday the ed cm Saturday except corn- a n day as Vote for honest Tea The Tea at the residence of Mrs last Wednesday even- in- under auspices of the Ladies be open all day of the Methodist church was a great The supper was all teat he desired the attendance social time was Besides instrumental music and Miss Elliott contributed vocal solos Proceeds PlcHoto Mr Hatty Ward the of his finger taken with a matcher at Canes- Factor last week He bad only been at work there of Monday- icecream day Buttons and badges The penalty or eight days previous to the election Boyds laundry delivery van looks quite gay in new colors The front of the Millard- is Retting a new coat of p Political hi A charge of perjury made by J J McDonald a Conservative worker- of East a Liberal Mount was tried fere on Before You Hang r doors on your bam look in to that new banger and track at Hardware The Opera P ffbitney of New York with her own select company of artists present the charming romantic play The Lady of Lyons by Sir in the Town Newmarket on Saturday evening May There are 13 in the company and they promise a good performance You Cannot flffoid To do without our Oil Stove this summer at present cost of coal or wood They will save the cost many times over Styles and prices to suit everybody at Hard ware Fly Time is Upon Us prepare for it Big stock of screen doors windows and wire at on Saturday For the pleasure of those who de sire to keep the old of May as a holiday a Baseball Match has been arranged to take on the Grounds com mencing at oclock between Aurora and the Office Specialty Clubs As both teams made a creditable record last season the game promises to be exciting It la Divided The will of Charles Penrose of Newmarket has been probated The estate consists of a policy of in the United Workman Geo A Penrose gets and the balance is to be invested the interest to go to his wife during her lifetime After her death the residue is to be divid ed as follows To the son Geo A Penrose to the son Marshall A Penrose to the daughter Alma wife of James Marsh to the daughter Rose wife of Scott The executors are J A Allan and Watson Young man Stand the government that gave you the FOR DAVIS Bella On Wednesday Mr J Smith of Midland was united in mar riage to Miss Kmraa this Town eldest daughter of Mr photographer the taking plate in St Pauls church Iter J officiating Clara was bridesmaid and Mr Almas of Toronto was grooms man There was quite a large at tendance at the church and there have been more only it got cir culated that oclock was the hour whereas they were married at Tie bride was the recipient of many handsome presents She has been a valuable member of St Pauls choir for a number of years and will be greatly here in church work To Insure A good crop of fruit you must have sprayers to all from to A Hardware in Canada We are pleated to learn that Hon lias taken op the tion of having a most tetter box front for call for numbers of will be in future Office daily extending along these lines and numljrii of these wil lie near future the Post- toaJiltr has therefore taken the matter up with bis and the Office Specialty of Newmarket are now in very powerful of fe in order turn out fcteel letter box fronts expedi tion y arid at cost corn of general utility We the Hon Mr that are greatly rf by tU of as throughout the are pleated to aay we In Town an with Mux mi ability to Ibis important work Tuesday evening before Justice Woodcock of Newmarket Magistrate Ellis of Toronto Junction Crown Attorney and Woods Toronto appeared for tie prosecution Newmarket appeared for the defence The feets up to are as follows On the Inst McDonald made a declaration that Carrutieis bad of fered him vote instituted proceedings before Reeve of Mount Albert and a summons was issued for to appear to answer the charge of perjury in making this A mistake was made in omitting the date of summons and McDonald did not appear at Mount Albeit and a warrant was issued for Ms arrest As soon as McDonald heard of this he came before Justice Woodcock of and laid a counter charge against alleging that ruthers had committed perjury lay- ing this information This last charge was the one investigated on Tuesday evening Objection was take Wood cock appearing as Justice on the case and he was examined cm that point He denied positively lie was aware of the fact that a previous in formation had been laid stating that McDonald had not 10M frit of Ibis fact as it would have very im proper for any Magistrate to have taken a case of this description ow ing that it was dimply a charge Crown Attorney stated at the time that should have been begun under the peculiar circumstances Mr who lives on Lot of Con Bast was the chief s for prosecution He gave his evidence in a very Iih man ner swearing that Mr had offered him for his On examination his did not out to Ik worth very much He stated that he was walk ing along the road and was overtak en by and Johri Shields a well known and fairly citizen of Mount AVbert and they of fered to give a lift He said the talk turned on politics and stated Was strongly opposed to Mr Davis wards seeing a small valise was in the his turned on North Waterloo and thinking himself if be a good ama teur he hoped to expose some fraud and he said he turned and tried- to get them t make offer for his vfte He give no account of the conversation that led up to this offer His mind was a complete blank where Ibis was concerned and although he was urged by the Magis trate to be and tell all the facts he finally said they might send him to the lockup but he would an swer no more questions The ease was without calling on any witnesses for the defence Police Mag istrate opinion the evidence of the chief witness for the prosecution war unreliable no could possibly convict even the lav did not the evidence to be corroborated In manner Justice Woodcock agreed that as the law required it would only incurring expend to commit for trial More a no jury possibly un der the The case was and was honor ably ft was half past one when the investigation These proceedings w intended to discredit workers for the Liberal ft campaign which Is being in York All hone t men must any such conduct The of tte Hon Da vis not be surprised the corning week the Whitney candi date continues in tactics of the past week and produces Jfidavlti charging of the Literal party with wrorig doing His course past that re in capable of In We and Liberals must beware and not he and le affected by any at tb went wM will be Letter Conference of Canadian Boards place in this city on the of June prom ises to be largely attended A distinguished party from Cairo to attend corona tion in visited the citv this weefe in Toronto jail lor the week ending May numbered Men women cattle market last week the receipts were as follows I J J J meeting last Monday even- PreseotOouiEiiloiS Lloyd Hughes and Road- house The following bills Jacob Buck drawing coal 14 Co car coal freight on coal 33 coal Heads car coal Duty on Coal on coal work at repress On Electric goods Express on repairs for Office Specialty Dog Tags work at height on goods Pay Sheet No re- pairs to roads and bridges 50 The Road and Committee was instructed to negotiate with the owners of the Hewitt Ptoperty the widening of Coupcil adjourned at Ml jfifyvf liiili At cattle sheep hogs calves is announced that the Burns monument the first sod for founda tion of which was turned by on Saturday will he unveil ed on the 21st of nest month in the Allan Gardens The registration in Toronto result ed adding names to the voters lists nearly less than in 1900 Dr Adanjs has decided not to be a candidate in North Toronto this leaves the contest 5arter and Crowds visited the Park Zoo on Sunday to see the newly ar- ri elephant and lions The strike of the bakers is and a compromise agreed upon Two young men had a capsize in the bay on Sunday They were rescued Two additional men are to be added to the of the Toronto Customs for the summer months A big lacrosse is to be play on the Island next Satin day Vic toria Day between the Tccumsehs and the champion teams Friday afternoon Mrs Martha a patient In I trace Hospital was found lying terribly injured in the lane to the north of that build ing Apparently she had fallen from a window above or jumped while de lirious Mrs died without regaining The touring Canadian lacrosse team played a match at Belfast Ireland on Saturday last and won by goals to This was the final game of the tour and the lean have the satisfaction of having beaten in every match played It looks as If Rogers will take lace in next Legislature as re presentative for South Toronto Everybody expects to hear of the usual tragedy down at the Woodbine bookmaker being robbed over the left There will he a on Satur day With the ton greatly in evi dence A man named Smith and a boy named Timothy Bennett were seri ously hurt on Monday as a result of a runaway accident Smith is suffer ing from brain concussion and the had a leg broken On Monday evening two houses in of construction in Beach Ave were destroyed by fire The executive the Methodist Book Room Committee a meeting this week The percentage of the re ceipts from the Book Room to be de voted to the fund will reach this year Lifesaving apparatus has been plac ed along the wharves in the harbor Prisoners in the Central Prison now number the lowest in ten years The new postoffice to he erected at the corner of Queen Alxrl To the of the Era Dear Sir The statement made by your esteemed correspondent Mrs Cane President of the Womans Christian Union of York Co to the effect That in the Mount Albert Items to the Era she saw some thing that led her to believe that the writer coming out in North York contest under false colors and that he was sent out the Womans Christian Temperance Union is entirely manufactured As a reader of the Era have seen no such statement I read it in Mrs Canes letter in last weeks is sue The certificate of character giv en ihe Hon J Davis as a Tem- man may suit the President of the Womans Christian Temper ance Union of York County bub the votes and stand taken in the Legis lature by that Hon Gentleman and his party does not measure up to the standard of thought expressed by Mrs May Thomley Vice President of Ontario W who says We could support a party only if it was pledged to prohibition both parties have declined to father it therefore neither can claim our al legiance Again If the Referend um carried with a Legislature in power like the present one the re sult would he either no law at all or one so badly enforced it would be a stumbling block and a stepping stone towards full Prohibition Wc are never to get Prohibition law from antiprohibitionists It looks as if the T of North York were not only sailing under false colors but dragging their colors in the dust Yours for Prohibition before party Honorary member of Art Sateens Fast Color 15b yd Fancy Cretonnes To yard Art Muslins Fait Color yd Grey Cloth Suiting In Light Dark and Medium Shades 56 Miches wide regular CQ cents Ladies Fast Black Cotton Hose per pair t 5c Pure Sulphur per pound v Epsom Salts per pound icing Sugar pound Imported T Catsup quart bottle New Fresh Prunes per pound i Finest Figs per pound Good Cookino Figs per pound 4c Laundry Soap cakes Try Red Cross Jelly Powder it is the Best DORMER TOR NONE SO GOOD AS BRUNTONS BAKING POWDER OF NEWMARKET SINCE 18T6 THE DEPARTMENTAL STORE HE J Ed Note Mr should ac cept the word of Mrs Cane as readily as Mrs May People are too ready to fault those who do not think as they do Children dry for CASTOR I A A good strike of natural gas has been made an oil fields of Tilson- Department will be opened Monday Miss Webster of Aurora in May the charge ATT For This Weeks Selling Dive Stoek Market cattle touched the point In Toronto this week the high est record for many years Other wise prices are the same as last week except that hogs arc a little weaker 7 to 4-OSO- Newmarket May Flour per barrel a While Wheat per bush a Red Wheat per hush 7J a Goose Wheat per hush a Buckwheat Barley per hush Oats hush per bush will cost including site per hi contract has let to Love Butter a 50 a a 75 a The Council has instructed Mayor to a the use of fireworks cm the 2Uh vOOO A t Wool per lb Hay per ton Bran per ton Shorts per tob Potatoes per lay Chickens per pair After a desperate fight against the right Conservative party have Ducks to the conclusion that they arc Geese per defeated and are reconciling them- Turkeys selves to their fate It was in fust place for Mr Lennox to attempt to defeat the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands The people of North York are too loyal to their representative to turn him down for a man like Lennox j w North York has a reprenta- In the Legislature like the pres ent inemher who is a man among 70 a a a a a a a a a a a a a 78 GO 10 J 1 Remnants of Dress Goods One Lot at each ends of about yard each made up of Plain and Fancy Dress Goods big range of colors including in a Toronto markets Toronto May Iced Wheat per a WW to Wheat per bush a bush a per bush a Barley per bush- 55 a Black Navy and Garnet worth from 25c to per yard your choice for 15c- each Lot at Each ends of Plain and Fancy Dress Goods from a yard to yards In length alt sorts of materials ami Colorings Worth from to per yard your choice at 25c each osiery Bargains Hose for Ladies Fine Black Lisle Thread Hose with fancy colored stripe drop stitch fine range of price for regular Hose for 12e Ladies Fancy Stripe Cotton full of sizes regular price special Hose for 15c Ladles Black Hose Sun weight full rango of sizes price special Wool Carpet Ends 25c Each Sample ends of about yd each suitable for mats rugs to tell at from to yd your 25c each ILK BARGAIN India Silks fop pop yard Taffeta Silks foe yard inches wide Plain colors in Pink Canary Mauve Old Rose Pea Green Heliotrope Regular price 50c yard this week pox yard Plaids Stripes and Plain in a variety of colorings the Price yd were and a o Refrigerator AW at Hardware Oats per bum a men a strong temperance man a pub- a He speaker of wide a re- we for the people of the they are and there 15 ft cy in the Province rtftr ttvr 70 per thai the Conservative arc Dressed pet are a constituency a beware W1 J Hay per ton per not of Omni to repre- not The fact per lb to defeat Mr Davis is a proof that he is in rank to Beef fore Beef hind qrs per pair per Boyd Co a sawmill at Gee Perth by fire Turkeys at i i it kl i 5 0 ID Ladles Patent Kid Oxford Shoes McKay sewn soles new Spring and latent style worth special week Pair Ladies Fine Kid Oxford Shoes Kid Lined wide and medium Toes regular price week

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