Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 23 May 1902, p. 2

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r THE FRIDAY MAY sj 1 Young woman for light general housework in city of Toronto A good home and wages for suitable party ARply H Pell Ave Toronto he Up Brighter All Type Ail Printing at Home A good smart young man to learn the Hardware business J A ALLAN CO to Let Tbat centra and comfortable bouse belonging to J on ford Street west of market- For particulars apply to M ff Souse is Aurora ad Lot for Situate at South end of Town on the west side of Youg St Good garden small fruits and apples Apply to Mrs J Thompson New market The of the Electorate mining and muaicipal surveys the control of Crows Clergy School and Mining Lands of Crown Lands of New Ontario ex ploratfoo of the more remote regions of too Province the control of the rapidly industry bearing deciding disput ed cases regulating development of water powers allotment and regulation of Crown land grants to railways the allotment of military land grants to veterans who are qualified under the act display of Ontarios mining agricul tural and other resources at exposi tions dealing with between and letters in tbe course of a year drafting of the neces sary legislation having to do with Oaf OUR IN ADVERTlSJfENT IS A BOND FOR FULFILLMENT OF ALL ITS promises- OUR PLATFORM Is to deliver pure springwater ice put into your Refrigerator Icebox or at a mighty small price Please call at tbe Office and see us or telephone No 38 and you will male us all glad A The Tee Man GOOD -AT- Seed Sale Prices Within a few days electors of North York will be called upon to di rect with their ballots destinies of Ontario for another Legislative term In this riding the Commis sioner of Crown Lands is appealing to friends of good government for the Crown domain and -the- depart- a continuance of tbe support accord- la it ion to all these j ties Mr Davis is chairman of ed in tbe past While days gone by Muniaipa committee of tbe Leg- policies and principles submitted islafcure The entire absence administration been of the management of the de- great advantage to tbe people P of Mr Davis cap- included such important public Mr Davis proven himself to be THE CASH STORE THE RELIABLE STORE Lehmans Drag Store NEWMARKET ONTARIO COOK BRO Flour and Feed MANITOBA FAMILY FLOUR BRAN SHORTS It CHOP CORN OAT MEALS GRAIN COOK BROS cor Main Huron Telephone Connection Newmarket Wanted to Exchange Young Mare in foal for good work to HOLLER A couple of smart boys to years of age for light work in finUh- department at good wages Also a couple of Men experienced currier given preference Apply to A DAVIS SON Lowell Tannery King Ontario J DEALER IN Goal Wood Lime Cement tions as Provincial Rights Fran chise and rights to all classes there never was the time when tbe energies of Liberalism were directed toward a more inspiring tban at present When Premier Rosa assumed leader ship in October he announced bis policy of development explor ation of immense dis tricts of the Province the opening up of these districts by roads and railways the utilization of trie splen did natural resources of the Prov ince the encouragement of manu facture and varied industry mining and agriculture and the end to which all tbese things naturally tend set- clement and population a forward policy appealed to imagination and patriotism of the citizens of Ontario whose parents hardy pioneers so nobly assisted in placing this in her present proud position of the Banner Prov ince of the Dominion and already goal results of Mr policy are apparent not only in the opening up of New Ontario but in providing a new market for the industrial and farm products of portion of the Province Railroads without which no devel opment of a new country is possible are being projected and built not withstanding opposition of Mr Whitney and the majority of bis supporters The Government taken an advanced position in tbis respect and the and Northern will hit in the na ture of an experiment in slate owner ship Tbe pulp industry baa been encour aged by wise legislation and it will now be possible to utilize the spruce forests of the Province a source of revenue hitherto dormant arid means the investment of of dollars of capital the employment of thousands of workingmen and the formation of busy of in dustry throughout the North These pulp industries will be an inducement to settlement as the right to cub pulp timber only is given the land arid all other timber remaining in the Crown and subject to location to settlers cm the conditions Not only so but as soon as the settler is all the spruce timber on his lot be comes his property and is his to dis pose of Tins privilege is of great as to the pioneer supplying him with a source of revenue while clear ing bis land The mining industry too has been fostered and the output of ore is in creasing by leaps and bounds Royal ties been abolished smelters es tablished diamond supplied and a professor in mining employed to give practical aid and instruction to thoe engaged in the work Attention might be directed to the many ways in which Gov ernment of the Province of Ontario has itself to be abreast of the limes Its of aid to agricul ture has always been adversely by the Opposition but time has abundantly proven the value of its policy to the country Tie Govern ments educational policy has progressive and an effort has been made to prove that tbe cost of the boots is excessive this is not borne by of the case The legislation of the Ontario Gov ernment in all has been imi tated far and wide and imitation from quarters uninfluenced by parti- an politics may he accepted as a tribute of true merit position of North in the Legislature is ad- one of Mr Ross most capable lieu tenants not only as shown by careful management of one of tbe most if not tie most important de partment of Government but be has also proven to be a source of strength to Government tbru- country where he spoken in tbe interests of the Government during present and previous cam paigns A feature of campaign throughout tbe Province is the fact that the Opposition is con ducting its battle on almost as many issues as there are constitu encies in tbe Province In several places Conservative candidates take open issues with Mr Whitney on his railroad policy his proposal to re- Teal tbe tax on corporations and Mr Whitneys attitude on Prohibition In time past Mr Davis was opposed on tbe ground that he was not a farmer and to the inconsistency of such attacks it might be mention ed that farmers of East Middle sex are being asked to vote for a Conservative candidate against the Liberal because the latter is a profes sional man and there are so the Free Press Con says too many men in the House already In to is Mr Rose policy which is the same for entire province and tending to bene fit each and every portion in tbe same degree Mr Ross has proven himself to be tbe strongest campaigner the Province has ever seen and the pros pects were never brighter for the re turn of Government North York will as she has in past be true to principles of good government o0 door of STREET Newmarket Town Hall lias always used for the Public af ter Nomination- This Whit ney candidate Is afraid Hon J on platform arid ban aaother Hall VOTE FOR DAVIS Is we That 5 blind is a dead sell It was a play for sympat up Ontario and vote lor On tarios progressive Lands Com missioner VOTE FOR DAVIS who is not afraid to appear on any platform in Canada With any speaker on any ques tion a candidate will speak along temperance lines and then not be con sistent in bis actions it cannot fee ex pected that he will receive the the temperance people or of better thin pe Of course it is to say that the report that Hon J Davis has nine paid in North York is positively untrue people know that For the first time in the history of Provincial Nominations the Conser vatives have declined to lace tbe Gov ernment efter the Nomination in New market in the same flail VOTE FOR DAVIS people of North York expected to a chance to hear both candi dates on the public platform at New market on Nomination Day but tbe Conservatives engaged another place so as to avoid the man does nothing underhand but who Is willing to appear before the people and le judged by them as to his ac tions Cane is spending month in tbe city Mis Lena thanes was visiting Toronto over Sunday Mrs Cross of Toronto spent tbe past week at Bowery Dr Hutt spent Sunday in with Mr Hunter of Hunter Bros- Miss Harrison Is back from Rich mond Hill and is clerking at Lyons store Brodie of Toronto fa ther of Mr W is here spending a week Pure bred Improved Yorkshires Willis lot 24 on tbe 4Ui of Newmarket Jackson attended a in Toronto on reports for Conference Mrs Win Roe left on Tuesday to spend tbe at cottafea on Roachs Point Lake Mr and Mrs Lyman of Toronto attended tbe funeral of their little granddaughter here on Tuesday Curs Morton got a tele gram on Monday announcing that sister Mrs Geo- Lraper at was at the point of death Mr Albert Rogers guard at the Central Toronto is on the sick list and is spending a few days with his father Mr John Rogers St Miss Minnie Stocking was mar- lied here yesterday to Mr of the Globe stall Mr Stocking and his mother were here for events Mr H Richardson passed tbe Intermediate Dental Examination ad mitting him to final year also passed final subjects of anatomy chemistry and at the University Toronto Exams Congratulations The Directors of Hill ami Street Agricultural Society will kindly accept thanks of the for a badge to their annual Spring Fair to be held on May Mr J Pollocks knee continues so bad the amputation of the leg knee is considered neces sary It is expected that be will be taken to the hospital in Toronto in a few days to undergo the operation Mr Samuel Pa formerly of North York writes that he has returned from Cali fornia and his health is very much improved Asthma was his trouble and he was free from it during the en tire winter Alt over tbe much is felt for St Vincent in the West Indies owing to calamity thru the volcanic We have in our own Town a native of St Vin cent Mr He was bom at Kingptown and his fattier was an extensive planter He Is able to give much interesting information concerning locality and inhabit ants BEST STORE yyiav Q- We want tbis stores advertisements to be in an you can your to every statement as being honest every advertised as being exactly as represented cannot afford to pay for newspaper space to humbug or deceive tbe Problems in footwear are easily solved at store whether for women or children Were very familiar with the shoe trade Every cus tomer will have the benefit of our experience We guarantee to fit any foot We promise to provide an article that one can wear both pleasure and pride at lowest possible prkes We have several lines were bought at big redxictionEtwhich means a saving for you of to per cevt Lennox wont be in after next Thursday Hell have to go way back to find a place to sit down Four men were killed and four others injured in a collision on the Chicago Burlington fe near Neb cm Saturday Three children were drowned and several buildings destroyed in a flood following a cloudburst near Spring Valley Minnesota Wesley Van Wart an Indian was burned to death in a larn near It is supposed he set the build ing on fire with his cigar The Cradle IIOWLES In Aurora on May 1002 Mrs of New ark New Jersey and daughter of Mr a daughter Town en April 2Mb to Mr and Mrs ser a sriii Aurora on Monday May 10th to Mr Mrs A Towns a son Whitney be l that coir iuio North hut la to run away alter r-om- wlUiOut fcpeaVfa from platform On which will come out of Gum Swamp at least Mr Lennox On Monday of last week t litre appeared on the form of bis meeting a by milted ly one of the most important name of Mr Marshall who of tbe of Provincial admin- wiped the slate of any statements wide area of that had been Incorrectly made territory under his jurifcriietion V highly it namely five of the tut al area Mr Lennox bin party rA extensive in- outgeneraled i together with the the number that euro t was like a from a the purview of Meat on afternoon Crown Hon Mr Davis has Mr Lennoxs meeting In control and win Mr wan seakinr to of Crown timber re- crowd of and were all Bedroom and Parlor the fcupervlMori bis own when suddenly there i- Mar over to cut timber oa efaw Mr Duncan Mar- ffi Hi Mil faM Tie of color year by year the of face of and trie uneatf- voluminouK timber returns upon which of Mr Lennox was only cost Come and ground rent does are worse by fihouts of collection of the daw aM rents Mr Marshall upon tlrnUr the wrfcy For minuted Mr wayd of new a for pur- the poftta of or Whitney candidate and of tie arid mining IMuhtrlea his had no further control tbe rfieotion and examination of of John Millard Opposite Royal Hotel and A iinter Bros for the People Quality the Highest Lowest That is our motto and it has met with success We are handling a grade of Mens and Hoys Clothing as money and experience procure Our advance in the clothing trade been remarkable reputations as handlers of firstclass fitting uptodate garments as Our well established OOOOOOOOO Clothing sold by us will stand test when compared with the goods of any less A look at goods will convince you of this fact other dealers and costs How do You do Bee Our Spring Wall Papers Without goods you might be buy here There are a great many things in the Goods line you cant dispense with and we want to show you how money we can save how much satisfaction you tan secure by trading at this store for Gloves Hosiery Corsets Laces Rib bons Dress Goods Muslins Prints etc etc Newmarkets Leadim I Bee our of Carpets tore SUCCESSORS TO H HADDOCK and Linoleums North York is a very large consti tuency and the are an observ ant people but it is too small for Whitney candidate to one story on one community and another in a neigbboring section VOTE FOR DAVIS tbe Whitney candidate writes private letters to asldng them to come to a meeting of bis and bring a doubtful voter with you and then mounts the platform after advertising the meeting for one day only and says Hon Mr Davis invited to the meeting he cannot ex pect people to believe they do not Mr Davis is too to follow small means of escape on the part a man who is asking the people North Yurie for their Vote lor The flltar the resi dence of tbe brides mother Hast on May Rev McArthur Mr Fred son of MY John to Miss daughter of the late Math las fiMITiRKPPIAT St Pauls Newmarket May by Rev Wackier Mr J Smith telegraph operator at Midland to Miss rep- of Newmarket At the of the brides mother on May by Rev Mr J Hicks of Detroit to MiaVArinle Af Cole late Cole Town mi the of May Mildred Kveljn May dearly beloved daughter of and Florence aged man and days arid Ceilings to match Some cheap ones at and up to per Roll Always Used In Great Variety 9 AND NORTH AH Orders will Careful and Attention Piult and Vegetables ORANGES LEMONS for Saturday CENTRAL TELEPHONE I RHUBARB ONIONS LETTUCE QUICK LUNCH W STARR-

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