Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 23 May 1902, p. 8

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8 Ho Respectetefe is raa worth jo BALhAUTHAE- J The annual election of officers and teachers for the Sunday School here took place on Tuesday evening- The officers and teachers are as follows A- J Cleaver Assist ant Ft Armstrong Secretary Gray Senior hit Class Arm strong Junior Mis No class Win Pais ley No class Miss Ada Leather Infant class Mrs Cleaver AURORA In accordance with a petition by all i he business men in town After Work Or the Mayor has issued a proclamation setting apart Monday May to cilehraie Vicioria Saturday Warden and the Count Commissioners have fceen inspecting the County dming the week the bridges ha e been found in excellent condition only en new bridge have to be built this reason The and Mrs A- Lloyd St- was the scene of a very pretty but quiet wedding last Friday afternoon when youngest daugh ter Miss Net ye Mae wis united marriage to Mr A Hurst of Bov- The bride who was hand- arrayed in a travelling suit of Caster Venetian cloth was attended by Miss Hut of Toronto sister of the while Mr Lloyd of Aurora brother of the bride ably supported the groom Afttr partak ing of a sumptuous the happy couple left on tie evening train amid good wishes of many friends as well as a shower of rice Mr and Mrs Hurst will he at home in Youngs- town Ohio after June Children Cry for with the Co for a of five years to streets at a charge- of per lamp per annum The stand ard schedule is to be ob served and lights extinguished at oclock pm otherwise order ed Some lamps it is calculate will sufficiently light Use town The plant is to be in operation by tie first of October next On Sunday afternoon about o clock five cattle were killed by a freight train the stone bridge near the tank at One beast that escaped with its life was thrown the fence at the side of line The cattle we understand to Mr- A Manning of West who will sustain a Disease Lays lis Heavy Or Kings Pi Noble and Wealthy as well as an Those of Low Estate jit ft 3l I heavy less The old Ines never come Is The Great Restorer of Health For tired tod body a Dont the weak witch preparation represented to be the nine which generally deadly poison by In addi tion to the loss above referred to he was the of a horse on days premie an of spring the Ruler and His Humblest Sub ject Sickness disease and suffering re spect neither the ruler or his subject noted and highborn have their and sufferings like The St hotel is receiving those in stations Social an application of paint standing and wealth cannot bar the Mr J J vacated on progress of disease when the common day last the tailor shop occupied by rules of health arc violated Impure and weak nerves are responsible for many of the common diseases of life The experienced Jan will tell that men and women with pure clear courting TANDARD ASSURANCE CO The Company has now enter- upon its year- The following figures testify to its STABILITY LIBER ALITY POPULARITY- Accumulated Funds Annual Revenue over CASTOR I A s Mr Walter Renfrew Already Declared Claim Paid During year Policies were issued lor Deposit Govt over 4000000 STANDARD has investments in amounting to vei Fifteen Millions Dollars J A Agent JAMES District Inspector FA SPEED STYLE COMFORT Carriage Tires Rubber an4 Pneumatic for Autos and Let us tell you how little it to get the best by letter catalogue is erecting a very pretty summer at Jacksons Point Bills are out for a day of sports and a grand concert at night under the auspices of the fire brigade on May Prizes the amount of are be compet ed for Mr Harry Sanders is at Jacksons Point the ere lion of new additions to their summer house consisting of sitting room and eight bed rooms has been heard of the man who burglarised the store Of Mr Warmer last week further than he the train at Myrtle for unknown The same indivi is- badly wanted at where apparently is having through several of the stores there On Friday there will I an League rally of the young in the district including Ax in that district will be two sessions at an SO o The pre k id exit lie v Mr Hum phrey will take charge of the assisted by Rev Mr Brown and the several officers of the Leagues Rev Mr Morris of St church Toronto will also ire present A very interesting and pro fit a hie time is The choir under the leadership of Mr I Seoul- will assist at the evening Mr J Smith of Newmarket visiWl at his home Miss of Newmarket visited in Town this Mr Howard of Newmarket spent Saturday and Sunday in him for some time Sloan a new roof on main part Ms residence in the- fore part of the week The auction sale of the chattels and estate of the late Mary Brown blood and well braced nerves can town took place Saturday afttjnoon never become victims of m Terry received a kick from neuralgia liver troubles debility a bore on morning last headaches or sleeplessness which laid him up for several days j it follows therefore that sufferers Mr Ellison our enterprising from any of the ailments referred to livery man added a new bus lo his should at once take the proper business which was a to cleanse the blood and feed the needed artite nervous system with proper Rev Mr Brown was to fill nourishment his appointments last Sabbath For the accomplishment of this lin ing been confined to his bed thru ill- port ah work Celery is the only safe agent the one Mr Root Norman County Warden great specific the only security occupied the pulpit in the Methodic against deadly disease and death church last Sabbath evening The During these spring days was listened to with rapt Compound guarantees a perfect attention and was appreciated by all regularity of the bowels healthy Sidney Leonard is beautifying petite good digestion sound sleep his handsome residence by treating it pure blood strong nerves and clear to several coals of paint There are brain all of which mean full and of other buildings far more in bust health need Will they profit by following Mr Hutch ins one of the most the example thus set before them real estate men tin Mont- Mr Courtneys horse got real says About five years ago caught on a barbedwire fence recent- wrote you a letter acknowledging the and in consjoencc had to have worrderfi I your Celery several stitches in one of its Compound had on me after I had giv- en it a fair trial that it cured me The services closed on entirely of neuralgia in the head from day night week hut Miss Greene I had most fearfully kindly consented to remain over Sun- for over fifty years and also that it of salt to in proper titles is when the salt and the together remaifl- so time- that the aching curswhib causes the As Mr J A chief of the Division out time trmeVthe value of butter can in no way be more easily developed than by paying the most attention to finish and appearance so as to fully prote your pro duct Avoid slovenliness in putting up butter for exportation use black and not red stencilling because in the British markets red stencilling is the outward and visible sign of inward or l stock or very inferior grades of butter By this we do not advise track j stencilling on qualities which should be marked red for would follow the cuffing a distinguishing on r ages of dairy produce which is inferior in quality it would great ly to their advantage Many a of cheese or butter of passable quality except a few cullv c wholesale because the trier happens to drop on the inferior sam ples These culls are sometimes included among the good in the hope they may escape detection But this has become wellnigh impossible and the test advice to all is Dott it on The possibilities of the export but ter trade are limited only by the available supply provided the quality be honestly and constantly ed at This is shown S j i- and take the work for that day The premature death of Mr cured me of rheumatism in my limbs In fact it removed every pain from of King City having caused my body and made me feel year a vacancy in the Reeves chair an younger I have not had a return of election will probably be held in the old complaint and therefore have to confirm all the statements I have ever made about your Compound the A in Buttermaking near future for lle election of some one to fill the vacancy unless it is filled by a ft is rumored that there are several aspiring to the o ion tons of obsolete offered lor sale ffl The of Bradford have de cided to do business on Saturday the of May close stores the following Monday Mr and Mrs J A having dovidcd to take up their residence in lor on to had their household effects Ijten stored away for time shipped to the city the other day Mr Thos Brown who live a short distance from this village to the north had his farm dwelling destroyed by fire on pm A A was the of TO PUOFITABf AND K Six thousand shot and shell are by the War office One hundred and five girls from Br Barnard os homes arc now in route for Caneda A hull figjit in which six bulls were announced to Us was Canada enjoys the imlcjue position in Bordeaux test week being unable to suffer from May lFr Charles as long as she tops in man a young man about eighteen fc tan do all years of age son of Mr Isaiah lian l IC man of Little Britain was the victim VW1 of a serious accident in if gasoline l ra Country must supply a of the Sylvester ihiii engine works yesterday morning His shirt caught in a set and he was drawn around the shaft a couple of times before the machinery Could stopped Burrows and Gillespie were immediately summoned and the poor fellow was taken on a stretch er to his where it was found that his left was brok en he also badly bruised about the and He is sup posed to injured internally FOE of ittabe or purposes of Madrid May An plot agairst Kitty has been diff covered Hit in the milter tin of an company teen in ad e car idx were frjod on the where arretted the fire The building was entirely consumed the portion of the were savri Mr- had some insurance on lU arid content On Friday Mrs daughter Charlotte and Master vere escaped injur I Ley were on way to Station and oil entering station one of the tolls drojipd out of the causing the latter to fall trie also oasing to run away Miss who hung to the lines lor iOiu time considerably On the Council this and two or the Corn- and item to fewSliaft to the of a S moderately wharf at the bridge degree of favor the scheme Ito of a small Bold fc Co The to ratified the agree- of Cod Liver Oil is the means of life and enjoyment of life to thousands men women and children When appetite fails it re stores it When food is a burden it lifts the burden When you lose flcshit brings the plumpness of health When work is hard and duty is heavy it makes life bright It is the thin edge of the the thick end is food the use of food you hate it and cant di gest it Scotts Emulsiorj of Cod Liver Oil is that makes you forget your stomach it you not It for will and to make that trade that want must be supplied at a standard of quality superior In its competitors or at a price lower theirs Canada products what Britain and the rest of the world cannot do without but while she sells it at a market rate favor able to herself and acceptable to her customers she not the most out of Pier latent material wealth Her farmers and commercial men are riot yet educated up to the operation ami it is not grandmotherly legisla tion for the Agricultural Department the country to Jea1 them towards greater prosperity than has been en joyed heretofore Frequently one hears complaints about the white threadlike streaks ap pearing in butter This is some times due to error in Halting working of the butter If the salt lie added to the butter while the latter is still in the granular condition and not in too quantities at a time so that it may dissolve quickly aud be distributed throughout the mass of butter to some extent before working begins there will be so much trouble from streak Ineas working is begun before any salt is as Is sometimes the the salt in thrown on the smooth surface from the has been removed and the result is that the does not dissolve read ily hut remains lor time in a partial y dissolved layer the surfaces of the butter- There is pro bably a sort of bleaching of the but ter by the chemical action of the Salt such strong solution the effect re maining In the shape of white stress when the undissolved salt finally dis appears MottUd butter is a thing altogether It Is the result of not having the nalt even ly throuyliout the mass of butter either through careless ad dition of Iho Bait work- in or working at unsuitable rcraVireH parts which contain Ile that while in the export butter trade Canada amounted to a year ago it a warn ed to over and of butler in nearly of that of an I exceeded in value those of any yen During last summer there was a falling oft in Canadian butter exports brought about the comparatively high prices which our cheese was fetching for as cheese was paying better than butter the factory men kept on making it Today there is a cry in Great Britain for Can adian butter of high quality and if our dairymen respond will be the banner year Do minion history for butter exports A need in the butter business is bet ter buildings in the creameries in construction in their drainage appointments and in their equipment These changes must le effected or we cannot expect to hold a prominent in the markets against our progressive Danish New Zealand Victorian Russian and oth er competitors It is necessary also to provide for the cream from butter is to he made for export Among the various minute and low forms of life which are present as therms in milk and cream there is that constant struggle for survival which in a cultivate field goes on between weeds and plants The farm er tills the soil to the weeds and then sows pure seed for the crop he desires The follows a similar course when he pasteuries milk or cream and then puts it into a pur starter to yield the desired flavor Pasteurization dots- not de stroy all the germs in milk or cream any more than cultivation eradicates all the weeds but it decreases their number Sterilisation when efficient destroys all forms of life but pas teurization destroys about all of those which are injurious to the qual ity of dairy products The condi tion created gives the perms of fermentation or souring which are in troduced by the starter a good chance to become the prevailing oiks if not the only ones so that the flavors which arc the result of ripening or souring those characteristic of the germs of the starter The latter treatment should be as to prevent any which bring about decay or nasty flavors from becoming active in the butter and this Is the use of cold storage The process of pasteurisation con sists of heating the cream to a tem perature of to ICO degrees and cooling it rapidly to the riemng tem perature by the use some special apparatus this ias been carried out properly in Canadian Creameries the results have given Wet ter keeping qualities to the butter and have remedied faults in flavor in oases Where taints of various forts had previously been When only the quality of the butter has to be considered It is sufficient to the cream after separation rE I WsAir 6 10 14 The Leading Specialists of America Years in Detroit Bank Security out of of youth excuses no witter bow young or be may be- add with crime The escape ruinous results it itefeL The DRAINS either losses or must stopped the be built op blood must SEXUAL ORGANS must be vitalized ant developed BRAIN be Oar all these liader the brain all ulcere became ioihatnrTOLis- arid despondency disappear the become bright face fall to the moral are all drains cease no more waste from The varioua organ all afflicted to call and and charge Cuttn Guaranteed or no Pay We treat add Urinary arid Bladder FHEE- to write for a or Home Treatment DRS KENNEDY 1 T DETROIT For Liver Flatulence Constipation Biliousness and Sick Headache TAKE Safe Mild Quickacting Painless do not weaken and always give satisfaction A reliable Medicine can be Children taken t any by or All soil BRISTOLS IT- when it is also desired to of Jlxaso of milk It in to heat the milk iparathni cool the ffbirn and A temperature of dex to destroy lo found in milk and whole milk may he heated to that temperature with proper appliances and handling without giving any flavor to hotter made from It In making liutter from cream the preparation and us the arc Import- CASTOR I A I wit- For ftBd I ant parts of the operation About two quarts skim milk are heated to and held at that point tor ten minutes after which the milk in cooled to pouring from one vessel to another exposed to the atmosphere of the tiermak ing room It is then left in a tight ly closed glass jar at ordinary at mospheric in summer from ill to degrees until it is co agulated and has a mild acid This method can only Ik suc cessful when the atmosphere to which it exposed is free from germs that cause Undesirable odors and flavors When the culture as this is has been a ijuautity of skim milk which is pure sweet and free from taint should bo heated to degrees and left at that tempera ture lor ten minutes It may then ho cooled to a temperature from to degrees when a the culture as already described at the rate for from to per cent should added to it and well mixed with it That Is the fermentation starter It should be left to ripen at a temperature not exceeding degrees When it has become dis tinctly sour and Is near i rig the point of adulation further development should be checked by lowering the temperature The starter may be to the cream at the rate of from I to per cent of the quantity cream to be ripened In every caw where the cream has become tainted 11 the taint he of fermenta tion origin a larger than usual the fermentation starter should be added Thin will check taint and leave the particular fomen tation the to be pre vailing one In the cream and butter To be the starter should be added lo the cream very soon after St has coagulated After that point has been reached It deter iorates In activity an a starter ami undesirable flavors arc apt to in It J Dairy Coxa Ottawa j The Latest Spring and woolleaa to be had cannot sur passed as our line comprises the most select and exclusive productions of foreign domestic manufacture the most desirable staples and a very compact variety of the latest fashion able fabrics and effects in de signs and colorings entire selection is exceeding ly replete and especially ad apted to the requirements of nil who dress well and wish to he uptodate Call and select yours before tho rush- MAIN ST New Telephone Directory- Fire at caused to Hell Telephone Co of Canada will issue a new sub scribers ilJrcctoxy for eastern Ontario including the Town Newmarket early in June Orders for new connections and changes in Arm should be sent in at once ensure entry in this book The Bell of Canada Manager Newmarket May

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