Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 16 May 1902, p. 8

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Ktka aiotZVHiZKA liar- OH leocxfiro it fziii if the ill WTDSAWiXE SOLUBLE OOP WOBTH TO fcka taj tm Ilk I par Bold Hon J Davis Messrs- J Robertson tady Cane are announced to address a lij meeting to be here on Fri day evening May As Mr or his representative is invited to address the meeting a lively time is anticipated BY Ponds Extract fifty years a household remedy for Barns Sprains Wounds Bruises Coughs and all accidents to in every home one Extract Be sore you get the genuine Ml only In sealed bottle In buff wrappers tahdardLiei ASSURANCE GO I Lr The Company has now enter ed upon its year The following figures testify to its STABILITY LIBER ALITY POPULARITY Accumulated Annual Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared Claimi Paid During year Policies were issued lor Deposit Govt over KING CITY Mr Jed returned home last Saturday from his trip to the Old Country He has been travel ling through Scotland for some time and is looking well On Monday last the Quarterly Board of the Methodist Church held their last meeting of tie inference year Their the church to be in good standing the salary of being all paid granted Mr Robinson lea of ab sence and his railway fare to Denver Colorado where be goes as a delegate to ihe National Convention Mr J Reeve King Township and brother of H and Rev- Cross- ley passed away at his residence ear ly on Saturday morning health of deceased had fall ing for more than a- year He a Master Mason and a Liberal fie leaves a widow and five children The yesterday afternoon attended the Council members act- jog as The markets A Under this heading the Montreal Daily Star has started a new feature in newspaper enterprise that ought to prove the greatest boon to merchants In every line of trade throughout all Canada What the country merchant has been in the of receiving weekly he can now have daily and is thereby enabled to keep himself promptly posted market prices and business prospects generally The Star covers in this department every branch of trade It gives country merchants not on ly the latest news hut explanations methods in trade hints sugges tions and information intended to press on those the advan tage of being better posted and thus better armed for the competitive bat tle of trade No merchant outside of Canadas Metropolis can afford to be without the Star in future STANDARD has investments in Canada Amounting to Fifteen Millions Dollars J A Agent JAMES CLARKE District Detachable Tires First in Foremost ever since To have been first merely proves antiquity To have remained first proves merit TIRK CO TOItOKTO For the- Era The Time to Cut Hay The aim of our farniers in crops is to torn a given area as large a possible of the digestible a platable The time at which forage crop is harvested may effect the crop in three ways viz quantity of materia in composition of the crop in tiie of the fodder As a rule it has been that the greatest amount of dry matter is se cured where forage crops are allowed to fully mature and ripen exception is in the case clovers other legumes where the leaves rat tle off and are lost either or during the process does Lot follow when a plant increases in its of a Is fiesttjied i- Will mama York WORLD KNOW THAT WAS HER DELIVERER FROM DISEASE Early in the present campaign the word went ranks that Hon J Davis SHE WOULD HAVE WHOLE be by fair means or wise it did not matter that he sen ed his honorably anil well for 14 years that he had shed luster upon her by his merited pro- motions oL- trust- to stillhigher posi tions ol honor it- did not that at time he had with stood from A Special Message oteGomlort For the riding Of North York to a more Sick and despondent Women convenierit an industry giving Ten years of ment to it matter that its nutritive value has Kidney disease is of itself a heavy matter that from his proportionately increased ft is record of and agony for one year truetto a quite possible tiat changes in texture j frail woman we add to is not always and of the dry subance suffering nervousness sleepess iud mar onset the greater yield ho and continued overwork in the home matter mature grass contains it marks a condition of life that a man because of larger of fibre than draws forth our teoderest and deepest Off that a total abstainer is not s the immature The hardens in texture and in both and digestibility it is therefore usually advisable to begin cutting hay early and where there is a large crop to be gathered work should begin early in order that it be completed before the grass seeds are ripe chough to shell from life heads of the late cut grass analysis has shown that plants richer in pro tein in the earlier stages cf growth than when fully grown or nearly ma ture chief obstacle with our feeders have to contend is the lack of protein in the rations made tip of our common feeding stuns and thsy should recognise the fact that by cutting early they can get two crops of highly nitrogenous fodder they only get one by late Cutting the first crop even before the heads are fully grown will tend to sympathies Such a condition of life was bring ing Mrs Irvine of St John very close to the dark grave Notwithstanding the tegular use of common advertised remedies and doctors prescriptions the lav ages of disease continued and of Mrs Irvine said with sad she was fast going to death Just before deadly disease could fin ish its work the use of that wonder- lifegiver Celery Com pound was recommended Soon hope a new hope cheered the sad heart and brightened up the pallid fa powerful searching lifegiving agent was wording at the root of disease It new blood it was nourishing and strengthening the nerves and body it was saving a pre life comfort and cheer ye weary Is fo Infants and is a Paregoric Drops- aiid Soothing Syrupy It contains neither Opium Narcotic substance It is Pleasant Its guarantee is tliirty years Millions of Mothers destroys Worms and allays Feverish- enres Diarrhoea Colic relieves Teething cures Constipation and assimilates the Pood regulates the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children giving healthy and natural sleep is the Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend i cause a vigorous new growth and in and diseased women from Mrs this way a good crop of rowan is se cured The two crops arc more valuable especially for feeding dairy cows than one mature crop on account of the in creased proportion of protein The Irvines sad experience The remedy that successfully met and her troubles will without fail meet you case Mrs Irvine speaks of her case as follows I have been troubled for the past early cut hay seems more to ten years with kidney disease and stock and weight for weight more have fried a great prescriptions satisfactory On the other hand by and preparations hut with little or late cutting we secure considerably no benefit For the last six months larger quantity of carbohydrates have had a great strain upon my which are valuable for feeding and of system from night watching and over- crude fibre which is low feeding work I was breaking down my For the Dairy cows and sheep grass friends said I was going fast to my death I resolved to try My kidney trouble disappeared nervousness and sleeplessness are all should be cut early since these Celery Compound and used four do not relish hay that is woody and lacking in aroma as is the case with late cut hay For horses and troupes of the past and my is fattening later cutting is In a word am cured I lowahle as these animals subsist wish you to publish this so that the mostly on concentrated feed and hay world can read it serves more for filling as has got a lot of good little marts for talc and one nice big cow due to calve now they must be sold toon or they will he to poor you wont want at all Father Point Que May IMA raxed all last gradually Near ly a foot of on the ground AURORA On Friday J of April our whih has so frequently by the angel of death during the past win tor was again called upon to mourn the loss another of its citi zens in the person of Mr John Fetch Jonathan Fetch father of the deceas ed came to Canada from England about the year and first settled in Oxbridge About 1S18 he came to Whitchurch and settled on Jot on the 3rd Concession where deceased was born on August At he death of Mr Jonathan Fetch about years ago property was divided between the late Isaac and deceased Mr John Fetch re mained on the until six years when he retired from farming and removed to this town purchasing the on Met all Street where he resided until his death He leaves a widow and family of six four girls and two hoys vi Mrs of California Mrs Powell of Mis Carrie at home Mrs of Sharon Mr A Fetch Chief Constable of Aurora and Mr Fetch who lives on the old homestead in Whitchurch lit religion Mr Pencil was a consist ant tlc Methodist church for many years In polities he was a Reformer lie had held the office of Justice of the Peace for years Before removal to Aurora he took a very active part in church work at the Wesley appointment formerly Fetchs Church many will member his singing He was a very successful choir leader there for over thirty years He- was also class- leader and Sabbath School teacher for many years The funeral took on Monday afternoon and was largely attended being held in Methodist chinch Kearn of assisted by Revs and the Tic floral offerings were beautiful The interment took place in the Au rora Cemetery A public meeting was hed here Ft night in the interest rA the pro- bib it ion The speakers were the Rev John DuncanClark Mr others but no action was taken as regards bringing out a pro hibition srlldatc men say In tests made by Profes sors Sanborn and Henry in fattening en- Nellie the 8yearold daughter id steers with early and late cut hay Hyman of Montreal was it was found that cut hay gave killed by a street car on lay the best results If cutting is has been decided to fit too long the stems of the vessels in future with a lough and stringy and system of boilers Icing seeds scatter from the heads Such cylindrical fourfifths of Witter bay has little aroma and lacks if not nutrients Though an indefinite quantity the aroma of the grass has real value in rendering hay more palatable When the sen sipates the dew from the dying grass tube type Ottawa May The department of Agriculture through the War has received an order totalling I broad enough it did not matter that he had given plentifully of labor and brains to the otitis countrys and tbe neglect own private affairs Davis must be defeated As Commissioner of Crown Lands he has been the member of the Gov ernment upon whom devolved the dif ficult task of opening up and develop ing that Provincial heritage which Sir Oliver saved Tor Older On tario from the rapacity tbe Ottawa Conservatives He mastered the do- tails of an immense department just as he mastered the details of his own business He personally visited the newer portions of the Province Went among the miners and took council with visited the pulp dis tricts and means for the de velopment that immense industry and at the same time make pulp con cessions a help rather than a hin drance to settlement by the preserva tion of the settlers rights and the provision of a ready market both for his timber and farm produce All this has been accomplished and the Government also retains the of the charge shall be exacted from pulp concessionaires in the way of dues Mr Davis surveyed the whole of the North country arid saw the- immense possibilities for settle ment in the Temiskammg and Rainy River Districts and began the work of colonizing which is bearing fruit now He continued the patriotic pol icy inaugurated by Mr Hardy and built up the sawmilling industry the North Shore by making the lum bermen manufacture their cut on the Canadian side of the Lake He also made provision for an export tax on matte to be imposed by Ondcr- whenever the thinks the time- opportune Whitney opposes this proposal One of his lieutenant Mr commends it and complained in a two hour speech in the House because the had not been applied it would the mines as Mr Whitney or perhaps it would cause the erection of a refining plant in Ontario as Mr is an medicine for Mother have repeatedly told me of good effect upon their children G OSGOOD so well adapted to children that recommend ft as Superior to any pre scription to THE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER J I r For pure a bright eye a clear complexion a been appetite a good digestion and refreshing sleep Take It arouses the Liver quickens the circulation brightens the spirits and generally improves the health ft bill proved it to be the BLOOD purifier All druggists sell -yr- l tons of Hour for South Africa Ten in the meadow we thousand tons of this teat present IC- ing aroma the dew aroma tiie in carries some it into the air is one reason why hay should not re main scattered over the field at night Green colored sweet smelling hay is really best and prudent farmers will not overlook such seemingly points as preserving the aroma and preventing Live Commissioner Paris May 12 Hie airship owned by the Bra zilian aeronaut made an ascension this morning The airship exploded and the two aeronauts who were on board were killed D r Kidney and Cough ry rftttjr44 Alt fciW OvVfcMlJJ A AtA t Sold by Roche Co Fire in the millinery store Mis of Ottawa on Monlny did damage a tele phones ten ax May are dead and riot lets 500 aft result of a tropin at last the injured the phyKuui- at at will die We live by on We thrive or starve our blood is rich or poor There is nothing else to live on or by When strength is full fc spirits high we are bone muscle and brain in body and mind with con tinual flow of rich blood This is health When in low spirits no cheer no spring when rest not rest and sleep is not sleep we are starved our blood is poor there is little nutri ment in if Back of the blood is food to keep the blood rich When it fails take Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil It sets the whole body going again man woman and child hate tool It for agreeable will yen ftt nOWKU Toronto ing shipped and the following will he sent forward about May The flour is supplied by the arid Lake of the Woods Mill ing Company There will be a million dol lars spent this year in double track ing the Whitby Fort which will complete the double track from Toronto to Mont real Four or five miles east of there will be a deviation made A new line has been surveyed about half way between the present track and the lake and this will entail a good deal of extra expense Last year the aver ago expense per week of each inmate in the County House of Refuge Willi keep ers family and hired help fori fond clothing and tobacco was 13 total expense including per eent on capital in the bouse was per week for each Inmate The various causes lor pauperism of the inmates are given as follows sickness destitution intemperance lame old age blind During the year there were deaths discharged while absconded They are telling a good story on a young farmer over in Mara who to town on Friday last and de cide to surprise his wlfo by return ing home in a new suit of clothes When ho reached the narrows bridge be halted pulled his clothes and tossed them into the current Then he reached lor his new suit but it wasnt where he had left it Groping under the eat In vain with the of a man who has got on the wrong train It began to dawn on htm that the bundle had Jolted out the Luckily it wa dark He drove homo and bis wile was nurprls- paper Nervous Diseased Men a JlffdJt are arrive early Indiscretions and later Diseases Slave ruined add life many a promising roan any of following in Morning No Ambition Memory Poor Easily xcilable and irritable Eyes any of Nervous aod Despondent No Ambition Memory Poor Easily FatiEQd Excitable and irritable ty Pimping on the Face Dreams and Drains at less Looking Kennedy Kergan says The has not tak en the of bringing disaster on the industry but if the time comes when it is clear that nickel can 1 refined to its final stage in the Province the Government wants to be in a posi tion to insist on its heing done Meanwhile the moderate course pur sued has had the result that where as the matte left coun try as a grade thirtyfive per cent pure it is now refined to an eighty- live per cent grade The output of ore has doubled new mines have been opened and operators irrespective of politics have satisfaction with the working of the lav as flam ed by Mr Davis when the act was support from Mr Davis to make ameiKlcxl a couple of years ago the election of a who The success of Mr Davis in the ad- neither by personal inclination nor by ministration of his department lias party affiliation has shown been one ol the potent forces which a friend of temperance In other is going to make for the success of words the Conservative machine at the Ross on the Toronto seeing that their effort to And tliat is the reason Why the edict defeat Mr Davis by a straight party Sore Throat Hair Pains in the Body Distrustful and Lack of Energy and Strength Out will you up mentally physically and Guaranteed or no Pay IN DETROIT BAKK Without Written Corneal A NERVOUS P hit a Escape I At I learned an which weakened physically Family Doctors said was Finally The Monitor edited hv Kennedy into my hands I learned truth cause Self had my I My think I cared I hare Kent them many all whom were Their New Method Treatment Vitality and manhood forHoatTnttmnt Shelby Dfrjroll Mich Woven for to No Or No Vrfrt Will wire will only- strain Common when colled or but with flrat strain and mum very know always been bent PatfO on by all railways Wire FncfCo ASTORIA For Infanta and Children has gone that the Commission er Crown Lands must of all the members the Government be de feated As a good administrator ho has earned the displeasure the machine By his and he has ren dered the defeat of the Ross Govern ment difficult it not improbable ami he must for It To defeat of Crown Lands the Conservatives argue would be to throw ridicule upon the Row dovcloi- policy ami entire manage ment of the most important revenue producing department of the Govern ment Next to the defeat of the Government the defeat of Mr Davis Is most bought tor by the Conserva tive machine and that Ik why the alii of the Conservative party have been for weeks at a time from oilier portions of the Province to patrol the riding of North York to shake the alley- lance of Mr Davis political friends they have adopted the questionable tact I- of attempting to divide Mr Davis following of and set before them a Conservative stoolpigeon It hi not the friends temperance or- of reform who are most concerned to a third candidate Into tiie MA In North York They both know that such a course if at all effective fight will fail seeks to use the prohibition and temperance in North York to fur iter the election of a candidate who personally is not In favor of their cause and- the avow ed follower of a leader who has plac ed himself on record as totally oppos ed to prohibition Hut electors of North York will scarcely be hood winked by any such palpable trickery One of Mr Lennoxs at bis King meeting who thinks he knows more than ordinary mortals bad much to say about the education- j system of Ontario in a disparage way and about school books The Almonte layette however not sympathise with the King meet ing critic and Fays Ontario the world in education It school system has Loon Improved on fifty dis tinct lines making it the most com plete and of any similar sys tem in the The Liberal Gov ernment has materially reduced the number and cost of text books text books arc now used in public hoots as against In 3 In high school in as compared with In Today the aver age cost of text books to public schools annually is only 21 cents iHr pupil Every book now used In our schools with two exceptions is New Telephone Directory The Bell Telephone Co of Canada will issue a new sub scribers directory for eastern Ontario including the Town Newmarket early in June Orders for new connections and changes in firm nam te sent in at once to ensure entry in this book Tiie Bell Telephone of Canada STARR- Local Manager Newmarket May BO EXPERIENCE ttitcirwiUt without would only in taking the work Canadian authors

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