Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 16 May 1902, p. 6

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a- Market Price Paid For Ail Kinds of etc SALT ALWAYS ON HAND MOUNT ALBERT Mosey to Ml Both private and companies money at and per cent DAVIDSON Notary Public c Mount BAND CONCERT A grand Military Concert and Music Festival is billed lor Mount Albert on the evening of May in Town Hall See large posters for further particulars- PAY IT NOW All ratepayers who wish to pay teir commutation tax can get with a day provided they pay it to the clerk on or before the 1st day of June The Township was amended to that Our for litis season ha arrivfd We have all kind of itntl Jvcjs in hulk which we sell at Poultry will lice oil untie Rod ticks on aheap Forrests Drug Store ALBERT You can save money by buying your Furniture at the A LARGER STOCK THAN EVER OP Bflroom Parlor Extension and Parlor Loonies Couch and Fancy We are also for Pi How Sham Holders and the celebrated Carpet Stretcher and Picture Framing a Specially Goods delivered free of charge when ordered quantity ALLAN THEAKER LAWN SOCIAL A lawn social in connection the Franklin Christian Church will be hod oh the lawn of Mr on the evening of Saturday May An excellent program is to provided AH are cordially in vited For particulars see MEETING I A Public Meeting in the interests Hon J Davis will be held at Baldwin on Monday next at oclock pm The meeting will he addressed by Major Cane of Newmarket and Mr Duncan Marshall An is extended to Mr or any one on his behalf to present and ad dress the meeting Alii are cordial ly invited i i i i i LIBERAL CLUE The closing meeting of the Literal Club was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening and was well attend ed The were audited arid showed a balance in the Treasurers hands after paying all bills According to the constitution the club closes on first Tuesday in May and reopens on the first Tuesdav in November WOOL W4 Take your WOOL to the Mount Albert Woollen Mills and get the highest Toronto prices in Gash Full stock of Clotb3 Flannels Sheetings Blankets Yarns also a good assortment of fashionabtei Suitings always on hand extra paid for wool taken In ex- change for goods Geo Sons PERSONAL Mr and Mrs Thos Jennings of To rontoare visiting at the come of his parents Mr Jennings Mr of North Bay is home on a visit to his parents here Mr Geo left on Monday for Toronto to act on Grand Jury Mrs is visiting with friends in the city Mr of Toronto and Mr Andrew of Dick sons were in town on a visit BALDWIN BREEZES Amongst many people it is a fad to make collections of curios such as rare coins stamps autographs eggs spezimens of natural history and so on and so forth Recently an new word specially patented for sketch Beware of the Owl Immediately there were erbus applicants for a copy as curios Amongst the successful applicants I understand was Mr Wellington our implement agent who at the same time secured a splendid view The artist kindly are getting grouped views of their resi- an amateur the SPRING STOCK -OF- Dry Goods Boots and Shoes Arriving Daily to make ro we are Selling the Balance of our Winter Stock AT- HALF PRICE Bee our prices for Ladles Fur a RUNAWAY On Tuesday forenoon Mr Boyd Cun ninghams horse which was tied to a post in front of Mr Summer eld hardware store became frightened by an umbrella the hands of a passer by The animal broke loose and in turning upset the buggy and made a dash for Rosamonds stable which it entered and fell on the stable floor One shaft of the buggy a portion of the top was broken No further damage was done An earnest heart to heart talk on politics was engaged in by several of our on Tuesday forenoon You should not up the side walk Several weddings are coming in this vicinity in June For date wedding stationery try this of fice Strict secrecy pursued Mr Oliver raised his new on Tuesday Mr J as has purchased a new pumping windmil and Mr Isaac a power windmill from Mi J Hunter There was a slight fall of snow on ThuiKday of last week It is to be hoped tbis will prove the last of the season Mrs Terry has sold her farm on the of East to Mr Elliott Oldham tor A band of gypsies passed through town on Monday last Mr Jennings has a wire fence round his garden The Conservative Club held a very successful meeting on Friday last Tom a Garden Tools Rakes Hoes Spades Shovels READY MIXED MEW BRAND J ROYLAND Mount Albert i Cose of Administration of Educational Department During time the the educa tion department was per cent the average expenditure during the fast thirty years cost of was only per cent a de crease of per cent During the last year of Dr administration the cost of ad ministering the Education Depart ment was the year before Mr Robs took charge of- the Depart ment tfce cost was was a slight increase but not in proportion to the growth of education and the Increased work of supervision of his residence- Rave us a copy A great many and also having taken artist is doing some excellent work particularly amongst our pretty lit tle folk The Stewart and Burton Co of Vaudeville entertainers has been giv ing a firstclass show to crowded houses of delighted spectators during the past week here I did hot take advantage of a free ticket but accord ing to competent authorities their in strumental selections are almost lection whilst their sleight of hand j is simply marvellous UricleJohn Tayor was completely mystified when marbles and other treasures were extracted from his pockets to which he supposed they had long been a stranger Old smokers also got some new ideas on smoking when the tobacco pouch is empty We pass them to the nest town as a clean healthy show Some of our young folks took in every nights performance I think their parents had more money than wit The pieeating contest was to the vulgar mind very amusing also the naildriving contest for the la dies a voting contest for the homeli est man and for the most popular young lady prize a handsome rocker were very interesting On Saturday evening Misses Mary Stat ton and Mary Taylor arrived home quite a deaf improved The Owl was delighted to see his young friends return for they are two of our very best and loveliest disposi- tioned young women Always sun shine and smiles when theyre around here knows that Miss Station is contemplating a visit in New York and Beach this summer We shall miss her bright smile Our blacksmith Joe Foster ha- such a severe attack of heart trouble as to necessiate a cessation of hard work Our showman is the proud posses sor of a pair of very black cocker spaniels one of which is the mother of a dozen little coal- black puppies Im told the mother was formerly owned by the Hon P Their owner values them at a big I think the largest crowd ever in Baldwin was here Monday Poli tics at in the shade it is now asserted that the- United States Government dare not raise the battleship Maine that lies on bot tom of harbor for fear that it might be revealed that she had been sunk by an explosion of her ma gazine and not by Spanish intrigue and dynamite It would be humili ating indeed for Uncle Sam to have to acknowledge that they had kicked up a muss with poor Spain to gain glory and renown Such like has of ten occurred between parties and pub lic individuals but small Indeed is the glory attached thereto I Bo my level best but I cant equal my Sutton in trite observa tions Those who know Sutton men folks will quickly observe the force of his observation re drowning their sor row in oft repeated libations from the lowing howl A cry of Help Help Help seems to rend the air It must be the last expiring wail of the Whitney clique We would remind the farmers that the most suitable site for an eleva tor is where bulk of the grain trade Is For every hundred bushels handled in tonIm sure there are three hundred in In all Baldwins history there has never been suoh a for fine hats dressy woman old and young have ordered one It is good for the trade says Char lie Thompson would be pleased to hear of tfce whereabouts of his grand son Ryerson Thompson He is quite anxiou9 to hear A card to Baldwin would catch the old gentle man Andrew and son Geo have done a splendid job clearing sixteen acres of bush for James Heavy frosts here Friday and Sat urday nights It forebodes ill for fruit crops fear- Posing for a picture as a profession al beauty is like seeking fame as a Suet fame is of a very transitory nature but they who work for the betterment of their fellow men win fame everlastingly We are glad to hear of our neighbor Geo Driver is a very fine neighborhood I know it right well About twenty not two hundred miles souwest from Wind sor We wish Geo luck fit bet hell make those Essex forks laugh at his quaint sayings Jack paid our burg a visit recently He is looking fat and sleek as a well groomed a good recommend to our friend Ka- of Home An East lady friend Im too partial to our Bald win ladies Perhaps so maybe I then called upon and given ball am but its a poor owl wholl not hour to address the meeting a hoot for his own town Ive no doubt in fact I know there are some grand cooks and wondrously hand some girls in Walter ores remaining twin child died on Sunday- One of our young men who we be lieve prides himself on the immensity of his style won the palm of victory as the homeliest man in the settle ment Instead of taking it as a was in the village day looking after the interests of that paper MissAllie Kay daughter of Mrs Mark Kay of this village who has been a nurse in tracing at the Hilary Thomson Hospital in Chicago grad uated from that institution oh the April last Politics is the topic at present A public meetings was held at Bald win last Monday in the interests of Mr Lennox There was quite a large and judging from the cheer it would seem to indicate that both parties were about re presented anything a preponderance of Reformers The hall was too small to accommodate all and an was made to Mr Egos barn Mr John Hamilton was call ed to the chair Mr Lennox was assisted by Mr and the Hon E J Davis was represented by Mr Marshall Mr was the first speaker and made a very plausible in troduction about the sacredhess of private character and citizenship He then proceeded to throw discredit tfr- members of the Government by that they were unworthy of public confidence Mr Marshall was an He presented the claims the Govern ment as far as the limited time would allow in a very clear and convincing manner dealing with the charges and policy and father no definite policy of the opposition Mr Lennox op ened his address with a bitter com plaint about the dastardly lying stories that he said were being circu lated about him One was that he was seen drunk in Aurora He de- joke he took it most seriously arid dared that he had hot taken a glass declined the coveted trophy resigning I of liquor in Aurora for the past eight in favor of Peter Kerr who is not years but a little further on he said reckoned a bad looking chap Tis to he hoped those in the contest for the most popular young lady will be pleasant no odds who is the winner as such a contest does not really prove that the winner is the most popular All those in the contest are very amiable little women Samuel barn raising will be on Wednesday No doubt there will be a deal of grunting as the tim bers are of hardwood consequently very heavy It was observed that Uncle John Taylor hustled home early Satur day evening for had not Mary the apple of his eye returned home Of course I as one of her admiring friends had to call to express my pleasure and found Mary weary yet very cheerful Cheerfulness ap pears to be an essential portion of her makeup Why such angelic souls as her should have to suffer so is beyond my comprehension unless it be to teach us poor mortals how to tear suffering submissively The world is the better for Marys pres ence in All arc hopeful ol restoration to health The scribe re marks the frogband is In practice preparing for the Yes and the tune theyll play is The Dead March in Saul as a funeral dirge for the death of Lennoxs fond hopes Mr Lennox gave a very fair cam paign address to a very large audience of all shades of politics lie gave his a severe scoring de claring lie had ordered his agent to is sue a writ to give an opportun ity to prove their statements If any one has slandered him let them tear the consequents But Herbert fought shy of the more Invariant political questions of the day The candidate had a routing hand shaking seance When tie came to the old bird I remarked A shake of the hand makes no enemies Arc you the Owl candidate We modestly the soft impeach ment and searched old friends Brunton and A large- num ber of ladies graced the meeting by their presence Mr Marshall repre sented Mr Davis by a forcible speech that made Wie Grits feci good The Owl he was no hypocrite and did enter bars occasionally and take a glass or two of beer with the hoys Let any one try and reconcile these state ments if he can Another complaint was the host of paid organizers em ployed by the Hon J Davis while he himself was practically aonc in the work of the campaign This statement needs more than a grain of salt It was a pitiable in deed Another was the iniquitous Referendum Ballot switching got a fresh airing and insinuations were thrown out of the Hon J complicity in such work c c It surely comes with a very ill grace for a man to attempt to whee dle and manipulate the temperance people to vote for a man who is a supporter of the liquor traffic as against Hon J Davis a life long temperance man a man of pro bity bearing fruitful in good works setting a personal ex ample worthy of imitation as con trasted with a man inflated with self- conceit a sampler of beer setting tho baneful example before both youth and manhood of the pernicious prac tice of treating Any man claiming to be a temperance man who will sac rifice his conscience and reputation as such by voting in way should for ever after disclaim the name of tem- A ptil lie meeting to discuss politics is announced to be held at tomans Hall on Wednesday even ing the inst at pm Hon Mr Davis and County Councillor are to lie chief speakers on the occasion Mr Lennox is invited but it is not likely he will put in an appear ante No repeal of corporation taxes VOTE FOR DAVIS Children Cry for If A la rjre frame dwelling collapsed while being raited at Winnipeg and men engaged in excavating nar rowly escaped death The Ontario Power Company corn operations on Monday on the upper of it work at Falls and a large force of is now at near Chippewa This of the work consist of i Mill feet wide and feet deep running from River In of to near the lie Dj fieri Inlands A Large Range OP New Imported English Worsted to hand Perfect Goods CALL Aim SEE THEM KELLERS The Tailor Mount Albert SUTTON Dr Greenwood has moved bis office further down High Street to next door south of Hotel Ills family will reside at the Lake Shore during the summer We observe that the new barber shop has received a glorious inaugur al baptism Mr Greenwood has Just made a large shirinent of peas to Mr has his cattle at the station Miss Moore from Josephs Island is the guest Miss Dr Park of remained all last week Miss Tremayne arrived home from last work Mr and Mrs a son and daughter left last to take up their residence at Winnipeg Other members of the family have preceded them Mr John Percy is cm the hick list and has had to lay work to re cruit Mr been under the doctors care during last week but Is now somewhat better Mr Sinclair the ALBERT DRUG STORE A CHOICE STOCK OF Field end Garden Seeds Just Arrived Carrot Sugar Mangel Turnip Seed at right prices A full stock of SPRAYING MATERIALS Constantly on Hand We also carry a full line of tent Medicines among them Cos- groves Remedies and Cure Prescription Family Reel pies receive personal attention dayi or night LLOYD DRUGGIST D STOKES MOUNT ALBERT Breeder of Jersey Cattle choice young heifers for salo now al so a young bull rm Paints Oils Whiting the new wall coating Brushes of all kinds Carpet Wringer etc a MOUNT Buying Your I I SEE OUR ALL QUALITIES FROM The Very Cheapest TO THE FINEST ALBERT We have been watching the markets pleas ed to say have been well rewarded for so doing with a much better Assortment and at much better prices PRINTS AND PONGEES MERCERIZED SATEENS GINGHAMS COTTONADES DENIMS fc Our 10c Print wide cannot be beat for weight of cloth and washing qualities AND SHOES THE J D King Goods Speak for Themselves Our Groceries are New and Fresh Breakfast Foods 3 lbs Sleet Raisins- for 3 lbs Cleaned Currants lor Bars Comfort Soap lor 25c Bars Imperial Soap for Bars Cameo Soap for Cans Pink Salmon for 25c lbs Fresh Figs for 25c lbs for lbs Rolled lor lbs Rolled Wheat for Malt Breakfast Food Prunes from up Dried Apples bright sample COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF AND WE WILL BE SURE TO DO BUSINESS WITH YOU QUEENSVILLE Buggies The highest grade buggies Call and see them Prices moderate J COOK Agent Mount Albert The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Available A y415415 laMSTii OFFICE CANADA MONTREAL OK Andrew Chairman Chair man K8 ton Alex Accepted Lowest Hate DAVIDSON Aent Albert PO SMITH Chief Agent HEISES New Baldwin NEW GOODS lime to We hire received a frill line of Art Sateens Mot- line Cretonnes NEW LACK CURTAINS 1 WINDOW SHADES CURTAIN POLES Wo have a line colleotion of Wall on hand at Prices to sail Wo on band a larger stock than ever of BedBoom and Parlor Soil and Parlor Tables Boom and Give to yon HALT BY BARREL Telephone Baldwin SHARON ga GENTLEMEN We are prepared to please in New Suitingsstyle workmanship and price Now is the time to order your New Suit LADIES Our stock Staple Dry Goocls is equal to anything you can buy elsewhere and just as cheap See our new Dress Goods Groceries Always Fresh

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