Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 16 May 1902, p. 5

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E NE BRANCH General Banking Business TRANSACTED Merest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED t J- Willi recounted Mumper INSURANCE j fi for Life to treat Rates Ramsay Agent on But Town Property Sh MPS Simpson an3 AUCTIONEER SS 1 moo Street J Bolton I Comer sod ft ft 0KHr0X hi i At tile meeting on Monday after noon the following officers were erect ed for the ensuing PresidentClarice 1st Vile Evelyn McKay 2nd YicepLiiy Cane Case Treasurer Johnnie Saturday May is regular market day on the Next Friday is Empire day in tie Public Schools Mr MaddockV residence was put up at auction last Saturday but did not teach the bid 19u0 was offered Nomination in Newmarket next Thursday It is reported that there will he Brass Bands here Next Sunday is or Whit- Sunday Teachers About teachers attended the In stitute in Aurora Thursday and Friday and the program proved in teresting and profitable On Thurs day evening Rev Alexander McMillan delivered an address on The Scot tish Highlands in the Literature of Sir Walter Scott The officers for the ensuing year were elected President J VicePies Secret Librarian Mr Kelty of Newmarket and letuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the luufcd If a rrb fir MARRIAGE LICENSES R Revival of the It was only natural that there should be a decided reaction from the bicycle craze of a few years ago But saner days have arrived Those who used to ride twenty miles across the country tea to borrow a fishing line have quieted down Some have learned better the rest are dead Nobody dreams now of the horse be ing supplanted by the wheel The has its uses It enables easi ness men to get away from their of fices and gives ordinary men a rea sonable chance to escape from agents Now the fact that we are trying to break upon the reader is that the dull days of the wheel trade appear to be over Already the local dealers disposed of more wheels than during all last season One cause for this is that the wheels are much cheaper than they were many cases the re daction being fully thirty per cent 5RA gRmAy one He Has East GwillimbnrV May a plant It will want beets will not not beets will be- competition in Was to Editor has been wanted was to get a start called to an article in last weeks I As a proof of wisdom the Express beaded Wbat has he done Government in enacting this in which I am referred to as the chair- sugar are now being built man of tlie first meeting called to which will manufacture this fall and the Sugar Beet interest In winter the product of over 12000 this article the effort the editor is a res of beets producing from to directed solely against the Hon million pounds of sugar thus it J Davis for the purpose trying to is that Ontario is being up injure that gentleman in his cam- The in question Wants to The facts of the case are as know what Mr Davis has done for Learning that experiments North York and says that question were to be conducted at two points remains I am well viz and aware I could not answer direction the Agricultural Depart- question to the satisfaction of the for the purpose of testing the itor of The ExpressHerald as I cultivation of Sugar Beets for am hoi one who values a mans purposes I attended a meet- fulness to his constituents altogether of the Council to by the number of times he shakes to take some steps towards having a hands with me or the number of bis test made in this vicinity The re- friends be secures public offices for or suit was that Mayor Cane was asked the efforts he puts forth to get a to with Mr Davis re- public institution located in bis that a similar experiment be The Hon Mr Davis has how- conducted here He Mr Davis atjever supported a good economical once and unhesitatingly promised his Government for the past fourteen assistance At the suggestion of the years and during that time no less a sum than has been returned to York for educational administration of justice grants to our agricultural and horti cultural societies farmers and nanus in industrial home etc etc He has also assisted ma ter in obtaining the passage of some very important private bills the two private hills for the Town of Newmarket by which the Town secured a very important in dustry thus assisting to Build up And I he is now being appealed to by the Aurora Council to assist the they have been led And in addition to his services a public man he has built up a business riding giving employment upward of a hundred men and in assisting to Build up North Mr is is also an extensile farm er feeding at the present time over head of cattle and hogs and in that way much money in payment of supplies both in Stock and Feed for his farming opera tions A man who discharges his duty to his Province ought not to be expect ed to he continually to obtain special privileges for his own riding he would very soon be regarded as narrow in his views and would lose his influence A man whose of vision is so limited that he cannot see beyond bis own constituency would be of little use in assisting in the great work of developing the re sources of this Province Yours truly International SoDthy Lesson NEWMARKET WORKS LATB3T IN Monuments anef Stones- XT CiJJBfereOrderittr13liefcere ft AUaiu AS OTHERS Young man by the government that gave you the teliotVOTE -FOR- DAVIS Hon Mr- Davis the meeting in ques tion was called It is true that I fixed the date and did what could to have a good representation of farmers attend I then telephoned from the Era Office to the Hon I J Davis telling him of the- ar rangements and asking to have Prof Shut tie worth sent up on that date Mr Davis promptly replied that the Professor would he up and that he would accompany him and also that the seed would be there the day of the meeting At that time there were very few people who thought we suxxeed in even making a cred itable showing even the Professor ex pressing doubts on account of the lateness of the season May and also on account of our geogra phical position being as the Profes sor said too far North Professor at that time contending that there were only a few counties in the south western portion the Province that was suitable for the successful production of Sugar Beets The Government being largely influ enced by expert testimony had the previous session refused to bonus the industry pending a more investigation and awaiting the re sults of experiments to he made At the meeting in question Mr Davis rave a short address defending the Governments policy in New Ontario and feeling that the cultivation of Sugar Beets and the manufacture of sugar therefrom would be confined to such a small area of the Province asked for an expression of the meet ing in favor of the Government not bonus the industry with oth ers felt it was too soon to take an expression opinion on that subject The Hon- Mr Davis at once said THBAHbY CHRISTIAN MIS BINARIES Golden Text po ye therefore and teach all nations Acts May INTRODUCTION The necessity for missions their di vine autbomation and thfjir human instrumentality all axe here and be clearly impressed upon our scholars minds But should the heroism foreign missions be used to stir up their PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS No home is so debased hut a saint come from it none so holy tbat it may not nurse a prodigal The opportunity to give for Gods cause was as pressing then as now Every lake creed sincere or Hypo critical may be expected to oppose the Gospel The emergencies of the Kingdom of God upon the earth are met by di vine appointment of men for the place and occasion All doubts are solved prayer- Toe missionary spirit is not to be severed from evangelical Christianity TO GRIP IN TWO DAYS Laxative removes the cause E W Groves signature on every box Price cents CO YOU You cannot always see yourself as others see you The next best thing is to tee your photograph can promise you the best pictures without any dan ger that you will be disap pointed you want a of your home now is Elhe time to have it taken every thing is fresh lean Give R a trial J SMITH Corner of and Main Streets Newmarket the Era Grocery and Provision Dried tit tor ifa Jun 10c lor 1 Tin It per pec cad can KNOTTLEH To Meyers PouUry Spifie W joy Yaw In The Band The Citizens Band is co be con gratulated not only on the magnifi cent program presented last Friday but on the large attendance and decided success Hie hoys decorated the stage very pretti ly in patriotic style every number was up to the scratch and the best order prevailed There were ladies and gentle men besides the conductor Mr Arthur Oliver in the Westminister Choir and apparently every one was a good singer They were accompan ied by a former Newmarket lady Mis Jessie Dickson and responded with admirable effect to every the leaders baton Without in any way reflecting en Dickson we that the ltoiions the choir 1eautifully Miss Rogers Mrs TMale Miss Elsie Blake Messrs and Clarke are all excellent singers as the several were strongly deservedly jty I abid ed The Banjo Mandolin and Guitar Club comprising ladies and gen tlemen was a new feature here and the Were enchanting that the audience would not le sat isfied without recalling them on each appearance It is plain to seen that Mr an ex pert on all three instrument Mr Shaw captivated the au dience by his first reading Last of made a favor able as to his ability And what say limmie Fax Hes star comic vo calist today His songs are always that place Come to the Very weft then perhaps it is until we know more about it and further A Cell to Canadians to stating he would guarantee the prizes would be awarded and that the ser vices of Prof in assist ing and instructing those making the experiment would be given and in the lest would he under the di rection of the Agricultural just the same as at and Now sir no case did- the Hon Mr Davis have to be urged hut in every instance he gave his assistance freely and willingly and the ed itors reference to the baulky horse and the empty buggy is owe to some of his own party who were continually crying out this was a Grit scheme to votes and consequently would Ijavc nothing 1o do with it The experiments being so aid Iher information invest nations being so at the next Of the Legislature passed an act the at is set ana to the industry and here again Ihe Hon Mr Davis is accused of ne glecting the Farmers in not support ing a bonus of per ton for Hie beets grown This to my mind and am a fanner would be most ridic ulous and quite unfair arc thousands of farmers all over On tario who have not the soil to pro duce profitably a crop of sugar beets there arc many farmers who not reason of the distance they Would have to haul them or the over which they would travel avail themselves of ibis bounty For instance te farm ers on the West side of King the of greater portion of North and all of would le compelled to assist In paying a bonus to those con veniently located near Newmarket in case a factory being in Had the This country is well suited for agri culture and grazing with enormous mineral wealth Tlie population is a very queer mixture of races more to playing poker than honest labor Most of them arc unintelli gent- Those who arc make their liv ing out of those who are not a me thod of subsistence satisfactory to the individual hut adding little to the aggregate of national wealth The importation of and is fast affecting our system having collected a hand who never knew freedom has declared him self an autocrat and in many cases has deprived us of our birthright Awake Oh of the and to rescue and prevent a ociitry as as Russia in becoming the sole home of serfs British flag Haul tarn has that land Jo not suit the NorthWest and already our laws are so altered that we lose sigh I of British justicci ALFKICI May Gladys TO A IN DAY Take Laxative Quinine Tab lets All refund the money If It falls to cure K Groves signature on each box Elevator Burned Beet Sugar May The laying of the corner stone the Su gar factory will take- place on Thurs day June under the auspices of the Masonic Grand Lodge Canada Harding KC Grand Master will perform the ceremony The Grand Lodge Officers members of Cedar Lodge visiting will also be present in full regalia and take part in the ceremony The event will be a red letter day in the history of Excursions will be run here from all parts of the Province and people are expected to be present There is more catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all dis eases together and until the last few years was supposed to be For a great many years doc tors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies and by constantly to cure with local treatment pronounced it Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by Cheney Co Toledo Ohio is the only constitutional cure on the market It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a ft acts directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces the system offer one hundred dollars for any case It fails to cure for circulars and testimonials Address F J CHENEY CO Toledo Ohio Sold by druggists Hails Family are the best Greatest Disaster on the Hemisphere new uptodate laughable without descending to anything vular and his wardrobe must embrace every known and character al ways gets a hearty In New market OxMay or Robertson presided and on behalf of iVn4 tendered their thanks to the audience their The total proceeds amounted to The talent and as cover expends lys will have about ISO to add to their fund for new uniforms The was the ever giv en by ftind The Toronto left by sjecial ley car at for home end they were delighted with the cordial in they had re cti the done tills imagine the cry of the Op position at unjust and discrimin ating legislation Why sir under the of the bill the farmer is well protected even the contra be tween the farmers and company for the production of beets must re- the of the Govern ment thus that no undue ad vantage is taken of the farmer The Ontario Beet Co locat ed at are Riven for a period three years rebates the farmers to in further inducing to locate tleie so instead of the farmers crying out for a bonus of per ton from the they are giving the company a rebate amounting to of dol lars upon the price fixed by the Mr Msrtr said In the debate on the bill If a coirpatiy cb AND William May 10 The third and last elevator of the at this place was put out of business fire this morning that destroyed the entire front and all the machinery In the elevator The elevator bad in store about bushels wheat and will now he at n complete standstill The tanks are not much injured except the four nearest the burned front but there will be a I probably Loss on building in surance The frost is reported to ser iously damaged Niagara district forced an entrance into the private bank of Catharines on Wednesday night but wcurcd only 5 In The next term will he momentous In the history of Province FOR DAVIS arid experience Much sorrow is felt at Bond Head on account of the death of Mrs fane Long resulting from an about two weeks ago The city of St Pierre in the West India Islands was destroyed in less than thirty seconds on May 1st In that short period the har vest of death was reaped The total list ol victim will ap proximate fully But man out of the total popu lation of the town is known to have Relief expeditions from neighboring have billed and are burning the lead A strainer has reached Fort tic France fourteen miles from St Pierre 150 survivors picked up along the shore Monte Rouge a fashionable suburb of St Pierre escaped An eye witness of the terrible at St Pierre Martinique says that the top of Mont was blown away with a tremendous report This was followed by a rush of molten mat ter which swept with incredible ra pidity over the town No vessel can approach the northern shore of the island on account of the intense heat and steam winch is com ing from all sides It is estimated now that fully 200 lives have been lost on the Island St Vincent It Is thought that the details are received the loss life will prove to be much heavier the capital of the island covered with ashes and Is being bombarded with stones from lie craters The terrific force of he eruption at St Vincent may be illustrated one- incident Ashes In great quantity fell on the the British steam ship when she was miles away from the island Support the Government that sav ed New Ontario from the spoiler VOTE FOR DAVIS Lord Kitchener reports another accident on May to a train hound from Pretoria Petersburg north ern Transvaal The ears were de railed at a curve and an and ten men were killed Children Cry for CASTOR A SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED r J A ft NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE We undersell every house in the trade in J hi the following lines DRY GOOD CLOTHING BOOTS HATS CAP TORONTO JOBBING DEALER IN Goal Wood Lime Cement OFFICE One door cast of STREET COOK BROS Flour and Feed MANITOBA FAMILY FLOUR Bit AN SHORTS CHOP CORN OAT MEALS GRAIN SBEDS- cor Main Huron Telephone Connection Newmarket It is rumored that a plot against Ihe Sultans has been discovered Cane Sons Mfg Co of Newmarket Limited Have amalgamated with and in fix ture will be known as the- United Factories Limited All accounts previous to Dec are due and payable by THE CANE SONS MFG CO Any person having such will kindly them in at once as Company la closing Its booh a and will apply for a return charter J Wireless Telegraphy Is In the AIR and it Is in our SCHOOL the TORONTO We have Just Installed com plete sets wireless telegraphy instruments and we are now prepared to give Instruction in this subject either personal or BY MAIL Write for particulars Write for circular Toronto Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer REFITTED AND ALSO- Diek Decker op Boy Wanted At once at this- office about years of age who has attended High School And belt choice Full Rig tor On four years time Cheap at 600 market

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