Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 16 May 1902, p. 4

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THE Jordan fcia com to WiM of a rftlgor and In ttfetortaa- life mora certainty do not to gmfimeg they should greatly into l tor Am wit- who so with that w and tick most of toe do relief from prescribed 5lT wet completely cored to made great medicine the and toe BO core to get J Robertson Public Ac Street to Solicitor etc Ornci Court Ontario South of Of fice Herbert Aurora Day J Co Banker Flank Aurora to W Barrister Reformer Bloc to Loin DENTAL A I- Poll the faction Guarantee DR DENTIST to Dr Store GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY NORTHERN TIME TABLE ant I I J I I a a a- a ex Li Op CO CO t5 o t CI CI a ex r en o P io 4 ffl 2 en ft Metropolitan Ity TORONTO AJd WORDS OF HOPE Commissioners An was made jo ALL WHO SUFFER PROM A to the Water- Works Act DOWN SYSTEM during the last session of Proving I Legislature to we Harriet A Fan to direct the special not She a only Council of After SuBeringFor Two Years but also property rate- payersof the Town Section of throughout country tbe Miscellaneous Municipal Legist seriously faom debility Act adds tbe tie result of blood clause to the Municipal Water shattered nerves To Act Tbe Council of Town ship city town or village with tbe assent of the electors of the municipality to be ob tained in manner provided by the Municipal Act- in the case of bylaws for the of debts may by bylaw provide that the commission ers be elected or to be elected purposes this act shall have and possess powers and perform the duties of commissioners under Light and Heat and from and after the passing of such bylaw the said commissioners shall be known as The Water and Light Com missioners of tbe of and shall possess enjoy and ex ercise all the rights powers and privileges and shall per form all the duties of commis sioners under the Municipal Light and Heat Act as as of commissioners ted un der this Act I The foregoing amendment to The Municipal Water Works Act places power in the hands of the Council and ratepayers to elect a Board of Com missioners apart from the Council have the management and direction of the Town Water Works and Elec tric Plant and by taking advantage provisions the work of the Council and Commissioners can be di vided so as not to make it burden some to those elected to these respec tive positions to attend to the duties assigned the under the Act And to our mind which is more import ant it will enable the Town to boose men specially qualified for the import ant trust of Water Works and Commissioners and a wider and a freer for the selec tion of Mayor and to took after the purely Municipal con cerns of the Town We do not urge taking of this new amend ment out of any disrespect to the men seats at our Council Board hut the proposition com mends itself Irony the fact that three intelligent practical business men having stake in the Town men who bae a record for success in the history their own lives where not with other mu nicipal duties Will give much better satisfaction in management than can reasonably be anticipated from the present system We therefore urge upon the and the ratepayers of Newmarket the necessity of taking the requisite steps to our Wa ter Works and Electric Light systems under control of Economy and efficiency wilt he the re sult The Dominion Government has ap propriated for coronation ex pensesthe sum of this amount goes for the Canadian coro nation contingent The Times remarks does not know is the more to be pitied the organ Uhat has to champion a leader like Whitney or the leader that has to put up with an organ the Mail MClures for May Miss Stone the napped tells of the caput re of herself and Mrs by the Bulgarian brig ands It is very interesting and the is to be continued by her in the same magazine East is waking up all Times people wonder at the audacity with which the Whitney organs an nounce that they are going to carry the Province on the There is nothing to wonder at Hiey think their party owns Ontario Continu ed defeats lor over thirty years teaches them nothing They were torn to rule and the electors must do as the Whitney people tell them We shall see the story of Mrs Harriet wid ow or the late Rev Richard a lady wellknown throughout the Niagara district will point to the means of renewed health Mrs Fari says a couple of prior to 1899 I was a great suf ferer a run down constitution My digestion Was had I had very little or no was in a jtery poor state I suffered from heart palpitation and a continual feeling of exhaustion Doctors treatment to benefit me and I gradually worse until I was finally unable to do the least work I then began the use jof Williams Pink Pills and from tbe very first I noticed an improve ment in my condition The severity of my trouble gradually lessened end by the time I had taken boxes I was again the best of health despite my sixty years 1 that Dr Williams Pink saved my and would strongly urge all sufferers to give them a trial they will be of great benefit When your blood is watery when your nerves are unstrung when you suffer from headaches and dizzi ness when you are pale languid and completery run down Dr Williams Pink Fills Rill promptly restore your health renewing and enriching the blood They are a prompt and cer tain cure for all troubles having their in a poor or condition of the blood But only the genuine cure and these bear the full Williams Pink Pills for Pale People on the wrapper around every box by all dealers in medicine or sent post paid at a bos or six boxes for by addressing the Dr Wilr Medicine Co Brockville Ont The West Farmers Institute have completed arrangements with tbe tq rim an excursion to the Agricultural College on June The rates will be the same as last year A legal opinion has decided that owners traction engines if dam age be done on highways or bridges by passing over or along the same can be compelled to pay- for age also if traction engines break through or do damage to planks bridge the owner can be required to pay the damages The Cotlingwood Bulletin last observes Centre- Sirnooe Is week likely to go back in line with Lib erals cm May 29 is popu lar and supports a popular and pro gressive policy Hon F of Works turned the first sod the first Government railway ill On tario which is to be known as and Northern- Ontario Railway near North- Bay on Satur day J In South Wentwortb we notice Lee Conservative Is John Dickenson Liberal who has represented that riding in the As sembly for the last two terms Mr Dickenson is a fixstcla and success ful business man with large munici pal experience and South couldnt be induced to exchange Biro for such a man as Mr Lee Persons belonging to organization having unsettled J claims against any Corporation at the time of election are disqualified from seats at the Council Board His- Judge Barron of Stratford unseated a mem ber of the Council of the Town of Mitchell on the grounds above stated This decision has been confirmed On an appeal before Chief Justice Mere dith A report comes from Mr Whitneys meeting at to the effect that as he was walking the retiring on account of being in- and the Dominion from a cold some people At the University Convo cation in Toronto last week degrees were conferred successful stu dents during the term- Hon Ross Premier of Ontario was pres ent on the occasion on whom was conferred the degree of He returned thanks for the honor and spoke upon the need of resolutness and harmony in building Up Ontario disposed from a cold some cheered but before he got to the door a man in crowd stood on one the benches and called out Three cheers for and the Land of the Stunted Poplar I The response was electrifying and lustily to the amazement of the Opposition leader and his colleagues People read the newspapers Gore Bay Municipal clerks should remember that a change was made last session of the Legislature respecting a noti fication on all voters lists up as by law directed The legislation of provides that section of the Ontario Lists Act is amended by adding following thereto Upon the outside or cover of each of the so sent shall be printed or written conspicuously date of posting the said lists thus This list was posted up in the Clerks office on the day of When passing the- supplementary es timates in Parliament last week the Premier announced that Messrs Field ing and would re present Canada at the Colonial Con ference during coronation and ex plained that it was hoped that a line of subsidized steamers running be tween an eastern port in Canada and Australia by way of South would he one of the results Am item of to defray the expenses tbe Ministers passed The Conservative Patrons of North Ontario have now an opportunity to put their professed desires of a few years ago to the test of sincerity when they demanded a larger repre sentation of farmers in the Ontario Legislature In the of Mr Kester they have a firstclass fanner seeking a seat in the Assembly one of whom- they need not be ashamed Now is the time to show their sincer- by a Crocodile Cape Town May The Durban correspondent of the Cape Times states that Mr I infield a mission ary in Tongaiand connected with the South African General Mission has to injuries received from a crocodile He was on his way to Durban to be married and while he was crossing the St Lucia Lake he was attacked by a crocodile from which he just succeeded in freeing himself and reach ing land But both his hands were torn off and he had a terrible wound in his left side In this condition he lay undiscovered until noon lie next day and he died before he he moved a THE COLORS PRODUCED BY THE Diamond Dyes ARK ADMIRED BY ALL WHO j f Canadian Development in declaring the country was Apropos of the present high price of ruined by the large number of pro- meat we find the following poetical effusion going the rounds of the press In days of old when knights were bold The maiden heard lover say Ah you are worth your weight in And al her sorrows fied away The lover who would flatter now And make his love forget her grief Smoothes back the ringlets from her brow And says shes worth her weight irl beef During the past week the Postmast erGenera notified all postoffices in Canada that mail matter for the Yu kon would accepted by the Railway the same as on any other road Hon has concluded a contract with the White Pass people It takes effect at once Under the new contract a dai ly mail service will- be given between the conventional boundary line and the White Horse express The con fessional men Speak now in the Assembly Conservative journals professing a sort of prophetic Vision tell us that Whitney is going sweep the Prov ince We have heard about tho Tories sweeping Ontario in cam paigns the past It is the same old prophecy preached Tory pro phets previous to the last campaign down in Nova Scotia Right up to the day announced for polling they de clared the electorate were just ready to tumble over one another to east their ballots to turn out the Liberals But when the result was ascertained it was found the Tories had only two members in the Assembly Better count their chickens after they are hatched HAVE A TASTE FOR BE Aim Ray das R PIUS act rtxM for all of OLD IT THE ERA The legal column of the Mail an swers a Mount A Iter question In re gard as to slander follows blander defined as any false or malicious verbal tending to injure the reputation of another The making known of si to any person other than the object of it is a publication in a legal of slander Hence the of slanderous language ad- dressed directly to in the presence of one or more third parties renders the party who rnafcea of the language liable to an action for damages If the wordy were in defamatory malice I implied If the who uttered the words can them ie if he can prove that the were true that he a complete defence a civil but the of proving words ate true will the de fendant who uttered them Hie colors produced by the Diamond Dyes on all wool mixed goods and all cotton goods are admired by all ladies who have a taste for color beauty a depth fullness and richness in Diamond Dye colors that manufac turers other home dyes have never been able to produce and dyed with Diamond Dyes dtow clear and perfect colors that standfast as long as the snoods hold Colors pro duced by the common package dyes are dull muddy and streaked giving full proof of adulterations and worth less coloring When it is generally understood that Diamond Dyes with all their superior qualities and a guarantee of perfect work are sold at the same price as the poorly prepared dyes it will be a undertaking to find a woman will risk her goods with the dangerous adulterations put up in imitation of the Diamond Dyes yrtir address on a post card to Wells Co Lim ited 200 Mountain St Montreal and you will receive post raid a full range of designs in the new Dia mond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns QQO of was discovered at a depth of feet near Portage la Prairie MR DRUGGIST give me what ask for one Painkiller Perry Davis J know it Is the thing on earth for summer complaints So do you Thank you There la your money It is now estimated that 40000 perished the volcanic aster at St Pierce Martinique A CARD We the do hereby t the a 0Jtot fcot- of of Tar It It tafia to cure your or cold We eJeo bottle to refunded J- Company for carrying the mails has assumed by the White Pass peo ple All mail matter including par cels can now be forwarded to Daw son all the year round The Dominion Premier has received the lowing cablegram from Lord London May Office have place six hundred seats at my disposal to view corona tion and processions June and Hi- Price of tickets about ten lings each day I lease pub licity to statement so that per to have names write me at giving particulars and stating whether tickets desired for one day or both It applications the number of seats must re sort to ballot so no definite promises yet possible Seals will be allotted at end of month and any not taken up and paid for by June will be Signed The Toronto Telegram poll tically is Independent its leanings are inclined to the Con servative party hut it Mr Whit ney Mr and Mr Len nox that when they shoot at the fi nancial record the Ross Govern ment or the Liberal lloiuV for the pant of a century they are firing blank cartridges It says The financial critics of tho Opposition may go through the mo tions of an attack on the financial and administrative records of the Government- but their speeches are not likely to alter the general public belief that the record of the Liberal party In Ontario these re spects Is on the whole creditable It is as truly the duty of honest journalism to praise the good work of a party as to condemn Its evil The resources of the Prov ince of Ontario have been on the whole Wisely handled The revenue of the Province of Ontario have been fairly distributed and in Ha expendi tures there has been a constant en- to tecure efficiency in results without extravagance outlay Children Cry for CASTOR I A Wise young men and women are taking advantage of the thorough and practical training in business affairs given J in this most and best equipped college A complete training is assure in J Bookkeeping Stenography Typewriting Penmanship and business practice Students mar time No vacations BRITISH AMERICAN COLLEGE A Building TORONTO David Principal The Latest Spring and summer woollens to be had here cannot be sur passed as our line comprises the most select and exclusive productions of foreign and domestic manufacture em bodying the most desirable staples and a very compact variety of the latent fashion able fabrics and effect In de signs and colorings The entire selection le exceeding ly replete and especially ad apted to the requirements of all who dress well and to be Call and select yours before the rush McLanpH MAIN ST J J THE LOAN SAVINGS COMPANY TORONTO CANADA Vktorl St HON GEO A COX President Piidup Capital Interest allowed on Repayable on Interest allowed on Debentures Repayable on days notice a FOR COPY OF ANNUAL REPORT FURTHER INFORMATION WOOD Director Ant YOU CAN GET YOUR- feOn The Paper Required In a Moment If It Improperly Filed vices -AND- Are not an expense and a luxury but a straight system of economy and a necessity It will cost you no thing but a Postal Card to get any cl Our catalogues The Office Specialty Mfg ted Day Street Toronto Write for our Help you ate roujh or model of win tell you opinion as to whether It Refected been by We conduct fully In Montreal us to prompt lydlipatc wrk secure broad a the Invention Highest procured through fit notice without charge in too distributed throughout the Patent of lurwunJHDglnMn MARION MARION J Export nd JYMtjefltlc House and Lot For sale to Albert Thomp son Newmarket House and Lot for On Eagle St Newmarket quire on the premises ELIAS AHMITAGfci En- For Sale Wanted to Exchange Young Mare In foal for good work horse Apply to A couple of smart boys to of age tor light work In department at good wages Also a couple of Men curriers given preference Apply to A DAVIS SOU Lowell Tannery King Ontario Desirable residence known as The Cedars also farm northeast Quar ter lot in the rear the con of North Enquire of Mrs J Newmarket for The cottage of the late Kber Lewis situate on the corner of and Court Streets and the double houses situate on Court St for sale Terms reasonable In tending purchasers can Inspect the premises For particulars apply to Lloyd Solicitor for Farm on TownlJne part No J Young Horse Buggy and Harness Storehouse on Huron Street and Stores on Main Street house on Ontario Street on Queen Builder ft Contractor Is now in a position to ttiko con tracts for all branches of Mason Work Estimates Given at Short and satisfaction guaranteed AND CONCHKTB SIDEWALKS ROOFS FOB BUILDINGS Intending builders- will do well to A HUNTER St Newmarket i

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