Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 16 May 1902, p. 3

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J peeks Local Beat WHAT r Got Move On Ontario Bank will at on Saturday mornings fur the convince of their patrons until further notice Mouse Sold Mr Arrmtage sold his brick St on Tuesday fA Case of Whitchurch Mr intends to go to Manitoba mon Vote for Davis progressi gove It is hoped that there will be a Urge turnout the meeting next Sunday afternoon as the Endeavor of the Christian Church promise to rive a splendid ptograni at tendance has teen rather email late ly dont forget the- meeting Sunday afternoon at oclock in the Temperance Hall Hughes Millinery Rusk Is on Stock never larger or bet ter That is why they are leading tfcis Sprin Assessment The new roll returned to the Clerk shows a total increase in assessment of Newmarket of The total population is given at an in crease of only There are torses dogs cattle hogs sheep and steam boilers Only three or four appeals have been the assessment Farmers Estate William Bell who left an estate in Whitchurch worth left his farms to his two sons George P and Charles Bell subject lega cies of to a son Bell each to three daughters The remainder of the estate is left two- thirds to the sons and onethird to the daughters i5 19WIT 10 Dressmakers Wonted To commence work on Monday Roche Ap ply by letter addressed to Miss Webster Aurora Excursion The North York Society Di rectors are now completing arraiige- for their annual expurEof It has been decided to go to some point in this year possibly Brace- bridge The date has been fixed for the of June Everybody re member the day and arrange accord the and of May both dates is illegal for any person id wear buttons badges or colors Be sure and re move tberri from our clothing Nomination Day or you will be sub ject to a fine of On the Invalid Lust Mr Richard Kirton has been carry ing his arm in a sling the past week owing to a sprain which he received while loading some lumber at the arm on Thursday of last week The strange part of it is that he did not know anything- about it lil morning but he has put in some sleepless nights since May Cast Tuesday morning while Mr Ben If St was en gaged in erecting a wire fence a piece of wire which he bad just clip ped off up face and struck him in the left eye He was unable to and trie optic pained him so badly that he had to come to Town for medical relief The end of the wire evidently struck the sight nerve and the doctor is not quite sure yet whether he will lose his sight or not Mr seems to have been sing ularly unfortunate lately Mr has torn down the lean to at bis stable on Church St to use the ground for a garden bis secured the property on the corner adjoining his residence and he will lawn a coat of plaster on on St Huron St Bridge has been repaired by new 3inch planks on the East end A good- sized speckkd trout was caught at Water St bridge Tuesday June roses and June weddings will be the next attractions There was no at the regu lar meeting of the Public School Board Oh Tuesday The Sharon property was gof fered by auction here last Saturday but failed to reach the reserve bid The farm was the way While raising Lawyer new flagpole yesterday noon it ac cidentally fell when about half way up and broke it badly The High School pole was to be raised yester day afternoon I it Quarterly Tea The next Quarterly Tea of the La dies Aid in connection the Me thodist Church will take place residence of Mr Richardson Prospect Ave on Wednesday evening of next week served from to oclock Admission votunatry Parlor games provided These teas have been so exceedingly social in large attendance is being provided for and we hope the ladies will not be disappointed Newmarket May The Friends Pastor at Coin services Morning subject Lessons from the Life of Peter- in the evening he will begin a series of sermons on Prayer What profit have we if we pray un to film Can prayer- change the purposes of God Have these ques tions troubled oil Then you are to hear this series of sermon All eats free Everybody welcome lie on time and the ushers will see comfortably seated I he ground was frozen last morning and ice was formed a of an inch where water was standing in out of doors Some people had plants fro- but not much damage was done to early vegetable they were not far enough advanced Speaking cold weather so late in the season reminds us that Mr tells of a day he well memnersCay when the ground was covered with snow ten inches deep We have hail nothing Me it since To the Editor of the Era- Dear seen something in Mount Albert items of which gives me reason to think some one is coming out in this political contest under false colors and having heard that a is holding political gatherings throughout this county in opposition to the Hon J Davis stating that he is sent put by the Womans Christian Temperance I wish to emphatically state that the Womans Christian Temper ance of York has not authorised or asked any one to run against the Hon J Davis We are not a political association but for the prohibition of the liquor traffic We judge people by their ac tions and have always found the Hon J Davis a true temperance man and a ready helper in every way to our for which we esteem him and hone to see him represent the North Riding of our County for many years to Yours for God and Home and Na tive Land MRS President Womans Christian Temperance Union of York Co Vote far Davis And that York Is true to principles Sale Register SATURDAY May Mr Moses Ver non will sell by auction bis entire apiary business at his residence St Newmarket at o clock Terms cash Duncan Auctioneer SATURDAY Mag Baker Victoria St Aurora will have a sale of furniture organ etc com- at SO pm Tems cash Durban Auct Candidate Again Refuses To Hold Four joint Meetings in North York The Whitney candidate with Messrs and McKay held a meeting at North on Monday evening Mr McKay had his little speech prepared about school booksin fact that- was all he referred to during his speech Any loyal citizen knows we have the best educational system in the Dominion and from the attention be got it was plain the people were not thinking much of his yarns Mr the flowery speaker dwelt at some length on Mr Lloyds speech had his and not mention hardly anything in reference to what are the political is sues Mr Marshall representing Hon J Davis gave a good 30 minute speech and was enthusiastically re ceived He referred to the charges made by Mr Lennox in the afternoon Mr Lennox stated at Baldwin that Mr Marshal always had the same old story in reply to that statement Mr Marshall was compelled to con- the many false statements made by Mr Lennox who always tells the same story at bis meetings- Mr Marshall also bad to contradict Mr in reference to the Manhood Bill- claimed that the Conservative Government had passed such a Bill Such Absurdity The Conservative Government at Ot tawa did not pass any such law and as tiie Conservatives have not had chance in Ontario how could it be passed except by the Liberals to whom every voting man should feet indebted for their determination to give the boys a vote During Mr Lennoxs speech which was nothing else but slander ridicule and faultfinding he stated emphatic- ally how he would like to meet the Hon J Davis on any platform Mr Marshall asked the privilege to ask one question to which Mr Len nox consented The question was Will you agree tonight to hold four joint meetings with Hon J Davis in different parts of the riding each to take charge of meetings alternately To this Mr Lennox emphatically refused stating that he had some arranged and would invite Mr Davis to them Such coward- ice I He has been blowing how Mr Davis would cot come to meet him after Mr Davis had arranged to hold meetings somewhere else and when fairness only is desired he wants to sneak away and hide himself as he will in any event have to do on the of May This should show the electors of North York what kind of a man is asking r their support How he manage to do anything in Parlia ment when called upon to defend Province At Baldwin on Monday afternoon he held a meeting and was to hold it in a barn nearby to find room for the many Grits who gathered to hear the political issues of the day but were com pelled to listen to slander from the Whitney candidate he referring more especially to Mr Duncan Marshall and the ones who were assisting Mr Davis in the campaign which shows what a gentleman the Whitney candi- date is Mr John M- of Sutton West asked Mr Lennox some questions in reference to his temperance habits and to whom Mr Lennox shamefully used the words If you vote for me will have you arrested and I dont want you to vote for when in a few sentences pre ceding he had been soliciting the Tern- voles on the ground that the Hon J Davis was not a temper ance man every elector of North York who knows lion J knows he is- Mr Duncan Marshall was most heartily received at this meeting and srokc at some length on Prohibition and the development of the pulp In dustry The meeting cloned with cheers for the Whitney candidate candidate did not turn upside down for the Whitney cause Will the Whitney candidate hold a joint meeting at Newmarket on Nom ination Day No Why He has engaged a ball for his own story so Dame Rumor i ays The beef ring here and will in operation again loseph Cherry and his sister were in town on Sunday PINK ORCHARD A Public Meeting in the interest of Hon J Davis is to take place in the Temperance Hall here on Tues day evening May 20th at to be addressed by Hon P and Messrs T J Robertson and Jackson of market Mr Lennox or his repre sentative will be given of addressing meeting Every body is invited and seats will be re served for ladies- A large attend ance is anticipated fi I pain of on Fine OVER TWO HUNDRED INJURED Pittsburg Pa May yards of the Panhandle Railroad were the scene this evening of one of the most disastrous explosions and fires known in- section many A score of lives were lost and about persons were so badly that according to the judg ment of physicians in attendance per cent of them will die from the ef fects of their injuries The cause of was the explosion of a train of naptha cars was be ing switched at the yards and in the rear car telescoped a car forward Trie leaking ig nited from a switch causing an explosion which threw the flames feet high Much of the escaping nap- ran a distance of one and cnhalf miles and caused another explosion Wowing to atoms the Hotel and the House and badly wrecking a frame building nearby in which were congregated or more sports from and vicinity betting on the races baseball etc- Few of the occupants of this escaped injury A torrent of flame belched forth on side of the track sweeping back the terrified spectators like a charge of artillery and sending a shower of flame over their heads The successive explosions bad heat ed the air to such an extent be fore the tjrird explosion many were rendered unconscious by the extreme heat and the gaseous fumes and were being carried away when the torrent of flame swept over the excited crowd o liive Stoek Market cattle are a little weaker About the top price in Toronto on Tuesday was with poorer ex porters going from that down to Export bulls sold at 4 to Feeders were scarce and good ani mals of this class weighing from 1- to lbs readily bring Lighter feeders are Selling at to stackers are bringing to with Jersey and grade Blockers at to Butchering cattle in good de mand at to the price rang ing from that down to Dry cows are to but it is a poor sort of beef animal of any class that will hot fetch at least Calves arc going at to per lb Milkers are in urgent demand and good cattle of this class will readily bring to 560 Sheep including are run ning at to with bucks at to Hugs are still up Selects lights and fata 57 to DUALITY Gm3 Art Fast Color 15e yd yard Art Muslins Fast Color yd Grey Suiting In Light Dark and Shades niches wide regular 100 for cents Cotton Hose per pair 6c the SI 1 Pure Sulphur per pound Epsom Salts per i Iciig Sugar per pound Imported Trnaio quart bottles New Prunes per pound Finest Figs per pound Good Cooking Figs per iiuntry oap 2 5c Gross Jelly is the Best vH 3 1 CORNER a NONE SO GOOD AS BAKING POWDER i i T 1 Department Opens on Monday Morning the Miss Webster in charge DEPARTMENTAL STORE EMPLOYEES Prices in Hardware Department again this week Many lines sold out from last weeks quotations Oust Thought op If you are not tfo old arid dont stay up late at nights fcr4 have no conscientious cant do better than take a walk out in the woods and Bee how the things look another not ihtrre that you to to that you havent for a many to little the year have been With- your quite where they went to out and your old haunt Maybe yew will find that cut down we ope not Maybe the where you to hit down arid have into the lake lota of things fctrearn Snce yew were there Go out anyway down and what baa ijj think over yjj with you fitidy if you are why they are where they ire KESWICK The people are lining to talk pretty freely now Mr faviK has a meeting annoujred for at which Mayor Cane of Newmarket will alto deliv er an address iiie meeting takea place in Hall at MORTON PARK f A formal reopening of MorUn Park will take place on Saturday May Victoria He proprietor making In building etc the people of the country will be pleated to come and enjoy day at delightful report will be in to entertain all who to come A the campaign Ib now in 9 recfueistwlU be made to have the can didates or their and give on of the day at The Childrens Day ser vices will be held here on the The children will wing some choice Rev J Wilson of ville will take the services at i30 and pm Collection in aid of The regular monthly meeting of Ladies Aid was held on Wednesday at the residence of Mrs Lemon There was a heavy frwt here on Friday the mercury was about above zero The political outlook here is quite cairn The people arc clothed in their right minds A little mission ary work is being done by some cub supporters of each candidate and when the cornea a large vote will doubt Mrs Toronto a for a few days at the A spent Sunday in Town of Jilted the ffiafkets Newmarket May Flour per barrel 60 a White Wheat per bush a Red Wheat per a Goose Wheat per bush a Buckwheat 55 a Barley per bush a Oats per hush a Peas per bush a Rye per bush a Butter a Sheepskins a Wool per lb a Hay per ton a Bran per ton a Shorts per ton 0 a Potatoes per bag a 0 Chickens per pair a Ducks J a per It a Turkeys 12 a 71 0 GO GLUE POTS for in RASPS for BITS for Hq BLACKSMITHS for HAMMERS for HAND AXES for for RIVETING HAMMERS for BENCH AXES for DRAW KNIVES for WOOD MALLEUS for 53c 0 00 Toronto Toronto May RedWueat per bush a White Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bush 67 a Goose Wheat per bush a Barley per bush a Oats per a Peas per bush 80 a Rye per a Eggs per a Butter roll per lb 15 a Hay per ton a Potatoes per bag ft Sheepskins a Wool per lb a Dressed J Jogs per cwtl a Beef lore a Beef bind a Chickens per pair US ft Ducks per pair 5 a Geese a Turkeys a 00 TAT03 LINES for JACK KNIVES I 35c for SPOKE SHAVES 25c for CHISEL HANDLES for in PINCERS for BRAD AWLS for 3c GIMLET BITS for SPOKE DRAWS 16c CENTRE BITS 1 5c for In PILE 1 for OCT REAMERS for in for In GOUGE for I BEVELS I for at- RULES for BUTCHERS STEELS for TRY SQUARES for MASONS STEEL TROWELS I for 7c 1 FRAMING CHISELS for jack planes for I HAND I tor 1 LATHING HATCHETS 1 for PRUNING SAWS j for 1 SET FIRMER CHISELS j for I pi

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