Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 16 May 1902, p. 1

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Era LedffCounty Paper jJ t YORK INTELL toow to to above all other liberty l I J finmnff A No paper outside of North York unless paid In advance LI No Copies Qnt 1902 J if advance am Oct better Everybody knows about Its success is in the air It gains fame for itself with every gallon thatsspread on a house Uniform good quality has given it a popularity greater than any other paint on the market When you want to paint a build- inside or out side THE will do it better and more econom ically than any other It will wear longer look better and cover more surface Its a paint with a reputation found ed on merit Ask us for color cards BY HARQW4RE Bicycles and Sporting Goods NEWMARKET Only tile Freshest and Best AT- RQUGHTONS O ry Compart a few of our prices on Patent Medicines with the regular price Regular Our j Pries Price Regular Our Price Price Pink Pills Deride Kidney Fills Nerve food Pais Outers Liver Pills Oil Burdock Wood Hoods Celery Com pound Pierces Favorite Pre scription Pierces Golden Medical Discovery LOO I The Leading Druggist NEWMARKET ONTARIO Agents for Farters Works We pay express charges one way on all goods to be cleaned or dyed Carpet Weaving Having an Loom I am now prepared give tte very beat sat Klaxon to ill loth in workmanship A loom for ale cheap ISAAC Second Newmarket KK0U8H FRENCH Draper SELL TWINE feet the Extra Manilla feet to the lb 9 Beautiful Twine British will you patronize Canadian In dustries or tend your money to the United States Buggy For Sale Mikado style in good running Cost Enquire at lfi Era The notice of the Government di recting mill owners along River to construct slides so can get past tbe dam obstructions gratifying to the residents tut not specially so to the owners Toronto Railway receipts for April show a continual increase The citys share for April amounted to increase of over the corresponding month or The witty majn who says A Little of Every thing in the Star takes casion to remark tinues to crack no of a smile chases itself across the solemn visage of J P Whitney Esq in this The market price of beef is stiloo the rise A St Paul paper referring to present value in that city saysIt now proper thing for a rich to have a safe in the kitchen in which to put the steik for breakfast Milk dealers -are- talking about rais ing the price of milk If the do so the Council will likely raise their cense fees In order to strangers from trespassing too near the smallpox Hospital the Board of Health recom mend the erection of a barbedwire fence around it Racing at the Woodbine begins the with the Kings Plate as the star feature The vaccination of College strnlents has proved a very serious matter for several of them at Victoria Univer sity Five students three of them ladies have been vnabje to write on their exams The Industrial exhibition will open this year on Sept 1st and will con tinue till the Each day is dub bed a It is proposed to spend on the Main building and to convert Music Pavilion in to a Womans building Two brothers named who live on SacVville St developed small pox on They are French- Canadians and have been employed as linemen in the telegraph service Since January last bis contribu tions of conscience money have been receive by the Street- Railway Co conductors busy hours are unable to collect a the fares The new scale of prices adopted by Barbers went into effect this week There were fourteen in the graduat ing at the Methodist Deaconess Home during past terra Hon Wells KC who was Speaker of Ontario from to died at his home in this city on Sunday evening For a time he was County Crown Attorn ey for York J a messenger at the Parliament buildings for several years died an a fleet ion of the heart on Saturday last He acted as door keeper of the Opposition lobby during of the House ft Men Stone ransomed mis sionary captive lectured to a large audience in Massey Hall on Satur day night The descriptions of her life were graphic and of eptional interest The political pulse of Hast West York is sufficient to with tolerable that IkjUj the nominees will lie elected by decided majorities Torontos of representing every arm of the ervice attended divine worship Sun day afternoon in Hall Thru streets lined with thousands of people they tramped each by its band playing sacred set to march time Hie Choir Concert Co will attain appear in Hall next Saturday Two cases of mallpox wmpoxd to have been outside the city by two young ladies who work ed together in the same factory were sent to the isolation hospital Satur day There was an immense gathering of people in Queens Park on Saturday afternoon to witness the ceremonies and hear the speeches in connection the decoration of the monument A Sunday morning fire did damage to the hardware store of It Rog ers Toronto Junction to the extent of The blaze started In the oil and Varnish room from North York used to Cabinet VOTB FOR and continue it The 4yearold child of Mrs Par sons at Selkirk fell into a pall of water and has died of its injuries County The SemiAnnual Contention of the York County was held in the Church at on Friday A Abo was pouring down He defined a crank as a person a com and having the moral courage to be true to it Such a person al ways in toe eyes of the world a crank He believed a person was all the better for having a hobby and for it too The great work In the of the War delegates attended The Presi- the by iAi Mrs Cane of Newmarket Of course he that presided over every sic had made mistakes as other agitators in any moral The session opened at ha TOat sign FothcnngfaaiD not be working and anxious me present the President conducted a Parliamentary Drill on Temperance Army work and a very spirited and interesting discussion took place as to the feasibility of having the button as a distinctive badge for the Temperance Army Id the afternoon Mrs A C of Toronto gave an address on How to make the Union Meetings Interesting This ladys remarks were- very practical She said A good deal can be done in evict work at home There axe four things ne cessary in order to have a gocd li e Union A good program beforehand for the programs for the whole winter in the fall Choose good helpers those who are very efficient and re liable and not extremists to push on Many people never make any progress because of looking back ward They make no mistakes be cause they do no work He believed in the and every other and Informing an idea of what is right and pushing that idea in the of any obstacle that comes up to confront it He said Oh if we could only get rid of the of inconsistency which just now was the tool of poli ticians Modern politicians arc all prohibitionists until the election is over He illustrated this forcibly by relating an event had come under his where six candidates were nominated for office Each one was asked in turn Are you a Prohibitionist Each me answered in turn in the 1 to be a AN EXCITING CROSSFIRE For the East Transvaal March Dear Parents Bros and Sisters- Your very ome letters of Feb were received by me a few days ago and I was pleased to know you are all well at home as this also leaves me at present We are still in the same place and be here perhaps till the end your meetings well Bejtive one was known to be a at every election of officers dealer and one very much at least two old officers should dieted to the liquor habit The can- he replaced by two new ones The jubilate last named was elected and as soon as he knew he had defeated the other five he got gloriously drunk to celebrate his victory This and many other instances proved that it was not the correct thing to do to trust new ones will bring in new- energy and enthusiasm and tbe old ones still in have benefit of Keep in mind the principle Prevent- rather than Cure Mrs A Rutherford the interests of prohibition in the President gave an address on Tli hands of any candidate whether an Importance of the Educational prohibitionist or not if that Hour and How to use the Depart- candidate himself were not a tola ment Leaflets Mrs Rutherford urged the never to lose Two things are Mr- special sight of the Object and make alt abomination The liquor business things subservient to that One Unscrupulous newspaper men who meeting in the month should be given woim ministers and to devotions When a men their opinions on receives a department Leah tain moral reforms only to make use let she should carefully prepare her opinions in such a way to work beforehand Distribute some further the interests of the thoughts to the members before tJie the reform meeting and ask them to come things the Temperance Reform pared to discuss the question do Strive in ail point a to watch out for lawful ways to bias public opinion in favor of Temperance for there is no agent so great public opinion There is not a monarch on his throne so secure but that public opinion can shake his position The press should he an educator but is not generally so It merely voices public opinion In order to educate it should always honest pure and ahead of opinion just far enough ahead to lead from one idea up to another Agitate Good citizen hip de mands Government xl laws and the law is the schoolmaster to bring men to Christ- So Legislate I Operate When we through education and legislation see that it is put into operation A in spector is not be trusted rfs doing bis duty if he is supplying milk to the saloons for this reason If the saloonkeeper knew that the inspector was alter him and would enforce the laws rigidly against him he wmrJd not boy milk or anything else from him Mr concluded by ad vising us to take care of politicians that they dont fool us the liquor dealers also Use both of them if we can for lc sure they will use us to fur ther their interests if they can do so One very pleasant feature of the convention occurred after Mrs Ruth erfords address when the President on behalf of the Executive presented Mrs Rutherford with a magnificent of roses as a small token of their gratitude and personal Mrs Rutherford has always teen very ling to help In every way she can it our County Conventions Reported by Mrs A Winch and report any facts talked of or re corded in the Press that have a di rect bearing on our work Mrs of Toronto follow ed with a very able add ess on Our Young People The great forces of the century are the Press Elec tricity and Steam These are moral allies or the Devils agents according to the use arc put to Intellect uality rules Therefore who can measure the power of the Press The boys and girls are the coming manag ers the of our laws and the makers our land What they are the men and women of the future will he This shows the responsibility resting on the mothers work of prevention is of so much more iui- than that of we are engaged in picking some drunkard out of gutter ten more lads are growing up to fill his plat These suggestions were then thrown out to the mothers as aids in their training of the children Teach them first to remember the Creator in the days of their youth it Teach them to shun the very ap pearance of evil remembering that lit tle things arc not to be despised for it is the foxes the little foxes that spoil the vine Teach them to form habits of selfcontrol to con trol the tongue the temper the will the emotions Explain why have this virtue In fact fairly vaccinate them with it so that when they go out in the world to fight they will be Daniels when face to face with the temptations which arc common to the average young man and woman Work patiently persistently prompt ly and prayerfully remembering Christs command As my hath sent me even so send you Mrs Rutherford then answered the Question Drawer questions were very practical showing the in terest of the women in their worn ana iney were very ably handled In the evening a good program was The devotional were conducted by Rev Hamil ton pastor of the Church Recita tions were given by Miss Allan and Miss Barker were contributed by Miss Mrs Forbes and Mr Rogers The choir gave sonic very choice anthems and the J Kali Is mato a few appropriate re marks Rev A of gave the address of the evening Mr humorously reminded White that even the night bad been true to them since It was truly a cold water night the rain r prefer performance to VOTE DAVIS Do Hugh was killed In the Malleable Iron Works by an electric wire Italy round Ross and VOTE FOR DAVIS Mr of Richmond Hill occupies the proud position of the oldest acting postmaster in Can ada having served years as postmaster in Richmond Hill He was born In Ireland in lft22 and came to Canada with parents two later and settled In Toron to In he came to Richmond and our years afterwards was appointed postmaster which position he has held ever since Show that North clean political FOR DAVIS will war for we are in a good posi tion here along the fords of the spru it Our line has been strengthened this last couple of weeks and the blockhouses- in some places are not more than yards apart Lord Kitchener is mating ready for a big sweep here in this part of the coun try and it is expected some very im portant results will follow If may end the war in this section Botha is in this district 1000 men It is to be hoped they will capture him General sufTerexl a big defeat at- the hands about two weeks ago He lost about six hun dred captured and four guns do not know the dead and wounded list Word came in today to the that men belonging to and pompoms had been captured There is talk of the war soon draw ing to a dose hut I cannot see it myself for there arc as many in the field now as when we came out here over eleven months ago despite the fact that thousands have been captured in the meantime There were two columns around us last week and they were not gone two hours before several were in the sky line in front of us They just play a game of hide and go seek so it seems Another fellow and I went out just lately where the Boers have a small laager to capture a stray horse and while coming back No troop took us for Doers and three posts opened fire on We were in a regular Cross fire from men They poured about 300 or rounds into us We had to let the horse go and with our own horses seek shelter down in the Spruit I just tell you boy it is exciting to hear the shriek of the bullets but we got to camp all right if we did have a close shave and in the meantime our opened on the posts who were firing on us and forced them to take shelter So you see it was the English and Canadians that time It was great sport while it lasted but I guess they will be more particular who they fire on after this have 10 men in the hospital yet Another died last week by the name of James Stevenson lie used to he in my squad I am going to write his people a few lints He was get ting fine but one night lie and another fellow got something to eat from someone and it killed them birth A hard boiled egg was taken from Stephensons stomach earns who was so badly wounded is doing fine but I doubt if he will ever he any more use to the force Most of the men who are in Ihe hospital arc doing well only or I being on the dan gerous list The weather still con tinues very line I si ill receive the Era regularly 1 received a very interesting letter from Mr Druels of who taught me at Landing School It was kind and thoughtful of him to write my kindest regards to all In quiring friends With love to all at home I remain your loving Win I J rock No MCI SAC If Troop C Transvaal Africa coo It is never time to change for the FOR DAVIS Hong Lee a Chinese at Kingston has given to the M- A Stand by him who has helped to build up North York VOTE FOR DAVIS Lansing Mich May Todays snowfall is estimated by the State Hoard of Health at four Inches It the heaviest snowfall in May for years Do you wish North York to re tain a voice in the Councils of the FOR DAVIS Indian Head May shocking accident occurred at the home of William Cooper Sunny South near here last Monday Ills young est son aged two and the I a Iters cousin three playing ran down a hill such- speed they- could not stop and fell into an old well at the edge of a slough Ten minutes alter bodies were re covered In the West Indies The British Royal Mail steamer St this irtorn- having passed St Pier 6 last night- The steamer was cover ed with ashes though was five miles distant from the Town which was in impenetrable darkness A boat was sent in as near as possible to the shore but not a living soul was seen ashore only flames A despatch to Daily Mail from Kingston Jamaica states that after a short period of activity which gave no ground for suspicion of a disaster the volcano in Martinique suddenly belched forth burning lava and ashes on the morning of the th The steamer was the sole vessel in the harbor of St and escaped she steaming out at full speed and running the gauntlet of a shower of lava which killed seventeen of her crew It is stated that Pierre is another Pompeii being covered with ashes and dust A despatch from that the most violent eruption o Mont lasted three minutes com pletely destroying St Pierre and the districts within a fournub radius St Pierre was the largest town ami the commercial centre of the French Island of Martinique It- was largest town in the French West In dies and was wellbuilt and prosper ous- It had a population about 25100 9 Babys Is Health and Happiness How Moth ers Can Keep Their Little Ones Well Health is the birthright of all little ones It is a mothers duty to see that her baby enjoys it Mothers greatest aid in guarding childrens health is Babys Own Tablets medicine which can be given with per fect safety to the youngest baby Among the many mothers who have proved the value of this medicine is Mrs J booth Bar River She says My baby suffered greatly from sore mouth arid bad stomach Several doctors prescribed for her but nothing seemed to benefit her in the least till 1 began giving her Ba bys Own Tablets and then in a short jtime my little one was fully restored 1 to health I would not he without the tablets in the house and would advise air mothers to use them when their children arc ailing Babys Own Tablets are used in thousands of homes in Canada al ways with beneficial results They contain absolutely no opiate or other harmful drug arc mild but sure their action ami pleasant to take The very best medicine for all troubles of the stomach and bowels curing colic indigestion constipation diarrhoea aid simple lever They give relief in troubles dispel worms pro mote healthful sleep and cure all minor ailments children cents a box at or sent by mat post paid by writing direct t The Dr Williams Medicine Co Out or A fire in Fisher Sons paper mill did considerable damage Friday night Endorse Mr Ross patriotic pro gressive policy and VOTE FOR DA VIS A cow tramped on Mrs of Almonte inflicting such Injuries that she died Kingston Out May J as Sw an a resident of A Township was killed by a falling tree A tree had lodged against another and In cutting the latter be stepped to let it fall when it crashed upon his neck killing him instantly WDM EN AND J Jewels candy itowcrs man that is the order of a womans preferences Jewels form a magnet mighty pow er to the average woman Even the greatest of jewels health is often ruined In the strenuous efforts to make or save money to purchase them If a woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem then let her fortify herself against the consciences of coughs colds and bronchial affections by the regular use of Dr German Syrup It will promptly arrest consumption In early stages and heal the affect ed lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the dread disease from the system It Is not a cureall but It is- a cer tain cure for coughs colds and all bronchial affections You can get this remedy at Scotts Pharmacy

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