Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 9 May 1902, p. 5

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MAY ONTARIO iransH BRANCH General Banking Business TRANSACTED Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED V V 1- g J ft tor flit to interest Fire Property Tin Jffrs- Simpson Good OH W Mr E Cane has deckled to build a new residence on Queen St on the lot opposite Mr will proceed with its erection just as soon as arrangements can be com pleted It will be a commodious twostore frame The Town Inspector given no tice by bandbills that all premises must be cleaned ready for inspection before Tursday May loth Owners and occupants of premises not cleaned by said date will be liable for costs Let there be a general more of the rake Cheese machinery was changed from the butter plant to the cheese plant the Factory started Monday morning making cheese for season Five cheese were turned out weighing lbs A large num ber of patrons will commence sending next week Mr Cooke charge again this season- R Good The anglers were in great glee when they returned home cm the evening of the 1st of May with wellfilled baskets speckled beauties The Pine Or chard preserve is doing splendidly Mr Beverley Woodcock brought home trout as result of his first days- fishing this season Mr Jos came second with a count of and Dr Scott trad 25 WHILE Great Spring Health Giver Makes Sick People Well i Bolton and Regular Monday even ing Sfrp resent J Mt J- fca tibn for domestic water to Ms on Second St and also the Timothy street to be changed to the other of the post Mr asked the to settle the matter regarding the butcher shops outside the market as at present there is ho restriction Mr heard on behalf of DELIVERED Golden Text of the Lord about them that fear him and them 4- Ityman of MARRIAGE LICENSES At MARRIAGE LICENSES NEWMARKET Monuments and Head Stones Ordering ftAIUa AS OTHERS in Good Ground Money spent in advertising is like seed dropped in good ground It will return to you increased fifty sixty or a hundred Look around and see the advertising done by the most successful business men of to day Copy alter and give us a share of your patronage We have readers who cant be reached by any other medium and their trade means money to you Day Tickets at oneway lowest first- class fare will be issued oh the Grand Trunk Railway good going on May and 24thi good for return up to and May In response to a petition from the business people the Council has the Mayor to proclaim Mon day be of May a holiday in stead of Saturday May as holiday on Saturday interferes great ly with the business of the Town SEE YOU You cannot always see yourself as otters see you The next best thing is to see your photograph We can promise pictures without any dan ger that you will be pointed you want a graph of your home now is time to have it taken while everything is fresh clean Give us a trial SMITH Corner of and Main Streets Newmarket if Mr John only son of Mr Francis of Ninette Man formerly of Newmarket was mar ried on March 1902 to Miss Jane Goss of The wedding took place at tbe resi dence of Mrs Lowe and the ceremony was performed by the Rev John son RuralDean of Killarney The bride who was given away by Mr Lowe looked remarkably well dressed in a steel blue foulard silk trimmed with cream satin and lace She was the recipient of many useful and pretty presents The Bank Sovereign Bank opened its doors for business on Monday and it was long till some of the new bills were in circulation about Town The furnishings are not a yet hut will be including a handsome ftilt sign over the door Mr Lloyd son of the Town Clerk is tbe manager He has bad in the is very systematic about his work He will assisted Mr of Toronto as teller and Mr Robtrton son of ex- Mayor as collection clerk The new has got some good backers See announcement in ad vertising columns When spring comes with its gentle showers its balmy air its bright sun shine and bursting buds it too often brings to our homes scenes of and physical decay The seeds of disease which were im perceptibly germinating during the winter months have developed and planted in the system dangers that now demand instant care and atten tion Neglect and procrastination will only deepen existing perils and lead to death Before the advent of spring you must noted symrtoms per haps of rheumatism neuralgia dys pepsia kidney disease liver complaint functional irregularities or nervous disorders If you have experienced pains the joints muscles or limbs lacerat ing pains in face or head stomach de rangements bile dislike of food in back or loins swelling of hands or feet frequently urinating highly colored urine loss of torpid liver vomiting or impure blood any of these are warnings disease Take warning sufferers Delay not another day hesitation and in decision on your part may forever seal your If you have not al ready made efforts to banish your troubles use of other medicine and the treatment of physicians and these have failed we counsel you to put your full trust in that neverfail ing disease Compound Its use for a week or two will convince you that you have truly commenced a new existence it wil assuredly give you the heal you need for the enjoyment of true life Mr A P writes as follows I desire to say that had it not been for Celery Compound not be living Five years ago was taken sick and suf fered from and catarrh For three years I was unable to work and would loose consciousness several times a day I was tired of life and could realize that death was my only deliverer from suffering At that time one of my friends urged me ro use Celery Compound as all other medicines had failed Alter the use of six bottles I am as well as ever before in my life and can do a full days work My friends say my cure is marvellous as was ccLdemned to die I thank you for wonderful lifegiving limine Acts May We have in our lesson an account of James the son of of the arrest and miraculous liberation of Peter and though not the verses of the midnight- meeting the the Christians for prayer In De force the Metropolitan to run their Peter- Why God allowed road down to flexor St to Preserved Mr Doyle stated that when be cannot say but the details of to Newmarket it was represented so filled with moral I- to spiritual suggestiveness we need North End and wouW be a great of what Mr Evans was strongly favor of The Latest 2 The Lake Superior is the deepest of the great Ixkes Its greatest depth is feet and tbe lake is feet above the level of tlie sea The place of greatest depth is in longitude degrees 30 minutes west ixom Green wich and degrees latitude or minutes almost directly north of Point Sable in Alger County The reason that Michigan contains so many holes or valleys is this In the glacial period the whole of Canada and part of the United States was covered with vast glaciers These glaciers in their movement south- carried with them and deposit ed at their rear a large amount of sandy soil and rocky matter When the glacier reached Michigan it its northward as well as to melt and the soil and rooky matter was deposited in heaps This mater ial formed the hills and where the glacier had welled or gone backward a valley or hole was formed These glaciers were from one to several miles wide but of course their bot tom being uneven the country also the road going directly up St Mr wanted the road to go either straight up Main St or eke straight from the Mar ket to Queen St The Mayor explained that nothing further could be done till tbe Metro politan Co reported regarding the di verting road from the Market to Queen St Complaint was made of the delay and it was that- the people at the South End were quite well satisfied to have the matter delayed Mr Smith declared that the people of the South End have no desire to take any advantage and were not concerned in causing delay in this matter Col Lloyd thought that the Coun cil was responsible for the delay The following bills were passed T R freight Three Meters to users light Transformer Morrison Co pipe 22 Hollar work at W 14 Snide installing T work at Reser voir A Brunton Charity Inspector Weights Measures Knowles charity United Factories sharpening mower J Caldwell glazing at the Market Dr Scott examination of Mrs Dr Wesley examination of Mrs J Savage conveying to These bills to be sent to Co Clerk for repayment Can Gen Electric Co L J A W Allan Co Packet Co Can Electric- Co supplies referred to s L Com The application of J Roach Mrs McCulloch Dr Rich ardson and K Irion for water ser vices were referred to ffi The communication of Mrs asking for compensation for injury alleged to be on account of defective sidewalk was not entertain ed Petition of A W Evans and others asking Council to force Metro politan to build road to the North Petition allowed to till the matter comes up again Petition of A and others asking Victoria Day to be ob served on Monday the instead of Saturday May Request granted and Mayor instruct to issue proclamation in accord ance therewith The Clerk upon enquiry of J Robertson stated that he had receiv ed from the Br Co restive to their re- which by the of the of April was due tonight The were cotvtituted a Court of revision PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS Whatever may be thought in particular instance of the reasons for the interference of God in human sdbemes this much is true that when ever church has passed through a period of persecution the results have always been in the interests of a more virile and purer form of devotion abd zeal in the mission of the true church of Christ What seems to mans poor judgment hopeless disaster is in Gods ordering of affairs the attainment of some high vantage ground of experience and pos sibility Christianity is the religion of the supernatural evidenced in the facts of Christian experience and confirmed by the remarkable signs wonders which were wrought always in its name and for its interest Severe trials treat us like furnaces of fire treat the ore they take out of our Spiritual life much that is of the earth and bring to our the fact and force of the super natural Kxigencies uncommon seriousness make the power of deliverance the more remarkable The Fight for the Disputed St SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN CO TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE o It should not be forgotten in dis cussing New Ontario that while the claims of Ontario to the disputed ter ritory were in doubt then Do minion Conservative pasa in and over one hun dred OrderslnCouncil parcelling out the rich timberlands of Ontario among their political fitends in blocks of about fifty square miles each at the scandalously low price of 5 per square mile as an an- nua1 ground rent and without com petition or bonus The recipients of these Government favors were with a few exceptions prominent Tories of the day most of whom were in no way connected with the timber in dustry The action of the Provin cial Liberal Government at that time in strenuously fighting for the rights of the Province saved Ontario dollars in values alone not to mention the great mineral and agricultural resources of the region Advertising Canada Grand Trunk Railway Travelling Picture Exhibit a Strong Factor in Bringing Tourists to of Being Edu cated to the Beauties of the Northern Resorts We undersell every house in the trade in thie lines DRY GOODS CLOTHING ATS CAPS TORONTO JOBBING HOU J DEALER IN Goal Wood Lime Cement OFFICE One door east of NOT to sit on Monday June 2nd at am Council adjourned at pm Grocery and Provision per It 8c Apples 2 for ikii Jam 45c lH Jar Its for Mc I gallon A Marmalade JaXlOt like per ctn uneven CI per Can 1CMOWLK8 The m mutes of the session of the Co Council are only just now getting around to the municipal clerkn Mr fa putting a ceiling cm the drawingroom of his residence The new flagstart for the School in delivered on tlie and will be- erected week It will be feet high- has removed the fence in front of his residence on Prospect Ave Mr is about to erect a on residential property Only two from Victoria Day Kvery recjerved seat for the Band Concert was sold last Monday When It come to memorial Service f TIME Meyers Poultry Spice if vuit early winter gate at STORK House True ray in Well Homes In wellregulated homes in city and country there are many open for the of economy but none so simple and as the use of the Dyes in renewing for wear the and faded dresses skirts blouses capes jackets ribbons yarna and feathers husbands or boys suit now off color- and ap parently worthless can be dyed a rich and fast black navy blue or dark seal brown practically making new and stylish garments The Diamond Dyes are earnest to a child can dye with use the neat will often decide them No failures or disappoint at the last minute that the room men when the very simple directions must have new waitpaper and there are followed Is where the rush comes in with too paperhangers Thousands of ladles are now making pretty Mats and from the today are mood Dye Mat and Pattern holidays on account of the Teacher a patterns are favorites all oyer Institute at Aurora Canada Sheets of designs showing Three years ago it was that the various be obtained the Utter of the from the Wells A man who his home- How the Limited 200 WounUin Montreal is on the other foot P your address Mr who pro- J adjoining the Army The sjoallpox cost Acton put up a very beat W47 From the Port Perry Observer Mr Cooper preached and con ducted Divine Service in St Johns church on Lords Day morning taking for his text Psalm Trust In the Lord and good These words might have been the motto of deceWed brother and the criterion of his and pub lic life- The preacher dwelt upon the influence conscious and unconsci ous that such a character hod In the school arid the community for nine and twenty year His faithful kind ly conscientious discharge of his high duties during that long period He also paid a deserved tribute to the regularity of Ms attendance In the House of his to do his part in all features of church life and work holding as he did both the flee of treasurer and Elder in the con gregation Delicately but the preacher spoke of his relations In his happy home his domestic virtues as a devoted husband and a fond fa ther pointing to heaven awl leading the way The winging of the choir under theft accomplished leader Mrs Archer especially the Now the laborers tafck Is oer was very effective and appropriate A large congregation was present and the entire services impressed and toucid hearts of all The Trunk Railways travel ling pi tare exhibit which is meeting with such a favorable reception in all the cities at which it is being dis played is also receiving eulogistic words praise in the press of the southern and midebe States Ohio Sun of April 22 in speaking of this collection says The establishes a precedent in railroad advertising possessing sufficient merit in to justify any one in taking the time to make an inspection of it- The Springfield Gazette in commenting upon this exhibit says It is one of the finest exhibits of art ever seen in this While all the newspapers in the other cities visited are profuse In their fav orable comments regarding the dis play The collection has been shown this year at fifteen different cities and up to the present timenearly peo ple have viewed the display It la one of the best that Canada has ever had for her summer resorts it Is expected that the rest Its will Justify all the good words that have been spoken of It A very heavy influx of tourists into Canada the coming season Is assured The exhibit is composed of oyer large photographic views inches in addition to one of the finest collec tions of and mounted fish In cluding of the spe cies of the finny tribe native to the Canadian waters and including masto- black bass pikeporch brook trout land locked salmon and as well as reproduc tions of many of the wonderful engin eering feats that are located on the Grand Trunk System In the way of COOK BROS Flour and Feed MANITOBA FAMILY FLOUR SHORTS CHOP CORN it OAT MEALS I SEEDS COOK BROS cor Main dS Huron Telephone Connection Newmarket It is rumored that a plot against the Sultans He has been discovered Wireless Telegraphy Is In the and It in our SCHOOL the Central TORONTO We have just installed com plete iets of wireless telegraphy instruments and we are now prepared to give instruction In this subject either personal or BY Write for particulars AW Principal Write for circular Toronto The Cane ft Sons Mfg Co of Have amalgamated with and In fu ture will be known as thei United Factories Limited A All accounts previous to Dec 1801 are due and payable by THB SONS CO Any person having such will kindly send them in at once as the Company closing Its books and will shortly apply for a return of Its charter Two Cornells tunnels and bridge Its a pity that the fellow who is always footing off bis mouth never blows out his brains rrrrn Two Whites OnaS REFITTED AOT Boy Wanted iaVithis ftg who- attended At a J I Full Rig Cheap Ai

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