Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 9 May 1902, p. 4

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THE i A Scrofula ffcrtitr by J fflkt4 Troy Goto by la hex pain vta tad became running wre wbto year old to rapidly h5Q b la had a nr about fi4 These wit but a weft completer by Hoods pscoifcu cor tad tally rfsaag 5 POOR THE FOUGHT AND WON FOR ONTARIO THE LIFE OF THE DYSPEPTIC MISERABLE A Proud Record for Liberal Government Food Becomes Distasteful ami a of Weariness Fain and Defied BOTES 1 the Toronto Star gently mttoates Mali has a long editorial on neglect of the arid Mail neglect during ejection canipati Liberal Government of Ontario baa been obliged to repel a long series of attacks upon the rights of the Province both Courts and in Canadian Privy Council The From Sorely Que success has attended I all the mankind cases Is the best proof valance dyspepsia is one of the worst to legal of tie Premier and life almost a The Northwest Legislative serriblv has been dissolved a new election to place on May We understand the principal issue will be tie of the Territories to Manitoba The demise Senator He was only So the Senate March ia tfeath created vacancy for Premier liaurier to fill It ia stated of Day In Will take form- off royal salutes by artillery at tfw leading centres and a parade Toronto is kicking because a cent postage rate is imposed but the of Ignore LEOAI Tbos J Steec to good nioyd BurltUT PRO Con Cboppn door of foot flOff Hubert termor will d Court erSoUdltsrflfor J Co and Ontario lit inQ p S Of Block Hooey to DENTAL fl I Office action DR R to Dr Lund Opposite GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY TABLE wo a OT I to ill a p a HO Q Of rf M V i a 3 I 3 a fl OS 9 4 irt t o I OHM i l as v a n til v to 2j t ct 5 in ass y I- o CabiDet Ministers were to the tor tnese rights The following are some of tbe cases in which rights of Province lave been for and maintain- e TOe Insurance Case In which right of Provincial Legislature to upon insurance companies incorporated by Charters granted by authorities other than of the Province was demon strated 2 TOe Escheats Whereby it was decided after a long Metropolitan Co TORONTO I a burden Food becomes distasteful pains- in the stomach sometimes excessive heart palpitation- and a general feeling of weakness and depression of most dis tressing it is one if the pro per remedy Is employed can be read ily cured- Thousands throughout this country bear testimony to the efficacy Williams Pink Pills as a never failing cure Among them is Mis Adoiphe A a well and highly respected Que She says two was fact that a city delivery eats- up ttte extra cent as drop Indications point to the proroga- letters paying salaries of Parliament during next week lettercarriers who deliver mail The Government be busy enough matter at peoples doors Toronto the 4 was the proceeds escheated property of the Andrew Mercer Reformatory for Women The Rivers and Streams Case In connection with this case may be remarked that the disallowance by tbe late Dominion Government the Statute in question which was not to be beyond the competence of the Ontario was an unwarrantable exercise of a danger ous power for the benefit of a politi cal favorite- and a violation of conditions laid down by Sir John himself The Liquor Li tense Care In a Dominion enactment known as the McCarthy Act was held unconstitutional and void The Case Respecting Assign ments and Preferences by In solvents The Indian Annuities Case In- which a claim amounting to about made by the late Do minion on behalf of the Indians was successfully resisted 7 The Boundary Case To which the Province owes New Ontario and ail that results from such The Fisheries Case In the rights or the Province to the ownership of the in the waters of the Province was demon strated and a large revenue produc ing asset saved to the Province The Mines Act and Extra Pro vincial Corporations Act The AttorneyGeneral is at present engaged in asserting the rights of Province to pass recent Mines Act and the Act taxing extra Provincial Corporations O04 The At Lindsay last week Premier Ross gave Bin J P Whitney and his fol lowers something to think about Referring to Mr Whitneys record ap a legislator arid representative of the people Hon Mr Ross observe Whitney has been in the House for fourteen years and I would like to know J anybody can point to a single motion in the journals of the House moved him in all that time proposing or even suggesting any feas ible scheme for the development of Ontario new or old True there was a resolution last Session the Government to wider take de velopment of electrical power but the proposed was so indefinite so impracticable as not to be seriously considered bo far as I know even by his own supporters Has Mr Whit ney ever placed the of On tario under any debt of gratitude to himself for any suggestion with re gard to agriculture He of or eight agricultural schools and yet his whole record shows want of sympathy with develop ment of one agricultural If he has done nothing to help one what confidence can we have in his proposal to help seven or eight Cheers How much capital came into this country a that as the leader of the Oppo sition he was favorable to the devel opment of our natural resources Vas there ever a public man with a leadership so futile or barren and so utterly devoid of Initiative business and enterprise Cheers any man who will go to the ballot box and vote against building up Ontario cheers Here we have nearly half people of Ontario restraining us folding following ten days preparing for wants Jo have delivery of Premier and a few and also wants the country to members of cabinet for their trip tbe shobo thing small about the to England to be present at Ontario j 4 k years I was a constant from digestion Us a Food became distasted of heirs belong to the Province- A mw j i- vv j-r- and I grew very I suffered direct result of this decision- a i from pains in the stomach and toe out of head I could not obtain restful sleep and became unfit for ail housework I tried several without find ing the least relief and I continually grew worse until in end I vomit everything I ate I had al most given up hope of well again one day I of a simi lar case to mine cured through the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills I determined to give these pills a trial am happy today that I did so as by the time I hod taken eight or nine boxes my strength had returned pains which had so long racked me disappeared my stomach wouM digest food properly and I had regained my oldtime and have not since bad any return of the trou ble Dr Williams Pink Pills are a pure ly tonic medicine and unlike all pur gatives do not weaken the system Inn give life and energy with every dose They are a certain cure for anaemia heart troubles rheumatism sciatica indigestion partial paralysis St Vitus dance and the functional ail ments that make the lives of so many I women an almost constant source of misery Sold by dealers in medicine or sent post paid at cents a box or six boxes for by atWressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co ville flO1 motto in A AjfeUMt Tor to arid foe all of Manila May 3 General Davis command of the American forces the Island of Mindanao cables that his ultimatum has not been answered that his messenger has not been re turned and that the American out posts were fired upon this morning The troops advanced and shelled Fort but did not capture it until the infantry reached the ditch This fort was strongly and well defended by three hundred men Port was then surrounded and heavi ly shelled Heavy firing continued as the despatch was sent Tbe fint fort was defended by 3H The American forces number ed men with four mountain guns The battery fired rounds at yards Only Hi survived The American tosses were eight killed and wounded There is more catarrh in this sec tion of he country than all together and the last few years was supposed to lie For a great many years doc tors pronounced it a local and prescribed local remedies and by constantly faUfc to cure with local treatment it Science has proven catarrh a constitutional and therefore constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by Cheney Co Toledo Ohio is the only constitutional cure on the market It is taken internally In doses from drops to a teaspoortful ft acts directly on blood and mu cous of the system oiler one dollars for any it fails to cure d for circulars and testimonial Address J CO Toledo Ohio Sold Halls Family Pills are the best Kings coronation and the Colonial Conference- 4 m The has the sentence passed on Dr of Brantford in January last to a for shooting a person named Stewart who teased the Doctor because of bis Boer sentiments the latter declaring shooting to do bodily injury was not intentional It seems clear says the Whitney organ at Toronto that there will be a humorous side to the campaign Guess thats so After May echo of the organs lamentations in regard to Time for a Change will be so distinct that the cry will result- in the displacement of Mr Whitney for some other distinguished leader to be immolated upon the party al tar Already the fagots are being gathered for Whitneys political funer al pyre West is having a jolly time just now with three candidates bob- nobbing with the electors The Bee- ton World says The Liberals have decided not to bring out a candidate and will support the candidate Mr Arch P of This inikes a tihree cornered fight in the riding James Dull Conservative Mr Spencer Pro hibitionist and Mr Independ ent If Spencer dont injure as much as he does Duff the Mc Carthy ite candidates chances are very good Just now while Mr Whitney comes back from his lour in New On tario where lie has been talking about Sir John that territory it is well to re member that when the Conservative leader and his colleagues thought they had wrested that vast domain from Ontario they began to parcel it out among the boys at per square mile It will not take a very old politician to recall the trouble in the Dominion House Mr must think people have very short mem ories A delegation representing the Can adian industry waited on Messrs Sutherland and Cart at Ottawa last week and that the Dominion Govern ment aid the industry by a bonus of ten per cent oh the contract price promised to consider matter why shipbuilders should be by the country- any more that a dozen and one other j industries of Dominion is not very dear except to those interestedi bach when we have no object except the of duty in our techbip to the people of Ontario cheers A We do agres to the on a bot tle of Greenes Warranted of TarIMttrU to cure or cold We also gurtatee a bottle to prove or Kocsy refunded Pare the Kingston bank robber died in Kingston Penitentiary Fifty lives were lost and thous ands of battvjfe dwellings destroyed a fire at Mit A COLD OWE DAY Take Laxative Quinine Tab- postf office authorities at To ronto nipped an chain swin dle in the bud last week Persons who have forwarded to the To ronto Pen Co Canada Permanent Building are out just that amount This Pen Co promised a solid gold fountain pen for with the prom ise of 5 per week for practically no exertion The Co consisted of two young men from the States and they skipped out lively after being request ed to hold a private interview with the authorities Letters containing remittances to this bogus Co are now being returned to the senders The pen they gave was val ued at To a Star reporter a official I tell you it the post office stand between the public and the shanks a anyone would have to do would be to adver tise that he would send a house ami tot a span of thrown in to everybody who tent him a and people would line up for a mile with their dollars w A Libera demonstration took place at Lindsay on the 1st of May a I Premier Ross facetiously to the cry reiterat ed the Mail Time tor a change Mr said l dont worry much about that It is the opinion of an interested party It is a selftoh with and I do not wonder that it comes tho other side for they have been restless for some time Loud cheers A few yearn ago In the lives became restless that Sir Mackenzie Howell declared he Was in a nest of traitors and insisted upon a change in their own side have had many changes in their own leaders It is natural for to think of changes First they had Mr Matthew Crooks Camer on then Mr Meredith for Koine yearn followed Mr Marter for a couple and they had a change and now they have Mr Whitney A Conservative stump speakers and the Opposition press have a good deal to say these days about the ma chine in politics but revelations of Mr at bis meeting is North Toronto fast week- indicates where the machine is in biding Developments may be expected at an early date Mr- bit right out from the shoulder He said I am prepared to meet the leader of the Conservative party on any platform in this country to discuss ques tions of the day with him If he meets me and will permit me to tell what I suffered in the I am sure that there will be a new leader of the Conservative party It is up to Mr Whitney now to meet Mr on a public platform in North Toronto and have a face face in terview Let him SpeaJc now QUESTION ANSWERED Yes August Flower still has largest sale of any medicine in civilized world Your mothers grandmothers never thought of using anything else for Indigestion or Bili ousness Doctors were starve and they seldom heard of Appendicitis Nervous Prostration or Heart failure etc used August Flower to clean the system and stop fer mentation of undigested food regulate the action of the liver stimulate tbe nervous and organic action of the sys tem and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches You only need a few doses of Greens August in liquid form to make you satisfied there Is nothing serious the matter with you You can get Dr Greens reliable remedies at Scotts Pharmacy the the and To Settle in Ontario The influx settlers into New On tario this spring isujuprecedented and the Crown Lands Department has de cided to survey a large number townships arid throw them open for settlement How many are to he sur veyed is not yet dccjjfed upon but half a dozen will be required in Temiskaming district alone During April no less than three hundred cer tificates were issued by Mr director of to prospect settlers in Most of the three hundred were heads of families Children Cry for CASTOR I A a paper is a nice job we publish jokes people say we are rattlebraiiiiU if we dont arc an old If we original mat ter they say we do not give enough selections if we give selections they say wc are too lazy to write If we do not go to church are heathens if we do we are hypocrites If emu in in the office we ought to go out and for locals It we go out we are not attending to our If wear old clothes they laugh at us if wear good clothes they say we have a pull to amp in two days Laxative removes the- cause Groves signature on every box Price cents laundry now em ploys sixteen hands Two hundred and filly fishermen are reported to have been drowned in a gale which has made havoc with tho within herring fishing fleet on the west coast fete refund the money 3 Kit curt 25c lould was driven ashore but is on each box is no reason A very sad and fatal accident Saturday at Goodwood Laughter is no reason giv en for this change no reason given Oh you cruel to take those Mu whai out of the nest I Think of the Mti of the mother bird she comes home mother dead do you know that I her in your hat con in purely speculative I very understand the public opinion of thl country if It will for one entertain the thought that there KVILS and should be a change tlte country diarrhoea come Promptly is prosperous when there are but Kive 5cA Painkiller few grievances if any or when there no class in the community I J A bottle at hand will save hours show that It has any wrong It to In KranVing- prepared he for what urclv I very much Ixirn floor a distance of about twelve feet He was dead when found by some of the family Deceased was years of age and leaves a widow and largo family 1 LOAN SAVINGS COMPANY TORONTO CANADA l Cor Zing HON GEO A COX Fund Interest allowed on Deposits Repayable on Demand Interest allowed on Debentures Repayable on days notice WRITE FOR COPY OF ANNUAL REPORT AND FURTHER- INFORMATION E WOOD P Diicctof 1 For Torpid Liver Flatulence Constipatioo Biliousness and Sick Headache TAKE V y r Safe Mild Quick-acting- Painless do not weaken and always give satisfaction A most reliable Medicine can be taken at any by Children AH sell BRISTOLS ply Auction Sale of Hotel A Acre Farm Wanted to Exchange IN EAST Young in foal for good work contained there will be offered foe sale by Public Auction by If- Kava- Auctioneer at the Hewitt premises Newmarket horse Apply to For Sale Desirable residence known as The Cedars also farm northeast lot the rear of the con of North Enquire of Mrs J- Wilson Newmarket Wanted Immediately A couple of smart boys to IB years age for light work in finish ing department at good wages Also a couple of Men curriers given preference Apply to A DAVIS Lowell King Ontario Draper WILL SELL TWINE fled Star feet to the Hi Ertra Manilla feet to the lb 12c Beautiful Twine- British will you patronize Canadian in dustries or your money to flic United States House and Lot For sale Apply to Albert Thomp son Newmarket Property for Bale The cottage of the late John Lewis situate on corner of and Court Streets and the double situate on Court St for sale Terms reasonable In tending purchasers can inspect the premises- For particulars apply to Lloyd Solicitor for Ob Saturday of May 1902 at oclock forenoon the following properties That portion of lot Con 3 East known as the Man sion House and premises in therewith at Sharon fully de scribed in said mortgage This la one of the most desirable Hotel pro perties in has a full hotel license and is at present Possession can be obtained by purchaser in two months as pro vided for in lease Hotel is sit uate about miles from on main road leading Lake That 200 acre farm lot Con I known as tlie John Evans farm There is a fine brick house on it and fair out buildings Situate about miles from Newmarket Fences arc good There is running water on premises and a bush the whole forming one of the best farms in the County of York The farm is rated lor current year for and will be sold subject to this lease Terms per cent cash at time of sale ana balance within days For particulars and condi tions of sale apply to Vendors Soluiiir 3wI2 Newmarket Carpet Weaving Having purchased an American Loom I am now prepared to give very best satisfaction to all customers both In workmanship and price A secondhand loom for sale ISAAC LUMV Second St Newmarket Buggy For Sale Farm on part No 1 Young Horse Buggy arid Harness Storehouse on Huron Street and Stores on Main Street houses on Ontario Street on Queen Street Newmarket Mikado style In good order Cost Will at bargain Enquire at the Era office Mrs Baylys School ENG FRENCH An eightyearold boy named rot ter of Smiths Falls had his hands blown to pieces by a dynamite car tridge

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