y THE Good Wanted at once No washing Ap ply to Mrs Eagle St WANT a A good smart young man to learn tie Hardsare business J A ALLAN CO Merer Lets Up I Drifter and Better Each AH Type Set Newmarket AH Printing Done at Home of Shankg I desire to sincerely thank the neigh bors and friends for their kindness and sympathy during the brief illness of my wife and also in connection toe funeral arrangements J AS H Victoria Pay RETURN TICKETS I WILL BE ISSUED AT SINGLE FARE Between all Stations in Canada all Stations in Canada to and from De troit Mich Poet Huron Mich Fort Covington Bombay Jet Helena Springs Rouses Point Island Pond ail Stations in Canada to but not from Buffalo NX Black Rock Niagara Falls and Sus pension Bridge Good Going May or Valid returning from destination on or before May 1902 Tickets and all information from agents Grand Trunk Railway System District Pass enger Agent Toronto A Agent Newmarket GOOD I RESHS -AT- Special Seed Sale Prices Lehmans Drag Store NEWMARKET ONTARIO The Latest Spring and surnrnec woollens to be had here cannot be sur passed as our line comprises the most select and exclusive productions of foreign and dometic manufacture em- most desirable staples and a very compact variety of the latest fashion able fabrics and effects in signs and colorings The entire selection is exceeding and especially ad apted to the of all who to well and wish to be uptodate Call and seleot yours before the rush Oar Society see room Opposition r Certificate World of Wednesday- struck new gait which must have jarred the sensitive notions oldtime Con servative following is the cer tificate of political it gives to Reformers of other days men who were opposed by the Tories just as earnestly as Tories are opposing the Liberal leaders of today Ten years or more hence Tory editors will be adding Ross E J Dam and other Liberals of today to galaxy mentioned and commended by tbe World in the appended extract you are a Liberal recall tbe his tory of the Liberal or rather the Reform party in this country Lyon Mackenzie George Alexander Mackenzie Blake were of this school Whatever their weak nesses there was one marked charac teristic of their public record fought in season and out of season to protect the rights of the people and to widen the rights people They and the Reform party fought against the old Family Compact tbey fought to have municipal insti tutions and once obtained to im prove their usefulness to the people they demanded and aided in securing in a measure representation by pop ulation tbey opposed a union of church and state the improved land tenure in Lower Canada and in oth er respects they declared themselves to he the party of the people and the party of progress as against the Tories or the party of inaction ooo Trying to Hit Ross The following extract we clip from that great Conservative organ of opinion the Toronto Mail and Empire That Ontario may not es cape that her people may not protest Mr with the consent of Mr Ross is going to reduce our representation at Ottawa by six members It is perhaps not specially surpris ing that the Mail should try to use the name of Mr as a sort of scarecrow in tbe present election campaign hut its most charitable admirers scarcely thought it would descend to play so a band of to Toronto better THE RELIABLE STORE Blako Hewitt returned from Misses were borne over Sunday visiting in Town over Sunday Atkinson spent last week in city with friends J McCarthy of East is seriously ill Ernie Doyle Smiths parcel boy is seriously ill with pneumonia Rev A attended the Presbytery in Toronto on Tuesday Mr Peter Oilman of this Town is having a serious time with pneumonia Miss Ada Kir by of Toronto is spending a two weeks holidays at- home Little Miss Inez is spending a week in with friends Aid B of Toronto was in Town on Tuesday on his way to the Mrs Amos Wilson and Miss Nor- me were visiting in the city a couple of days this week Isaac Silver of was in Town on Tuesday on his way to St Catharines Mr J W Reeve of King has been lying at the point of death several days this week Mr Clarence Caldwell of New York spent Saturday visiting his fa tter at Mr Mr Ed Armitage of Mayor Cane is just recovering from a severe attack of pneumonia Master Johnnie son of Mr Wm on St was honored by a birthday party last Monday afternoon Mr Brooks representing the Brit ish American Business College To ronto was catting on students as well as prospective students in Town on Wednesday and Mrs L Strother of To ronto formerly of have left for England to take in the coron ation ceremonies and expect to return about middle of July Mrs J A Allan and daughter Clemens left this week for Smiths Falls to visit her uncle R Moore Esq barrister She will also visit friends in Ottawa before returning Rev of Toronto was in Town last Friday on bis way to spend a few days in his cottage at Orchard Beach and Rev Rankin went up on Tuesday for a few days A cablegram from South Africa cm Tuesday announced that Brock son of Mrs Isaac Brock of this Town is dangerously ill of enteric fever at Pretoria Further news is anxiously- awaited by family A press despatch from Ottawa states that Hon Win SATISFACTORY STORK SUCCESSORS MADDOCK upon the credulity of its read ers The Mail so does masterGeneral of Canada after the almost every reader of the Canadian coronation ceremonies will complete Colin employee of the Brewing Company was badly scalded Tuesday morning by bursting en of the door of the boiling tub He was taken to the General Hospital where his injuries were dressed- Not much hope of bis recovery street is again to the front This time it is girls who have taken for sew- A young lad named Herbert Carter while on his way home from school Tuesday attempted to cross in front a parsing street car and knocked down but picked by tie fender At the Hospital it was found bis right leg was broken in two places and he received other wounds The question of having the choir of Knox appear in black gowns is being considered While the Conservative candidate for East Toronto is away with Mr Whitney up at the on a wild- goose his opponent is making gratifying progress in canvassing Division Arthur son of Bishop Sweet man aged years and un married committed suicide on Mon day last by jumping in front of passenger train at the western entrance to High Park Poor health is the assigned cause On Saturday last at Belleville prof- Thompson phrenologist of To ronto was married lor tbe second time to the same lady They had been separated and had not seen each- other for fifteen years but they had made up their differences and were again married to start life afresh A mass meeting will be held here on May at pmj in the interest of the Liberal candidates of North York South Ontario East York and North Ontario The Speakers be Mablon Cowan MP for Essex Hon J Davis Hon John Richardson J and others We are making ar rangements for two halls and for- over flow meetings The Whitney candi dates for these ridings have been in vited to be present Every effort is being made to make this one of the largest demonstrations ever held in neighborhood May The Road Im provement Bylaw whrh was voted on here today was carried by a two- thirds vote NO WHITCHURCH Alfretta Basset fieW Lottie Davis Delia Han nah Wright III Edna Spal ding Beatrice Lloyd Elsie Primrose Delia Lehman Vina Pick ering Willie Stephens We dont try to fool you on any point We tell Must what we can do just what you may expect and then you wont have any disappointment Our way is to deal fair ly with you We wont ask for charity but we do ask for BUSINESS What you get will depend on what you pay The Benefits of Competition Are entirely yours Never in the history of the Dry Goods business has values been ottered for the money as we are you today in Ging hams Prints Muslins Gloves Hos iery Ribbons Corsets White and Factory Cottons Embroideries etc Plenty of Them AND All the Best Heres a stock thats filled with the most reliable staples From flour and sugar to the finer things we car ry plenty for your selection Youll get what you need without fear of paying too much and with no of the value for your cash or trade Mens Spring Suits Clothing for men and boys been a specialty with us We claim to be able to m show you a bigger range at lower prices than any store in this community Our Cloth- is Not Made to Order JjirlT But Made To Pit- Are designed by artists cut by experienced cutters made by experienced tailors These fine garments are I Made Bight to Bight Theyre fully equal in all re spects Fashion Fit and Fa bric to the finest made to measure garments but will be found onethird less in price Come in and have a look thro our Mens Department Theyre Eight and Pleasing Theres no lack of beauty about these new Spring Wall Papers They axe shown now for the first time and are made specially for seasons selling DESIGNS W PATTERNS SCROLLS At and per roll Boots and Shoes Our Boots are just as reliable as money and experience can make them Only the best material is used and the best of workmanship In no in stance will we sacrifice quality for ex tra profit making The styles this season are not only smart and dressy but combine foot never be fore realized For value we are snowing this season we can safely say discounts anything you have ever yet seen press today that Ontarios represen tation at Ottawa is not governed by either a Grit or a Tory Administra tion but is regulated by Confederation If a reduction is made in Ontarios representatives or an increase given to any of other Provinces the change will have to be made under the terms and conditions of the British North America Act a tour of the world returning to Canada by way of India and Japan Miss Olive daughter of the late Harry formerly of Newmarket is visiting with Mrs A Watson and will leave on Satur day for a visit to her uncle Mr Ed Hunt at Steves ton British Colum bia Mr Geo of of Mr A Jas McLaughlin J and not by the will of Mr Mr was the Ross or Mr Anyotherman Hence for the Mail to introduce the name the Premier of Ontario as having given consent to a reduction in the representation of Province in the Federal Parliament is a gross varlcation an insult to the intelli gence of its readers and a mis representation of fact Ontario has everything to gain by a strict observ ance of the Contract and if lor the past ten years of Ontario people have been into Manitoba and the North West and thereby lost to this Prov ince in the they will still representatives to Ottawa thru Hie increase their increased de mands for the Western country r ST NEWMARKET The Era U IK I Ideal County Weekly on Sunday last and six of the old boys of the past century assist- to celebrate birthday by driving to Roachs Point Sutton and the memorial church We are pleased to note that among the officers of the Canadian Militia who are recommended for Col onial Decoration In connection with the auxiliary forces is the name of Lloyd of the The Cr has been an officer in active ratios for years son of LieutCol of Sharon returned from South Africa on Monday morning and is looking well He months leave of absence He de lighted with his soldier- experience having passed thru several hoi en gagements without a scratch The many friends Mr Frank Wright of who was visits here last winter will regret to learn that he met with a severe Mail and Empire rises to re- dent a few days afro He was It is time to give the ma- a baulky horse- and the animal dune its Of course it re- upset the rig and he had his collar to the machine which crowded bone broken resides being of North Toronto awf the en up He was improving nicely at late Conservative member for last accounts Hamilton out of the party race at the now on Willie Jr Eunice Clara Miller Jess Nellie Penrose Fred Penrose Herb Spalding Jessie Toole Dawson Davis Ross Frances Jr Pt Gladys Penrose Rey nolds Moss I Muriel Van Willis- Cora Jr Lehman Gordon Stephens Clarence Oldham Stuart Starr Tablet Class Eva Pcarce Harry Penrose Frank Albert Rose Ethel Jordan May Teacher The LYONS In Town on May to Mr and Mrs Lyons a son In East on ftist the wife James of a daughter King on April 28 to Mr and Mis a daughter In on Monday April to Mr and Mis A Walker a daughter Mount Albert on Tues day May flth to Mr and Mrs J A Milter a daughter Gash and Price HUNTER BROS Money Back If you Want It NEWMARKETS LEADING STORE THE STORE WHERE A DOLLAR SPENT GOES FURTHER THAN ELSEWHERE R Cloud Buret People Oklahoma City May l A cloudburst at miles west of this city drowned nine persons on Sunday night and left many families homeless Four holies have been re covered A mile of the Chock taw Railway track was washed out and the loss of town property will amount to Reports from Geary are that the death list from the storm will reach twenty persons in Portugal are grow ing worse The is disaffected and a of soldiers is feared The report that one man panned out pure gold in hours at Lightening Creek Cariboo has treat ed much excitement in Vancouver lie Latest designs in a Ceilings to match Some cheap ones at 3c and up to Roll It is announced that a course of military instruction for teachers High Schools and Collegiate insti tutes in the Province of Ontario be at Stanley Barracks Toron to commencing on the July next authorized to undergo this course report promptly on the date mentioned It is pretty the Ontario Government has unbounded confidence in the result of the approaching elec tions as it keeps right along with its plans and purposes SATtfRDAY TOe Sharon The oldtime familiar face of Mr A is seen the wickets the Ontario Rank here having been transferred on Wednes day the fit ah of the General Managers office in Toronto to the position in the Edgar Is one of the Old whose for and courtesy as a former teller will Ik- by the Banks many customers Welcome home to A Register of the first sod of the Northern Rail waywhich the line to be con- jlstructed by Government from I ft Bay to the tomorrow Hotel property arfd a acre farm in East wiH od at the North American Hotel Newmarket For particulars d and posters- fk May To Good Wi Ws that a number of other men will 1 present and WrEJTT fe addresses at reuidenco St Newmarket at ebxk Terms cash Duncan Dining Room Bedroom and Parlor Suites ottered for 30 days before stork taking at that are simply amazing Now the time to fit up your homo with elegant furniture at Come and see John Millard Opposite Royal Hotel and Embalming A The Altar At Christian Parsonage Newmarket on by Rev J Mr I J King Township to Miss Maud A Brad ford A resi dence of the brides father Mr Edwin Nugent by Rev Dr Cade on May Mr Geo to Miss Clara Nugent all of New market HARRINGTON In St Johns Church Newmarket April by the Rev Mr Miss Laura Harrington oldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Jeremiah Harring ton both of Bast The Tomb In Newmarket on May Charles Penrose in his year Band Concert ft CUT FLOWERS FOR THE OCCASION AND inn MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET B A U S Once- Tried Always Used BEST FLOUR USED EXERCISED IN MIXING CANT MAKE ANY WHERE ADULTERATIONS A RIO NOT PERMITTED USE OF MACHINERY STANDARD OF MERIT OUR WATCHWORD ENDLESS DURING MANUFACTURE get HOT DAYS NEAR Avoid the home baking when for a trifle you can Fresh food dinger for lb Fresh Fruit Cake for Fresh Sponge Cakes and Oath Fresh Ginger NVits our own make and lb Fresh Tea Cakes lb Sponge Also a large variety of Christies Fancy Biscuits fresh every few days All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention and Vegetables LEMONS BANANAS ONIONS UNTUCK Fresh for Saturday CJUIOK LUNCH WNSTARR CENTRAL