Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 11 Apr 1902, p. 1

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lira give more home news every WM than two other to York is rf J i NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER SPA to tg argue freely to above all other liberty No paper sen outside of North York in advance LI No Copies Cents THE v ANT Newmarket April Reform MassMeeting at TERMS per if paid in advance Hon J Davis Again Chosen Standard Bearer Splendid Speech by Hon I there were any doubts in the and the by our able of the peopleof North York re- in the Ontario Legislature the unanimity of the Reform Hon J Davis Commissioner- of parly and the popularity of Hon Crown Lands Since Lis fust Davis those doubts must have to the Legislature Mr Davis been dispelled by the magnificent been devoted to the interests of the gathering from all parts of the Rid- people he represented He brought that assembled in Newmarket to Pa the splendid business last Friday for the purpose of select- ability that has made a success of his a candidate to North own enterprises and he has been at the approaching elections in tiring in bis efforts to discharge his the interest of the Ross duties faithfully Since his to the Cabinet and promotion to for two or three days previous a the position of Commissioner of large local committee ha been busy Crown Lands he has performed the preparing for the event arid the re- work devolving upon him in a was that the Town Hall was ner that has marked him as one of so elaborately decorated the ablest men in the Legislature was simply immense and worth The progress and development in coming to Newmarket to see showing the newer parts of Ontario arc owing that a spirit of enthusiasm prevails in no small way to the ability and among the young men of Newmarket energy of the capable Commissioner never before equalled Over the of Crown Lands Mr Davis has representative for another Parliamen tary teYm he would not ask to be elected on any other ground He accepted the nomination with pleasure and placed himself in bands asking to be jugged by toe record which the Government presented and also upon his own record as a public man during the fourteen years over wbih his parliamentary career ex tended Applause Continuing Mr Davis went on to point out that this extraordinary man his oppon ent on is own statements which he assumed must be correct seemed to argue that the Opposition in North York had never until present time had a strong candidate- Lieut- Col Way ling and Mr IV I sou re presentative men who had spent their lives in the Aiding were not apparently to to com axed with the the ground that as Davis will te elect- timber interests of the Province and anyway one vote more or less will not make any difference An other was that a safe seat in New On was reserved for Mr Davis if defeated and by electing a of Mr Whitney they would have two representatives in the Legislature It was scarcely necessary to point to the lack of in these arguments in View of the Whitney candidates as sertions of invincibility Probably the most argument he had to was the statement he bad heard a few days ago that Premier Ross was a Yankee Laughter It did not take Mr Davis very long to this assertion Promises of Government positions were being free ly made by the Whitney candidate but if they waited for these positions until the Ross Government was de feated they would wait a long time Applause He had some justifica tion for this last remark because from parts of Province come to those who are observant and to those who can lead the of the time and are in a position to com- C I segment of Mr Whitney It had teen t h ftiltrf io Mr Davis said that he had never been of service in any way during his public career This he would leave with his constituents There was a stage was placed the Premiers pic- lure with the following mottoes Welcome Your Country Calls You Peace Progress Prosperity I The stage it sell was brilliant with proven himself to be honorable and capable in the discharge of his public duty and this meeting in nom inating him as a candidate for the coming election desires to assure Mr flags mottoes and palms Other Davis that we appreciate his services mottoes within the hall were in the past and as electors of North Ontarios Progressive Commissioner York our best efforts will he env oi Crown Lands ployed in securing his return to Par- Honest Government- that this constituency may Our Leaders still be represented by the North York Welcomes Our Premier of Crown Lands FOR SALE AT HARDWARE NEWMARKEr ONTARIO Surplus North York Wei dries Davis Build up Ontario Timber Resources j North York Welcomes j- Pulp Industries Free Homesteads Mining Interests Hon J Davis Mr Davis was cheered to the echo as he rose to speak and the cheering was renewed when Jit He Miss Hewitt daughter of Mr Hewitt Newmarket went forward on the platform and presented Mr PRICES on PATENT MEDICINES are the LOW AT- People from a distant began to Davis with a handsome bouquet It in Town about oclock and by was some moments before he could the hotel yards were well proceed Before accepting the hearty Shortly after one oclock the and unanimous nomination tendered jtion from arrived in pro- asking him to become more cession headed by the the standard hearer of the old and Band which played thru the Town historic riding North York in sup- It was another instance of the en- port of the Ross Administration and thusiasm in Liberal ranks there beJ its policy he wished to call alien ing nearly a hundred people from briefly to two or three features and Whitchurch in the pro- of the political situation in ihe rid- cession carrying flaps and banners This was the sixth time they was mi tie the preventative A few days ago lie the distinguished visitors his session in Legislature rived they were greeted with rousing During all those years the tuple of cheers North York Imd stood by him meeting was called to order by than he deserved perhaps had given the chai man Mr him loyal and hearty support and exMayor of Aurora and President of that meant a great deal to a public the North York Liberal Association man amidst the many difficulties life briefly expressed pleasure at sec- anxieties and sacrifices entailed upon such a audience present and men who en- said the first business of the day was to charge public re sponsibilities During fourteen years he thought he could lioncvtly the elections of 1S94 and 1808 indica tions that never in the last fifteen years was public sentiment more joiable to the Local Administration than it is at the present time in the Province of Ontario Applause The Whitney candidate in the Rid ing had at his meeting that the Opposition had mov ed in amendment to the beet root sug ar bill that a bonus of cents a ton be given to the farmers in addition to the bonus of a year for three year granted the manufacturers Mr Davis showed that the settlement of those vast new dis tricts And he would continue to di rect the of that de partment in a way as to tend to the fullest development of those at interests Applause Mr Davis spoke also of his opponents reference to Sir Oliver opin ion to the that the Parlia ments at Toronto and Ottawa should not be of the same political stripe This was in when the boundary dispute was to tie fore and he had said that it would be a serious thing if at the general election in that year the Conservative party or the sup porters of Sir John came into power The Opposition at that time was pledged to abrogate Onta rios claim to the new territory in dispute and Sir Oliver was correct in taking that view The Whitney can didate also said that he believed Sir Oliver was right he never during Sir Olivers active political life was found endorsing the leader of the Lib eral Government Mr Davis spoke briefly of the of one thousand to dredge the mouth of the river at Sutton This was he said voted a year ago and revoted at Hie last session The delay was caused by the inability to secure a dredge the face of this his opponent at Sutton had stated- that the story was an absolute falsehood that no vote had teen made and that none could be made owing to the advanc ed stage of the session Arrange ments had however been made to go on with the work The Whitney candidate charged that new- On tario was being developed at the ex pense of older Ontario while the re verse was actually the case The in question did not mention thcjtural resources of New Ontario sup- sum of cents a read as the bulk of the revenue of the Piovime and provided funds for the conduct the educational system for the maintenance of public institutions lows That this House while ap proving- of general of the that it contains no provisions scouring directly to the j and other charges upon the public ROSS Premier of Ontario BROUGHTONS Have a Look at some of them Regular Our Price Price Pink Pills Kidney Pills Any of 0 25 Syrup of d Turpentine OH Br Little Liver Pills Compare our with any Regular Our Price Price Ozone large Burdock Blood Bitters Hoods Pierces Family lion Pierces Golden Medical South American Kidney tUU All at Cut Prices the election of a lion Mr Davis Nominate Mr Cane Mayor Newmar ket propped the name of Hon 1 Davis as the Literal standard- bearer for the riding doing so he referred to Mr Davis career as say that irrespective of the politics of his constituents he had whenever called upon endeavored to of ser- to them in any way in his power lie had never asked a man who came to htm for help what he faithful of the the fourteen years t his duty faithfully to all the past four or five years which he had leen a member the i Cabinet In this connection Mr Cane Mr rcrctrtd lo referred to Mr Davis to the Town of Newmarket in connection with the passage 1 MenticA vitally affecting the interests wilh h the It was he great advantage to km their re- y te wouM preventative a Cabinet more tjme n tJat Cheers candidate repealed nomination was by such ex- Fred Underbill one of the part- nt M be defeated and I am sure Mr in all Brunches of our and will not be UrileiI anyone I Leading NEWMARKET ONTARIO M fa in ites Jftf WfcriHa to iiid your Wanted A couple boys to of age for work In finish- log department d ft couple of Men curriers given Apply to A SON Lowell Tannery King of the new fihoe at Au- defeat and was made unanimous a t and I am vol great a Services Appreciated municipal and parliamentary and ex- Mr 1 of Toronto over years he Manager of Office Specialty Com- never made of that pany large factory is Iwateil kind He had never believed he at Newmarket then presented ma- possessed or controlled a of olution for adoption In lie electors of the riding In such a referred to the encouragement which way h to enable lo say that lie Ross Government gave to was sure to lie elected and that he the resources of the Province would not be defeated or that he and said that the public did not fully could manage to get them to do important relations as he Intended without licit wWch the Provincial bore ghirig careful consideration to the to them The whUli was public questions and voting as they by Mr of New- was in the public Interest- carried unanimously was lie still maintained that position and follows should be kind enough Jo that mass meeting press in him of the electors of North York desires the day of election came to give him express appreciation of a majority of votes polled on that the rendered tVe occasion and to honor him as their very good authority wlikli said another praise and not thine own mouth His record was before them and upon he asked It was by the Whitney candi date that the speaker was the most frightened man in today They would form their own opinion as to that and could see exactly how frightened ho was And notwithstanding this he was jnrite they bad upon him that afternoon- Applause lie felt sensible hat he had not the ability or a capacity lei receive a majority of the votes of the tiding himself alone lie do his part and he pledg ed himself lo continue his support to the principles of the Govern ment mean I so much for the Province They would easily under stand the position of a memher of a Government was somewhat different thai of an ordinary member when an election campaign is in A minister had give account of his stewardship to province at large as far as possible and he was there fore placed somewhat at a disadvan tage mi far as personal conduct of his own campaign was concerned There was no one in North York ir respective of his political views real the larger area over which a Minister had to labor during the coming campaign But with the greatest possible confidence he felt at success would rest upon the ef forts of his friends in North York because he could see before him hun dreds of the most enterprising farm ers- mc hands laboring men business and professional men thc Hiding Applause Thee were behind him pledged to do their best for him and he therefore felt confident of the re sult He also based a great deal of confidence on the fact that they were asked in this campaign to support the one of the greatest if not the greatest Premier this Province has ever one who during a life short when viewed In the history of a Province had been fthle to a polity of develop ment which already tbrce years is bearing wonderful fruit in the unbuilding of the Proviso- and thc result of Is felt In every home in thc Province of Ontario to day Specious Conservative Arguments Continuing Mr Davis warned his hearers to be on their guard against specious arguments which the Whit ney candidate was One was to canvass individual supporters for the Administration for a vote on producing sugar beets a sunahle tonus or bounty on each ton of beets produced and sold It would he seen that no specif c sum was mentioned in this resolution Mr Davis had given a great ileal of con sideration to the question both when tie bill was in course of reparation by the Government and when it came before the House arid under that bill there was and is the most ample of the interests of the farmer The bill provided thai not less than SI a ton should he paid for beets delivered at factory g thc first year without regard to the matter During the Conclusion Mr Davis expressed hope and the audience applauded the idea that he would be able to in duce to hold a series of joint meetings He thanked his Sutton and other friends who had driven a great distance over muddy roads thanked those who had so tastefully decorated the hall and asked for a the- sup port they bad so generously ac corded him in the past The Development Policy Before the Premier rose to speak Mr County Com offered a resolution seconded Mr and years they would r fthimster of which was at JSi the fact that poorest per cent of which meant 5 a ton and each in which the Governmental affairs of tent of sugar increased we mimic of are being con ducted by Premier Ross and his col- price cents He pointed out that farmers of Waterloo County a leagues progressive policy of lieu of a local bonus to the pro- fi Ontario Government has done in nosed far lory Iheie had agreed to the a rebate of cents a ton during thc second year a vnleed at He referred lo the to se a for Newmarket in he was pleaded to assist ami trusted they XT would he successful rs P1 follow a as we eminent has done mjch to develop the newer sections of the Province and it has ever kept in mind the motto of our Premier Build up Ontario Hon Geo has brought with him to the Premiership those men ell as An Old Argument j judgment foresight and ability such Mr Davis next to the re- m in country pos- or ma tor argument used against him people In Ontario as Provincial Secretary at last confidence in Mr and his election and whLli is again doing He dots not appeal to duty it was charged that he could J or prejudices of have secured the removal of this in- but aims to unite the from North York but had allowed it instead to go to Oxford County speaker pointed out that Sir Oliver had long to honor Oxford Co in this manner in return for years of faith I support and had pledged him self to establish the reformatory in Oxford County long Wore Mr Davis manner and for a purpose that has proven him worthy of the position First in the first Province of the first colony of first Empire of the world The Premier Speaks Hon Mr was accorded an ova tion when he came forward to speak became a member of the Government As he reached the front of the he did not for a moment he- form little Miss that any member of the Govern- of Mr A J of the should neglect his own Works presented him with a yet in this case he fell that magnifccnt tiixjuet of roses should be given to the wishes of while the audience was giving vent to the retiring Premier and other mem- its enthusiasm by a loud outburst of hers of the Government cheers the Premier could bo- Mr Davis had also been designated gin his address I thank Mr as Christopher Columbus by his op- the mover of this resolution the it being alleged that he had Premier began for the very kindly discovered new Ontario He had per- terms in which he has referred to me fionally never made any such state- far more than deserve and ment as that but had no objection I thank this little angelic resident of whatever to being likened to Chris- your beautiful town for thc vetybeau- Columbus Thc latter was a lifu she presented to me man very much in advance of his I am glad indeed to bo here time who had discovered a continent This is really a very fine audience and to the present Government had Four years ago I came here to stand fallen the task of developing no sponsor for Mr Davis when he was portion of that continent nominated he being then a bumble He had said he repeated it that member of the Legislative Asperobly under toe of the Depart- I felt I was taking some of Crown Lands over which ho fn saying what I then said of Mm had the honor for the time being of both as to his past career and hi residing came t1 great mining and Continued on Page

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