Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 4 Apr 1902, p. 8

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-F- I r5rf ff rmj f APRILS around Hie flab COB- Mr Frank Lake is making his to his friends as he leaves on Tuesday for North Dakota A little si axold daughter of Mr A was kicked by a cow on Monday last which broke her leg- I Street has returned to were used in Indian trade years Horace Rolling ago- The cartridge loaded powder probably by seme- total of its rtenific expansive- Ruby Street 884 Oswald are sohsawderin nods Mary selves with the that they I- class total didnt for The Willie Etta Street blame is befog laid at the door Gum Swampers and their wives for Lee Smith Pearl Lennox the dirty trick Anyway Ive heard I Aubrey Reynolds Doyle it always said partaker is as Gladstone Lloyd Eddie lad as- the thief Ethel Charlie 5 Jos funeral was large- A Howard teacher at Elm Grove Gum Swamp Thep Era widow intends residing in future with her daughter Mrs Allan BY Extract Or fifty years remedy for Barns Bruises and to occur in home Extract Be lire the ifl buff wrapper Waller returned and at- Miss Howard has gone to spend her tended his fathers funeral Easter holidays at her home in Bath ingle wishes me to give John of- the farmers have started it for the payment of fortyfive seeairig in this vicinity Paimaker to maintain Soil Fertility We all know that it is very desir able to have a soil in which to Mr Ed- Street is going to work again this summer for My Win Perry for funeral expend He shall grow says Peck of Mich credit due to him and success depends Tl Si ANDAno Lie ASSURANCE CO The Company has now enter ed upon its 76th year The figures testify to its MATY Accumulated Funds Annual Revenue over On Wed day evening at the Presbyterian Church Miss Jessie Hawthorne who has organist in the for the past three years was a pretty geld her Presbyterian friends as a of their respect and apprecia tion of her services in their- midst le the eve of her departure HOLLAND The barn and stables of Mr George Goodwin residing half a mile west Holland Landing were to the ground at oclock Sunday Morning At the time the fire occurred there were two little toys at home the rest of the family were attending church A neighbor Mr James just got to the in time to get the eight head of horses out and had a narrow escape as the rafters fell in a second after liberated them The contained a quantity of hay and reed grain The cause of the fire is unknown Loss on buildings and contents partly insured Children Cry for have too if he returns money to his mother the balance of the largely upon the fertility of the land The Owl School Report Bonuses Already Declared Paid During year Policies were issued lor Deposit Govt over The STANDARD has investment in Canada amounting to Millions of Dollars J A Agent CLARKE District Inspector FOR COAL WOOD Nut Stove and Egg FEED TIMOTHY for fall sowing J cor Main Timothy Si Farm for Sale Boll Clay and in ftMtitt cultivation well watered building of Htm to mike motley from toe fl Aurora Farm for Sale Part of No in the Con of Acrea ame dwelling good barn with stone foundation about acres in Orchard good well and JWs the OX to HORSES A hah got a lot good blocky little mares For tale and one nice big cow due to calve now And they be toon or they will be ho poor you wont want tUm at all A very pretty wedding was celebrat ed on Wednesday afternoon Men at the home of Mr and Mrs William son near when their young est daughter Harmah was united in marriage to Mr A Atkinson of Van- don four oclock the wedding march waft played by Mrs Win Powell and the bride gowned in white entered the spacious parlor leaning upon the arm of her father The groom was supported by Mr Williamson and the bride was assisted by Miss Mabel The ceremony was performed by Rev Brown in the pres ence of over ninety guests A sumptuous wedding was then of after which the hap py couple spent a real sociable time with guests The young couple were the recipients of many costly and useful presents Children for Penny of was by a train her sis ter on informed of and Powder Of IF Hold by BALDWIN Crowded out last week Dr the famous Lon don Divine censures Canada lor her towards Great I tain The Canadian I shows her loyalty to the Km- more by words than deeds An now our Pow ell former pastor of Church tales a Ming at Toronto for her iniquities As lie ftyits witljoul gloves fears not to call things by their proper names his blows are very telling in their effect our friends in Sutton will bear out my assertion J The Rev not quarrel with his bread and butter Just to think To ronto a sepulchre is like her sister cities over the border too sporty Our farm folk not pin faith to home industries judging by the way they patronise foreign firms unless Canadians can underfill fit Ihouglit Ibal of tittered the report Button dam bad away was The suckers wilt come up to Baldwin now I very regret the loss of my They ate such nice- hoys nothing daunted by the sudden coming of spring is still cut ting timber Mr Bert is once more one of our boys The Impudence of Dillon in Hon Jos Chamberlain a liar was astounding Those are so ready to call others liars Ive are a few rabid ones are rebcrlltous do not think all Irishmen are disloyal No It has been Irish men who have upheld Britains glory and honor on many a battlefield The Harvester Co through their Wellington Morton arc distributing a most calen dar Joel Ik doing find that the gun was a heap one of the bra as NO 3 EAST Pearl Grose Arthur Beatrice Lucy Wesley Ill- Grose Hilton Jr Hi- Hots Liuit Trusty lb Curtis Harry Trusty Kelly Jr 1 Ross Curtis Wilfrid ling Hael Salter Ernie Pegg Florence Salter Maiy Trusty rene Bertie Salter Easter Examination for Class Lundy Arthur Thompson Lucy Kelley Wesley Beatrice Define L Teacher NO EAST V class Nettie Leslie Young Allan Guy Barbara Young Ill Rose Sadie Bur rows Lloyd Co Hose Vera Smith Amy Pollock Part Lome Burrows J Smith Myrtle McDonald Class I Win Young Lulu Present- Every Day Young Barbara Young Lloyd J Smith Willie Young A Irwin Teacher SNOWBALL PUBLIC SCHOOL Br I Patrick Lapp Ida Storey Jr IV Arthur Reynolds Stella John ton Klhel Clarence Reynolds Clarence Jr Evans George Fer guson Merle Johnston Benjamin Rush Laura Shanks Sr I Laura Casey Stella Olive Reynolds Charley Casey Ferguson Win field Rush Jesse Chester Ward Maudie Amy Jr Irene Reynolds Frank wards Monte Johnston Rose Ward Li a Jr 11 Myrtle Andrews day Clarence Apple- ton Casey Charley Casey Richardson Teacher SCHOOL class total John K6 ffarv ie Han- ton Grant HI lass total Lonsdale Doyle Robbie Street Willie Li it H Myrtle Lloyd Hael Vanhorne m I Wit Wj if id Doyle Mi Harbin Libbio Ilanlon HafW ICjiima How To Gain Flesh Persons have been known to gain a pound a day by taking an ounce of EMUL SION It is strange but it often happens Somehow the ounce produces the pound it to start the digestive machinery fiong so that the patient is able to digest and absorb his ordinary food which he could not do be fore and that Is the way the gain is made A certain amount of flesh is necessary for health if you have not got it you can get it by taking Everyone knows of many once fertile aims are not now producing half what they enough to pay for the labor to produce a crop It is more profit able to farm so as to maintain or im prove the toil than it is to rob the soil of its fertility in the end bring ruin to the owner of the faun How is this to be done believe our greatest loss fertility is the Jos of humus A soil without hu mus will not carry a crop successfully through a drouth A clay soil de void of humus will be lumpy and hard and will not- retain for very long We all know the effect on the crop and the great amount of labor to such a piece of ground for a crop Hence out aim should to faun so as product and leave as much humus in the as possible This is best ac complished by a rotation of crops aud one crop in the rotation should be clover which is our greatest soil renovator We should aim to feed everything or nearly everything pro duced pn the farm and if we add a little or concentrated feed to the ration of each animal and save and apply all it is easy to that we shall maintain and piobably add to the fertility of the soil Many advocate the plowing under of crops bet unless a farm is much rundown J not e this unless it lie to bury a second crop of clover or a clover crop sowed to protect the ground dur ing the winter A clover crop should always be sown whenever a piece of remains idle during the fall and winter Many times we have a piece of stubble which we intend to plant to corn or On this we can grow a crop of rye or peas barley either of will make a large growth and can be plowed un der in time to plant corn This adds largely to the humus of the and will tend to carry the crop through a drouth without injury believe our fed to good stock will bring twice what it will for on the market For example I can fted a cow for day and have her bring in per day or more for butter alone and I be lieve the same to be true with all other kinds of stock Many advocate the Use of commer cial fertilizer Of course the basis of all our fertility is the amount of nitrogen potash and phosphoric acid a soil contains When we consider that an ordinary crop of wheat bushels per acre removed about worth of these elements from I he soil and a crop of corn nearly as much we can readily see when a soil is exhausted of these elements it is expensive to replace them by using commercial fertilizers Now we feed our crops the farm we tan return about percent of these elements to the soil in the manure and at the same time Ret twite the market vale of our produce We can readily sec that it is more profitable so as to improve the soil than to sell our crops on the market and at the same time be losing heavily in fer tility of the soil I would not advocate the feeding of wheat but would sell it and purchase bran or cottonseed meal which is worth more for feed than wheat and has about double the manorial value I sold much wheat I would use commercial fertilizers freely for it is impossible to keep up the farm and sell grain without their use If we grow all the forage crops we can and feed litem on the farm carefully save and return the we need have but little fear about the fertility of the land practically unknown The writer onto say A careful estimate is made of the unexplored regions at the extreme northwest of the Dominion the ftcst of these areas is between the eastern boundary of Alaska the Por cupine finer and Arctic coast about square miles in extent or somewhat smaller than Belgium and lying within the Arctic circle The next is west of the Lewes and Yukon rivers and extends to the boundary of Alaska Until last year square miles in this area was unexpired but a part has since been travelled A third area square twice as large as Scotlandlies between the Lewes Felly and rivers TWICE ENGLANDS SIZE Between the Felly and Mackenzie rivers is another large tract of square miles or about double sue of England It includes nearly miles of the main Rocky Mountain range An unexplored area of square miles is found between Great Bear Lake and the Arctic coast nearly all to the north of the Arctic circle Nearly as large as Portugal is another tract between Great Bear Lake the Mackenzie River and the western part of Great Slave Lake in all square miles Lying be tween Stikine and Laird rivers to the north and the and riv ers to the south is an 81000 square miles which except for a ient visit by a field party is quite unexplored Of the square miles southeast of Lake little is known except that it Has been crossed by a field party en route to Fort East of the Cop- per Mine River and west- of lies miles of unexplored land may be compared to half Switzerland Eastward from this lying between the Arctic coast and Blacks River is an area of miles or about equal to land Much than Great Britain and Ireland and embracing square miles is the region bounded by Blacks River Great Slave Lake Athabasca Lake Hatchet and Rein deer lakes Churchill River and the west coast of Hudson Bay MILES OF BARREN LAND This country includes the barren grounds the continent Mr J recently struck through this country on his trip to Fort Churchill on the Churchill River but could on ly male a preliminary exploration- On the south coast of Hudson Bay let ween the Severn and Attawaphb- rivers is an area square miles in extent or larger than Nova Scotia and lying between Trout Lake Lac and the Albany River is another square miles of un explored land South and east of James Bay and nearer to large centres of population than any other unexplored region is a tract of miles which may compared in size to Portugal The most easterly area is the greatest of all It comprises almost inferior of he Labrador peninsula or NorthWest Territory in all square miles or more than twite as much as Great Britain and Ireland Two or three years ago Mr A P Lowe made a line of explora tion and survey into the interior of this vast region and the same also travelled inland up the illcn River but with these excep tions the country may be regarded as Hie Arctic islands will add an area of several hundred thousand square miles of unexplored land From the Literary Digest Em FOR It You will find It just as In i In winter and If you e thriving upon dont the weather is aw For the lCra Seniles of Barren trend IN DARKEST CANADA Interesting Facts Concerning Unex plored Parts the Dominion There is no need that adventurous travellers should sail for Africa or even South America in order to find regions yet unexplored if as the di rector of the geological survey of Can ada asserts in his last report practi cally nothing is known of onethird of the Dominion pi Canada- He says as quoted in the Scientific American Sup plement that there are more than square miles of unexplored lands in Canada out a total area computed at square miles exclusive of the de tached Arctic portions miles are for all practical purposes the or the to live Dp Von pave the way to a knock rut and with blow Mood rich give and brain force I Dr Von Sun a Pineapple Tablet permit no enemy to to ibere Sold by Lehman Newmarket rfH I rtLt4iiafrrMnJyrTff As ihe Stonailis or THAT THE FAOSIM1LE and Mineral Kot NAHcoTic SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE Remedy lion Sour Loss of Sleep j Signature of WRAPPER OF BOTTLE OF nTiIii copy or la put la Iwttlea It net inU la iIIott layaw to you cm pita or that it rt a3 Trill attswcT BcftatyflttgetOAMBI4 I K K Nervous Men Thousands of are iwpt tore grave through early Indiscretions and later excesses Bell Diseases arid wrecked the life of many a mart Ton any of the symptoms Tired in Morning Memory Poor J Easily Fatigued Excitable and Irritable Eves Face Dreams and Drains at Night Res less Haggard looking Blotches Bore Throat Hair Pains in the Body Sunken Eyeaj of Energy and Strength Our will op mentally physically or Pay SECURITY Written Consent A tIFH At fichool I learned an habit which weakened me and vitality My friend think I wis cured of I many all of were I Their New Method Treatment supplies rigor and manhood frit Frit for Kennedy Kcrgan Street Mich K A- Right at Your Fingers End This is where you could find any paper required if you used any our various devices Save your time and thereby your money and your temper by purchasing an date Filing System that would meet your require- men is A Systematic Is The most Desks and Tables for the School Home The Office Specialty Mfg Co I i mi ted Bay Street Toronto Switzerlands new Parliament iMiildiris which francs vine formally opened on Tuesday Thirtynine soldiers of the Hamp shire regiment were killed and forty- five were Injured In a railroad wreck near Transvaal Colony Children Cry for The Pressure of Business Buggy For Sale i ii i Mikado style In good running order Cost cash Will bo Bold At a Enquire at the Bra office greatly relieved by of the DISTANCE TELE PHONE You your cus tomer in a few seconds MUCH be accomplished at cost of LITTLE time trouble The Bell Telephone Co of STARR I Write for our ft or mod I of your in and us to whether It lpotabl en by conduct fully qujpMei and us to prompt and as as Highest reference procured through Marion Ma rion without charge In over too distributed the Patent of MARION MARION Potent and Solicitors New Ywfc FREE BRAND OPPORTUNITY mm watches AM OR M 4jj rr mU ci di it fit 7 olcrUr v 1f foliat ft W f flit Q4 Ttronto L J

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