The gives home news eve i t Alii NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER PA liberty to know trotting to above all other liberty to dvanc0 No 10 Copies Cents Each Newmarket On Friday April I TERMS per annum J if paid in advance In Heavy and Shelf Carriage and Plumbing Can be Supplied to your A INNS PLUMBING NEWMARKET ONT on PATENT MEDICINES are the -AT- Have a Look at some of them Regular Our Price Price Williams Pink Pills Kidney Pills small three of above Pills 15c Chases Syrup of Linseed ted Turpentine Regular Our Price Price Ozone large Burdock Blood Bitters Hoods Emulsion Pierces Family Prescrip tion Pierces Medical I Discovery Electric Oil Dr Thomas K Carter Little Liver Pills Cure LOO Compare our Prices with any others AH patents at Cut Prices We ad in tranche of our Business and will not be sold by anyone tt m I BROVClltoX The NEWMARKET ONTARIO Uptodate SELLING At the TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE w a i blood a bright eye a clear JfajrtwJon a keen appetite a BRISTOLS It the quickens the circulation brightens ad generally the health lal it to Ite ppcijel ten for Era by Harrison All BRISTOLS Among the earliest settlers of Rich mond Hill long before it became known by its present name it num bered among citizens those who were so by neither nor natural ization These many in number most of the lots on both sides of Street from what is now our village to and above Bonds Lake They were known as the French Refugees and their loca tion was called Puisaye Town To the reasons why these expatriated from their homes and became ephem eral of a country so far from native shores we must gather data from the records of history At the general upheaval in France in when the masses goaded on by the extortions and prodigality of Court Louis and the imperi ous corduct of its supporters the of France who had monopoliz ed every office in the State threw all restraint and wresting from their tyrants the freedom denied them for a century deluged the City of Paris with and by the hands of dic tators saturated with infidelity made the Revolution a Reign of Terror Then a title that betokened rank Was an introduction to the guillotine The streets flowed with the blood of thousands of the best gentlemen of France and life was only saved by flight Kverv ship that cross ed the Channel was filled with aristo crat fugitives who were received by Great Britain with open arms Sym pathising with the deposed Monarchy did not confine her sympa thy to sentiment hut assisted the re fugees to her colonies in Canada and Ausrala and gave them grants of land amounting millions of acres of the French gentlemen came this way and located in this vicinity of names have come down to ns Among them were Rene pro nounced Jean Louis omnte St George Ambrose Farcy Francis Michael and James Of these Count and the Cha irs land on both sides of Street and in the Township of King Lot of the handsome residence of the late Parker LP and that of late exReeve Brown was first owned Augustus Boston who cured as on the of in the French Revolu tion the Government document put- tine Mm in possession of the same is dated This lot hasbeen much divided and On it lived for manv years Amos Wright for eighteen years a member of the Canadian Parliament a in the church an eaJCfif worker in everything that he thought would advance the religions educational or moral interests of the village who lecam of Crown Iands and at Port Arthur iii We are about to on classic ground for the first owner of Lot S3 was an author The hrlck mansion erected I ho late Mr Bernard surrounded by ornamental is of a primitive in of a once the another French refugee known at the York as the was one the most moor- fan adherents of the In tie Revolution of was intended the but bis toward a military he joined the army at the ape of eighteen years Possessed of large In Normandy- he became a political representative on the side of royalty and obtained the rank of In the Federal Army- The Is to have been the best parly chief the Royalists had but be lacked rertain IrdlsrenMble mlllfary which him to be a failure by his Royalists and ridiculed by LafffrrHftf in bis history of the eavffe History of the say that Jui- Thieis in bis Revolution was a man of intelligence and extraordinai skill in uniting the elements of party superior tivity of body and of vast ambition To a man born among the sunny of France reared amid the luxuries of aristocratic circles surrounded the of agination and the activities of military a home in the forests of Canada have teen a dreary exile Poets may spread themselves over the beauties of tie sylvan shade and fiction iters may expatiate on the pleasures ru ral life but in its most primitive it is not generally so ittac- Experience does away with a great deal of romance by the time their heroes have stroked down a few acres of trees reduced them to ashes and prepared a for the necessities of domestic life Not that we may suppose that these delicately reared gentlemen who had so recent ly come from the Chateaux and homes of architectural beauty amid the cul tivated valleys of France did much in the shape of improvements on their lots after the assistance rendered by the government had ceased On the contrary unlike the Loyalists of a later day they made no advance beyond their settlement duties Their log always remain the fame and their owners acted as if I hey were foreign land In conversation with an aged lady who was born in this vicinity hail spent her life here arid died March at the age of years the writ er listened to many refer ences to these early French settlers Her mother an officers wife was a woman of great intelligence well skilled in the treatment of sickness ami disease Having ready access to the bum Me homes of the refugees she learned and saw much which her children listened when gathered in the evening hour around the fireside Many were the incidents related of those exiles from their distant homes and their strange experiences in the exchange of Chateau aid fawn for chanty and in a considerable indignation at the young ladys refusal- to accept Chevalier de a nobleman of France Miss LizeUe said he yew git as long as you lib you empty Bonds Lake a LLzette attempted to empty Bonds Lake with a shell lived until she was eightyone years of age and never got married After the restoration of the Bour bons and the of Louis the throne of Fiance left Canada and went to England where he published a memoir of his life and a justification of his course in the political history of his native lard in five volumes and died in London in Before he left Canada he the whole of the hundred acres to David as gift the Colonel declined to accept because it was no thing but a cedar swamp It is now a valuable asset The well cultivated fvms of the were fi owned by Rene Augustine Chalus and the valuable farms of Messrs Wright and Gamble by Jean Lois Vicompte who was a MajorGeneral in the army of Brittany These refugee French gentlemen drew their titles to these lots according to re cords in To the student of history the name of the Castle of Chalus in Normandy is familiar as the castle in which much treasure was deposited and which Richard Lion sur rounded with his army To an of surrender by the garrison he re turned for answer that he would hang the whole of them when he re ceived a mortal wound from a the hands of Be The derived their title from the same castle and their revenue from the domains Previous to the Revolution of the feudal system prevailed in France and many lords castles exacted their revenues with rigour and some times with hut regard to When the people rose against the aris- they had a longstanding deb of retaliatirn to Fettle and the conspicuous by their wealth and position were early marked as Victims to be numbered among the who Before the popular fury had begun to vent itself against the nobility was to be married to a lady of France but the arrangements Ave iirsrt by the declared hostility of tie and en in- tun t only alternative to death George Co acquaint the public they have lately arrived from New York with a general assortment- of Dry and i will be sold at the lowest price for money for from the uncertainty of con tinuing to reside in these parts they cannot open accounts with any per son In other words a Cheap Cavh Store When the eraJ Iff Canada for his native land he presented his faithful Valet Michael his round log chateau and the acres of Canadian forest sur rounding it Ambrose Farcy Frances James and others all Re fugees were the first owners of most of the lots north of our village They settled in this part of the country be cause the Ridges reminded them of the hills of their native land and they thought that if the was enough to grow such magnificent pines that it was rich enough to grow grapes proved very poor farmers cleared very few acres made but little improvement and spent most of their at the Capitol where a mimic representation of Old World Court and etiquette was kept up by the of and style When the glad news that La Belle France had again become Monarchy in they gave away their farms or left them as they and with all the eagerness of children long away from home they hastened away to their native land Their little clearings were soon overrun with second growth pines or were squat ted on by neighbors and strangers Then came other claimants result ing in years of litigation and loss to all concerned but the lawyers Our Toronto better Tle adjourned General Sessions of the Peace will be held in the new Court House nil the when the annual report of the High Con stable will be presented list of Coun ty Constables revised etc A pressman named Win had his aim badly crushed on Saturday he had to have the arm amputated above the elbow against the Stieet Railway Co at the Assizes last week getting a ver dict for The action arose over injuries received when alighting a Belt Line car which started before she had time to get off throwing her to the ground The religious services in the city churches on Good Friday were much better attended this year than usual The band of the Highlanders returned to this city on Thursday of last week after a five months tour in the United States during which they played before at least a quarter of a million people They visited thirty States gave entertainments in towns and cities and travelled over 20000 miles A new building by 31 feet is be ing erected at the Central Prison which will give new and muchneeded accommodation The lower part Will contain a system of shower baths and the upper part will be used as a Ro man Catholic chapel By this time next year the Canada Power Co if their charter is granted at the present session of the Domin ion Parliament to be deliver ing Niagaraproduced electric power in Toronto The Argonauts ball in the- Pavilion this Fridays evening will probably one of the most popular social events of the season Mr Kingsford during past week was regularly appointed Deputy Polite Magistrate at a salary of per annum The faster holiday traffic by rail was unusually large Miss returned to Govern ment House last week after a so journ of five weeks in the sunny South Fop A Manitoba Mother Gives Practical Advise on the Care of Babies Jt is well known that nearly all in fant troubles spring from a disorder ed stomach Indigestion in a child will cause at first peevishness and slecplessnes but other more serious troubles will follow fast such as colic or cramps constipation in some cases diarrhoea in others with fatal results ninth of the On- J mother who disked on Jct hand frozen land Their romantic his tories narrow escapes and singular The bother Colonel Jean disguises when flying for heir lives Lois Chalus depending on a sudden from a mot were todjcpalnre for his life and failing to so hat the names of bis went to the roidote rave the Chains Farcy r his and with the assistance and cithers and the titles of his Valet enabled her to General and Viomjite were as familij a place of safety from which as household words to the young hey to gland lie travelling of those days gentleman in search of pleasure Many of Refugees they and the lady disguised as a fed in haste when the hoarse voice of Thus they waited Among the megs try Down with the J wanes of fugitives who landed on the became general they not- of England there was no with empty pockets The ear- of the Compte and It was when they landed on the supposed that when hundreds of heads of had with them were rolling from the guillotine every their apparel and their day that his was among otp of which they brought other wedding day was fixed with a with them to Canada It is change of groom The Vitoinple that It was no circumstance the lady Some time after in those days to see a gentleman the Rene Augustine turned up in the fashion but too late to fake the he the shanty gathering tended in the ceremony Like a wise chips to cook the dally and man be endured what could not be many of the ladle wore costly dresses cured and remained a bachelor The white attending to their domestic was never seen but in full dress fairs With many a wistful look to- and was treated by the whole settle- ward the homes of their happier days meat with the deference due to day by lapse of time The men who around and alter their name oil Good Fiiday were denied that honor on Saturday means of treating these ills takes an awful risk Mrs L McMillan Man is one mother who is particularly well fitted to give advice on the cure of babies Her standard lor the minor ailments of At the j chunh on Sunday night received into wr S and his fellow- exiles would enter but into their settlement duties Ha after a The lost their well supplied with but money and many grand parties were the rustic homes were made as com- given and etiquette observed that con- fort able as their limited knowledge of that kind of architecture make them they spent most of their time trusted greatly with their log and rough surround At state halls fetes and receptions given by in society at York where resided the Jibe aristocracy at the Capitol and his suite the officers of the garrison and elite of Upper Canada flood however was some times found nearer home With that penchant for companionship and the am created a great among the ladies by her display of diamonds surpassing everything possessed by the most wealthy the of York Previous to the of social life peculiar to the obtaining his patent from the govern- French frequently railed upon our old friend Mr John whom we have al ready introduced to the readers of the and Spent even ings with the Surveyors and for the whole gradually drifted Into a decided prer for of the the of the Compte Utile MM ami in a was an orator a of marriage did notice the advisability of with a soldier of fortune or rnther of mi fortune and so modestly declined the be Valet de called up on the family and and a soldier that when forc ed to flee for his life the for a whole in Hrlftany ad bis and font the fire revolt against the in he to have en gaged in a mercantile venture having entered into partnership with St uncle of late owner of the residence and beautiful grounds known as Henionely another Roy al who had stir named the family St because he first set foot In their land of refuge on St Georges day The Company opened a place of business and began trading with the Indians The following a copy of their advertisement as found in the Aug New store at the homo of French General between Niagara and Messrs A civil engineer named Wwin Force of Mane on Friday night last fell a tiain when the curve near the crossing at east Queen St At Hospital it was found lliat his skull and shoulder dislocated in attempting to board a moving street ear on Saturday on west Miss Alice Williams of Out fell and sustained several bruises At the roomii St- persons were given a free break fast on Master Sunday moning and Messrs and Hunter gave I hem a iaJk on the resurrection of Christ Mr Henry of firm of Co was found dead in bed Friday morning from asphyxiation The cause of death was accidental a gas having accidentally turned on without the knowledge of deceased Death came suddenly to ihos Fox of Sword St whiveXat work in the quarry off the Don valley Brick Works Friday afternoon lie was standing beside an elevated tram way wren one of the supports broke away and truck him on the head knocking him about twenty feet from where he stood He was quite dead picked up Mr Samuel Rogers laid the corner stone of a new church for the Friends on street last Monday The new edifice will cost Moore conducted religious services and Mr Rogers made some remarks Tie choir of the Dunn Ave Method ist Chut fib appeared in gowns day but some of the congregation dont altogether like It The Toronto Lacrossc Club players sailed for from St John on Saturday Rev J A Bowler a superannuated Methodist minister one of the of the in Ontario depart ed life on Saturday aged A coronation service will be carried on in St Cathedral on Coro nation Day during the time the ser vice is being conducted in Westminster Abbey In England and the choir will begin practice immediately Mrs Mary gained her suit and she says They are the best medicine I have ever used for infant ailments have given them to my baby for indigestion and stomach trouble and they are prompt and thorough in making a cure No mot it er should be a single day without the tablets in the house Babys Own Tablets are for children of all ages will cure such troubles as constipation sour stomach and simple fevers They are invaluable for teething children and will up colds and prevent croup Guaranteed to ate other harmful drug Dissolved in water they can te given with per fect safety to a newborn babe Sold by all dealers in Medicine or sent postpaid at a box by address ing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Brock vilfe Onto arc improving Siberian roads with feverish anxiety since the alliance After a voyage HO days from Seattle and around the Horn the American James in New York with cases of sal mon making Hie ftrst cargo of salmon ever sent around the horn to city Your Throat Gargles cant go back Car enough sprays dont reach deep enough but the air you breathe touches every part Then why not put some healinglneeficino in the air and let them go along together That is what lene is for healing medi cine right on the places that most need it You now sea why it so quickly cures sor throat r hoarseness vhoopiigcough and asthma by Latap which od ir na oumi- VAKKitit Co St tr j told fcy druggist Newmarket