Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 28 Mar 1902, p. 7

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CHINA HALL Selling Off Stock B00I SHOES RUBBERS of Cost VOL Si YE from to 30 per cent by buying now We are selling out lor want of room Ladies Fine Dongola and Good Ser viceable Every Day Shoes Mens Box Calf Fine and Good Solid Every Day Wearing Misses Fine Dongola and Specially Good School Boys Box Dongola and Good Strong School Boots This is a chance you seldom get to buy good reliable goods at BIG SEDUCTIONS We want to clear them out in snort time Empress Fine Shoes The most perfect fitting Fine Shoes tor Ladies made in Canada Every lady should have a of pair at SNAP PRICES DINNER SETS From to pieces AT SNAP PRICES TO REDUCE STOCK TOILET SETS 10 pieces AT BIG REDUCTIONS TO MAKE ROOM A SMITH The Leading Reliable Grow Telephone You Need For Cuts Burns Bruises Hems ISGOIKO IK isbOT Board of Management on Tuesday night A few accounts were passed and some of the very latest books selected for the li brary from a Toronto traveller Oof Chancellor Boys has returned from a visit to the southern Stages after a trip to restore his health which has been greatly benefited from bis stay in the south Final arrangements are being made bytoe committee of Wilson Masonic Lodge for the annual athome is to be held in the Temple on April The planing mill and pattern loft of Very keen interest is in in the Poison iron Works foot of Junior organization which meets every Wednesday ater- at oclock in the Temrance Hall Five new members joined at bournestreet were gutted by fire last Monday night at oclock The lives of boys were endanger ed Monday night at oclock by will have a bearing on the that come to us in The evening subject win be The Death that means Life This is the first of a series that the pastor is prepar ing of Christian ity R Sensation Has been created among the men by Roches selling 35 Keek Ties for each toe last meeting mating enrolled that broke out suddenly close All children of the Town are invited to a large dormitory in the north- to attend wst wing Boys Home l George-street- Fortunately the blaze PPesbytePlan was discovered in time to permit of The choir is preparing special music tie use of the usual means of exit for next Sabbath aW corridor Loss on premises isn about The Bureau of Mines up in Queens Park was informed this week that parties from Dublin who are opening up a copper mine on the Rock Luke vein a short distance from Reck Lake have struck a body of grey cop per which is of considerable richness Toronto Civic Holiday will be held this year on Monday August The Rev John Gillespie a retired Presbyterian minister well known in Ontario died at his residence here last week aged 79 years may be interesting know that nine thousand one hundred and eleven horses been shipped from Canada to South Africa for the use of the British army by Col Dent since he was sent out on this mission in Last month were ship ped and Pol Dent said that he ex pected to ship eight hundred more early in April A despatch from Ashville North Carolina on Tuesday announced the death of Mr John Burns vicepresi dent of the Standard Bank here Dew ceased went South about a month ago on a pleasure trip took a week ago la t Friday and died as above slated He was years old is about as hard as Christmas on the pocket of the aver age Change of styles Committee A meeting of air Newmarket sup porters of the Rose Administration is to take place in the Commercial Rooms of the Royal Hotel next Tues- dayevening at oclock to organize for the coming elections Mr Jos Millards show room op posite the Royal Hotel has been en gaged for a campaign Committee Room and both telephone and elec tric light wires bare been put in for the convenience of the party St Pauls Service on Good Friday at a and pm Sunday next being Easter Day the services in this church will be am Holy Communion am special mm Easter service and Holy Communion j All communicants of the Church of and from winter to spring in connection with this some tall shopping are most earnestly invited to re- j The display of city florists for the from the city on a visit last day Mi a Maud Buchanan of is visiting with tier sister Mrs I Gilpin Mr Fred Morton has returned home from Toronto where has been at tending Business College Mr Walker Mortons are moved to their new home near Newmarket We also welcome Mr Barker and family into our midst Mr- Silas Morton is in Toronto on jury Mr Grey is home for holi day v- j is also on jury Miss Carson was visiting at on Sunday also Mr War ren Mr- an Mrs Winch and Miss A Irwin spent Suirday at ilrP Mortens also Mrs Neil Morton addressed tho cm Sunday It being Temperance lesson made it very MUTUAL Mr and Mrs left for Dakota on Monday where- they in tend to spend the summer They will be greatly missed In this neighbor hood where they had made friends fife is visiting in the city A number of our young people at tended a large wedding at Vandorf on The many friends of Mrs Charles Wilson will regret to hear that she is quite ill Mr J Col ham and family moved into the house lately occupied by Mr Prosser We are pleased to wel come Mr and wife to the neighborhood It is reported that there is scarlet fever not far away Some uneasiness is felt that the required precautions have not been taken to keep it from spreading Mr Win Willis is in the city on Jury Mr and Mrs Nelson at tended the wedding of their son Char lie in the city on Wednesday Mr Willis is on the sick list I As I intend to soon Many am ARE OFFERED IN Pickles Relishes Sauces Dressings tomato and Mushroom Catsups Fruit Syrups Beef Mustard Corned and Potted Beef Malted Leaven Malted Breakfast Food Yeastrine in Cans Boneless and Soup Chicken Macaroni Washing Powders Hops Shoe Polish and Blacking Stoye Pipe Varnish Flaked Beans Peas and Barley and all high priced Teas and Coffees Sweet Pickles in Bulk and Fancy Candies Fancy Bis- cuits Swiss Food and All the Above Must Go At and Below Cost fc r I Corn 6c per can Brooms Cheap i KESWICK Mr Way man and bride the Holy Sacrament at one of is astonishing esi home Saturday night We all services At the oclock in hyacinths lilies vice and at pm there will be spe- roses carnations and violets They eial Easter music are most beautiful It has been for the hers of the flour and grain section of I The Chosen Friends have added sew the Board of Trade to play a game few days with here new members lately on Good Friday in the Miss Sutherland the dressmaker By toe way the school girls ace us- rotunda of the Board of Trade build- over the is doing a rushing their skipping ropes spring surely business The date of the elections was not Ernes and son of wish much happiness Mr Frank arrived home from Michigan last week Mr Elliott has returned to his home in after spending a MEAT IS EACH NOW FOR 20c FRESH IN CANS WERE NOW CEREAL COFFEE NOW FOR FLAVORING POWDERS AND ARE EACH NOW FOR CENTS CATFISH NOW FOR SALT HERRING PER DOZEN CLARIS NOW CANS FOR CAKES BATH AND TOILET SOAP FOR BLUB RIBBON TEA Per lb Goods Be Sold Quick for I Want to Leave H BICKLE OLD STAND NEWMARKET a magnificent calendar to present to his customers must be here j The date of the elections was King Council meets at at the Cabinet meeting on were visiting friends here last week on Saturday Tuesday hut probably will be on Sat- Mr A A Ernes is doing Industrial Home Commissioners meet on Tuesday jury panel for the next Sessions Whitchurch Council at on be drawn on Saturday Wednesday A strike is on among the painters School closed yesterday for decorators They want cents an hour for an eight hour day NORTH and will not reopen till April Wild geese were flying south over the Town on Wednesday Watch out that the boys dont fool you next Tuesday Mrs Thomas Smiths funeral flow of maple sap last Sun- was preached at the house last day week by Rev- Simpson The vernal equinox last week was who took his text from John unusually quiet sermon was an earnest and ingle fare tickets are announced effort full of comfort and con- Good Friday travelling solation to the bereaved Rev The AOUW added two more new ley junior minister of the circuit was members on Monday Diarrhoea At Bowel Complaints It ft ftftit fta4 Two tec Me The eyes at forty lire assistance aretl is age reading or neat work becomes an exertion and glasses of just enough strength to relieve all strain should be obtained We are experts In this line We examine eyes free of charge and guarantee satisfaction Atkinson GRADUATE OPTICIAN A Co NEWMARKET Mr Bert having a new brick chimney with three tile Hues built on the south side of his resi dence and talks of remodelling his heating system Mrs Kb Haines intends putting a stone foundation under her residence on Prospect avenue this Spring Mr Robert is preparing lo put a stone foundation under his resi dence on Street as soon as the opens Mrs Lush talks of putting some considerable upon her residence on Queenstreet Mr p A is making consid erable alterations in the house on Queenstreet to which be is about re moving Mayor Cane Is contemplating rais ing the roof on putting on slate and adding another room The Will be pleased to see toe new mil linery at Store and also present as well as a large at tendance of the and friends of deceased Altho sick only one week she realized her approaching death named the pallbearers and seemed re signed lo Gods will The body was interred in cemetery A entertainment is promised next- Tuesday night in the Methodist church Keswick at which will be pre sent to tale part the Hunter who were at the last con cert March out were unable to attend The Committee feel justified in this generous act as they had a very full house before and the people much disappointed did not conn plain as it was no fault of the man- The weather has been so fine lately that the snow has gone the frost is out of the ground the ice gone from the streams and rivers the roads are once more dry the frogs and the birds are singing and toe farmers are In many places already seeding some painting for Mr J Hazard Miss Mary is expected home from Thornhill and Toronto where she has been visiting friends for the past two weeks Do not forget the Free Concert in the church on Tuesday evening April 1st Hunter of are expected Miss was the first cyclist of the season around here Mr and lady wereout boat ing last Sunday on Cooks Bay the first of the reason Mr started seeding for his sister Mrs J near ville last Wednesday March Mr Walter fas also started seeding near there Why jo much gossip around Iterc If every goose guards her own gos lings will have enough to do Miss Sutherland and Mrs Harry Woods were visiting their parents at Corners last Sunday KETTUCBY A raUier incident took place the day on what Is known as Hill line While was teaming a load of up the hill his team evi dently left the road and tipped the contents overboard We sympathize with Harry because we know Just whit it is to- get the road Tlie previous evening a goodly mem ber of young men from around the Vicinity took it into their- heads to serenade Chas McGIll but got left to such an extent as to cause little pro fit fori a lot of pains mind Attitude The Ontario Alliance and the Standing Committee of the Meth odist General Conference on Temper ance and Moral Reform met yesterday afternoon and decided on their policy in reference to the referendum and five coming general elections action of the Alliance took the form of a circular letter to be issued to rohibitionists thruout the Pro vince The letter describes the refusal of the Government to alter the tious of the referendum in the way asked by the Alliance as a viotoryor the liquor traffic The Alliance accepts the referendum tho protesting against its unfair jditions and urges prohibitionists to organize to a victory on Dec 4th A protest is entered against com paring the Act with the Scott Act any other measure more local in its nature or less stringent in its pro visions It is an honest attempt to devise the most effective kind of pro hibitory law It was the work of skilled and experienced professional men who were also earnest advocates of total prohibition and it is pro bably the most legisla tion of the kind in existence The Alliance urges the support of temperance candidates In the coming elections The Methodist Committee in a of resolutions declines to ex press an opinion on the referendum but condemns its conditions as unjust to the temperance people The com- considered it the duty of all Methodists to assist in securing tho election of numbers of the next Leg islature who are favorable to prohibi tion and urged the Importance of se curing the largest possible vote at the referendum on December GROCERY Good Friday Easter Specials Hot X Buns I Delivered Thursday Night ot Early Friday Morning Choice Maple Syrup 125 per imp gallon Nice Green Lettuce Celery Radishes and Cabbage Large Bright Bananas 20c Large Choice Florida Pineapples and 25c each Extra Choice Sweet Oranges to doz A Large Assortment of Choice Candy for the Holiday Trade GROCERIES Dried Apples to lb Apples in Gallon tins Jams in Pails pail Catsup per tin 5c Catsup per bottle Pickles per bottle 9c Cans Corn for 15c Sweet Fancy Biscuits lb Layer Raisins lb lbs lor Finnan Haddie toe per lb Canned Fruits Canned Beets and Canned Vegetables xo ox- Ice is not out of the lake yet but serenading dont count every Pat Association The annual meeting of the threateninga soon to go can be beard in its booming detonations several miles from the shore Mr James Smith of the con near Jersey bad a sale of stock and time Mr Jefferson of Manitoba made a flying call among relatives and friends last week looking hale is fireman on a train in Manitoba implements last Monday Air John Hamilton reeve of Mr pimer is spending a Poultry and Pet Stock Asoociar bury purchased Mr Smiths days at home from the city tkm took place In tbe Fire Hall on Bailey homestead last fall Raster holidays will no doubt bring Trrursday evening of last week and Cattle and horses good many visitors into our section whom was well attended The report pre- prices at too sale good milch cows were very encouraging from to and will report week It Is sad to report the death of following officers were elected for the yearold cattle selling as as Rev little child whkh ensuing year Mr James has moved was interred the cemetery here on lion Little of Church- hill Hon Vie A Hon Patrons Hon J Davis and Lennox President LieutColonel Lloyd 1st Vice 2nd Vice Dean I Secretary Treasurer Board Bert Gardner W Ma- back on his farm at Jersey from Mr Frank Terry Inspector for this in having a rest from his as Inspector as no one Is able to be on the fake for a time He has tapped the fine maple bush on his farm and the sap has been running freely during the recent fine weather Mr has re cently taken to himself a was and at Keswick last Saturday AmosHill A couple of dollars had the Association starts of quieting disturnance with members Miss Pollock returned Tuesday the remains being brought from where he resides He has the sympathy of this vicinity fie had only returned on Tuesday of last week from attending the fun eral of a sister and In consequence of service in the here has been deferred two weeks Mr Geo Brigbam Jr of Buffalo attended the funeral of his mother here last Please allow me to congratulate thru of your Mr Jesse and builder of Frost wire fence on such A young child of Mrs of was caught between table and the slats of a window and strangled to death Cape Town March Cecil Rhodes Is dead He had been ill for some weeks with heart trouble and for the past two years had been in poor A ago lie showed signs of reviving and It was hoped he would recover sufficiently to sail for but yesterday he had a re lapse and grew weaker Barker a farmer residing near Thistletown was at tacked whilst on his way homo from the Milk producers meeting in To ronto on Saturday night by a man who climbed into the back part wagon and struck him over head Mr Barker had drawn a largo sum of money from the bank whilst in the city in order to make a payment and it Is thought that whoever made the attack was aware of this fact Mr Barker was hit from behind and fell over the side of the wagon hold ing on to the lines Unfortunately he fell upon his head which dazed him He was however able to climb into the wagon again The horses took htm to the farm of a relative where he shouted for aid Medical as sistance was procured and his condi tion was considered serious Ho has retained consciousness and Is likely to recover His assailant ran away alter Mr Barker fell and none of his money Theound of a distant rig probably hastened miscreants steps Fresh Mangold Seed Sugar licet and Turnip Seed expected 1st April Enquire the price before you buy Remember we saved you money last year The Grocer beautiful stock of New Millinery will be open for inspection at this store on Friday and Saturday and I- MISS Will be in charge and will be pleased to show the ladies all the Newest Styles the wife- murderer was sentenced at Winnipeg to hang on May Imperial authorities ask ed for another mounted force of men from Canada 1 George Brodie of dis- posed of a mare and colt within tho past week for Mr has more than a provincial reputation a stock breeder v Try an in the Era

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