Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 28 Mar 1902, p. 5

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it j j VT x 1 vr i v -a- v T-iVj-v- 4 l ONTARIO Total branch General Banking Business TRANSACTED J Allowed on Deposits it baits DRAFTS ISSUED AT Agent for to At fl Ramsay Fire on Firm and w Town Property Pps Simpson Main Sundnea and Good Street Practical Painter PaperHanger and House Corner Millard a of MARRIAGE LICENSES I At the Baa Newmarket oner Paper laaued at if r u leeks A very and meeting the OK IN tSe Y t Association took in Newmarket afternoon last in the chair Notwithstanding water on the The first order of business being the ice last Friday night a exciting election of officers the following wre took place at the Rink be- chosen unanimously the Town and Factories re- Fleury suiting in a score of to in favor 1st Vice Cane Newmarket of the T ViceChas Elliott Bradford Secretary Sale inteeds to Kettleby pose of his farm stock impJemente and household furniture on lot 89 present was Yonge Street- miles- of fl meeting which by auction on Wednesday April J acceptable manner 2nd commencing at sharp He rainutes He was has- rented his farm and is about moving away The sermons by Dr Cade last Sunday was well received Next Sun day being Easter the church will be decorated with plants and flowers special Easter music by the choir and Easter sermon in the morning by the pastor Special Easter Service in Sun day at to which the public are invited Music addresses promotion exercises honor roll re port etc to Turn Up john Scott farmer Whitchurch township died on February and by his will be left the sura of to his son Albert providing he should appear to claim it within five years of the the meantime the money was paid into court Last Friday B Woods rag for the of tie estate appeared at Hall before iir Justice Meredith and asked for tbe payment of the thousand dollars to the other three children the testa tor stating that the years had expired and Albert had not put in an appearance The order was granted the a MARRIAGE LICENSES BUTTON NEWMARKET LATEST IK Monuments and Head Stones- Call Before erf where Allan Kum a Commencing on Good Friday we will finish your photo at 50 Per Half Dozen S This snap will only last a shortj tune so if you are too late you alore will be to blame We do this merely to show you the quality of our work J SMITH Grocery and Provision STORE Med pet ft 8c Apples for Pal Jam Jam lbs fox Tin A Marmalade Jar HMO it Blue Berries pec ttWFltt per can 0c KH0WLE3 Sunday Away back in the history of past over years ago the rule was adopted making Easter fall on the after lull moon after the sun crosses the line By this arrangement Easter may come as early as March or as late as April must forever oscillate between the dates mention ed Toe word Easter is said to derived from the German osier rising and the early Christians celebrated it as their or fes tival of the resurrection of Christ The English name for the day is probably derived from that of the old Teutonic goddess whose festival occurred at about the same time as we now celebrate Easier heated discussvons are said to have taken place among the early Christians before the proper time for celebrating this festival was finally determined The question was defin itely settled however by the Council of Nice by adopting the rule which makes Easter fall upon the first Sunday after the first full moon occurring after March During the last century Easter has fallen from one to four on every date between March 22nd and April except March tb which has- been skipped entirely To the truly de vout Christian the anniversary of the of Christ a day blooming with the hope of immortal ity and eternal life- North York County Felt Following are the Committees ap pointed for year Mr J Cane being a member all by virtue of his office MANAGEMENT Wesley Fortune A field Martin Lloyd A Coouihs Hon Din A Bogart J C Smith TH ftJ Robertson DEPARTMENT COMMITTEES To Uea Poultry Spice the early vrlnter at STORE Forsyth House If I Wesley tune Stewart Heavy Proctor Widdifield Scott Hamilton McKay Webb Haines Sheep Webb Fortune 5 Lane Coombs Powell Agricultural Grain Reed Field Crops Webb Wesley Woodcock Horticultural Fruit Garden Veg etables Flower Plant Mar tin Smith Hughe Dairy Domestic Products Mc Kay Martin Vehicles Mercantile Exhibits Cane Lloyd Fogg Natural History Fine Arts Hughes Martin Coomb Cane is Laoies Work Lloyd Robertson Cane Smith Lennox Coombs McKay Robertson black The Department are ex- petted to report a revision of the in the approaching election as evi denced by the attendance from all parts of the Riding He bad now represented North York for ses sions and he observed that the last session closed in a way means a great deal for the success of the Liberal Government The Government proposed certain questions of policy such as the Railway Subsidies in New Ontario opening up square miles of territory and the Pulp Agreements in which an of the Conservative party ex pressed his hearty support white Mr Whitney opposed them The pulp agreement means the expenditure of half a million of dollars and gives the settler the advantage of- selling at a fair price what would otherwise be destroyed by fire in clearing up the land This policy also brings advan tages to Old Ontario and while the Conservative party is divided the Liberal party was so united or more thoroughly satisfied with tbeir leader re cord he ivas sure that it would their- and they would vote accordingly The history of the Ontario is excellent Province in the Dominion or State in the American Union is financially situated There are now 98 constituencies and this Riding has its part to hear- Only once in four years have the people the privilege of saying how they consider the respon sibilities are managed and he hoped the representatives present urge the electors to cast there ballots at the approaching election Mr Davis expressed his deep seme of gratitude For the confidence the people of this Riding It is not all glory or ease in life but when he remembered that electors of North York were at his back lie was ready to make many personal sacrifices for the bene fit of the country at large The President stated that he had never seen so representative a gather ing of the Executive It was now their duty to arrange for a Mass- Meeting to bring out a candidate at the coming election He was pleased to announce that the had his consent to make his first campaign speech in North York and it without saying that that speech will be keynote of the campaign He hoped that no efforts would be spared to make it a rousing meeting It was then decided to hold the MassMeeting of the electors of North York favorable to the Ross Adminis tration in the Town Hall Newmar ket on Friday April at oclock to nominate a candidate and a committee was appointed to see that the announcement is circulate the Riding following resolution of condol ence was carried in silence and the Secretary instructed to forward a copy to the Premier Resolved that the Com mittee of the North York Liberal As sociation takes this its first oppor tunity to extend to Hon Ross the Province of On tario the sincere sympathy of the Liberals of this constituency in bis recent sad bereavement by the death of his esteemed and beloved wife and we desire to assure the Premier tbat his sorrow is shared by the Liberals of Not York Favorable reports of the prospect of the Liberal candidate were given by Mount Al bert Dr Pearson Jos Rogers J Stark Keswick Fitch Baker onville J Aurora WcKtnaie Holland Roach May Pine Orchard Ira Norton William North Tbomas Holt Stephen Phillips King Duncan King A son John Raven- shoe Cane Newmarket Fuller LloydtownW T Landing Duncan Bell Landing Eugene Holt adjourned 11 oa in the Town Hall A BOYS LIFE SAVED 1 A fipateM Mother The of v Sooday Sebool Lesson v I L- LESSON A THE Triumphed After A Failure Physicians Stone of grateful for the rescue of heir little boy from death writes as follows my duty to infoini you of wliat Celery has done for my little boy He very ill and had attendance of our physician but no good results were apparent The dangerous turns to which my boy was subject- more and always worse in winter He would become pale as death feet and hands icy and always followed He eer to be powerless and for days not Sift his head from his pillow Af ter trying various kinds of medicine we decided to get Celery Com pound for him One bottle made him well and since that time he has not been ill I have every reason to be lieve that he is permanently cured An face of such testimony who can deny that Celery saves life Hundreds of such letters as Mrs Stones are on ley for the 6J doubters When your children are J nervous fretful despondent sleepless weak rundown have loss of appetite slow circulation of blood and decreasing in weight give them Celery for a week or two and note well the cheering results in returning health and vigor We urge the immediate use of the great for all sickly and- weak boys and girls Bees Will Pay Taxes in a bulletin recently issued by the Rhode island hoard of agriculture secretary of the board George A says Economical as the farmer may be careful as he may dean in field and roadside perhaps meanwhile com plaining of low prices and high taxes yet he is unconscious often apparent ly of the presence or indifferent to the value of a rich and bountiful crop a free gift of nature prepared every year that may be of sufficient value to pay the taxes Honey is as much a crop as any other and there is no reason why it should not con tribute to the general welfare In the city of Providence one colony of bees gathered in one season lbs of comb honey sold at cents per pound or another colony in same apiary gathered in the same season 124 lbs of extracted honey sold at cents per pound or Other colonies in the same apiary pro duced to pounds of comb or extracted each above what was requited to support them during the winter Beekeeping is usually a joint indus try Bees must have some attention but do not require so much care as some persons suppose By the use the double nonswarming hives bees may be left to themselves most of the time and the fanner may give his at tention to poultry raining small fruit culture gardening etc assured that his are working for his benefit to supply his table and help pay the taxes John Golden TextsJesus said unto her I am the resurrection life INTRODUCTION the opening verses of this ter we have the visit of Mary lene and the other women to se pulchre their object being to embalm the body of Jesus for which they had brought spices ami precious ointr merit Evidently these women did not know of toe guard appointed by or of the being sealed by the chief priest Each of the gospels refers to women and a grouping of the accounts we readily learn who they were and the who visited the tomb in the garden But the purpose of St John in his version of the resurrection is to give prominent place to the interview between Jesus and Mary Magdalene and it is with tnis inter view our lesson chiefly concerns itself PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS Unless Christ be a living presence in the heart a guiding controlling grace in the life a real absolute personal Saviour what are our offer ings of flowers music and Easter de corations Hearts brimming with gratitude souls overflowing with thankfulness are the best offering we can bring The triumphant meaning of Christs resurrection only causes to many people and their offering is more of wonder and curi osity anything see Easter lilies all about us we know that they have grown into life bulbs looted very Sowers VSpV tot soul as for the lilies there is tion When into its inherent it he power of Christ finds way it rises in newness of as dirterent from its old self as the lily is differ ent from the bulb The AND Best SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU- EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE Perfect Ail Points WELLS IMPROVED BUTTER COLOR never turns butter to a reddish or tinge It gives the true and golden June tint that is always maintained in hot and cold weather It does not taste the butter color the buttermilk and has no offensive small other colors RICH ARDSON Improved BUT TER COLORnever becomes rancid stale or sour- It is the only perfect color for miking perfect butter At all druggists and general dealers March an apple tree in his orchard yesterday Mr Hoar a well-to- do Darlington farmer to the ground and dislocated his spine His entire body from just below the arms is paralyzed and there hope of his ever being better He may how ever live for some time CASTOR I A ft For Infants and Children AVOID DECEPTION AND LOSS SEE THAT E NAM liolAiofBS S IS PACK AOE YOU PURCHASE Some profit loving merchants buy package dyes to supply their custom ers with that are so poor and weak that it requires fully three packages to give the same depth and richness of color that obtained from one package of the Diamond Dyes weak dyes dear at any price are sold to consumers at ten cents per packet same price as the full strength Diamond Dyes Any woman who is by a mer chant to buy the weak and adulterat ed dyes referred to should stoutly re fuse to be swindled Loss trouble and irritation can be avoid ed by always using the Diamond Dyes It is stated that all the mining locations owned by the Hat tie Belle and Vallentyne Mica Companies have passed into the control of the Con solidated Copper Co with a capital of 000 The report goes on to say that the latter Company came the purchaser of the above Par ry Sound Mines for at a meeting held on Friday last at Sun derland and authorized to prepared the necessary papers of con veyance The consolidated proper ties are located at Spider Lake- and will embrace ftbout acres of the very choicest mining lands in Parry di THREE MONTHS AND NO SLEEP 50 Pairs Mens American Sample Boots lace or gaiter Sizes anc only Regular Price fe while they last J Remember we are out Winter Goods M Reynolds clerk of the Queens Hotel at Winnipeg ell from a ladder and struck his head on the radiator causing almost instant death For Lung Troubles Coughs Colds Emaciation c c caq pare Oil but tad Will up add in nlnftiynlno case out of hundred would mean pit- lent but South Amorloan vlnowaotho In time Bon John package when Mount Albert the name Diamond Dyes you aro It was announced that Committee fully protected Rooms had been opened in both New market ana Aurora workers will be given every assistance in ob taining information Mr Duncan Marshall Liberal or ganizer for North York a humorous speeotj which was received fcWHMw Manitoba Government will NO fox The dates a Rood to flght for and again Increase the price of Provincial Menthol Plaster although some a chance to win The hope was lands half dollar an acre on unscrupulous dealers may say there that every one the April Recommended by doctors by at a general meeting be i ttlBJW SfljL held In the Fire Hall at oclock on would be orgarrhed at of cough and by pleurisy c Made by ItK once and at the coming ri brthclL Davis Lawrence Co Ltd Diamond Mat and Rug Patterns richly colored on toe best Scotch Hes sian can be ordered by mail Send for free sheets of designs to select from Send your address to the Wells Co Limited Mountain St Montreal Manitoba will of from tremble had a for low had up hop of She South and from the took tie firt do She put on flcih and la a ftboti while of her trouble hid left her and although It fiva Sold by Newmarket Simpson the young Englishman shot in a melee at Calgary last Sun day Is dead 1 LOCAL OPINION IS STRANG in of It cures coughs and colds with Pleasant to take sure to cure Manufactured by the propri etors Perry Davis J W of Pickering a OTRbrakeman was kilted under the cars at olld of bring tobealth and DAVIS A CO limited will sell TWINE Red Star feet to the Extra Manilla to the lb Beautiful Twine British sub jects will you Canadian in dustries or send your money to the United States ENGINES FOR SALE Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer REFITTED AND PAINTED ALSO SEPARATORS And belt Your choice of Full Rig for 40000 i Ob four years Cheap at 600 THOMPSON Tenders Wanted TerWcrs will be received by the un dersigned up to April 1st for Repjaire to Keawlck School House as follows if- Raise building feet and place stone foundation therennrfet ready for Also cost of brick- claidding ResWngle building with first- class shingles Cost of coating outside of build ing with felt paper and cover with Contractors to furnish all Have amalgamated with and In Size of building ft I known the The Cane Sods Mlfc of Limited ft high pitch roof Con- tractors may tender for the whole or any portion of the work The low- Factories Limited Monday April Any- est or any tender hot necessarily ac- may be seen A account previous to Dec are due and payable by THE WW SONS MFG CO Keawiok person having such will kindly them in at once as the Company 1 It books and will apply for a return of charter on application to FOR SALE AT THE ERA

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