r J -r- Scrofula Is not crofola bat disposition Is and Indicated eruption sometimes by paJc- new and debility dlseaM afflicted Mrs Snyder Union Troy Ohio when was aJfatecn old by a banco In bar cawed great pain and became a running tore It afflicted daughter of J Parker City when years old rapidly ttalwhah pad rami to sores on A It he Spring eling Truth is often spoken in too and Downs in the Tele gram recently wo find the following News that Henry is slated for a porUolio under An in depends tauididatc in per son of Councillor j Will oppose Br Tory in at the araproaclrinfe Provincial and the Orangevilto Post says VARIABLE SPRING WEATHER the Grits will support in or- TO WEAK to compass Dr defeat f A There is little use talking about prohibition genius is keeping pace THE J P Whitney is enough to avert the threatened change of Government Even Usually Robust People Feel Run distills and in Ontario rack and aooot her ear were not benefited by but as say were completely cared by Hoods This oecollar medicine r and LEGAL Thos J Robertson Barrister Main Street Newmarket soaeo to Loan on rood Farm courtly- nioyd to Division Court Ontario Barrister Conveyancers o Cfcopplo doors South Feet Of fice Newmarket T Herbert Lennox Aurora will also beat Newmarket on Saturday and J Boas Co Bankers Ontario Bank Aurora Funds Loan At p Barrister Of St Reformer Block MoneY to fioan DENTAL A I pott Office Block opposite Ibe Church Satisfaction DR to Dr Opposite Drug Store GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY NORTHERN DIV TIME TABLE p Mo A CO to CO CO CO o p CO W I en o a a co OS a I 1 fl a a Metropolitan Co TORONTO l a J in in CO CO OT aft o 4 J V to CO 50OW MO co a S 4 44 to V MO The rises to re mark We notice by the packet that the subject to be discuss ed from the Baptist pulpit last Sab bath was What and Where is Hell The Herald then sagely observes We have frequently wondered why some people speed so much time spec ulating on places which they say they never intend to visit Ahem At a Liberal held in on Saturday last tfoo j Provincial Secretary was again unanimously to be the Reform candidate for West at the approaching general elec tions to the Ontario House During the afternoon addresses were delivered fay P Mr Senator Cox Andrew and others It was a most enthusiastic gathering There are now two bills before House of proposing to deal with and these bills come Up for consideration before the House Committee on the of next month Both measures infringe upon the rights of municipalities Both measures powers upon telephone and companies to dig up streets plant poles etc without permission of local municipal councils without saying much as by you leave Every corporation in the country should enter protests against this in fringement upon municipal rights Now is the time to act correspond with representatives to block the en croachment It is that the voted by the Legislature for le educa tion will be distributed on lie same basis as the grants to High Schools have been made for years viz in ac cordance with the sums paid for sal aries to feathers attendance and equipment There will be a min imum grant to every school Accord ing tohe provisions of an Act pass ed during the session of the Legisla ture Just closed in places where there ate High Public and Separate Schools the same as Newmarket for instance the respective Boards may appoint a committee from each to be a Board of Technical Education which will apportion the tost accord ing to attendance A pros despatch from Ottawa states that it has not yet been decid ed what shall be the composition of the force of officers and men who are to constitute Canadas military contingent at the coronation a general way it is understood how ever that it will represent all arms of the service as was the case with the Jubilee contingent and all he provinces the Dominion Prefer ences will be given to officers and men who have served in South Africa but the Minister of Militia is said to have under consideration a plan of selec tion which will give first call to those of the Canadian contingents who did not have the privilege of visiting the mother country on their way home from the war Judging from observations made by leaders of the Opposition respecting the pulpwood agreements made by the Government St must be obvious to every person conversant with of ficial surveyors reports that they fail- to the extent of the timber resources of northern Ontario At the Ontario Land Surveyors Conven tion in Toronto last week Mr G Kirkpahrick presented a paper on the exploration of Ontario full of Interest as as surprises re specting the wealth of the Province in and pine tim ber He told the convention that there were approximately cords of in Northern Ontario and feet of pine in This amount of pulpwood at cents per cord the price now being realized by the pres ent was worth and the pine at present rates from to LOAN SAVINGS COMPANY Down and Out Sorts at This intoxicants into vest pock- Time Dr Williams Pink Pills are tablets each tablet contains a the Very Best Spring Tonic densed jag of fortyrod The spring months are a trying time it is announced that Hon Mr most people At no other time Minister of Education has of the year do health and strength chosen five of the eight lady teachers seem so hard to gain and to hold to go to South Africa You do not feel that you are really are Miss sick but you fee about as bad as you gj street School Miss K Mao- could if you were seriously ill That and Miss D Scott of the feeling ought to be got rid of and it can be What you need is a tonic to enrich the blood and free it from the impurities which have lodged in your system during the winter and which are responsible for your present condi tion Br Williams Pink Pills are TORONTQ CANADA Cor Klof VUtorii Sit HON GEO A CQtf President Ketchum School Toronto Miss Augusta Hoover Model School Toronto Junction and Miss Bade of North York All of the ladies chosen by the Minister of are pro ficient in music and hold good teach ing positions at present They all the only reliable never failing tonic j produced certificates as to their medicine These pills make new rich fitness to stand the South African blood strengthen the nerves and bring climate health and vitality to every organ in the body They are an ideal spring medicine and the best thing in the world for all diseases having their ori gin in impoverished or impure blood The case of Miss Belle White Rock is a strong corrobor ation of these statements She says Three years ago this spring I was very much run The least exhausted me I seemed to lose ambition and a feeling of languor and sluggishness took its place My appetite failed me and my sleep at nights was disturbed and restless In was in a pitiable condition After trying two or three medicines without benefit I began the use of Paidup Fund Williams Pink Pills and they speedily worked a for the bet ter and by the time I had used a half boxes felt stronger than I had don for years I have since used the pills in the Siring slid I them an excellent tonic of their thorough and prompt action on the and nerves these pills speedily cure anaemia sciatica par tial paralysis St Vitus dance scro fula and eruptions the skin ery sipelas kidney and liver troubles and the ailments which make the lives of so many women a- source of constant misery Other socalled tonic pills are mere imitations i Paul March Three hundred this sterling remedy Get the great Northern passengers from ice with the full name Dr Williams points west of the Rastern Montana On Saturday last Mr- MPI for North Toronto exleader of the Conservative party in the Lo cal House issued a manifesto an nouncing bis candidature- for reflec tion and making a declaration of his views political party inde pendence The Telegram makes the following- comment will be an independent candi date in North Toronto He has made a definite announcement to that effect in a manifesto the electors in which he also declares for some years particularly the past two the conviction has been steadily growing upon him that extreme partyism at any rate hi provincial politics is neither desirable- nor wise but on the contrary often positively foolish and injurious T intimates that Toron to has teen treated with indifference simply because its representatives in the Legislature have been against the Government in everything Mr ter compliments the Government oh its New Ontario policy and an nounces himself an out and out pro hibitionist Interest allowed on Deposits Repayable on Demand Interest allowed on Debentures Repayable on days notice WRITE FOR COPY OF ANNUAL REPORT AND FURTHER INFORMATION WOOD Minting Director F W Manager Snorxxborjnd Hours TREASURERS Pink Pills for Pale People on the wrapper around every box Sold by line twenty tons of mail matter and car after of baggage all snow- all medicine dealers or sent post raid Dakota since last at cents- a box or six boxes readied St Paul last night by addressing The Dr Williams first section o the through train Co pulled in late last evening breaking that lasted hours A small fire took place in passengers told stories of frontier butcher shop en Monday privations They were on the first night the fire originating from the overland train snow- behind the coal stove and were caught at Stanley noticed the fire just a station which consists of a ter it started rang an alarm and the track and cattle yard Prom fire was soon extinguished Loss Thursday night until Monday were hardly ii to leave the train A blizzard raged CURES PILES IN 5 DAYS For Taxes in the County of York OF Virtue of by Warden of the County of TO WIT bearing Ninth day of and One a id mo 10 proceed with the Collection of the Arrears of Taxes on the hand forth together with thu and ox pensea tbereroreftrlve notice the or and ooats paid lb eon and at place hereinafter proceed to the ald lands or an much thereof may be sufficient to the arrears of charges ALL THIS FOLLOWING LAND ARE PATENTED EXCEPTING LOT CON NORTH DISTRICT 1 SALE TO BE HELD ON MONDAY DAY OF APRIL at the hour of oclock In the Court House St Toronto Lot Street Acres Clayton O Main Description Kxpa Total Dr Ointment might a thousand testifying to Its merits as ji absolute the limited quantity on dining car The coal on the Day gave out Sunday Two took empty sz cures permanently all man of skin diseases too Adam of Qui bun well known man in west and what ho says of Dr can easily Iwaa troubled for a too lime with On reoammendatloa of our leading tried a box of oint ment tad after foe four or fire It com let el cured ma of and I heartily It to all life auffcrtrs eta by Lettman r Jacksons Point is booming by way cottage building It said that new ones ate going to be erected spring STOPS AMD WORKS OFF THE COLD Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day No Cure no Pay Price cents NO Comprising and Village of Sale to bo on TUESDAY 22ND DAY OP APRIL 1803 Block Arnold Vlllago of HILL stoek Auction Sales The 2nd Annual Auction Sale held at the auspices of the Dominion Live Stock Association was a decided success The attendance was very large and were present from as tax West as Minnesota and as far east as Nova Scotia Tile sale afforded the best possible proofs of the merits of the new sys tem of selling purebred stock when that system is properly carried out as it was on this occasion The stock had been carefully inspected breeders Sad put their stock in good condition and not too many were Practically all tire animals sold were Shorthorns The average made viz on bulls and on 32 females must have been satisfactory to the The Ottawa sale was hardly as suc cessful owing largely to the fact that heavy snowstorms prevented a good many buyers from reaching that oily In consequence the number of animals offered was somewhat In excess too demand In order to provide against a contingency it has been decid ed to hold at least three sales nest year one at one at Ottawa and probably one at Myrtle Ontario County At the first sale about bulls and females will be put up and at each of the latter about bulls and females As the demand has heretofore been principally Short horns the stock offered next year will be nearly all of that breed A summary of the results of the four sales that have now been held in Ontario shows that head Shorthorns have been sold for an average of a trifle over per head The great majority ol the animals sold were young bulls and heifers some under six weeks so that the above average ought to prove remunerative to the sellers If our breeders can sell all their surplus young stock at an average of per head they will certainly be get ting good results lor money invested It may be of interest to note that the made at the large bull sales in the North of Scotland arc not a great deal higher than those just mentioned As public confidence in our increases we may expect to equal the old established British sales The recent Shorthorn sale at Perth shows an average of 3d on head The Angus sale at the same place shows on head and that at Aberdeen 22 on head The Live Stock Associations are ar ranging to hold a sale of head of Yorkshire Swine and one of head of rams of the various breeds at Guelph about the of August next At all these sales only ani mals that have been carefully inspect ed and that are of good quality breeding and in good condition will be ottered Catalogues will be pre pared for distribution several week9 previous to the dates at which the Kales will be held a t i a iO M fcO Wed nesday tad Saturday aitemooo fl Bills Architect and i Adelaide Toronto The London Daily Mall of Saturday slates that Canada will send mounted troops and in fantry to the coronation of King Ed ward in June next and in this con nection an Ottawa to- the Toronto Telegram states that in view the elaborate preparations which are being made tor King every likelihood the procession In Lon don when Ms Majesty proceeds to Westminster Abbey will be on a far larger and grander than at the late Queens Diamond Jubilee in India has been asked to send a thous and native troops but in case of Canada Australia and New Zealand the quotas will not be as large it Is thought that the number to go from Canada not and the probable expense will be about The Imperial Invitation is how before the Dominion authorities and action In regard to it will shortly be taken It Is under- tire contingent will A T residences on Park York undermined by the rapid transit tunnel excavations bank into the YOU MAY at any time fin case of accident Cures cute bruises anQ sprains as well as all bowel complaints Avoid substi tutes theres only one PainKiller Perry Davis and 50c Three officials of the Vatican charged with thefts from the Vatican treasury aggregating 16u00 are on trial at Rome Several bridges in New Brunswick and a lot of lumber have been swept away by the floods One woman was drowned Plana and made tor all on the lines of that which at- kinds of building Victorias Diamond Wire In i FIVE DOCTORS CRIED HOPELESS Bui to ffT quit without to mod It Jacob of bad been under with dociofi Each In tarn ho any Ha fell la but bo pinned Cure for heart and ho declare he life to It From Urn by Lehman Newmarket the drifts filled them with coal from the lender of the engine They re turned with a supply of fuel after a hard fight against the- storm in which both were badly frostbitten The snowplows reached the train on Mon day and it was sent west to Willis- ton local accommodations were available and food plenty State of Ohio City of Toledo j Lucas County fi8 Frank J makes oath that lie Is the senior- partner of tire Arm of P J Cheney Co doing business In the City of Toledo County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dol lars for each and every case of Ca tarrh that be cured by to use of Halls Catarrh Cure PRANK J CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this day of A Notary Public Hairs Cure is taken inter nally and directly on Urn Wood and mucous surfaces of the system Send for testimonials free J CHENEY A CO Toledo O Sold by Druggists Halls F P are the beet Father Walsh who struck a couple of young ladles in with a cane was fined and costs in the Police Court PALATABLE AS CREAM The of Cod Liver Oil for suffering from severe coughs and hemorrhage greatest benefit Manufactured by the Davis Lawrence Co Ltd A girls idea of genuine misery Is to get a new bonnet on Saturday and then have it rain all day Sunday OF Description Lot Con Acre part 13 l Part MUNICIPALITY OF VAUOHAK Lot Con to OK VILLAOB Taxes as Hi ft it Lot to lierlhft Miller- A l to Deo Hoover to It Mux well to Henry Pennington it to Win Drown Aeroa Church Main Mala Main J Kongo ltoujre ItoiiKO 8B SSUuiRe tfith sir 5 135 13 5 Total Total 52 10 NO Comprising and Holland Lauding Bala to bo TUESDAY DAY OF APRIL hour or ft3 pm In TOWN HALL AUHOHA OK BAST QWILLIMDUUY Aoros BEDRIDDEN FOR YEARS Such not whin to AmrlonlthumiJoOura of oocailld In In hours Tie xnarvtllous curative power and of South American Rheumatic Cure is In quickness with which It acts and the alrooH change for better the Victim after taking a few doses It seems next to i but there is no deception work is apparent and every step taken toward recovery a permanent one History repeats Itself in this wonderful treatment It never ails 4 Sold by Lehman Newmarket Description Lot AuceaedtoJohc lWmondoc part toQoo Peter man part to JaaTurnoy part M It a I 15 31 lisp Total 10 4 MUNICIPALITY OKWHlTCHUUOIi Lot Con Aoros to John fl 4 Kpart 145 tt OK HOLLAND LANDING 13 Foes A Total 5 Description Street Taxes A Survey Lot 1 S Total 135 VyUradfordKd 76 Survey part of Lot 319 part ttlob Hamilton lot 104 In at xt r We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund money a bob- tie of Greenes Warranted Syrup of Tar if it cure your cough or cold Wo also guarantee a bottle prove satisfactory or money refunded J Comprising North and Vlllagoof Button Bale to be held on THURSDAY DAY OF APRIL at the Hour of OF at Part of and part Centra part and and pari of N- pari part B part Mi Let Don 48 3 JO a a to 11 4 Soft Port 7 in DeaoripUon Lot Not Patented to John part ok tt KerlckW Keawjck J 1587 191 Total 83 87 14 8 Total 87 18 MUNICIPALITY OP OF BUTTON Assessed to Huntley 4 Plan 89 Treasurera of York 1808 First Wan 190 J Treaaurar ftSS Bins the Old Says Keen your credit Rood no matter you are a poor man working by the day or whether you have a rating The limited credit poor man may enjoy if be will la verv often invaluable to and if sacredly maintained by him enables him to reserve bin self respect and avoid asking for favors as a charity if everybody would promptly pay bis small obligations business would be done with far less you have read this if you owe any man cents or go pay it for herein lies the moral This Is the Pago Standard Bar of Page wire which is as strong common wire continuous oil note wavy appearance allows for expansion and con Th POCKET CURE Dr VohttfttW Mrftaln to euro frtdlctfon and to tlm In your on whin your you to ft to rest to tha digestive restore lost power and vigor act as a tonic the now of juices and rtgutats bowcU let eat fancy would like and prevent any distress after doing ao good blood brain and brawn sell them for tablets Sold by Newmarket 1 pay to advertise In the Era y