Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 28 Mar 1902, p. 2

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THE I fc MARCH T grip For SaIo secondhand Kane Cultivators in good order J LOST Going to the fire last Saturday night Reward lor return to toe Era office For Extensive Repairs on Mrs Lushs Dwelling For particulars apply on t premises House and Lot for Sale On Eagle St Newmarket En quire on the premises ARtflTAGE York Liberals Grand Meeting Mrs Baylys School Will ReOpen on 1st April ENGLISH FRENCH MUSIC Cart of Mr and Mrs Richard Pollock tender their sincere and heartfelt thanks to tie many kind friends who gave their sympathy and assistance during the recent sickness in the family and death their beloved daughter Mabel Mr desire to re turn to Newmarket their thanks for the exceedingly great sympathy and kindness shown to them under the peculiar circum stances surrounding the drowning of their little boy MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General will be re ceived at Ottawa until Noon on Fri day 2nd May for the convey ance of His Mails on a pro posed Contract for four years Six times per week each way between and Sutton West from the 1st June next Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pro posed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtain ed at the Post Offices of Sutton West The Executive of the North York Reform Association have issued a call for a massmeeting all persons to the Rose Administration to be in the Town Hall on Friday of next week April to nominate a Reform Candidate to represent this Riding in the ap proaching Provincial elections The meeting will organize at oclock p m prompt when a candidate will be chosen after which addresses will be delivered by Hon Ross Prem ier of Ontario Hon Wen P PostmasterGeneral and Hon J Davis P Commissioner of Crown Lands Should the weather prove favorable it will probably be the largest party demonstration the Riding has ever witnessed Never since Confederation were the Liberals of York more united than now and judging from reports received by the Executive last Satur day from all parts of the constitu ency we are looking forward to a very genera response to this call for a grand rally of the electors at the massmeeting next Friday It will indeed be a red letter day in the history of Old North York After the candidate is selected the general public are invited to bear the addresses That the nominee of the massmeet ing will be triumphantly elected when the elections take place goes without saying The great majority of the electorate of this Riding are in full sympathy with the Ross Administra tion and will take good that a supporter of that Government is re turned And why not No admin istration since Confederation has made a more honest effective and conscien tious effort to enact good and whole some laws and to secure their enforce ment than the men now at the helm of our Provincial affairs and no Pro vince in the Dominion can at all com pare with Ontario in regard to its financial position or where so large a proportion of the public revenues have been given back to the people In addition to the foregoing we are quite sure the electorate of North York will join us in emphasizing a cheerful approval of the progressive policy the Government has adopted respecting the development of the vast resources of the Province and especi ally of New Ontario In this regard we look upon the Ross Administra tion as standing preeminently for all that is best in the future of this growing Province and In this connec tion without at all straining the pro prieties we direct attention to the Tact that so far as the opening up and developing of New Ontario is concern ed very credit is due to the Canada for the Canadian an deriving principle of the Act Amendment Bill to bo introduced by Hon Mr Blair during the present or Parliament The Bill will stipulate that a majority of the direc tors of railway companies incorporate by the Parliament of tbe Dominion must he Canadians o says a press despatch from Ottawa even- In the Commons on Monday last during discussion upon a private bill Hon Mr in- referred to municipal rights and said be questioned the soundness of the position taken by the Bell Tele phone Company that they were not subject to the control of municipal ities so far as work upon the public streets are concerned This is pretty good authority it is satisfactory to learn from re torts received at Crown Lands Department this week that the Cana dian Northern is sure to become a big ore carrying road ore deposit of the Atika Okan and Steep Lake ranges are being thoroughly tested and three diamond drills are at work H Flaherty on behalf of American capitalists is buildings roads and preparing to put in ma chinery and Mackenzie Mann are doing everything possible to encour age opening up of the ranges which will it is believed rival the Mesa The Minister of Agricultural for On tario Hon Mr quite elat ed over the fact that his Department has recently received two diplomas in connection with the dairy exhibit of this Province at the PanAmerican One is a Gold Medal to Ontario for cheese exhibit from July 19 to Nov and the other a Silver Medal for the Western Ontario Dairymens As sociation for butter and cheese At the Military Tournament in New York this week the Toronto Kilties were an interesting feature Madison Square Garden was where the compe tition took place A press despatch dated March states that the Highlanders attracted as much atten tion and received even more applause Him Armstrong dang- of the late Sheriff Armstrong of Party Sound is spending Easter days at editors Irwin Esq Clerk of the Peace Toronto accompanied by Irwin spent over Sunday with Ms father here Mr Irwin it being bis fathers Mr and Mrs John Hunter are going to shortly for the summer for benefit of her health and if it improves will probably take up land in New Ontario Mrs John Calkins of Niagara Falls sister of Mr all is here on a visit for a week Her son Mr J Calkins of Niagara Falls was also here on Sunday Mr J Morton of Mr R D Morton of this Town returned from Manitoba on Saturday night where he has been for several years and is going to work the old in North Rev Dr Cade who is doing pastoral work for the Methodist church here till Conference is in the city this week and will lead the Feast service in the Methodist church on Good Friday af ternoon Mr Duncan who learned his trade in this office and for years has been foreman in the Newmarket Express office leaves in a few days to accept a situation in Bowling Green Missouri Mr is an honor able young man attentive to every detail of his business and has just the right qualities to- succeed His many friends here commend him as worthy of every confidence among the people of his prospective new home Mr Percy son of Elder Percy of villc takes his place here Mr Hewitt received word last week that his brother Joe is very sick in a hospital at Garden City California No information has since been received but we under stand that Mr George Hewitt of To ronto has Rone to look after him From telegrams received this week it appears Air Joseph Hewitt although a stranger found friends to care for him in his extremity at once Hap pening to wear a Masonic charm led to the discovery where he belonged Newmarkets Leading Store This Store is crammed full of Bright New Things for Easter wear and Many Lines are Specially Marked Down for the Week Mens Boys Clothing Our Clothing is all of the Highest Order We have no room for unreliable trashy Clothing even though profits may be better on shoddy stuff Every Garment Here is Made of Reliable Cloth cut in Latest Style and made by Experienced Tailors Special for Easter than they did on the opening night I a despatch was then sent to New- This increased enthusiasm appeared to market and the here directed appeal to the pounder of him to be property looked after Late the bass drum and his gyrations advises are satisfactory caused the thousands of spectators to their approval He worked his aims like piston rods and with a satisfactory The Examiner after re ferring to the promotion of Mr Crane as of the 0 in that drum stick in each band he banged Town savs Mr A a big drum head with each down- head is a subject of stroke and does the same in the tion as he has received the When the applause be menf of accountant Mr dcafemng he replied with a sort head has resided in Peterboro crossarm movement with the an- last five but during that still ringing to the roof and time re has become very poplar amongst all classes of citizens His- Mens Easter Hats Gloves and Corsets HOSIERY he did not miss a stroke and other offices en route and at the office of the Post Office Inspector at the Crown Lands ARTHUR LINDSAY Superintendent POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT Mail Contract Branch Ottawa March SEE HERE Dont you want Mew Suit SPRING TVYEKDS SPRING OVERCOATINGS FANCY VESTINGS NEW TROUSERINGS- Latest Cute and Closest Prices ALL WORK GUARANTEED Jas McLaughlin MAIN ST Hon J Davis who tingusihed himself as being the man in the right place Pessimism forms no part of the political creed of the member for North York or of the Government now at bead our Provincial affairs and while not neglecting the older parts of Ontario an aggressive policy of development is being pursued in new districts not however at the of the sections but out of the re sources of the new territory and re sulting beneficially to the interests of both old and new Ontario Such an Administration- deserves the hearty endorsement of the electorate and we are very sure that old North York stands ready to do its whole duty when the next opportunity offers Ready aye Ready Our PERSONAL POINTS Mrs Alex Fletcher is sick with pneumonia Mr Cecil spent over Sun day in the city Mrs Allan is very poorly again this week in Ise attention to business has for him a promo tion Mr is a son of Mr A I of this Town and his many friends here will be pleased to know of his advancement LEMON VILLE Mr Smith spent Friday with his son Smith Rev P Brown of Aurora a former pastor of this circuit filled the appointments on Sunday We were highly pleased to renew acquaintances Mens tailormade fine worsted SERGE SUITS in navy or black our re gular low price Easter Sale Mens fine clay worsted tailormade SUITS would be good value at Easter Sale Mens finest SPRING OVERCOATS the swellest thing in the trade spe cial Easter Sale Price 1000 Boys fine worsted serge threepiece SUITS regular price 500 Easter Sale We have the Newest Shapes in both hard and soft FELT HATS and prices for these swell Goods are fully twentyfive per cent less than city prices You are sure of the correct Hat here and you may as well have it Fine French Kid Gloves newest shades Easter Price 100 Erect Form Corsets are always right prices 50c and 1 Twenty Dozen extra One CASHMERE HOSE ribbed or plain value at our Easter Sale Price pair New Shoes for Easter THIS IS ACKNOWLEDGED THE LEADING SHOE STORE THE VERY BEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES ARE ALWAYS HERE Laaies Fine Kid Strap Oxfords Easter Sale Ladies New OXFORD TIBS up to Ladies Fine Ktd Button or Lace Boots Kings 200 Ladies Strong Lace Walking Boots special at Mens Kid Lace Boots special 135 Mens Strong Lace Boots special 1 Mens Fine Box Calf Lace Boots very special 195 BARGAINS IN SHOES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Mayor Cane was in Ottawa this his ami- week on business able wife after twelve years absence Mrs J entertained her from this circuit class at tea last night I Mr and Mrs James H White and daughter visited relatives and friends The Methodist Magazine for April in pictures and poems has a striking Easier flavour An Ottawa press despatch this week states that the present inten tion of Hon Messrs Fielding and Paterson Is to leave Montreal for England on June li sailing on the Tunisian In election the Commons on Wednesday Mr M Liberal was elected by a major ity or over his Tory opponent Mr J II Bergeron The Laurier flag still waves in the ascendant and the victory is all the mote complete from the fact that altho constitu ency is French Roman Catholic by a strong majority the candidate return ed is an English Protestant Will the make a note A press despatch from Ottawa says it Is probable the Minister of Militia will introduce a bill this session of Parliament to amend the Militia Act It will extend the time for training to days and may also provide for Increasing the permanent corps Here is what the Globes correspon dent has to say in refeience to an other contingent from Canada for South Africa The rumors which have been In circulation here for the past couple of days in regard to the possibility of another Canadian con tingent going to South Africa have crystallized into the statement tnat the Imperial authorities have asked for a mounted force of men It Farmers Institutes are making ar rangements for excursions during the summer to the Model Farm aid Agricultural College very stated that the matter was before thruout Province today but strict reti- the dates between June and observed as to the action if June have been rilled up Prof decided upon From Mills of the College us that P learned the Imperial about people visited the farm Government has suggested that the during the pt summer before bar- be equipped and ported at Its own expense The ap plication will doubtless be acceded to and this prove to he correct Canadas contribution of troops will brought- up to a total of Children Cry for CASTOR I A men at The Bowery last Friday Mr MacDougall and Mr Davison spent Sunday at Ux Rev J J Rice of Toronto was in Town on Monday to call on Mrs Miss Kelty haw returned from a six weeks visit at and Richmond Hill Mr and Mrs the Methodist choir on Wed nesday evening Mr Albert Collins entertained his Sunday School Class at his residence on Wednesday evening Father Whitney attended Holy Convocation in St Michaels cathe dral Toronto Master Roland Garrett Brad ford wheeled down here on Tuesday and called at the Era office Mr Allen has moved from East to Mr Charles Cases farm at Pine Orchard Mr Clifton of Alllston has been visiting with his brother Mr Clifton Parkavenue the past week M Hughes represented Newmarket Society at the Grand Lodge of Chosen in the city this week Mr Joseph Green was In the city last week attending the funeral of his brother who died very suddenly from pneumonia Mrs Frank Wesley of Graven- hurst was visiting over Sunday with her sister Mrs A Evans at the Royal Hotel Mr Jas of Port Perry spent a couple of days here this week with his sisterinlaw at the Metho dist parsonage Quite a of Newmarket people talk of attending the North York Old Boys At Home In Toronto next Wednesday evening Mr left for last week where be has ac cepted a good situation The family will remain here for some time Mr and Mrs J A Cody ted to celebrate their china wedding on Friday but Mrs Cody was taken sud denly ill and the invitations had to I to cancelled previous to taking their departure for Assiniboia We wish them success in their new home spent Saturday in Mr and sister of Pickering was visiting their sister Mrs Hancock The Misses Winters spent Sun day with relatives in Miss Mary Lemon and Haw Thc weather is all rkht for making maple syrup but we fear It will be hard on the fall wheat H E MADDOCK of StouCville spent Sunday under the parental roof Mr has rented and moved to Lemons farm I The Sharon on March to Mr and Mrs Arthur Hodge a son Town on March to Mr and Mrs Melville Cooke a daughter Dining Room Bedroom and Parlor Suite offered for days before stock taking at prices that are simply Now Is the time to fit up your home with furniture at least cost Come and see John Millard Opposite Royal Hotel and A SPECIALTY London March Incomplete re ports of the result of the combined movement of British columns against Gen Ray have enabled Lord Kithcner to announce the capture of about a prisoners three two pompoms of stock wagons etc The Altar DRAPER TRAVISS At the Metho dist Parsonage Bradford on of March 1002 by Rev Joseph Young Mr Edward R Draper to Miss A both of East Aurora on March by Rev A Amos Mr Geo I Phillips to Miss Annio McDonald both of King Township McBEANRAJ4SDENOn Sep 2nd at Queen St Methodist Parsonage Toronto by the Rev Johnston Mr Ross Mo- Bean to Miss Mabel Ramsden both of Toronto March at Holy Trinity Church by Rev J Pearson rector Charles Noble of Bradford to Minnie Skull of Wilts England LONG At the home of the bride Aurora March Rev JE William J Long of Newmarket to Miss Caroline J Staley of Aurora Tomb ELLISONAtSchotnberg March Jessie Alberta wife Win Ellison and daughter of Geo of Jefferson NEW Wall Papers Floral Designs printed on heavy stock i Blue Green Crimson Pink and Cream Colors Borders and Ceiling to match 25 Half Dozen ENTERPRISE Till the end of March fa Fresh Buns with any Large Loaf of Bread purchased at the Store f I MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET Al Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention floor from the mills in Manitoba has just unloaded No tell you of the merits of this Special High Grade FLOUR All good house keepers know it On sale for family at the Grocery Counter CENTRAL TELEPHONE WN STARR

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