TV TO NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY J Do You Profit of Officers lor It is rather early in the for rhubarb but Mr Andy this place has the fust of the season He has a plant tth stalks on if ten inhes long and an inch thick The leal measures five inches and three incites across snj ot 4 j 4eifiuie6sj lH pi KtVd JO S3 wno CUV The members and congregations of the and 1st a reception to their new pastor Rev H Wallace in Staf fords Hall on Monday evening The University of Toronto Harmon ic Club was greeted by a large and enthusiastic audience in the evening ft was without doubt the best that has been given in or tears To water that the wafer shut oil for repairs- or putting in services the have the ringing of the fire- tell twelve strokes said warn- to given one half hour- shutting of TANDARD CITY ASSURANCE CO The Company has now enter ed upon its year The following figures testily to STABILITY IHfAkTY Funds Annual Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared Paid During year Policies were issued lor Deposit Govt over STANDARD investment in Canada amounting to Fifteen Millions Dollars A Agent JAMES CLARKE District Inspector FOR WOOD Nut Stove and Egg FEED i TIMOTHY SEED for fall sowing J cor Main Timothy St blaster Willie Lane the 3rd con King who had a very severe attack of last Saturday morn ing was successfully operated on by Dr attending by Dr and Dr Richmond At the present willing the boy is doing as well as could be Business at store had so that Mr A has his of i Jerks were under quarantine through the scare were last Sunday as no new cases Mr Public School In spector paid his official visit here on Feb 17tii His report of the standing of the pupils must very gratifying to Mr J H Precious and Holi day teachers of School section No SAYS THEYRE HEAVENBORN A In writing of hi filth In Dr Yen them Dyeppei crow her Dr Von Tablets not a 1odj tedious treatment They work in nature ay quickly effectively and bandy to carry one or two after eating they prevent stomach distress cure the worst cases of Indigestion and Dyspepsia keep centres well in hand and theyre pleasant to take Try a box prove them a healer too tablets Sold by Lehman Newmarket Farm for Sale Clay and In excellent cultivation watered Oood The kind of farm to money on from the Aurora FOR SALE School No for February V Pearl Arthur Thompson dy Annie Curtis Beatiic Lucy Kelly Wesley Grot Hilton Grose Sailer Jr Ross Squires Norman Curtis Kel- ley Jr Curtis Wilfred Cod- line PI Havel Salter Flo Salter Ft ancle hie Ful ler Mary Trusty Irene Bertie Salter The Headword Store and PO Pro perty and Stock A good spot for an Agency Huckster in connection Apply to RUTHERFORD Oat Farm for Sale Part of Lot No In the Con of East Acres Frame dwelling good barn x 5 with atone foundation about 1 acres in Orchard good well and cl tern Appjy to on the or to C Newmarket No WHITCHURCH Class V Jess Harry Spal ding Percy Van Luven Class Lottie Davis Hannah Delia Class Spalding Delia Lehman Willie Stev ens Karl With Pickering Colin Lauretta Bertie Jr Jane Clara Miller Nellie Penroe Eunice J Fred Penrose Jessie Toole Davis PL 1L Ross Fogal Fred Reynolds Gladys Pen rose Jr Muriel Van Luven Willis Tablet ClassyClarence Oldham Miller Clarence May Benjamin Stephenson David Pretty Gideon Baker A George George Oliver Charles Dennis Charlts John Grose Oliver Wesley Toole FENCEVIEWERS George Forrester John March Cherry Jacob James S Albeit Stair Henry Reynolds J John Samuel Mullen ROAD OVERSEERS m 2ND CONCESSION Road 1 Ash do ionlman do 3 Thciras Stephens do do Jcseph do A ills 3RD CONCESSION Road I Reuben Heise do Thomas Lloyd do Forrester- do i Philip Wilton do 5 Ransom l do James Graham do William Graham do Redmond Simpson do Wesley Williams do John Buckle CONCESSION Road I do Abraham Mae key do Htm J Talbot do Matthew Williamson do 5 Elijah Rose do John do J CONCESSION Road Jobn do Isaac Scott do 3 George Sison do John Davis do Joshua Oliver do Silas do Francis Lundy CONCESSION Road Lemon do Stuart Campbell do- do Richard Gray do 5 John Toole do William Penrose v do Miller CONCESSION Road do Gideon Baker do Robert Irwin do Thomas do William Armstrong do Charles Brandon ITH CONCESSION Road Win do Alfred Baker do Dougherty do Geo do John Staley drug at Calgary was destroyed by fire which originat ed in an explosion of Mr Maclean was severely In trying to wave some gods lit At ftb4 Mi Bold by Co Canadas total mineral production for was actording to the Geological Survey report- The hardware store of Son at Brampton was wrecked by an explosion of gunpowder and Mr junior partner was very seri ously hurt- Eailv on Sunday morning fire did damage to the of and on the premises of he Columbia Handle and Lumber Co London and and hands are thrown out of work It is that fat cream in the milk that causes an in cost of food but the to lids Hie nitrogen potash are in the skim milk The difference be tween the solid the fat far as actual value concerned is but little the skim milk can be the farm to advantage do John do Jeremiah Brooks do do Join rick ftTk CONCESSION Road A Jacob do I J Morris do Herbert Burnett do Albert do Lyman do Ira Bagero do Henry Graham do Nathan Oldham CONCESSION Road James do Davis do Hartley Brown do Caleb March TOWN LINE SOUTH Road Joseph Farmer do Fred Smith do William Law do J Mitchell TOWN LINE NORTH Road Rogers do Vernon do William Lloyd do Thomas Emerson do Albert Rose TOWN LINE EAST Road Drown GripQuinine Tablets are a prompt and cure for all the dis ordered states of the which while not pro ducing illness cause or of kind Headache Neuralgia Muscular ind Constipation- Catching cold easily etc the of real rickricay and predbposc to illness especially to diseases is a and pleasant core for ill such as well as for Grippe Cold Bronchitis end all other damp weather complaints They pre vent contagions diseases if used in time In with Bulldog Trademark price of or postpaid from Canada CoXtd- J Sold at Scotts Drug Store If you male butler for profit you Welts Richard son Butter Color will add from three to five cents be pound to tlie value of your butter Cheap and imperfectly prepared ou ter colors lower the of butter so much that it cannot be sold All prize butter mafceis use Wells Rich ardson So Improved Butter Color For Era Those Beetling Steeps BY A BANKER lxtne Death of liepattfj Who died March and whose conversion commenced only a few days before his sickness Written by one who witnessed his acts and heard his words before arid during his siefcness The first verse only is an of his his sickness commenced At verses explain his acta after bis sickSieES Lord- to thee I want to be forgiven 1 want to dwell with at I want go to heaven know Ive long rejected add trampled love But- prepare a for near the white above Now Lord I come totliee once more my head so full of pain Egyptian A book was unearthed in Ivgypt li shows that J he untiestood arithmetic even years ago It is a volume evidently for teaching of pupils at home The laves are of and ate in an excellent state of preservation estimate that the book was wade about BC before led ih Children of out the In irnpressive and i stately sublimity perhaps the numerous islands the detached sea girt columns and pyramids of rock and the lofty islets forming the Orkney and Shetland Islands surpass any similar rocky coast line in any other quarter of the globe iV For aeons past exposed to the fur ious assaults of wild Atlantic these mighty beetling 1 lifts owned down the boiling surge hurls itself against adamantine munitions of rocks though where the hard serpentine has at length suc cumbed to the impetuous onslaught carving out of the mass great caverns into which the hurtling billows launch their seething waters with the roar detonating thunder And as wave follows wave the one rebounding from the inner ramparts meets the other at the mouth hollow with impallmg impact- flihg- volumes of boiling spray high into the air then in its- turn rushing into the recesses of the deep seahewn cay- it to be again driven back by its fellows And so this giant battle be tween the herculean forces of the ever restless ocean and the passive resist ance of those stem and sullen cliffs ever proceeds and will continue until time shall be no more or until the last of those rugged steeps at length lo the never ceasing impet uous onset of the angry Vet though these lofty bas tions are so terrible and so awein spiring yet will men with a courage altogether amazing lower themselves by ropes from the very summit in I of- eggs But Spite at all thats hard I thank Thee for Thy love bast so kindly pardoned to dwell above bard to part with dear my bead with pain I cannot hear it Take me Lord we soon can again I leave behind a loving wire a darling girl and boy Dear Lord direct their wandering feet to yonder world of joy Lord bless my neighbors and my friends who were so very kind To come and help to comfort me when wandering was my mind Then Lord my old associates show them the hidden snare I want to meet them ail once more in yonder world so fair Now Lord I close my eyes to all I feel I am forgiven Im waiting for the order now to summon me toheavvn III be free from every pain for aye with Thee to dwell- To all that in the world bid a last farewell Kind angels tear me safely home praise the light is given Jesus the worlds great lamp lit to flight my soul to heaven Geo A Thompson Abstract Statement OF ACCOUNTS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH FOR THB YEAH Driving an crowbar into the rock to whiolt of filout of the system dis closed is not unlike that of today Kxamples show that the opera tions of the Egyptians with entire units and fractions made by means of addition and Subtraction and were not known in their but lect results were obtained of equations were also found in the book AN IMPOSSIBLE thing to find is a plaster equaled to The Menthol is being imitated Get the genuine For side aches back aches stitches nothing equals it Made by Davis Lawrence Co Ltd m The contract for the erection of the Ontario Beet Sugar Companys sixhundred tow refinery in Berlin has been awarded to Dy er Co of Cleveland jy l A is all right if you arc too fat and all wrong if too thin already Fat enough for your habit is healthy a little more or less is no great harm Too fat consult a doctor too thin persistently thin no matter what cause take Scotts Emulsion of Cod Oil There are many causes of get ting too thin they all come under these two heads over work and Stop overwork if you but whether you can or not take Scotts Emulsion Liver Oil to balance yourself with your work You cant live on it true but by it you can Theres a limit however- youll pay for it Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the readiest cure for cant eat unless it comes of your doing no workyou cant long be well and strong without some sort of activity Thojgonulnehaa this picture on It take no other If you have not tried It send for free sample Its a- taste will surprise you Chemists Toronto and FOR BIG EATERS Dr Affnewfi Liver Is are a pleasant and ekfe Liver Reg ulator They stimulate diges tion arid counteract the too common error of overeating So act dotes In a vial cant Htm haw that tired feeling If you your liver active and Or re a liver cent vial coquids Sold by Lehroan Newmarket Special Colonist Excursion Pares NEWMARKET To Billings Montana Colorado Spring Denver Helena Butte Pueblo and Lake City Spokane Wash North Pacific Coast and Kooteney Points Also special rates to points in Ari zona and California to con tinuous passage and on from March 1st to April Special trains or the Can adian Northwest will leave Toronto every Tuesday during March and April at pm and the Pacific press will leave Toronto at For ticket folders and apply to Agents Grand Trunk Rail way System A McCLELLAN Agent Newmarket DICKSON Passenger Agent Wanted To commence work by end of March at latest A good handy steady to work on Stock Ranch a year and board to suitable man and opportunity of running stock Apply to li Brown or to the editor of the lira Dr- fc dog tax CRF interest on band 1035 fax of received License Commissioners grant Labour tax 2 Sale of timber interest on bank account 31 Tax of l Nonresident land tax interest received a EXPENDITURES printing Roads rore they lower themselves over the perhaps a thousand feet above the roaring sea beneath them and leng pole in hand collect the eggs on the numerous ledges and cavities of the rock- It is related that on one occasion one of these brave egg collectors while standing on a flat ledge midway between the sea beneath and the above by some means hold his rope which swung back out of his reach Sheer above him was the overhanging rock see below him the foaming Atlantio To climb the preci pice was an utter impossibility to attempt to descend would certain death for even it by a miracle he could reach the shoreless base of the perpendicular rock his fate would be the same And there the poor man stood doomed either to die of starvation or if arose lo be thrust oft the narrow ledge on the wings of the wind and hurled into the watery And there only a few feet but of his reach hung the rope which he had lost At length realizing that he either must clutch that or die himself to Clod with all his strength he springs oft the ledge into the yawning void and grips hold of the rorc And though men will their life for the sake of a few egg- how few will risk even little fancied in convenience for the sake of their They are standing on ledge of a deadly precipice and School School tax Board of Health No Interest on Debenture Loan from Miscellaneous Sheep and Street interest on band including dog tax 53 955 00 234 50 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF ALL KINDS ASSETS the Mm rescued will lose the life eter nal Hut One who tiled to make re conciliation with heaven for them is Stanling with outstretched seared hand ready to help them if they will Oh why will they not grasp it and be saved Tp including dog tax interest on hand 50 Avail uncollected tax Furniture American road plow Two wheel scrapers- Two road planers CRF capital If 26 LIABILITIES Collectors salary J Collectors postage poll booth Board of Health fees Roads and bridges int due schools Debenture No assets in excess of liabilities 15757 GO 234 To the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Whitchurch been appointed to audit the accounts of tins Township for the year ending December and to report thereon we hereby certify that after thoroughly examining the books and all securities connected therewith we find everything perfectly satisfactory and every account fully set out and all balances properly accounted for 1902 K K I the Specialists of America- 23 Years In Bank References Without Written Consent If you nave law of must If later and private bare wrecked of Treat and cured quack A Sidney or Toledo At the I learned habit and contracted a ae treated a dozed doctors who all VARICOCELE DEBILITY J CURED man The drains wormy veins hair orlop clear and my acxual I was j entirely cored by Dr him the bottom of my heart and Cur Unnatural ana ladder iiBiieva CONBUIjTATroN BOOKS FREE Call or write for Blank for Home Treatment NO CURE PAY census returns of Newfound land show a total population whom arc In The Business 1 greatly relieved by use of the DISTANCE You reach your pus- tomer a seconds and MUCH can be accomplished at cost of LITTLE time trouble The Bell Telephone Co of Canada STARR Manager KENNEDY Cor Mkhlflu Art and MIeb Year a- EXPERIENCE 1 Tram Mann Sold by All Newsdealers FREE a and description ssat euickiT our opinion an la wob abir Commnnlcsv tons on sent free Jot nectttnswtentaT BRAND OPPORTUNITY CYCLES WATCHES Monthly to and a of New Choice all New hi Competitions by the meet pop- no Music ball lmtrumenlalni Com Once a Month for as mm mi Omo we yon copy of the free ist fcLQcuatSU Fa WI rijk a lei tfliverptalrd sod BtMj it wtbmulli w oat efsaedi kdibtrauiieiwbxt uy to riM bo Ait UMr wITYasaSSr mean whet we saj S mean SiSa1l lbs Iju boeert JJjljl hstieeeee ooesss4 iakatr at a list Ml Qui HO UBS id nova