Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 14 Mar 1902, p. 6

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Highest Price Paid n ku1b of etc J v SALT ALWAYS ON HAND JOHN MOORS MOUNT ALBERT Money to Both private and companies- at tt wad per cent DAVIDSON Notary Public c Mount Albert MANAGER TRY BLACKBERRY CORDIAL AND WILD STRAWBERRY- For WhY PADS TANGLEFOOT INSECT PONDER Protect your cattle trie Hie Increase In the flow of by using our It will fl Forrests Drag Store MOUNT ALBERT FURNITURE You can save money by buying your at the CARD OF THANKS It is the desire of Mr and Mrs to tender the community for kind help attention and sympathy during Mr illness HOCKEY CLUB Our hockey club went to on Monday to play be return with that town and were badly beaten The score was GRAIN The latest the grain market are as follows fall wheat to spring wheat to oats peas to barley to rye to buckwheat PRODUCE The weather and roads were not in good condition Tuesday but there was a good turn out notwith standing Prices as butter IS to eggs to32c chickens to geese to turkeys to hay to Lennox and Mr Whitney Tie chair was ably filled by Mr John Moore president of the North York Liberal Conservative SHIRTINGS PRINTS BRIEFLETS- The proceeds of the Old Folks cert amounted to Another instalment of new books has been ordered for the Public Li- Messrs Geo- and Sons have their new engine in place ready for business A LA HO Bedroom STOCK EVER OF lrlr and vcnte or Pillow HOCKEY CLUB CONCERT The- entertainment given the BALDWIN BREEZES A great hustling in of ice last The soil spell alarmed those who were dilatory about harvesting it Council are considering erecting a bridge on the 3rd conces sion the pond They are re compelling miller bear a portion of the especSeV Communications from friends in Es sex Co- say there has been but a few days sleighing there all winter Wa gons have never ceased running why weve had plenty and to spare Santos the clever French promises Americans some startling with his flying Pshaw Ive never did much blown about my aerial flights in tut were I able to a public evhilil ion of my skill would lay aside his machine in despair in dreams is easy as falling off a heard fa about those sweet beauties A drummer lor a Toronto t candy firm has taffyed- their up amazingly Mrs Taylor is quite ill at bridge An overdose of chloro form during teeth extraction nearly proved fatal We are happy to say she will probably recover is a great out a If you to sre a handsome lit tle boy you should see little curly- town ball on the headed Howard Eon of our Family under the auspices of landlord A friend and I Hockey Club was a success i that there- none every particular The town was Constable lifeo is attending filled to its utmost capacity The the Assises credit on Ibis family There was not a single Framing a Specially feature on the couple of young folks are James Henry Crittenden- is also down as jurorc Courting under difficulties Good delivered free of when ordered in quantity ALLAN WOOL MARKET your WOOL to the Mount Albert Woollen Mills and get the highest Toronto prices in Gash Full stock Cloths Flannels Sheetings Blankets Yarns etc also a good assortment fashionable Suitings always on hand extra paid for wool taken In ex- change for goods Geo ft Sons A all The Swiss bells and musical passes wrapped up in each other they re an were features The proceeds uncommon nice couple too 50 LIBERAL CLUB A wellattended meeting- the Lib eral Club was held on Tuesday even ing The principal on the pro gram was an speech by Mr J Mr Hoy Its opponent in North Ontario Among other terestingmatters Mr pointed out the importance Liberal Clubs in affording the young members opportunity of learning to speak A debate was arranged for the next meeting en Tuesday on the subject Revolved that the franchise be fortunately owing to this love affair a feud Seems to exist amongst their respective families which is creating public comments Ive no space nor inclination to give details No doubt theyd be interesting but I must have regard for feelings of my herd of young cat tle got very cranky with each other and Used their horns too freely to the detriment of hides of the weaker ones Jos Taylor for and a gen eral took place Theyre now puiacious dispo sition disappeared the horn Fanners who buy all the modern implements for laibor- and- let their drudge Down in New Jersey some knotty were elected to be publicly spanked fori sbrne such as breaking into bonded cars etc Two stalwart cops administered the It is said the kids were very humble the ceremony Spanning soundly administered is a powerful agent for good Some never enough and then not hurt more than a flea bite Pied Taylor has engaged with Caleb for the com ing season Roy with Win Peter Hart with Statton and with good Our girls great knitters and are quite liberal with their mittens Quite a few of our boys sporting one on their left hand nearest their the gift some adorable lit tle damsel I know by the specially careful way in which some of- our lads do their love efiitlcs in red sealing wax there must contain some awfully sweet and loving messages But you cant lock up love Cupid will always find i I costs as much to raise a plug worth a paltry fifty dollars as it does to an animal worth a thousand and yet notwithstanding this many persist in raising- There is a good de mand for reliable noises it has long been- said that the of citizens were fond of their wee drop of toddy- any one is excusable for such tastes surely they are as the water in that local ity is almost as nauseating as sea water In future that burg shall be known as toad hollow- All lowlying lands Ira been lakes since the floodUde Skat ing inks for the millions One of our residents has a novel mode of rinding who escorts his las sies home from church The wire clothes line is the trap by which he catches them One of our lads was caught and nearly had his head saw ed off one dark night It hurt like the mihief found a purse containing about S3 recently He is anxious to mtd an owner Us folks are deeply interested in Brocks South African letters We trust some- day he may attain disV illustrious Isaac Brock The calendar is and handsome in design The lion and lamb axe quite suggestive A large attendance at including some few decorated hats Ten cents for Whew didnt folks look surprised John has returned to The Owl Queensvilie Public School Senior Division V Wight Don Ambrose George Greenwood Bertie arm May Carrie Roy Wight Frank Irene Minnie Lewis Bessie Ayl- Nora Forest Keller Ida Frank Katie Ella Milne Jr Dillon Illrfilton iiinnie Wright Frances Dan Moore Herb Wright Ernest Watson Jr HI Levi John Fogg Lewis Mamie Rose Powers teacher OINGHAMS Also fievr- Lot of French Flannels H D RAMSPENr J Meeting of Council held at Sharon on All melnbers present- On motion the Reeve was ordered to procure one set of 12inch for making concrete pipe for water courses ivV The Reeve introduced v a in re of Statute Labor for the year the special being as follows viz 1st Labor be reduced one half from statutory amount 2nd That rate be cents per day for all work A j- yifi 3rd For all commutation paid by June 1st the Treasurer is authorized- to accept for each days Lat or so C i Following bills passed Geo Good win re ie snow Alfred Hall do Mark Hall do Hugh dp 110 John Grammar do John Smith re gravel Fieri heller tax ThqSFairr barn cedar Blizzard work A John Tate re travel Council adjourned to meet Shar on on Thursday March at 10 a in Stoves Cooking of all kinds Stoves for either Goal or Wood Ranges and Heaters in great variety HARDWARE ALBERT SPRING 1902 have been watching the markets and are pleas- to say have been rewarded for so doing with J a much better Assortment at much better prices AND PONGEES MERCERIZED SATEENS COTTON ADDS DENIMS c fc tended to the ladies who are already allowed the privilege voting at municipal elections Mr OUR tubs etc are selfish One of our farmer friends has a lit tle- woman of whom he should be proud In addition to a first- class housekeeper she persistently re fuses to talli scandal or hear a word JO will lead the affirmative and Mr J A Hopkins the negative St was decided to hold the discussion public therefore all persons- live of politics attend A special invitation is extended the ladies to come and ohhum Batty sick of love and bate on this matter Ten new mem- be refrain of our hers were added to the roll who time ago gave her his walking tick et and gaily flirted with a claimants for her smile She lias fixed It up with Harry and now they are sweeter than ever and thick as mush girls never know their own mind for two minutes at a time A of an old song says We m SPRING STOCK PERSONAL Mr was a guest at the banquet given by the Harness Makers Association at the Temple Cafe Toronto on Wednesday evening of last week Mr J McKay and Mr Brunton of Newmarket were into a drifted place and we we on Wednesday and favored us with a Now rumor has it this Dry Goods Boots and Shoes la Arriving Daily and to make room we are Selling the Balance our Winter Stock AT HALF PRICE gee our prices for Ladies call Mrs Wallace returned from attend ing the millinery openings in Toron to on Wednesday evening The members of the Funn ily spent Sunday with friends in town and vicinity and left on Monday for Miss Florence is with at Maple Mr JKener Liberal can didate lor North Ontario was in town on Tuesday Mrs It returned on Tuesday after- spending a week with friends in Toronto Mr J Cook goes round with an step and a broad arid happy Its a girl Keep Yourself WARM by buying a Queen Stove J ROWLAND Mount Albert An meeting in the In terests of Mr Herbert Lennox peoples Herbert was In the town on Wednesday evening of last week The hall was well fill ed with Mir Lennoxs supporters with here and there a stray- Liberal who had wandered in to hear what was going on The speakers id dititm to the candidate were Messrs and J McKay of Newmarket and A Wright the party of Toronto From the tone of the speeches especially that of the candidate the Hon K J Davis will have to hustle if he ex pects to hold his job Prom the point of view of our Conservative friends the gentleman has been no use to North York anyway and his retention in office would only be a detriment to the best Interests the Mr Lennox predicted his return at the elec tions as an assured fact and as he advocates the establishment of sever al Colleges we hope he will not overlook Mount Albert- The meeting closed with cheers for Mr is precisely what happened to the renreflble Johnnie the inert Swamp while out for a drive He Into a drift and he and the Little were dumped into a snowbank No bones broken hut Johnnies friends taunt him You cant drive a little bit It would lie a brilliant idea for the young man who blubbered and de clared he couldnt- live without his loveydovey to his life insured and make her the so If he really and truly died shed have some thing to cherish him in grateful re membrance of our rabid would be very arbitrary They are far too selfish Theyd have Ross trample the liquor interest under foot as If they were mere worms of the earthy- They have their rights as well as others is trying to dp HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOL Report lor February ClassCharlie Kay Esther Case 441 Sherman Willie Mainprise Byron Hopkins John Case ill Stella Robert Roy 337 Ben nett Traviss Sammy Robbie Mainprise Albert Travis Frank Jr Ill Winnie Thompson Al ma 206 Ross Nor man Frank Jr II John Watson 322 Erne Case Merlon Kutledge in Bertha lord on Mitchell Peter Mitchell Fred Thohii son Willie Wal ter Case Willie TabletArthur Lepard Mitchell Willie Arthur Case Kathleen Wesley readier y London March The War Secre tary air when asked in the House of today steps had been taken in view the success of the Boers against Gen to send Lord Kitchener reinforcements said 6000 yeomanry would be immedK with large drafts of cavalry and infantry Lord would be given alt the assistance he asked for Ottawa March A local firm of jewellers has just completed a beauti ful tiara or crown to be worn by Lady Laurier at the coronation next June The base of the ornament is made platinum faxed with gold There are selected diamonds in it rendering in their dazzling tion a beautiful effect has been by Lady herself and should prove a striking ornament in the wealth of gems that will be at the coronation FOR One Fresh Milch Cow one Farm Horse a few Marly Everett Potatoes EAST Print be beat lot weight of cloth j and washing qualities BOOTS AND SHOES THE D King Goods Speak Tor Themselves Our Groceries New and Fresh Breakfast Foods Prunes from up lbs Sleet Raisins for 25c Cleaned Currants for Bars Comfort Soap for Bars Imperial Soap for 25c Bars Cameo Soap for Cans Pink Salmon for lbs Fresh Figs for lbs for lbs Rolled for Its Rolled Wheat for Malt Breakfast Food Dried Apples bright sample I COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF AND WE WILL BE SURE TO DO BUSINESS WITH YOU j For Sale justice to H E I S E S New Store Baldwin NEW GOODS tha time to We it in of Prima Art NEW LACE WINDOW CURTAIN YOLKS We hTom fine of per in it We fclo on cc of Boil Tables Conches- Dm tin Room ftWi beards to Central Telephone Baldwin At the home Mrs James Cun ningham on Wednesday last Mr Amold and Miss Libbie Cunningham were united in the holy bonds of wedlock by Rev J Simpson The family of Hell Ringers gave an Interesting and class concert in the on Monday evening last The passes are something- new to this community but they produce very sweet sounds The bell and violin playing was exceedingly well given church was comfortably rilled Proceeds Addle Wight Newmarket the guest of Miss Mrs Luck of Is visiting with Mrs J J Terry- The new arrival at Rev J Simpsons is a boy Mr and family left fur Hartley Man where he intends to farm The whole family will ho missed very much from this The Presbyterian choir of which Miss Clara was a member presented her a bible and hymn book as token of the high appreciation In which she is held by the members of choir and the church Judge Children Cry for CASTOR I A A lot of buildings at Omaha I wrecked by a storm J hand from Hi 15 Hat mis Dog Tux Clergy Res Int ace Aft flea PS Land I im Grant 118110 Assessed 8208 77 Road arid Bridge baud IW76 Two Jersey Bulls St Lambert years old Also Fresh Milch Cow Jersey Grade STOKES Mount Albert The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY UwSis HEAD OFFICE CANADA BRANCH j MONTREAL BOARD Off Chalrmsn or Ih J Chair- Clous- ton Sir Alex Accepted Current tut QWDAVIDSON Albert not Be Behind The Times Our Spring Stock Audited Jan and correct JAMBS COW1RBON1 Finally audited and allowed tb A J HUGH Clerk RAMSDBN T ALBERT THE LEADING HOUSE SHAE0N DRUG STORE For Coughs Colds Hoarseness etc use Balm of Cough syiap For a General Condition PowS der lor Distemper our IMPROVED Condition We carry a full line Pa tent Medicines among and Rheumatic Cure Prescriptions Family receive personal attention day or night TLLOYD DRUGGIST GENTLEMEN SMITH Chief Agent tor Dominion Is composed of the Latest Patterns suitable for your garments Be among first choosers Our prices- are right SKELLERS The Fashionable Tailor Mount Albert p We are prepared to please you in New Suitingsrstyle workmanship and price Now is the time tq your New Suit LADIES Our stock Staple Dry Goods is equal to anything you can buy elsewhere and just as cheap See our new Dress Goods Groceries Always Fresh R H KENYON

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