Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 14 Mar 1902, p. 5

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THE MARK ERA FRIDAY A 14 ONTARIO BANE CAPITAL NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business TRANSACTED interest Allowed on Deposits it DRAFTS ISSUED At ronrt American Collection i to Weeks j INSURANCE J A A eat Cor jrireiad Lift to t Current A Ramsay Fire Inaurtjioe A eat Farm and IscUted Town Property- Shoe Newmarket Simpson and Good Ben is Collect Street Newmarket Bolton practical PaperHanger and Corner Street and of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Office Newmarket Private Papers Iwuoo at private If Attired is oh ra Home A deputations Royal night ami enter tained the inmates to a splendid program whtcVwas greatly ap preciated An I this all mail matter to ami from- the depot is mg weighed daily by the Postmasters It is said that Hie railway author ities ate of the opinion that they are doing more business than the Govern ment is paying them for Splendid Price Last Saturday Dr Wesley sold bis driver hands high to the Messrs Wilson and for the handsome sura of i Another buyer Mr Langevin Montreal is to be here tomorrow and also Sir WWter EDITORIAL HOT MARRIAGE LICENSES BUTTON NEWM ARRET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- CaUBofore Ordering Elsewhere Oagaiflv Allan There was a splendid last Saturday and a big crowd people in Town With the exception of eggs everything had an upward tend ency These dropped as low as the hucksters price but a great many were sold at and Butler- to Apples a Po tatoes a bag Dressed hogs per Dressed chickens per pair and live ones from to 00 a pair A regular sugar snow last Sunday inches House hunters are out in quest of domiciles for this season The new spring goods that are daily arriving in the market are worthy of inspection The new time register at Canes Factory makes some of the men get a hustle on twice a day Spring next Farmers are ready for the Maple Only 2 weeks more Lent One of the semifinal for the Davis cup was played on last tbo the ice was very oit the rival skips being Col Lloyd and Mr A The game was fought out to the bitter end- the Col being two shots ahead when the last end only was to be played But Mr Skip stuck to it- manfully and in the last end made lour shots thereby winning by two shots next game will bebetween Stewart and and the winner will play A in the final which Hon Mr Davis is to be invited to witness Two divisions have taken place in the- House of Commons this session At the first the Government was sustained a majority of on the policy of the country and on the second vote by a majority of upon a different issue The Op position will now take a rest The Young Conservative Club pi Toronto has passed a resolution in favor of observing King Edwards coronation day in June as a public holiday instead of Dominion Day City papers very properly ridicule the idea Referring to the proposition toe Telegram characterizes it as run riot I According to the bill of the Gov ernment New Ontario will have four members in the next House and this will bring the total of the Legislature to Western Is to be divided into two to be known as Port Arthur and Rainy River and Fort William and Lake of the rescectively eastern will have three dis torts Ste Marie and two districts to be known as East and West respectively The oldffastrioned gardens of halt a century ago with no thought of effect gave decorative plants their proper position by relegating them to some corner or border location Often times they were planted near the old- fashioned wellsweep with a clump of trees beyond simply they grew so thrifty there under the fre quent dashes from the old well buck et Naturally they form a picture still fresh in the memory of many a wanderer from the old homestead who is now shut in by towering walls of brick and stone Some the pleasing effects that one can arrange in planning the home garden are in dicated in the April Delineator where fc the Biood as Nothing Else Do NOURISHES THB BRAIN AND BRACES THE NERVES Celery Compound purifies the blood as nothing else can do it- is natures brain food it- builds up weak and shattered nerves is the worlds best and surest Celery Compound during the open of spring has a re markable efficacy in making sick peo ple well and strong It makes short work of debility and nervous exhaus tion It quickly drives out neuralgia sleeplessness dyspep sia from the system Its virtues promptly banish kidney and liver troubles It enables all weak and rundown men and women to cast oS their besetting troubles and gives them a happy and vigorous life Charles Beck Oat- whose life was directly saved by the use of Paines Celery Compound after other had failed to do any work writes as follows I am a Tanner by trade and thirteen years had an attack of rheumatic fever While lecovedng I took a cold and had a relapse which ended in inftamatory rheumatism arid I was laid up for years I was also afflicted with sleeplessness and my doctor sard I would not live to see my thirtieth year While almost jiv ing in despair your Celery Compound was recommended to me the directions are given by a well- W A GOOD HAND Every race Eesses some good pointsfine eyes a well shaped head a good profile some characteristic that will show up well in a picture It is part of our rt to look after these good points and show them in the photographs we make Consequently our pictures you at your best J SMITH Quaker A pretty but very quiet wedding took place on Wednesday the home of Mr Geo when his only daughter Ida was unit ed in marriage to Mr- Norman Bain of Newmarket The ceremony was performed Ify Rev A Campbell Quaker Hill and was witnessed by only the most immediate friends of the bride and groom Miss Sarah Usher acted as bridesmaid while Mr Austin Bain brother of- the groom very ably performed the duties of groomsman After doing ample jus tice to a table a few of the young people accompanied the hatytv Couple to the station where amid showers of wheat they the train for Toronto- Mrs Bain will be very much missed around Quaker Hill as she was a meniher the choir and Sunday School and a general favorite of all who knew her Trie lest wishes of her many friends accompany the young couple to their home in Newmarket Jour nal known authority on gardening With reference to the new army scheme said to be projected by the Imperial War Secretary the Premier of Canada informed the that he hot been approached in regard hereto- On a member calling at tention to the scheme by Can ada was expected to four militia corps Sir Wilfrid re plied that the Government had re tched no intimation regarding any such scheme There had been no negotiations of any kind with regard to any scheme of military defence As to the that the matter be discussed at the conference whih was to take place in London summer the correspondence to such conference would be down shortly and the atti tude of the 1 In the Public Accounts- Committee of the Legislature last week the Op position made a hold effort to create a suspicion of wrongdoing on the part of Hon Mr in connec tion with the Stoney Creek dam con tract The insinuation was made that some part of the expended in constructing that dam went mho the hands of the Provincial Secretary or was used for political purposes After several witnesses were examin ed Hon Mr appeared be fore the Committee and made a sworn statement He declared under oath that it was Absolutely untrue that there was ever any conversation with Mr Mr Hall or any otlter person looking to any by the Such a thing was thought of So far as the Government or myself are concerned no payment was received no payment I do not know that loan make the denial stronger declaration the Opposition up tire sponge my surprise it gave me natural sleep and rest After using six bottles was entirely cured My wife also used your medicine for insomnia arnd before she had used one whole bottle was entirely cured Mr Wilson a prominent etih says I know Mr Beck intimately and can vouch for what he says about Celery Compound Sehool Lesson THE CONVERTED Acts 8 March Golden TextWith the heart man unto and with the mouth corilessfon is made unto salvation After tie regarding Simon the sorcerer and the visit- of Peter and John from the church at Jerusa lem to toe of Samaria Philip is led by adivene to a with servant or Queen This was a man of high rank who held a position of dignity and importance at the court In some way had be come related to the Jewish faith a proselyte probably and had been at fulfilling the obligations of his new faith He was evidently a man of deep earnestness and religious desire for while sitting his chariot be devoted his time to a careful read ing of the prophecies of The incident is given with more fullness detail than is usual in Scripture PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS The calls of God are personal The calls of God are definite The calls of God sometimes sacrifice call of we all freely of our strength substance And shall we do less for God obedience meant joy to his own soul as well as to that of the Ethiopian the one in telling of Je sus the other in hearing of Jesus Any service we can render Him will be repaid a thousandfold And is the truest form of service castor a Tot Infant and Children THE LEADING I Mr Hunt Councillor has been served with a writ for 3000 for J Boyle editor of the EWorld The case will be heard at the assizes which opens at on Si arch Grocery and Provision STORE Dried Apples per St Apples lbs for 25c Jam 4fc Jar Jam Evaporated Peaches 2 lbs for gallon Tin Apples Orange Lemon Marmalade Plums Blue Berries per can Cherries per Can 20c can KNOWLK8 NOW TIME Meyers Spice you want Egg in the winter For Bale feed store Oppoatto House In the total vole polled at the Provincial elections was Ac cording to the amended referendum hill if one vote more than per cent of that number is for prohibi tion the bill will go into force at the close of the license year of but not otherwise The polling the referendum will take place in the month of November next The scrap iron law Will be abolish ed at the close of the present set of the Legislature Chief Anderson will then be able to swell the assess ment of the railway telegraph and telephone companies doing business In this Town Heretofore these com panies like the sponge exercised large powers of absorption it is now the corporations turn to do the squeezing act in aid of the Town treasury TO MOTHKRS ONLY To every mother of young children who will send us her name and ad dress plainly written on a postal card we will send free of all charge a valuable little book on the care of and young children This book has been prepared by a physi cian who has made the of little ones a life With the book we will send a free sample Babys Own Tablets the best In the world for the minor ail ments infants and young children Mention the name of this paper and address the Dr Willi tSediclne Co Or The tree that rich land is sure to give a crop if properly trim med and protected inject at tacks but a tree that has borne fruit for years cm poor land must fail bo- fore its natural time for ceases Cultivation and fertilisers will give new life to such trees and render them profitable Trees perform excellent service and require an of nourishment to annually produce new wood and bear crops Farmers and others accuse the cow of drinking from rather than to prefer the pure water at the The fact is that the cow has no such preference She will always drink pure water when she can get it but on many farms the pools are sheltered and receive heat from the sun while the water in Hie- may have a coveting of tee In win ter water the cow and she will diink the warmer water rather than the colder liquid in the trough man trims merchants as careless in business as fa rul es they would be ruined by The aimer is really a business man and should conduct liis The of Canada are in the Work of Mat and Rug Making In the sections of Canadas fairs de voted to womans work the display of mats and rugs made from Dye Mat and Rug Patterns was most varied and attractive and claimed the attention of tens of thousands The winners who used the Dia mond Dyes to color their and other materials from which the rugs were made all agreed that the Dia mond Dye Mat and were the best and easiest to work tip If you would like to make up choice mat or rug send your address to the Wells A Richardson Co Lim ited 200 St Montreal P and you will receive full range of new designs The City and Town lairs and Ex hibitions held last autumn in the var ious provinces of our Dominion have fully demonstrated the fact that the women of Canada are rapidly becom ing proficient in the art of making mats and rugs Quite of Marie the well known capitalist was a visitor to the On- Parliament buildings and to a Globe representative stated that his- visit was for the of inviting members of tire Government to visit the witness the process of steelmaking in his new which he said would turning out tons of steel rails day by the end of the month He said that were now men employed in the syndicates various works and that that number would probably be in creased to by Surveys oa the to North Shore Railway had been completed and the line would fall be from to Owen Sound at the south end and from Sudbury to tie Current at the north end He al so stated that the line had been al most horn Sudbury to Sic Marie paralleling the at a distance of from to miles to tire north Three thousand men were now at work on the Central Railway and he expected that its whole length of miles would be completed before the end of the season Arrangements had been made tor bringing out Scandin avian settlers this spring which he hoped to repeat annually for some years to come Let add by way of appendix at the recent mating the Canadian Association a re solution was adopted favoring a short excursion the Association to the summer The elections will be over before the holiday season on why not arrange for a trip in company with the Government some time In July It might be made mutually profitable faun in the same manner as en gaged in some by keeping books and making assist in giving a profit Labor machinery on farms Is not intend ed to prevent labor but to increase it the machine doing the work for the man but the time saved by ma chine should not be wasted nor tic machine cause idleness on the part of the man It is a good idea to be thinking planning the location of crops for next season and in doing so dont overlook the importance of crop ro tation some of the benefits of which are as follows AH plants not draw to an equal extent upon the fertilizing ingredients the soil They send their roots to different deaths and have a different solvent action upon the constituents they reach Fungus diseases are rendered less troublesome The soil is main tained in better tilth Weeds are more easily eliminated humus in creased and the work of the farm more easily distributed Make the farm a home beyond the reach of ijnyone else where where there peace content ment and no regret over the pastor worrying for the future The to make and it la right- that well for him to be industrious and work to produce crops suited to arid conditions he should not a slave getting and deprive himself and family of needed rest recreation and time to Improve the mint and above all else the enjoyments and comforts of a good home Wto tfiort and money only worth what it WilhMylruttteriEit kind of a home is abo price It is reported at Canton- that a native passenger boat was run down by a river steamer and persons Mrs Arthur Bouchard and her children were burned to death in a fire that destroyed dwelling at Que Coughingl i No cold need ever reach the cough stage Catch it and kill it the quickest surest and in the world today to do It with is the Uwanta GRIPPE Cdpsule It substitutes the ruddy glow of normal warmth tot levered It cure It fails to bear testlnioiiy to its efficacy Sold by your druggist at cents a box or you may order it direct from the manufacturers CO LiAt Oat i Ut I The Latest AND Best SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION FOR HIRE ft Pairs Mens American Sample Boots lace or gaiter Sizes and 8 only Regular Price while they last Remember we are clearing out Winter Goods For Lung Troubles Sever Coughs c c Taw la A joaopi Will DAVIS A CO TELL j Typewriting Ma chines Students in Day Ses sions Members in the Even ing Classes Positions filled Irorn Jan to Feb indicate the conditions now prevailing in Collage TORONTO A strong reliable school which you may enter at any time Vacations Write for Circulars Thorough Courses Mall Ask lor sample Lesson Toronto you f a or of your In IpiprOTcitifol and four to procured through Marion ft notice without over of 1 MARION Expert and Solicitor We OLD TOR SALE AT ENGINES Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer AND PAINTED or PeeMeas And belt Your choice of Full Rig for 40000 On four years time Cheap at 600 THOMPSON NOT The Cane Sons Mfg Go of Have amalgamated with and in fu ture will be known as the United Factories Limited AH accounts previous to Dec are due and payable by THE CANE SONS CO Any person having such will kindly send tbera in at once as tho Company closing books and will shortly Apply for a return of its charter -I- i

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