Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 17 Jan 1902, p. 7

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i I 1 I a J J I Ik- vV f tTT been officially and have been appointed License for North York for viSi an other There splendid market last Saturday and big of people in 5- Very Change illprices OHlNA SPECIALS at hgK was paid for cents Large of dressed for geese handsome and novel pieces lie for Potatoes sold from to 70c per bat- and atari JAPANESE Import- and per Handsome and very Mod- and He per ft- by the quarter erate in price comprising CUPS SAUCERS JARDINIERES PORRIDGE SETS OCLOCK SETS IN PLATES Ate DINNER SETTS reduced for TOILET SETS at reduced prices for LAMPS The largest assortment at i lowest prices ever ottered- See our special Mr evidently in tends to have pleasure on time during the summer holidays His fine sail ing boat to Newmarket the other- day from Lake to he fitted up with a gasolineVogfne bo that no mat ter if the winds are contrary or even no wind at all be can male de sired port in comfort The will probably be the little pleasure yacht on the Lake next season Duchess Bra ids At Hughes GROCERIES Our Fruits are as usual finest in quality and at knock prices Special 15 See for LEMON PEEL CITRON PEEL CURRANTS SPICES EXTRACTS MCLARENS JELLY POWDERS COWANS ICINGS very fine CHOICE FIGS worth 20c NUTS to RAISINS FOR TABLE Very Fine DATES PRUNES APRICOTS JAPAN TEA FOR FISH The finest quality GEORGIAN BAY TROUT Fall caught Boots Shoes Special Price for all mens Shoes Fine Shoes for Women are perfect fitting R A SMITH The Leading Reliable Telephone After Work or Exercise Parmers Institute The North York Farmers Institute will hold a meeting in the Temperance Hall Newmarket on Thursday Jan to which everybody is invited The first session will open at ten oclock and will be followed by an af ternoon session The subjects under will be as follows Soil Cultivation Mr Anderson Rug by The Influence of Natural Laws on the Breeding of Live Stock Dr Reed Georgetown ButterMaking on the Farm Mr Willis Whitchurch Diseases Incident to Newly Calved Cows and their Preventative Treatment Dr Reed Green Crops as Mr An derson The Practical Horse Dr Reed Every farmer in this vicinity should make a special effort to attend these meetings It is worth ten times all that one could earn by his absence by getting experience of others on these subjects THE NEWM T- MUTUAL v I a i Wilson attended a silver wed ding at last Friday Miss of Oak Ridges- is visiting at her grandfathers J The Christian Endeavor on Tuesday evening was well attended Mr Frank Graham led tie meeting The topic Eriteringvthe Kingdom was dwelt upon in an instructive manner r Mr who has recently returned from Manitoba was present and gave an interesting- account erf the to which he belongs He also sang a very suitable solo Some of our young people attended a surprise party at Mr- one evening last week and report an en joyable time The people of neighborhood are looking forward to the Conven tion which will be held in Wesley church nest Tuesday and Wednesday Miss Zulie Willis who has been ill for some time is able to be oat again Mr- and Mrs spent Sunday visiting friends at Vandorf is- Most of the men went to the jug booths with a smile on their faces and lip doubt in their own mind ballots for the right men But Ray there bo some mistake They must have marked ballots wrong for some of the wrong men are in- What do you think about it Mr- BriHmgerhas returned from the city where he has been spending the holidays- and now in the shop again assisting his son Fred Elections for the Provincial house roust soon be coming off as first one and then another of our old Conser vatives gets a turn on jury Mr is now down spending a few weeks in the Court House Mr was at home with friends on Thursday of last week- Mr J Buckle is now passing thru here regularly with timber for a new barn which he intends to erect this coming summer Mr Tansley has got the card his door and is now a happy man again A few years ago a collection was taken up in our school and a mirror and combs were purchased Hut the combs disappeared and have had to be replaced frequently Of course some one jcets blamed for this But I won der the thought ever came to those who replace them that the combs might have walked away themselves The annual meeting of Kettlefe Cemetery Co- will be held on at the and an In stitute Meeting on- the note an j accordingly The bad quite other day after a wbjteCowU chased it till they got foot sore and when the evening came on the owl gave a hoot and frightened so they ran home crawling a board fence a knot ran into eye but be could- see right Sunday evening Mr Sampson of Manitoba and his bride a fair one from are the guests of Mr Love King Council met here on Monday Everything was lovely j Quite a gloom was cast over our neighborhood on Saturday last when the sad intelligence was circulated that Mrs Alfred had sud denly departed this life Mrs had but a few moments previ ous been nursing her infant a child some ten days apparently in per fectly good spirits Heart failure is supposed to have been the cause- The family have the sympathy of the en tire community in their bereavement The funeral took place on Tuesday last services being conducted at the house The remains were interred at Cemetery Lots of snow at present especially in the East and West roads Thcs who attended the Dedication of Kgypt Church on Sunday and the Supper on Monday evening were well repaid for their trip Rev Brace de serves great praise for his stupendous efforts in having erected so beautiful a place of worship having it prac tically free of debt indeed the dis tinct impression of his christian zeal is plainly visible throughout the whole circuit May the Conference be pleas ed to lengthen his pilgrimage amongst us The Ladies Aid Metho dist church was held last Wednesday at Mr Silas There was a good number present and a pleasant and profitable time was spent They were honored with the presence of Mil John Morton who in his- eighty eighth year seemed to enjoy the ga thering as much as any one The correspondent would suggest a movement for wire FBI DAY AND S ATU R DAY Fresh lOe lb Fresh Smoked Saddle lOc lb Fresh Herring in tins X 9c tin Fresh Herring io tin Fresh Canned Salmon tins for 25c Panned Tomatoes l Special 7c tin DAVISON BROS FINE MAIN The Great Ideal Needs no Introduction AND ESTIMATE GLADLY FURNISHED THE OFFICE SPECIALTY CO Limited Factories Newmarket Bay St Toronto A The installaticn of officers of No of this beneficent Order took place in their commodious and comfortable lodge rooms on Monday evening the ceremony being conducted by District Deputy Grand Master T Peregrine of in the presence of a large number of brethren In the course of his remarks the visiting of ficer stated that not only had every in his District added to its nlembership the past year but his District had made the largest of any District in the Province Nearly applications have been received by the Order in Ontario the past year Newmarket lodge lost three by death Bros Oliver and Hunter added new members On the conclusion of the business the members repaired to the Ragle Hotel where a firstclass Oyster Sup per with all the other dainties was served by Bra Doyle and his atten tive waiters About thoroughly enjoyed feast there being ample room in his commodious dining hall for more if necessary On the re- of the doth metaphorically Major Allan propose several toasts on behalf of the Master Workman which were replied to by Bros Peregrine and together with songs by Bios Geo Williams and A Peter man It was nearly midnight when the jolly company broke up Notice to Creditors AH Wing of Allen In of tftM end and ttw A tihii of comfort od tit weak to be Ua Uy 4 bJcoKoV m The eyes at req lire assistance you are is age reading or vork becomes an exertion glasses of just enough strength to relieve all strain should be obtained We are experts in this line We examine eyes free of charge and guarantee satisfaction Atkinson GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co fwetry ftEWMARKET The Public The annual was held in the Reading Room on Monday evening J in the chair The reports exceedingly satisfac tory- receipts during the year amounted- to and the expendi tures leaving a balance of on hand The outstanding obligations amount to 13554 to meet which is the usual government grant of about is paid about jie 1st- of May There were new books added to the library last year making a total of During the year there were books issued which nearly double the previous year The membership has increased from 140 to After adopting tbe old Board of Management were re- ejected as follows Messrs J Smith A Coombs J J Robertson J Hughes Morrison Davidson J Rio- Kay and Jackson It was decided all membership tickets now force shall be good till the end of so that those sub scribing now wilt get the benefit of Library for the whole yean The tickets are only If you appre ciate the efforts of the Board pro viding leading Room for Town open every evening till buy one from the Librarian On December last the Aurora of came down here and organized a Council of Royal Templars- Mr II- Nelson had charge of the organization The fol lowing officers were elected Select Councillor J East Councillor Milton Councillor Sarah Chaplain Mrs J idgar Fin H Treasurer Melville Mitchell Auditors J Ferguson Holt- Guard I Ferguson J Ferguson Trustees J T years J Ferguson 2 years John 1 year The meetings will be held in the Hall on Thursday evenings at eight As the sword of Temper ance is swaying in the air let us all loin band in hand and help on the cause At the on Friday night last four new members werc initiated into the Order- At the close of the meeting a little surprise was tendered Mr P who has acted as Recorder for the past year He was presented with a handsome clock and an address Mr replied in a suitable manner the friends for their kindness and as he wax elected to the same position for another year said he would do as he always had done serve to the best of his ability The election of officers in- connection with tfie was held on the evening of January 2nd resulting as follows Hon President Rev Amos President J Ferguson 1st Vice P Miss A Ferguson 2nd Vice J Ness Cor Ness Miss J Treasurer A keen interest has been taken In Now that it over mostly every one in this part of the township Is well satisfied We congratulate ourselves on having No i Division represented again in the person of Mr of the sideroad leading to the school We hear Mr dis located his shoulder in an upset near here on Sunday evening Mr Henry was visiting at his brother Georges week Mr Perry Prosser Wife of Ver- Man are visitirfg friends here abouts at present Mr and Mrs Huntley were visiting with Mr Ira for a couple of days A number from this appointment at tended the Special meetings at Kes wick and tell of interesting meetings Visitors to Clerk will soon find him sitting under his own vine and fig tree The Ladies Aid of Bethel Church purpose holding a Social at the home of Mrs A at on the Tuesday Tea from to A good program is in preparation For a good time in a good cause let there died hS l are Web Suitor for fiieBloouroii big will or before the First day or after date fencing entitled having to filed And thus tbey will not for the- for any thereof to ftoy or after date for Newmarket J Auction Sale OF CHATTEL REAL ESTATE Administratrix of will sell by Public Auction at on January a oclock Tuols and Stuff other Stuff Lot wbero bo lived For further particu lars or apply to WIDDIFIELD Sol for Newmarket If you are not to give all your boob a set the farm a ho will be always and with the farm may bo wet nod If you want your boob to toar- ell buy my oe good me ball is to cutler be procured for entertainment A W1D01KIBLU TREASURERS Lands For Taxes in the County of York OK Br Virtue of a Warrant by Warden of County of TO WIT York date the day of December Hundred One directed commundtuif mo to set forth audeoc- coses I therefore notice that arrears of taxes coats bo sooner paid dates and at hereinafter proceed to sell said lauds or bo much thereof as be to the said arrears of taxed and ALL TIII5 FOLLOWING PATENTED LOT CON NORTH NO DAY OF APRIL at hour of oclock am in Court House Adelaide Bt fi Toronto OF Clayton Fees Taxes Total to NOLLERS GROCERY DISTRICT NO Vu Village of M to bo held W1S DAY OP APRIL WtTKlCIPAUTVOFMAUKnAM to lluiaberatoiie part to Win rflzuU t nan IS a to A MUNICIPALITY OK as Tuxes KETTLEBY FISH FISH FISH Fresh Trout lb Fresh Manitoba per lb Fresh per lb and dozen lb Salt Trout lb l Special price by Keg Now is good time- to buy before too Lenten Season Labrador Herrings dozen Granulated Sugar lbs for 1 Brown Sugar lbs for 1 MUNICIPALITY OK A it AM VILLAOB to i to J to Miller too A to lien Hoover 11 to Henry Church a Brown to Miller tiS koko tit Vlb i3 Ji Bins I situ 164 5 las 9 Total Total saw 70 NO- Whitchurch aod TUESDAY DAY OF APRIL 1902 AUKORA Off Lot Con Aorea to to f part part pit is a Exp OP WHITCHURCH OP HOLLAND LANDING ocfK lotj 8 Total aw The Services in the King Church are progressing with increasing interest Rev Sargent a assisting the his are highly appreciated Mr Sargent will preach in next Sunday at am and in the Christian Church on the Con of King at pm Elder is to preach missionary ser mons in Churchill and Frank- Jin next Sunday North York District Division met on Friday last and the p was present at both and evening session as was ale Holland of Mr takay A and others were present and spent a very enjoyable arid order to introduce our Famous Brand Oysters more OYSTERS We will sell on Saturday at cts Quart Remember this is lor SATURDAY ONLY Breakfast Cereals NO on THURSDAY DAY OF OF I I Oats lbs for Granulated Wheat A Flaked Quaker ftAtspk for CHEAP to any part and Crumpets Friday time Much is due the The new Board wilt meet on ladles for the sumptuous tea provided day evening to Jte detegatea fc officer GROCERY ORDERS CALLED FOR PROMPTLY NOLLKRf The Grocer I We axe the IN GIVE US A TRIAL of and part part part- part- Port Lot to er a Gardner at OP ft to to Ixit I Taxea at CO 1 MUNICIPALITY OF VILLAGE Of BUTTON Lot Clock Jo ft Office Co of York lias i 138 IBS Fee A lies W lift im 138 See J K Total it in H 6tl MM in-ifeiiW- A- iiiiifrt

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