Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 17 Jan 1902, p. 4

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w J J t fyvTK173ii Ho tad is a woolly to fete and he If J bad It ft Turner It not scarcer get op or stairs Sandy Boot Coon- was with it cold in July diotdliImwipq- to testimonials volant tree the were pnnaneuwy Hoods SarsapariUa araJch the ftcMHf blood appends and apibo OTES A- special to Telegram from under date Jan ill i to- the Liquor Act says night that a substantia tf Liquor Act fteGQyimentwiH declare the necessary majority -ra- before prohibition Public c Main Street Newmarket to good farm security Solicitor Notary Load at fOvml Division Building Newmar ket Ontario Barristers Conveyancers fi door South or Post Of- flee Herbert Lennox Aurora will also beat Newmarket on Saturday and Court Days T Solicitor for Boss Co Ban iters and Ontario Bank Aurora rand P S Knooilee to loan fit KeTofmer Block foner w Loan A coHt Post Office Methodist Church DR DENTIST lo Dr Drue Store rexhaxkable thing says OtA tawa Events is disclosed in the new Parliamentary Guide Sir Wilfrid has now appointed more sen ators than Sir John did between and As many- hare been appointed in four years as the Conservatives appointed in thir teen The knight with the sunny ways has nominated and the great chieftain twentythree While Winter millinery is still pressing theme and little diminution is to be noted in the output of new headgear for cold weather the atten tion of the manufacturers is already upon the models for Spring The February presents a number of original effects in straw that will bold high place the best products of the year Many styles are illustrated and some are presented in colors According to the annual summary of the use of electricity in Canada prepared by Mr- George Johnson- Dominion Statistician the number companies doing business in electric ity in connection with lighting has creased from in to in I these years the use of for lighting purposes has in creased by lamps or over per cent There are cities towns and villages in Ontario which have either municipal plants or are suppli ed by companies some towns have more than one plant The Minister of icilture for On tarioHon John Dry ten to Toronto from en Friday where he had been visiting tie Agri cultural College and starting the classes in judging He reports that one hundred young men from all over Ontario had entered the institution to take the course in the first of the judging classes The course is to be three weeks in length and from the number of applications the course will be exceedingly popular There are oer one hundred farmers waiting to take the course in the next class ALMOST A MIRACLE J THE OTA I Her- Doctor Was in Con- sumption Held Out no of Recovery She is Well Strong and Active- 11 v About GkAND TRUNK RAILWAY NORTHERN DIV TIME TABLE OS CO S3 a I a 3 W wo o I X 1 ill- oddjo 1 1 pi si rHOO ftn AXD S3 AH OT Q i 0 a CO 3 -4- fcO o to WW tf rfti MM K vw I a S in BecUl Saturday afternoon- A little daughter of Mr Charles Spry pi Ottawa was choked to death oy a screw Children Cry for The latest move to create offices for another batch of Government on with hands in the public crib is movement advocated by a deputation from Toronto asking the Government to start free employment agencies all over the country Some people seem to have a notion that a paternal Gov ernment should have a hand in every thing As Hon Mr Latchford inti mated in reply possibly the act might be so amended as to empower local councils to authorize or license employment under such regulations and safeguards as to protect the unsuspecting from gulled but to have a wide range of free employment agencies at the pub lic expense would be a huge mistake Everybody wonders how the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal secured the right to publish that re markable story The Man From Glengarry written by Rev C Gordon of Winnipeg under the plume of Ralph Connor It is easily the best story of the and it is said thousands of new subscrib- are flocking to the Family Herald and Weekly Star so as to be in time for the first chapters on January Family Herald subscribers are certainly in for a big treat Their three pictures the King the Queen and the beautiful Duchess of atone considered by many to be worth a flvedollar bill yet one dollar pays for the whole A cablegram from England dated Jan says Hon Richard It Canadian Minister without was thrown from his horse near here yes terday and Is dead The despatch goes on to state that Mr Do bells horse was startled by a motor car going at an ordinary pace and threw its rider who fell heavily on his head Mr was picked up unconscious and death soon followed Deceased entered the Cabinet on formation without portfolio and was sworn In as one of the Privy Council He represented Quebec West in the of Commons A byelection now he held to All the vacancy was an active member of the Anglican Church A recent appeal to the courte In a libel suit between two publishers of Hamilton and now the notice of an other action between the of two staid Journals in seems to suggest the propriety as well as necessity of steps being taken by the Canadian Press Association for providing- some other method of tling grievances between publishets7 by arbitration or some other Press Association court rather than drag ging unseemly differences before legal tribunal especially in all cases where civil prosecution alone are contem plated and redress lor allege wrong sought In the shape of money con sideration To say the least the re sult would likely be more satisfactory and a long bill of legal costs saved to I Let press men think this From the Islander Statistics published time to time show the number of deaths oc curring throughout this country from consumption to be as great as the number caused all other diseases combined It is no wonder therefore that the medical fraternity baa at last awakened to the fact that the most urgent means must be taken to prevent Its further spread and to teach the public that while the dis ease is readily cornmunioate4 one person to another it is not necessari ly inherited though the tendency to it may be It is therefore of the ut most- importance that people with weak lungs should take the greatest care of themselves to present con sumption obtaining hold upon them Pure outofdoor air lots of sunshine wholesome food and a good ton ic medicine to the blood rich red and pure will enable anyone to re sist the inroads of the disease As a blood forming tonic there is medicine the equal of Dr Williams Pink Pills These pills where freely and fairly will strengthen the weakest constitution and cured many eases of consumption en in its early stages Proof of this is given in the case of Mrs Henry of Charlottetown P E I To a reporter of the Islander who called upon her Mrs Henry said A few- years ago I found myself growing weak and and emaciated I took various medicines on the advice of friends but none of them appeared to do me any godd and two years ago my condition became so much worse that J was obliged to take to my- bed and call in a doctor who said that my lungs were affected and that was going into consumption and he told my mother who was mostly in attendance upon me that my recovery was very doubtful I grew weaker and weaker I could not sit up for five minutes my pained me I coughed severely lost almost all desiretor food and when did eat I found it difficult to retain food on my stomach I fell away in weight from pounds to and I do not think any of my friends expected to see me get better But some of them urged me to try Dr Williams Pink Pills and decided to do so I began fry taking one pill a day for my stomach was very weak but I was soon able to increase this to three pills a day and finally my strength was increasing under their use took nine pills a day The change which came with the use of the pills was little short of miraculous and so marked and rapid that inside of two months after I began their use I was able to leave my bed and move about the house and soon alter I was able to walk about in the open air and make short visits to my friends On one of these occasions met the doctor who had attended me and he asked me what I had been taking had made such an improvement I re plied that I had been taking Dr Wil liams Pink Pills and he said all right continue them they wont hurt you anyway Well I continued tak ing them until I had used seventeen boxes with the result that I never felt better than I do now nut even in my girlhood days It is more than a year since I stopped taking the tills and you can sec for yourself did for me I may say that my weight has increased to 137 pounds I am not anxious for publicity but when I think of what the pills did for me I believe I ought to sacrifice my own feelings for the benefit of some other poor sufferer Williams Pink Pills have pro duced such remarkable cures as the above because they are wholly unlike ordinary medicines which only act upon the symptoms These pills go direct to the root of the trouble making new rich blood and giving increased strength with every dose In this way they cure consumption in early stages also such diseases as paralysis rheumatism St Vitus dance heart- trouble neuralgia dys pepsia chronic erysipelas and all the functional troubles that makes the lives of so manywomen miserable The genuine pills are sold only in boxes bearing the full name l Wil liams Pink Pills for Pale People If you do not find at your- deal ers they will be sent postpaid at BO cents a box or six boxes for by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Miss Helen McPherson of Mon treal was fatally burned her hair catching fire from a lamp Seven members of a family named were burned to death in their dwelling at Buffalo Matty Hying rural aid I W3j s of finSin their general patterns or mate of them from time tic from manufacturers in Hessian the employment of artists large plates to print of a print ind color designs The Diamond Dyes axe now in a position to supply patterns by mail as well as through the Pry Goods Sheets of patterns and signs sent free to any- address upon receipt of a postal The Wells Richardson Co Limited Moun tain St Montreal Pbm fl Unique rr A machine which threads needles a is at work in St Gall Switzerland The purpose the machine is to thread needles thai- are placed afterwards in an embroidery loom for making Swiss or Hamburg lace The device is almost entirely automatic- It takes the needle from a hopper carries it along and threads ties the knot cuts the threads off a uniform length then carries the needle across an open space and sticks it in a rack The work of threading these needles was formerly done by hand FAITH HO FACTOR IN THIS MANS id try Smith Ameri can Rheumatic It prov ed It potency Seven year pains forever In twelve hour victim to my bed for month at a lime I do faith Id rheumatic cures I saw advertised but I to South American Cure and of after firit I was free from pain three bottle area J Out Sold by K Lehman Richer of ttheafc Fields 1903 Dear Sir The with its locals awl its army of correspondents thai ppition ofv North years existence years since came to the Prairie think I could pass an examination upon the in North York Well have I posted by the col umns at the Era v Although Eastern- papers are reliable- with to home it is amusing to see the Ions items that into about the Great West This- no doubt is owing a great measure to the Information they re ceive from visitors and excursionists to this Province who never remember the old That as Idolsthink The bells will ever They come with preconceived ideas and only look for something to con firm such One expects to be frozen to death and of course chilly breeze that he feels in his- opinion driving a nail into his coffin and he hurries back to Ontario thankful that he still retains his ears nose and the rest of his anatomy and fills his credulous hearers with terrible stories of the ravages or old Jack comes along when the fields are ready for the harvest and as be sees hundreds and thousands of acres of heavy grain in his imagination he sees the farmers walking about with bursting pockets and to him Manito ba is an Eldorado But if he were to settle down here he would find that he would have to pick and pull for his living just the same as in pasture field of the world Manitoba is not a country of eter nal frost and snow neither is it a count where fortunes are picked up without laboring for them Bub it is a country where any industrious careful person can make a good living and make a comfortable home for him self It is true that in many ways we are handicapped This year we have a grain blockade owing to the that we have one outlet to great lakes but next year we will have a competing railway and it is probable that such will never occur again But a blockade is not to be s iitiwViO DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE deal are incurable P A OP entirety cured of deaf think la history of my to be it dlacKOon About fljre my right ear to andthlskei I will now fir yoa kept worse lost taent car apcdatlstot this city who told are ycaxa my ri in fhU ear entirely for three months with oat an others the most eminent apedatist of i that temporarily that the head would lca cease but the In Ihe ear would be lost Vtt5 y to a New York paper and ordered your After I had It only a Tew the noises ceased nd today after fire weeks my In the diseased eat has been restored sad to remain Very yours v Broadway Baltimore Oar treatment doe hot interfere with your usual occupation YOU CUBE YdURSEtF AT HOME INTERfUTIDHAL AURAL AVE ILL ALL BRIGHT HEW GOODS A CARD the do hereby to money Q a bot tle Greened Warranted Syrup of Tar It it to cure your cough or cold We also guarantee a bottle to prove satisfactory ox money refunded J wondered at when we know that to iVe of navigation the bushels wheat produced by has ovcd farmers had to be wheat in the Northwest There ore lUiles by one railway system Mill bushels remaining in We are having very mild weather the The company this winter No snow in this also moved bushels and only a few- cold days so far oals from the time of harvest to the Hundreds of cattle and horses are of navigation The Canadian still out grazing ant doing well a Northern has handled 000000 hush have not been in a stable this if wheat and has bushels in tinier nor received any attention it- elevators There are said to be j their owners The past has still in the country tremendous growth but in the form of seed etc The amount of of Manitoba have received straw the yield per acre was only a more their crop this year than above average The price of farm produce such as beet pork eggs c is about the same as the THE PUFF TIES THE NEW FLOWING END TIES THE NEW LONG DERBY TIES WHITE AND COLORED SILK HANDKERCHIEFS NECK SCARFS FANCY SUSPENDERS KID GLOVES GUFF LINKS FANCY SLIPPERS FOR LADIES GENTLEMEN CHILDREN Sows quotations in the Era Almost every year I have some vis- itors from North York and they all We One Hundred Dollars delighted with this locality ward for any case of Catarrh that steadily Increasing in value cannot he cured by Halts Catarrh is usually paid for a farm in this locality and many of them could not be purchased for that There is no such thing as an uncultivated farm for miles around acres is the usual size a farm but many are much larger Two men can easily do all the work on acres with an extra hand or two to help in harvest Yours truly JOHNSTON Cure J Cheney Co Props Toledo We the undersigned have known J Cheney lor the last years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made their firm West Wholesale Druggists Toledo 0- Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Catarrh Cure is taken inter nal acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system bottle- Sold by all Druggists Testimonials free are the best One result of the inventors visit to Ottawa Will be the Installation Marconi Instruments on one or two of the Dominion fishery protec tion fleet so that they may communi cate stations to be equipped at several points along the coast and also with other steamer using the wireless apparatus ONE OF THOUSANDS a a stay a ann at a rrdi u4 I a r ml a Is the of a you can have hi It want lbs beat any pull I as by Lehman Canadas foreign trade increased by in the last six months over the expats over cures all coughs It it heals it cures quickly arid PyriyBalsam sells more widely every year Manufactur ed by proprietors of Perry Davis The- bodies of three women were stolen from a vault in St Matys Cemetery at Kingston too bo cured of colds by BE SURE YOU GET THE KIND YOU HAVE to the great popularity of The Menthol Plaster unscrupulous maters are putting up one like it For rheumatism neuralgia c no thing is better Marie only by Davis Lawrence Co Ltd For the Era The Cenadtan Tirade in Orgeat Britain in Danger A many undesirable hogs are being marketed by the farmers thru- out the Province of Ontario These are being converted Into export bacon and forwarded to Great Britain and of their quality are sold at a loss This loss must ultimately be borne by the farmers although the packers at the present moment are be severely punished As an example we quote the condi tion of the trade at the Geo Companys factory Ottawa for Ihe months of November and De cember and the first week of January For the nine weeks there were received Lights Light tats Heavy fits 185 Sows Stags Cripples and Stores total 15150 Pigs- termed Selects are those that can be made into the best class of Wiltshire bacon and are sort that have made Canadian bacon famous on the English market in order to keep up the price of hogs the packers must receive the sort hogs that will make the finest Wiltshire- side To make this the packers must have smooth deep wellfed pigs a lean meat on the car- JotM in proportion to the amount for hours of fat They must be well finished and weigh on- reaching the- packing house from one hundred and eighty hundred pounds- On the pigs termed Lights the pack lost at least one dollar per head The Light fats can be cut up and put into the retail but too large a number these light pigs would at any time glut the local mar ket The Heavy fats can be Work ed up when not too numerous but lor at least one half a dollar per live weight less than Selects Sows and Stags are very poor property and can only be used in sup plying a very inferior trade In or der to be of any value to the packers Sows and Stags should be made as fat as possible Cripples are of little or no value to the packers and are always fed at a loss to the farm ers Stores should never reach the pork packers yet thousands of them are sent every week to the market by the farmer If the farmers continue to market such a large number of undesirable pigs it will seriously injure the Can adian Bacon Trade in Great Britain and will bring about greatly reduced prices for hogs throughout Canada F Prince Henry of Prussia brother of Emperor William will visit the United States month SILVER WATCH 19 The stenographer must know how to read write and spell She must quick ears and eyes She must concentrate her attention She needs a good memory and some general formatim does not come amiss The more intelligent the person the bet ter will be the work done On the whole the stenographer needs brains Ladles Home Journal A GIFT OF ACRES Would no In fbV Dr Amw of von year stand took to wings a application a Mr of KnWmaui If ay la a letter recent I had pfles years I moil that recommended as a cure but got the least bit relief until I iuel Ointment nd word to IbankMoess I for cure I would rather bat tan wonderful cure than of land Sold by True it Is and always has been that cheerfulness is riches that cannot be taxed January Ladles Home journal It but useless to plant seeds when the springtime is gone the har vest of character must depend in part upon planting the soil In the time of awakening January Ladies Home Journal SOLID FOOD MEANT AGONY tub ladiiUoiv mid hr troaf auUwalt sat nd no Strata ToroaM rtwhlMt for to put meant many any Dr 8taat Tablets aha After boxes she was LADIES OR GENTS SIZE In riff to la kiwjll he Jo nut it will ill wf tU lUfail kUJiiat tt liliijfrAilbl tl In In am ihi till ralhtr lit -iUa- ileiviao tfBllC WMt hi If iiiJ iU oU o4yulUnUx ARNOLD MEDICINE CO W Ji Tor Farm for Sale Part of Lot No in the Coo East dwelling good barn with stone foundation about acres In Orchard good well and cis tern Apply to on the premises or to Newmarket r j r ir riWresa as Sold 100 Acres for Sale Lot Jon West All cleared Brick house and good Plowing all done and fifteen acres of wheat This is an extra well watered farm Im mediate possession can be given Ap ply to A 3w0 Aurora- The Long IS THE IDEAL RAPID TRANSIT Long Distance Equipment Increases the Speed And cuts down overtime charges The Contract Department will furnish particulars The of Canada WN STARK Si i IV

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