Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 20 Dec 1901, p. 3

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J THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY DEC Weeks Hems IS OH The Rink The started playing and the Skating Rink was open last night music to be furnished the Regiment Band from Au rora- Pressed Dolls Worth SOc at Roches or School Concert On Friday afternoon a large num ber of visitors at the Model School to enjoy Christmas pro gram provided by the pupils of Fourth Class A couple of amusing dialogs were especially well render ed Miss Kelty the w presented by her class with a Silver Writing Set Gospel Temperanet Good attendance at the meeting last Sunday conducted by the Royal Templars Mr J Green presided and Mrs Lush was organist Solos were by Miss and Mr Richard Willis duet by Mrs Clifton and Miss Lennox and readings by and Mr J- Eng lish Pocket Scissors and Razors at in great vmi- Produce Only a small market last Saturday Butter sold at and and new laid eggs went up to Dressed thickens sold from to ducks to geese from to Tie and turkeys to The special market on Tuesday was bout the size of a good Saturday market and prices generally were up at eggs 25c to turkeys geese and chickens to Big Christmas Market expected to morrow St Pauls Wednesday next being Christmas Day services In this Church will be as follows am Holy Commun ion am Full Morning Service and Holy Communion AH communi cants of the Church of England be longing to parish are invited to receive the Holy Sacrament at one of these services At the oclock ser vice there will be special music in cluding the chanting of the Psalms and beautiful anthem Come all ye Faithful etc During lliii service Miss Elliott will sing a All who are fond of Christmas will be very welcome The church will be decorated with ever greens as usual A member of The Holy City com pany will sing at the evening service Bibles and Prayer Books At Roches County Council The minutes of the November Ses sion Will to Use Township and Town Clerks tomorrow only ten days since our jobbing received the copy As there is no County Council Election this the minutes will hot likely be read So as a year V I and Entertainment the pupils the Presbyterian Sun day School were treated to a tea on Wednesday evening which the boys and girls appeared to thoroughly appreci ate A splendid program was after wards given by the children which re flected much credit on those in charge and was enjoyed by a good attend ance of visitors Skates up to at Hard ware The were pleased t see the pastor Key A in the pulpit last Sunday having sufficiently recovered from his recent illness as to take charge of the ser vices and preach with much accept ance M Next Sunday evening a musical number will be given by a member of The Holy City company The Holy City The officers of the Methodist Sun day School have a treat for the opening of Christmas week being reproduction of The Holy City with beautiful colored dissolving views and magnificent singing by a profes sional company of church members From press notices and personal let ters we have every confidence in that this is one of the best things that has ever been given fit Newmar ketand something entirely new W Esq Mayor of Renfrew writes You can confident ly The Holy City to your readers It might fitly be given in a church and yet makes an enter tainment captivating alike eye and ear The music particularly the choruses may fairly be called grand The singers put heart and soul into iheir work Renfrew has never had anything finer from either musical or point of view Mr J A James editor of the Statesman writes to the editor of the Port Hope Guide A genuine treat your citizens to night in the sacred drama The Holy City was given here last night and was the best entertainment of the kind I ever saw For conscientious reasons we church members often are deprived of the pleasure of enjoying good plays but neeing this one I can unhesitatingly advise every Superintendent and teacher and every other church member who tan afford it not to The Holy City tho magnificent spec tacular features and the costumes and stage settings ire really superb the singing Is was enthusiastically encored and in some of the solos and duets almost every verse choir leader or mem ber of a choir should fail to hear these singers A toiler pleased audience never left the hall My deepest re gret was thai every member of my family was not there to enjoy it with me lover of the good the beautiful and the sublime cannot fail to be enraptured by attending this grand One or more of the Company will sing at the Methodist Church Sun day evening and in the Christian church The pupils of Mr A Oliver gave a recital on Wednesday afternoon Messrs Danford Roche Co are putting more lights in store A large quantity of grain is being marketed here every day now The stores are looking handsome in their holiday dress The Church of Ladies- Aid cleared over with their Store windows are being greatly ad mired The The exams finished in Newmarket last Friday and all the candidates feel quite confident of passing Nine out of the thirteen have secured schools for nest year as follows Madge Sennet t Ethel Cane hear Mary Skinner Mount Albert Silas Ross Ravenshoe Herbert Skinner Rkhardson Snowball Herb tear Collection Through the energy and foresight A Coombs Principal of Newmarket High School our academy of instruction is to receive a Collection- of Of Canadian Minerals and the Geological Survey Department at Ottawa The collection is expected to arrive this week and each speci men will be labelled with its scientific name and the place that it came from Mr Jackson has signified his will ingness to add to the collection on its arrival A meeting of the Board will be held shortly to consider and provide for the proper care of these valuable adjuncts to practical knowledge t ft Friday morning Mr manager of Metropolitan Railway started men at wort to tear up Main Street preparatory to laying their ties and rails on same Town Council had made application to to aside the agreement which entered into which would allow the Railway Company to extend their line through tbe Town This seems to have been their answer The Rail way Co seem determined to either play bluff or to get their railway tended before Parliament can meet To tear Up Main Street at this time of year would of course cause great damage the merchants Mr Roche- is a large property holder on Main Street and determined that he would not allow street to be thus torn up therefore he applied for an injunction to stop the work which was granted until Tuesday the in and was then continued lor a Week The Railway Co repaired the road things are now going in the same old way It seems that the Railway Co asked repeatedly that if they intended to tun their cars on Main Street to arrange to have work done early in the summer but they did not do it evidently suiting their own con venience This to he the way with all A horse came very nearly being mir ed last Friday where the road had been broken up Boys Authors Henty Kingston Jules Verne Cloth Books at Roches and 35c KING CITY mouth Ongm Pocket books and Playing Cards flood variety cheap at wa A recount on Tuesday last of the ballots cast for position on toe Exec utive Committee of the Ontario Hock ey Association at annual meeting last week in Toronto made by Presi dent Mr J Ross Robertson on of Mr George Simpson of Newmarket resulted in the election of the latter and giving him third in stead of fifth place on the poll As a result of the scrutiny Messrs Simpson and have been declared duly elected and entitled to sit on the Executive Hoard The President has nominated and J as his ap pointees to the as the rules require Newmarket hockey boys are happy and we Congratulate Mr Simpson on his successful appeal Death of The many warm friends of Mrs of Rev Dr Ceo in Newmarket will regret to hear of her demise at her far oft home in Japan which sad went- occur red on the of last month De ceased accompanied her husband from Canada many years ago to enter up on missionary labors in the Flowery Kingdom where their united toll has been crowned with wonderful success the eldest daugh ter Mr J who a few years before this town became an In corporated village resided in the prem ises now occupied by Mr Frank on HillVow Prospect Avenue Deceased was beloved by all who had the pleasure of her acquaint ance For a length of time she was organist in the old Methodist Church on the hill also the organist of the Methodist Sunday School formation in Together with Mr this Town and one of her sisters then Misses Misa Carrie Collins daughter of the tale but now Rev p- Will of and Miss now Mrs Cha pel Manitoba the deceased took part in first cantata held under the auspices of the above Sabbath School It wan indeed a grand Dr has the sincere sympathy of a large circle of friends here his painful Despite the unfavorable weather nd condition of the roads a crowd was present at the Methodist Sunday School Concert in the Music Hall on Friday evening last and from all reports it the same oppor tunity again presented all who at tended would again be among the audience The major part of the en tertainment was given by the Victoria College Glee Club who were up in full force to the number about and Hamilton elocutionist but even with this talent it would have been incomplete had it not been for a couple of beautiful solos one rendered by Miss Lily Crossley and the other by Miss Hazel McBride The citizens of King always having high hopes as to what the fu ture of their town would be and tak ing much pleasure in watching its at tempts at climbing the ladder of pros perity perhaps few know that it is now likely to go up two rungs of lie ladder at a time but such are the prospects Some two months ago a couple of men from Toronto who were prospecting for marl which is largely used in manufacture of Portland Cement ran across what appeared to be a valuable deposit in the vicinity of Hales Lake which is situated on Lot 12 Con about two miles north ol King City Having instru ments with them to test the depth of the marl beds they did so and found it entirely satisfactory it being in many places feet thick and in other places so thick that the instruments they had with them could not test the depth and on analysis the marl shew ed to be very valuable giving torn to OH per cent of lime which is the highest percentage of any deposit in Canada The prospectors imme diately proposed buying from Mr Rodger Hall on whose farm the ma jor portion of the lake was situate arid he agreed to sell the whole one hundred acres At this time the Company was not formed but negoti ations were pushed forward and about two or three weeks ago an agreement was entered EnUi whereby they Seed red lie farm of Mr Rail and several acres from other parties who owned land around the lake even buying a portion of itself where on examination they found a very large bed of marl under the water They have an option on other land in the vicinity which is expected they will eventually secure In the organization ol the Company had taken nod Company known as The Toronto Portland Cement Co Limited of Dresden and Toronto with a capital Slock of- in shares of each was incorporated with practical and experienced men at its head The head office of the Com- piny is at Dresden and for this district Mr J has been appointed to whom ap plications and subscriptions or stock etc may be given The Di rectors at the present time propose to erect factory In Toronto where will have unexcelled shipping facilities and as cheap a supply of coal as can be purchased In Ontario but they are awaiting the result the experiments a chemical expert who has hopes of being able to utilize for fuel purposes a gas which is generated in the process of manu facture of and in the event of his success ful plant will of course be located at marl beds which are just a couple of miles north town It- is Intention of company to run a two mile switch to the day from the Grand Trunk road In the early spring so as to better their shipping facilities This of couihc is regardless of whether the factory Is located in King or in Toronto we will ail doubtless hope that cir cumstances will place the factory at the- marl beds for while excavat ing and dredging of the marl will cm- ploy a large gang men a far larger number would be employed If the plant is situated here Space will not permit rne to give further particulars as the planso the Company- though any informa tion will be gladly given on applica tion to Mr But operations of this Company are not the only signs of future great ness our town shows A lew months ago Messrs McDonald Son were ordinary country general storekeep ers while today they employ quite a staff of salesmen and the amount of business they do would be a credit to a hustling firm in town They are also selling agents for The Harris Co and or the only Canadian firm manufacturing under a Canadian patent a Cream Separator The Magnet is certainly a daisy and a credit to Canadian skill- Messrs Mc Donald are working up quite a trade in these Separators There is also another trade for which King is That is as a and hog shipping centre On Monday of this week two carloads of hogs and a few cattle were shipped from our station one car loaded from Hon J Davis piggeries and an other car loaded Ken nedy The total number of hogs in oue days shipments was in the neighborhood which- is not un worthy of the stockraising country surrounding us Messrs Kennedy also pur chased several choice Christmas cattle at the farm of Hon J Davis During the live stock sold from Mr Davis farm amounts to fat cattle and hogs IL Hall has his new shoe store stocked with some of the best known and most stylish makes of shoes in Canada and to enable his customers to view the high quality footwear has installed acetylene gas throughout Mr Kennedy T agent is in Detroit on his holidays and Mr Bowles is in charge at the station Firstclass Concert in Music Hall on Friday evening next given by Public School pupils Dont it Mens Shaker Robes 50c r Mens Kriit Top Shirts and Mens Flannelette Shirts anil Ladies Heavy Under Vests Ladies Heavy Knit Drawers Ladies Heavy Wool Hose Mens Heavy Wool Socks per pair toe Mens Extra Heavy Wool Socks Ribbed Buy your Presents now and get the best selection Silk Handkerchiefs Plain and Initialed Lace and Embroidered Handkerchiefs Ladies Silk Ties and heaps of other Useful and Beautiful Presents in Endless Variety GROCER Top pair for 25c At Quality the best and Prices cheaper than any house in the trade Test this for yourself CORNER SO GOOD AS BAKING The Cheap Store 2i Departments Prominent Boer header Captured London Dec The flowing is still with Great Britain in South Africa and success follows success with a rapidity seems to promise a much earlier termination the war than appeared probable three weeks ago The capture KriUinger which Lord Kitchener reports this morning is undoubtedly a big step towards ending the guerilla warfare in Cape Colony The General was trying to break a blockhouse cordon at Hanover Road and was badly Try us for what you want and get our Prices wounded Market As high as was paid for Christmas in Toronto this week Ordinary to fair butchers cattle from S3 to Well fattened cows from to command the test price Calves in active demand from to lb cattle sold from to Light from to Sheep from to 34c lb bucks to and lambs J to advanced again this week to for selects for and fats TABLE LINENS You cannot make any in choosing Table Linens We have a line of Tabic Napkins imported direct from Belfast that are particularly adapted or useful presents Prices range 125 150 175 and FANCY LINENS- Newmarket markets Dec pet barrel 3 a 4 White Wheat per bush a Wheat per bush a Goose Wheat per bush a a hush 18 a 11 Oats per bush a Peas per bush a 0 Rye per bush 0 a Butter 0 a a 25 Sheep Pelt a Wool per lb a Hay per ton a Bran per ton a 18 CO per ton a 10 Potatoes per bag a 0 per pair a Ducks pair 0 Turicys per lb a liWW per It a Seed a 8 Clover Seed a Timothy Seed a 2 GO Lace Tray Cloths Tea Cloths Dresser Scarfs Stand Covers Cushion Tops Doilies Cen tres etc Hemstitched and Drawn Linens Sideboard Cloths Doilies Tea-Cloths- etc etc FURS FURS FURS A tip to men There is nothing you can give more appropriate that will please satisfy and be appreciated by wife mother sister or sweetheart than PURS Do advised and come to us lor your from this list in variety to Fur Capes Furlined Capes Fur rrr Jackets Collarettes Muffs Scarfs PHP Caps Gauntlets etc oots AND hoes What more sensible and useful thing could be chosen for man woman or child than a Pair of Slippers Shoes or Rubbers We are headquarters for all that la Best in Footwear Presbyterian Hymn Hooks lie Prayer Hooks Church Prayer Hooks with change from Queen to King in Prayer Hook Xmas Upstairs A Dress Piece or a Waist Lehgtli of Silk French Flannel or Evening Shades in Cashmere You know our reputation for Dress Goods for years we have carried the largest Stock in this part of the country Table Covers Curtains and Rugs Always Popular Presents We never had a Wetter Stock of Chenille and Tapestry Table Covers and Cur tains markets Toronto Dec Red Wheat per bush 72 White Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bush Wheat per Iter ley per bush per hush per bush per bush Pgs per roll per lb Potatoes per bag Wool per It Hay per ton 47 a a a a a a a a a a a a 10 a per 7 fore Beef bind Chickens per pair per pair Turkeys per lb dressed Alsike Seed 7 Red Clover Seed Timothy Seed r l 50 75 a a a ft a a a a a a Try an Ad in Era It pays Fancy China Cups and Saucers Fancy Figures Vawes Lamps Te Dinner and Toilet Sets etc etc Toys Games Dolls Sleighs Hooks Stationery Albums Fancy Celluloid Goods etc HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Skates In groat variety Hockey Sticks Carving Sets Cutlery Plated- Ware Copper Nickel Tea and Coffee and Tea Kettle Granite Tin Wood and Wire Goods of- all kinds Carpet Sweepers New Dust less Sweepers c Sleigh Rolls GROG For Women Jackets Capes Shawls Water proofs Dress Skirts Under Skirts Costumes in Silk Velvet Sateen Lustre Ac Gloves Kid Silk In evening shades Cashmere At Hosiery Fancy and Plain Linen Muslin and Silk Hand kerchiefs Fancy Pins Belts Chatelaines Purses Perfumery Ax For Men Fancy Braces Ties Kfd Gloves Mufflers Linen and Handker chiefs Overcoats Suits Fur Coats c o A Large and Splendid Stock of Nuts Candies Confectionery Fruits and Groceries CO

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