Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 6 Dec 1901, p. 2

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i i Vit THE- NEWMARKET She Never Lota Up J Brighter and Better Each All Type Set In Newmarket Printing Dow at Homo FRIDAY DEC Buffalo papers ace atten tion to some of to account for the in pass ed tbe turnstiles piud ad missions only- number- was the result r taxi in Good The Church Rev one- the The pupils of Form III The next annual meeting of the On- High School numbering about irio be Were entertained Tuesday j P- v A v A cablegram on Saturday reported that Miss Stone j an- mis- had been killed by Bulgarian brigands as the redemption money a Monday last Premier Ross been paid however contradicted the rumor but an speech at Wing- ham West Huron on political fot sending the false report and also Issues of a Provincial tor contradicting it and this is call- Wore large Town news Hall was crowded and people statement in a local city paper most enthusiastic From the that Hon Mr was quietly Hint to the close we are told the buying up property in Bay Street oh Hon gentleman commanded the Dominion to imi used for a new post office- is interest and awakened a re- fc Toronto spouse to his eloquent observations Monday Hon Mr issues be upon that of prohibition As bis the action of of interest to tbe people of this section of country we quote his A of ltsdfwT aster of tiKveswry- bere last the sign of a coming evening and was the guest of Mtss Smith while in Town Mayor was in Ottawa last Mr fioward week other things anbeei in jerking of Justice to- veto in a store is He intends legislation of Ontario Assembly which resuming bis studies at the oi vested te ownership of the old Upper Pharmacy Toronto after the Canada College grounds in Toronto University but Mills not favor Mr idea Globe re- observations from the port Some gentleman has asked me a question about prohibition That can be very easily answered at this stage You know that act of ttie Manito ba Legislature went before the Judi cial of the Privy Council and we had a telegraphic message that the act was maintained The decision of the Privy Council has been cabled for and when we see the full purport of that decision Govern ment will decide what course to take We cannot go upon a telegraphic re port which I suppose is probably cor rect in the main but there are hints I see in papers that the report- does not indicate the true facts So it is too early I speak personally in tbe most Interested sense for us to announce just what we are going to do at all events until we have had the full text of the decision Had I tbe text of the decision I would be able perhaps to state what we would do You may rest assured of this that the Government of Ontario will a- mind till terized as absurd statement in a Montreal paper that he would leave become Opposition press appear to fruitful of armors these days especially in regard to the Ontario and Dominion Governments Our Toronto A royal salute was fixed at noon on Monday at Queens Park in hon or of the birthday of Her Gracious Majesty jueen Alexandra born Dec The firing was postponed until Monday as Her Majestys birth day tame on Sunday Hon Geo IS Foster presided at the at the Canadian Temperance League meeting in Hall last Sunday hall was Mr Smith has secured the contract to purchase the mounts for the Canadian Yeomanry at this point Mr Robert has been appointed to Supervise the buying December and will be re- i Harry Barry is very sTcfe Silver of spent Monday in Town Miss Annie Bolton of is Visiting at Squire Boltons Mrs George Wood spent Thanks giving holidays in Toronto James Silver was at home with a few friends on rMrs Arch Campbell ol Toronto spent Thanksgiving with Mrs A- West Miss Eastwood of is spending a week in Town with her sister Alfred Morton of North Gwil- lirobury is in city en the Grand J Miss Greenwood is visiting her aunt Mrs in the city this week Sheriff of Toronto was in Town last Friday calling on old friends Mr Eli Armitage was the guest of Mr John Parkins at Pine Orchard on Sunday Morton returned home yes- after spending a week in the dtd MrH bf Chariot who was over attentfiirg-the- of sinter Mrs Bell was in Town fast week visiting with his brother Mr Western British American speaking of 48tb Toronto in their at says Two crowded and a welcome that for spontaneity and has never been sur passed in Chicago greeted the Kilties Band of Toronto on the occasion of their concerts of Nov 21st and Referring to individual members of the Band it says Herbert J in his cornet solos showed power of execution and del icacy of expression Mr is a grandson of Jackson Esq of this Town and is known to many here and in Aurora who will be pleased to hear of his successj THill GO ON SALE TODAY SATRUDAY Mens Very Fine Suits in neat daratterns of Pure Wool Not one of the lot of lot lot at 600 Tweed perfect style and fit worth less than 8 Take your pick You wont have such a chance again r rTbe Government has ordered suits and extra pairs trousers for the new contingent from the San- ford Company of Hamilton THESE GO ON SALE FOR ONE WEEK Mens Heavy Ulsters a bargain at Take your pick this 5 Mens Heavy Pea Jackets a bargain at 5 Your size this week at 395 Grip- Quinine Tablets cruiting day at the Armouries here for Torontos quota of the Canadian Yeomanry Uncertainty respecting the outcome of prohibition has put a stop to all all its legislation bear negotiations for the transfer of hotel interests of the SM lief nses in this city Province no matter what interest is affected no matter what moral ciple is involved no matter bow that interest may be best served Another Hibernal All signs fail in a dry time is Customs duties collected at the port of Toronto for November show an in crease of 571545 over November of last year Mr Carter Bureau Mines In spector is away on a tour of the Eastern Ontario mines and also the mines in the Sudbury district So far as Toronto is spent last week with her sister Mrs Allan Two sisters of Mr Maw from Toronto were visiting with him over Thanksgiving Mrs AMger of Toronto was guest of Mrs Cane during the Thanksgiving holidays Mr and Mrs A Coombs of visited with relatives in Town on Wednesday The many friends of Mrs Samuel will regret to learn that she Ver P oh box CHOCOtATie COATXO Core Coughs Colds mi GRIPPE in one day Boots Shoes Rubbers of Mr J Wilson was home for navigation has practically closed for an old saying forcibly illustrated by the season Thanksgiving holidays ate West Huron contest Wednesday Hon CliBord and Mrs experience As ton spent Monday Postmaster Baste a son last in our readers are aware Sold at Scotts Drug Store The In on Nov 26 to Mr and Mrs Gerald Pear son a daughter VERNONVIn Whitchurch on Nov to Mr and Mrs Frank Ver non a son CHAMBERLAIN On Nov to Mr aud Mrs Win- J lain King a son Tempraxcev411e on Monday Nov wife of W We have everything worth bavins in Rubbers and Boots Ladies Fine Rubbers and 60c Mens Fine Rubbers and 90c Mens Fine Overshoes 1 25 1 60 and 200 Childrens Rubbers and 39c All kinks of Stub Proof Rubbers which are the best in the world and every pair guaranteed Bargains in Furs On Monday last Hon J Davis contest of Con oI do on Thanksgiving Day a v kiit j 1 Mr and A J are more than usual M teaW his fittieth birthday He is a King Township where he practically all bis life Junction tor a month in that Riding by the fa order to demonstrate if te g j Garrett and Miss the mowing HA lt tario Government but the final re suit at the close of poll showed how completely tbe Opposition had overestimated their own strength I Chief Justice Meredith Mr Justice ast Saturday and Mr Justice Miss Virginia is spend- the City Council has no power to re- a couple weeks with her sister vise tbe estimates of the School Mrs Allan at the North end Board The Council is to collect the Mr I was sufficiently I money simply to avoid a double recovered from his recent accident to method of taxation So long as the be down to his office on Tuesday la the in this same con- estimates the trustees indicate Mr and Mrs David Lloyd underestimated tbe growing pop ularity of the Ross Administration in and on which occa sion same were opposing candidates vizHon J T Liberal and Mr Joseph Beck Con servative the Liberals only won by majority but on Wednesday last after Mr Whitney leader of tbe Op position assisted by Messrs Matheson Warden Hen derson and Hoyle all occupying seats on the left Mr Speaker in the House had done their level best the electors told them they favored Ross Government by the surprising majority of about It this is kind of record the Province is going to make at the approaching general elections it will be a cold day for tbe Opposition It Is very gratifying to people of Canada and especially to of North York to learn that the report of for last year shows notable increase ta all branches tbe service venue under penny postal rates now exceeds tbe revenue at the time the change was made that the money is to be expended for a large company at their authorized by the school law the Council cannot interfere A youth named Walter tried to decorate a stationery store door in Adelaide Street with a stale egg other day and the Police Magistrate requested him to pay SI and for his sport Alex in the Police Court pleaded guilty of stealing a bicycle and was sent to the Central Prison for fifteen months A rumor obtains at Hall that tbe election petition against Ed win for North Welling ton has been dropped This case winds up all the protests from the last general elections Small fire- at Morrisons brass foun dry the night Mr Thompson a Dental College student is in a dan gerous condition at the General Hos pital He had his right ankle injur ed playing football a week ago and blood poisoning has set in Arrangements have been completed for conferring the degree of LLD on Rev C Brent Boston Bishop of tbe Philippine Islands this Thurs day afternoon Mens Get Together Club is latest name a church association in this city Club Toronto is perfecting arrangements for a re ception to Hon and M P for North York to be held In tbe on evening last We are informed that the Mwtock Club residence one evening last week Mr John got back from West on He says it is colder here than he left it there P T Lee of Toronto was in Town on Wednesday and attended Doric Royal Arch Chapter A Ir Forbes formerly science master of Newmarket High School was in Town for Thanksgiving holi days Mr of New York formerly on the staff has gone to California for the benefit of his failing health Sheriff and Miss enter tain at dinner next Tuesday evening in honor of the Premier of Ontario and Mrs The solo by Miss George of in St Pauls church last Sun day morning much appreciated by the congregation Mr and Mrs J Y and Miss spent Sunday at Bradford Tbe latter for a day or two friends Mr Jamee of was in Town a day or two this week and spent Monday night with Mr Isaac Brown of King Mr George of Toronto formerly of the Era staff but now of the Bryant Press gave us a call The Legislature will be asked by the city for authority to Issue debentures while in Town last Saturday for for cattle market A large number of ladies for new water at Killarney by Mrs at the tea hour on The Dominion Alliance in a circular day and Friday of last week temperance workers urges every j Mr Frank Webb of Detroit was church congregation and young pec- home for Thanksgiving holidays Mr pies society to Immediately appoint Percy of Toronto was also at a prohibition committee and send the Mr Friday last j rlL names and andreeses of Its chairman I J Milwaukee A of Alderman E ftfi is p9llco He was associated IS rtiW Population to city at with Dr Peck here years ago I At a recent meeting of the In Town on tbe Nov to Mr and Mrs A West a son TAYLOR In Town on the 2nd Doc to Mr Mrs Jacob Taylor a daughter Bathgate North Dakota on Nov to Mr and Mrs Thos Fox formerly Mt Albert a son Mother and child doing well The Alt Wednesday the Dec at the residence the brides parents North limbury Rev J D Simp son Lavina M daughter Mr end Mrs Samuel to John Woods North THOMPSON- POLLARD On Wed Dec at the Methodist Par sonage by Rev J Simpson Francis Oscar Thompson to Augusta Charlotte Pollard both North In Toronto on Thanksgiving Day at the residence of brides sister Mrs Rev John formerly of Newmarket Mr Thomas Bacon to Miss Emma A both of this Town Maple- the home brides parents on Dec 3rd by Rev A P Brace Eliza Isabel daughter of Esq and of the late Sir George Dublin Ireland to Albert Henry of Chicago PLANT- ATKINSON At the Chris tian Parsonage Newmarket on Dec by Rev J Mr Edward Plant of East Gwilllmbury to MUss Mary Ell Atkinson of West Childrens Grey Persian Lamb Caps Mens Fine Quality Black Persian Lamb Caps 500 Mens Beaver Caps 350 Ladies Handsome Astrakhan Jackets and ens rey Imitation Gauntlets Ladies Black Curl Gauntlets and 100 A singing school has been organized by Prof Lasher Mrs Stover Toronto is visiting her mother Mrs Phillips A number of hunters spent a tew days in the swamps around here The Sunday school will hold its an nual Christmas entertainment on inst from laus Lord suffering from an injury to his head caused by a fall white In Canada I Lota of New Things this- week and many more expected Next Week TOYS present in addition to Hon Mr- we tetB that Over tolkrio Premier Rom a tew clarendon H6ue King St West by Coombs ILLS Was appoint fire Iftst tor too OnUrto Nor The lames were con- His duties be ftned bar other part ol set the In Ul without doubt be a gather- the were damaged by water- Hon arid to read the answers to the THE LEADING Mare and Undertaking flonse and smoke fiame A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John Millard TELEPHONE Th Tomb Detroit on the lb Nov of pneumonia John fourth son the late Joshua in bis year Interred at Cemetery last Saturday morning At his residence dale on Thursday Nov 28 Phil ip McKenzie In his year Funeral on Saturday Nov at oclock to Oak Ridges Cemetery HUNTEftIn Toronto on Nov Andrew latter of Mr Thomas Hunter Newmarket pi f Interred at Toronto on Saturday Holt on Wednesday Nov Joseph Infant son Robert and Thompson- aged days on day Nov Sarah Dunn loved wife John Moorhead aged years and 10 months Interment on Sunday In cemetery TOOLRIn Whitchurch on Deo Allan Toolo in his year San Francisco Cat on Tuesday Nov alter a long and painful Thomas brother of late Mark Bast in his year HOCKEY STICKS PUCKS SLEIGHS FANCY CHINA GLASS- WARE NOVELTIES all kinds lor Gifts EXTRA SPECIAL Piece Toilet Setts decorated and enameled while they last for ANNUALS STORY BOOKS now ready Order Globe now Copies on Sale at the Book Counter 9 GRO Beat Mince Meat Baking Powder la Lemon dfc Orahge Peel per lb Royal Yeast Select riaUlns fts for Best New lbs or Uptons Marmalade Cleaned Currants lbs for Layer Figs ft up New Figs by lb Baking Soda Ginger Snaps rb Mixed Cakes tt Horseshoe Salmon Best BC Salmon for Flavor Extracts db Bdk J f MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET A 11 Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention Standard Granulated Sugar Golden Syrup per ft lor Fresh Spices Ginger Cassia Bright Sugar for Allspice special lb Cooking Syrup per lb Malaga Grapes Cranberries Sweet Potatoes Oranges lemons Bananas Jellies A Jams J iars Cabbage good beads by in Town BEST FOR BREAD HIGH GRADE FLOUR FOR FINE SELECT OYSTERS IMPORTED DIRECT CAKES TOaNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS i Haddock Red Herrings in box i fiest BUTTER Mr make fresh every weeki Mexicans A Lemons to per down ittkwmV- CENTRAL TELEPHONE

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