Weeks Jems THE 4 J nUT ON IK TOWN florae commissioners met on Monday accounts Counting to W4I- Hockey meeting annual meeting the Hockey Club will be held at the Home Monday evening at oclock i right yell so much Thats why III Good idea have consideration scheme to erects on the Market Square Such ft pxojecfc would meet with general approval would be both useful ornamental Sale Tulips Cor Chinese Sacred Lilies each Easter Lilies each Lilies each at Society pi 6eMetdJst Church at the eslotticeofMrsV Geo next Wednesday aKemwm flrrabiafi Mark Twain tree to a libertypole with a hay- on top the datetree may be called both a poem and com- Birthday Although tomorrow is a legal it will not be observed In owing to its close proximity Thanksgiving Day Thumb Cat Last Friday while handling pail at Canes factory Mr Lewis rigjit hand too near saw and had the end bis thumb cut lengthwise an or so He is laid off work for a while v Alarm About oclock last Friday night Use sound the Fire Alarm startled our people and the Fire Brigade quickly responded However it was only a chimney on fire the resi dence of Mr Scott the blaze was before the arrived Hot Supper The ladies of the will hold their annual per and on evening Nov A good pro gram is being prepared consisting staging by the male Master University and artists good elocutionist has also been ens pound Guilty At the Assises this week in Toronto a verdict was by the jury against John youth nineteen years who was charged with having committed a criminal assault in prisoner has not yet been YCQCH A preliminary meeting looking to the organization a branch in this Town was held at Dr Richardsons last t week- TOKeTa Toronto was aid the Mr Coombs was chosen secretary as the first step in t -r- On Tuesday County Engineer Met DtfugaU had several men breaking boles in the centre of Main St to as certain the thickness the Macadam so- as- to form an estimate of its Tlve Co agreed to this material It the of the road bed thru the Town ft held their riuai Rally on Wednesday evening there was a good attendance and a was spent- program and refreshments at close The of propose holding l j- and Garden Although there was a Town last Saturday itwas a slow Both butter and eggs sold from to Lots of Poultry Dressed chickens from to ducks to turkeys to c fcivecnidkJnVrAs to pi old hens 30 to ducks fcl to and toes to quarters and for hinds of propose holding grind Hernniod of all arid on the Particu lars ler Sale SATURDAY Nov The whole Mrs Pecks valuable furniture will be sold on the premises Main St Newmarket without reserve Terms Cash Sale at prompt P Duncan auctioneer For the Era in Oo2se I A BANKER many parts of continent Europe and also especially in Ire land a source of weajtri exists which is but utilized For that admirable fuel peat the aromatic of winch is so and at the same and de odorizing furnishes lor some an substitute for coal and being on the surface can be ob tained at smaller cost But a morass of peat apparently but a continuation ot the hard green sward is a treacherous quagmire arid has proved the dismal sepulchre many an incautious traveller It is related thai at the battle of in of Henry a routed troop of horse plunged l one of these peat which instantly closed upon theni the quivering- mass enfolding the entire troop in its lethal grasp We can picture the astonish ineht of the pursuers when saw the fleeing enemy suddenly sink down into the green field over which they were galloping the struggling heavi ly accoutred body men and horses gradually becoming more and more engulfed in the insidious yielding swamp until hot a vestige of man or horse was to be all- swallowed up in the s y tie earth like and of old And as To the Arab mind it is the perfection of Rev in book on Arabia says that every of this wonderful tree is useful to the Arab The pistils of the date blossom con- tains a fine curly liber which is beat- Interesting Prices This Week en out and used Eastern Mens Heavy Drawers as a sponge for soaping inc body At the extremity is a Men s Shirts and regular 75c bud containing a whitish sub- week 50 stance resembling an almond in con- and taste a hundred Large Flannelette Blankets regular times as large a table this week delicacy Homespun Cloths There are said to be over one dred varieties of datepalm by their fruit Arabs say that a good housewife may furnish every day for a month with a dates dif ferently prepared Dates form the staple food of the Arab in a large part of Arabia and served in some form at every meal Syrup and vinegar are made from old dates and by those who disregard the Koran even a kind of brandy The datepit is ground up and fed to cows and sheep so that nothing of the precious fruit may be lost Whole pits are used as and counters the Arab children in their games on the desert sand The branches of palm are stripped of their leaves and used like rattan making of beds tables chairs cradtes birdcages boats and So forth The leaves are made into fans string and the bast of the outer trunk forms excel- lent fiber for rope of many sizes and qualities The wood of the trunk light porous is much used in bridge- building and architecture and is quite durable short when a datepalm is cut Special Offerings in Dress Goods Our Stock was never so attractive both in Colors and Blacks The Goods that arc being worn are Serges Homespuns Satin Cloths Venetians Figured Cords Covert Chtos all of which we have in stock We still have a few cases of that Good Red Salmon at 8c per tin BRUNTONS corner STORE Baking Powder Is Absolut Pure The Cheap Store Departments Try us for what you want and get our Prices there is not a particle of it that the and is wasted This tree is the poor ities of peat are so house and asylum for all Arabia night laf The but no serioya Uaniag ported Among the provoking tricks that were played were these The sign of thrown into the race several other Re moved and a tot windows daubed with writing ties plated on the street at the Worth end and a station erected read for as tidy and- fcpir- lor table as the one at the South of town V the jfrj dohfe after being on dirty ill that Badly Hunt While driving past factory last Friday afternoon Col horse got frightened at something and gave fitirjt trace The horse became and Med ical aid was summoned and it was found that fortunately no bones were broken one leg was very badly injured necessitating the use of a rvi fAantie Soles Are increasing as the weather gets colder No better value in Town Of musical entertainment in Presbyterian Westminster Church choir Toronto of thirtyfive member and they are all coming In addition they are bringing a good elocutionist Emma Louise Rogers who will numbers We believe the program will equal anything ever given in Newmarket The choir is considered one of the in Toronto and it is a rare pri vilege for us to music in Tlie fact that Mr Arthur Oliver is the leader lends ad ditional interest as he Is one of the young men of whom Newmarket has cause to be proud Be sure to enjoy this musical treat High School Regular rneelnig held last Wednes day J J Pearson A I J Proctor- and CaOisonr I i A I The chairman of Repair Com reported jmprdVemfimade airing the summer cost about Messrs 1 A Bastedp and T Brunton were appointed auditors of the treasurers accounts purchase a third typewriter for the use of was left with a committee to make inquiry The winters supply of coal is de livered We are glad to recovery Separate for of Ifcr October the being in Mm order of merit Class Irene OMalley Grace Lizzie McCaffrey Rose Doyle Mary Jr Class Henry Burke Class Harry Doyle Annie McCaffrey hfay p Flo Cecil la Annie May Class Mat ilAurioe Mo- Hale Norman Frank Barry Class Alice Roue Ra tine Clara Irene Doyle Cald well Brown Willie An drew Rudolph Racine May Could Bernard Frank Class Eva Class Dojfle Walter Gould Bert Lyons Roach Marjory Charlie George Ratine Warren Knopf in Stoves New airtight Wood Heaters No- square Cook Stove upright fancy Wood Heater ft heavy Box Stove inch heavy Box Stove Parlor Cook for Wood Drums only from diphtheria of Mr little The disease is sup posed to have been contracted in To ronto Junction where had been visiting The trouble was dis covered in time and used The discovery diphtheria ranks the greatest scientific the age in medicine It at once checks the mienrferane in tlje throat and the patient is able be up and out of bed In- a very days It has reduced the death rate In diphtheria from and per cent to or per cent The Moulds St who also had a mild diphtho- rla a shown by the re port on a swab sent away have re covered stances being recorded of perishable articles and even human remains having been discovered in a state of complete preservation after the of centuries it is possible that the bodies of those troopers stiti lie deep down in that treacherous and decep tive quagmire untouched by time and like that marvellous recently discovered embalmed body of a man of the stone age with the bright bloom of life and youth still remain ing upon them But CKJbasionally these when situate on the side of a moun tain are terrible agents of destruction For after a long continuance very heavy rains their great absorbant na ture causes them to become super charged with moisture when burst ing the banks or barriers the whole semisolid mass descends the moun tain side an overwhelming deluge of black unctions mud devastating fields and vineyards and submerging ham lets and in its slow ami ir resistible course so that a fertile and prosperous region is into a dark slimy sea of slowly crawl ing turbid mire the devastation be ing as complete as if a great put- burst of molten lava descending from the crater of a volcano had over- whelmed the land And as the deceptive mass is con cealed by the bright verdure on its surface so too are we by deadly quagmires deceptive fair and pccioujlooVing pitfalls prepared for us by the powers evil into which we must Inevitably sink in soul ruin If left to ourselves But if we cast all our care upon Him who so cared for us that He gave His son to die for us supplicating His guidance and help and conforming to his will In all things He will aid us to keep that straight and narrow path which to glory and neverending joys house and without it millions would have neither food nor shelter Onehalf of population Mesopotamia lives in datemat dwellings- There are thirty cases of small pox In Quebec rSome the wooden churches of Norway are fully years old and are still in an excellent state o pre servation Their timbers have suc cessfully resisted the frosty and al most Arctic winters because they morasses been repeatedly coated with tar Hampshire Down WANT To inspect our Magnificent Stock of HEEP combine the best mutton quality with large size and a good fleece Phase of the Queers Excellent for crossing with other Down breeds to increase size have for safe Rams lamb9 and yearlings from imported stock and a few bred to imported ram Buy early to get the beat Prices Moderate JACKETS GAPES WATERPROOFS COSTUMES DRESS SKIRTS UNDERSKIRTS WRAPPERS FLANNELETTE UNDERWEAR FURS ETC ETC It will be interesting to you and pleasing to us if 4 J VANDORF Lot con Whitchurch premium pictures of the treal Star can be seen at this arc dandles North meets next Monday at Newmarket Warble Works are shlp ping the product away near ly every day Inorder their Jobs before tie trust s lo A- granitemonjiinenfcf toFrwilUbJdemetery men put a furnace in Mr J to puii new tte Chris tian week The new Telephone la cir culated In There are con- with the Central now The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church will hold their next Quarter- Tea on Dec 4th at the residence of Mr Geo The pond was frozen over on Mon day morning the first time this In a recent issue of The British Weekly under the heading The Wo mans World is this very interesting paragraph A correspondent sends the follow ing story which was told her by an of the Bishop Smith of Sierra was with the late Prince Henry at the time of his and It was natural when he came to England he should be commanded to attend at Court to give her Majesty all the information he could of the- last hours of her beloved When he was to leave England to return to his diocese the Bishop was honored with another command to the presence of his Queen and at the close of the interview be her Majesty if she would like to offer prayer he left The Queen readily assented and the household to be summoned to join In the worship Now the Bishop la de scended Methodist forefathers and when he had conchuied prayer he invited any present who were will ing to do so to follow Mm find cohr 1 In prayer but was An awkward pause no one appearing will ing to do so until voice was heard and all present were to flrd that her Miesty had accepted the Invitation was leading them in prayer to the throne of the King Kings and Lord of Lords A Brussels Carpet Bargain For This Week Worth 125 per yard SPECIAL this week yard Toronto NOV T ftM per bushel 6 Whlc Wheat per 70 Wheat per bushel per bushel Pens per rt bushel- 0 iU IB f a moo W v new Hay per ton per per pair per pair per lb OCT Qoe us WINTER CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS To Buy t a j a 040 I Nov ft a 00 a OB a Ducks per pair pay to advertise ft the White per Wheat per bushel Buckwheat Barley per bushel Peas per bushel Bethel Bxaa i i Pelts Wool lb Hay per ton It CO won Bhorta per ton- Potatoes baa pair 60 l a a fib a a a ft a a a a a a a a J requires and judgmenfc You must guard and yet you ibt too much Good Clothing la Cheap well but poor Clothing Is Dear Cheap Shod- dy Is made to deceive and there the danger to you the assurance that there la no Shoddy In our stock- Wo Will not- buy we sell Call in and see our -Suite- New Stylish at pleasing prices Out Salespeople will not urge you to hoy Heres some special values In mens suite Breasted Special double special Serge Suits Double Extra flll Made Good lining- J v- Newmarket Ont