Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 8 Nov 1901, p. 1

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-H- iy j to gives mora every waff any to be 1 v i A J 4 f NORTH YORK Give me the liberty to toow to otter and to argue freely Recording to conscience above all other liberty 8 page No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance Ho Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Friday Nov 1901 per annum If paid advance iiv Speech of ftop J at of 3 Hon Davis speaking at the Nomination of A Charlton MP j P for South Norfolk replied in a very effectual manner to some criti cisms by Mr Whitney in his recent Toronto speech Air Davis remarked in opening that Conservative speakers were in the ha- bit of predicting that the Government to would be hurled from power on the first opportunity It was Lot the air Whitney a Month Late Now it was not till a month later viz March that it occurred to Mr Whitney to ask across the floor of the House if the dues had been in creased when told him that that had been done that they had been in tents per cord and from 50 cents to per thousand feet bin It is plain from what I have at i zed and in some cases had to be returned for correction- Naturally very rapid progress could notbe made but he was pleased be able to an nounce that matters were now in a shape that in a day or so in wards of a thousand applicants would be notified of the allowance of their claims These were cases where ap plicants were clearly entitled to I SERIOUS BRITISH first time in the history of the Fro- that similar statements had been fully a month before the House made in fact he had been hearing determined London Saturday Nov The column under Colonel J Benson has met with a serious verse in the southeastern part i Transvaal in area of antGeneral operations under the act but some time would elapse before they could were sibly hope to all the ap- besides and men Kilted and 156 wound- coming later would suffer any 1cnson vantage as new rich townships j having been born in plications which have been made Personally he did not think those were constantly being opened up rail- Aug He ways projected and communities form Horu HUSBAND Wife whats this string tied on my finger for THE WIFE Its to remind you about my National Range be sure and fetch it with you to night I want one just like Mrs Sabins the National Range with the square steel oven The Moffat Stove is WESTON ONT FOR OF HARDWARE PAINTS OILS BLACKSMITHS SUPPLIES A BINNS NEWMARKET ONT them ever since he was a young man Personally he did not the Lib erals spoke confidently as they might and he thought he had a right- to say in all candor and in view of reliable and trustworthy information lie had judging from all the signs of the times throughout the Province all ii would aid those who follow in the choice locations The of the service of Ontario volunteers in Quebec and of Quebec volunteers in Ontario would to be considered The att the increase in the dues Now under laws the Province and the Crown timber regulations the isnot to obtain the sanction of the Legislature it makes an increase in timber dues All no provision for is necessary is to an order the Province Council and obtain the sanction of 1 lhe tt LieutenantGovernor Mr tends making similar grants to vet- paging the information that comes and a course of action regard- the cons ituencies the question did en March ltee javc of public men weigJHng the upon later mode of procedure yet he Expansion of Mining Industry stated as you see that I and good Mr Davis with Benson of St Catherines a brother Our Toronto better The city military authorities have decided not to Thanksgiving Day maneuvers here this year The rea son assigned for this is that the mil itia has had an unusually active sea son owing lo the Royal visit The Police have recently closed up a matrimonial agency conducted by a well known He is re ported as having received as high as letters in one day rcrscus seeking matrimonial affinities They must have had a shingle to al low themselves to be gulled so The Ontario mineral exhibit at the Pan American Exposition not to be James Benson now a prominent i thanks to the fteiieroiity of the barrister of the Gardeu city His various contributors to it who Ave mother was a daughter the late J j donated their shares to the PLUMBING HAV A LOOK course pursued by Premier and the fruits of his policy knowing as they did of the activity of friends knowing the very thorough manner in which Itey had looked af ter the voters lists knowing the care taken of the selection candidates in view of all this he felt the prospect justified the statement that Premier Ross would sweep the Province when he went to the country Applause Mr Whitneys Utterances Davis then dealt with several points in Mr Whitneys Toronto speech Which he said bristled with inaccuracies He contended that tKe beet sugar bill did make all provision possible in the interests of the farm ers it stipulated that they should be paid at least a ton the year for sugar beets at factories and for every one per cent sugar yielded by the beets grown during subsequent years Mr Whitneys characterization of lhe state that he opposed the appoint ment of a Minister Agriculture as a falsehood is shown to be unfounded as page i36 of the journal of re cords Sir Whitney as voting yea on Mr Merediths amendment that the House was of the opinion that the in terests of Agriculture could be served without incurring the expense of ad ding another member to the executive Council and the inevitable additional expense which will be consequent on such addition Increase in Dues the great A reference lo a sneer on showing at the also nave of at present I 30 KILUUD service out- 1 am Unofficial I is tinder- I of the desperate engage- of Quebec in- are j morning A violent storm was raging when Botha in command of men threw himself upon Col Bensons rear guard The command er of the British column was mortal- Ontarios splendid wounded early in the fight but led to Col WoolsSampson stepped into the have been and bringing province made for it to this Arrangements packing it up city Toronto has won its longpending suit against the respecting the freight shed site of the Company on the Esplanade The will re sult in about per annum in favor of this city in the shape of taxes By a recent decision of Judges Mac- and his lips finding out what they intend- the statement Mr Davis that the breach rallied the scattered force and Electric Light Incandescent and Bell to do got up moved their in- mining industry was expanding with was able to keep up the fighting Telephone Companies have been made no such motion on that or considerable rapidity The figures ing the whole of Thursday preventing lowed as the ruling of the smile on my face Now gentlemen available for the nine months of the J the Boers from carrying the Court of Revision which assessed the tended amendment with a jeering present year show an increase of The Boers made desperate efforts to Companies as going concerns in- other occasion The records of per cent in the production of nickel overwhelm the whole British force stead of what is familiarly designated the Legislative Assembly will be matte and per cent in the charging repeatedly right up to the scrap iron assessment searched in vain for any such mo- of copper The increase British Hues and being driven back j The Northern Navigation Co is tion either by myself or any other in iron was almost remarkable There each time with a heavy loss Tlie de- better ofl than the stock- member of the Government did were tons of iron ore raised fence was stubbornly and successfully holders thought they were and the increase the dues by authority of or- j in Ontario in worth 583 maintained through the whole of the stigma cast upon the name of em- in Council in the regular way The production during the first nine following day and the succeeding ployee removed About two yeais time before Sir made months of this year was tons night until Col Barter who had the sum dis- an increase com- all night from Bushmans appeared from the Companys Ih the whole of last year of brought relief in the morning of Nobody knew how and the clerk who out in quantity and per November signed tor receipt has value In Eastern Ontario retired Their c ever since Last Saturday was much improvement losses are estimated at between transfer clerk had occasion to hunt for a record in an old book ami he in some his inquiry which was either in substance or in cent in fact what they had under also there At Some of the Prices at BROUGHTON Drug Store -00- Regular Our Regular Our Price Price j Price Kendalls Spavin Cure 100 Kidney Pills Electric Oil LOO to Chans Kidney and LUer P WWi Celery Co LOO s Kidney Pills 35 Burdock Blood Ozone large Golden Medical Ozone small i Discovery LOO Fowlers Extract of Wild South American Rheumatic Strawberry Cure Carters Little Liver Pills 2o American Kidney Williams Pink Pills Cure Three for LOO Beef Iron Wine LOO We Lead ho Trade in all Branches of our and will not bo Undersold anyone NEWMARKET ONTARIO SAVE TRAVEL and MONEY BY USING THE TELEPHONE A by telephone brings an answer The Bell Telephone Co of Canada STARR Manager Severe Coughs Colds Emaciation c c Few bat combined Id The it tfcAua flub bring DAVIS A CO UmlUd tion Now as there was no motion did not stand up to make it As I did not stand up to make a motion then I had no jeering anile on my face I am not in the habit of jeer ing at anybody and nobody is suf ficiently araid of Mr Whitney to run away from him and now the only thing that remains of this whole mat ter is the fact that Mr Whitney has again been convicted of untruthfully slandering his opponents His con duct in this case is only of a piece with his other attempts to claim cred it for the actions of Government The fact of the matter is that they get a of something they would to do and while they are trying to get their scattered wita to gether Government as a part its policy goes on and takes the ac tion and then they shout in a very disappointed mar nor that have stolen their policy and done some thing they intended to do Now Ixs say a word a ton I the mean insinua- leaving this subject 1 desire to Mr Whitney makes against his followers in the Legislature He says the Government found out that they intended to move an amendment on this question Now need hardly say to you that all mat ters of this kind are considered and talked in caucus any de finite action is tahcn and each mem ber is hound in honor not to betray the secrets of the or the pol icy or action upon until the motion has been made in the House or the policy given to the pub lic Without the observance of this code of honor- it would be impossible to carry oh party warcfare success fully Mr Whitney has cast a on every member who follows him insinuation that some of them informed us of what the intended to do I am not con cerned to defend the honor of the Con servative members especially from the aspersions of their leader but glad in this instance to be able to bear testimony on their behalf that are absolutely no grounds for Mr Whitneys on their Mr Davis next dealt with the land grant to vetcraus explaining how the cense year the of April There number of applications had exceeded was no reason for our hurrying the all They had over as no increase would be made on file although he not for In Hastings there two gold mines in operation on a scale not generally known The gold mine is running twenty stamps on arsenical ore and employing ICO men and the and Not only did general Botha direct found within Uie leaves five bills the attacjt but he shared a check for It was the in the fighting It is said the War will send Africa in the next At Mr Whitneys recent meeting in Toronto he according to the Mail Umpire made the following per sonal reference to myself I may say now cannot prove this but I will tell you this that when we agre ed to increase pulwood dues from a cord to a cord and had our amendment drawn and it would have been moved in the afternoon that great and Air Davis be fore mentioned with a jeering smile on his face mated on the part of the Government just what our amend ment was They had got hold of what we were going to do ami they ran like hunted hares till they took up the same thing applause Now what are facts Early in January we entered upon the consideration of this of in creasing the dues on wrote other Governments New Bruns wick Quebec British and Newfoundland for information as to what ihey were charging At the end of January this information was In our hands and on the of Feb ruary a was prepared recom mending that the be increased to Now all this was done be fore the House met as the House did not meet till the of On the of March the pulp agreement was laid on the table of the House for debate and ratification On the of March recommended to Council that the dues be increased to cents to be come operative at the end of the weeks j Cordova Company is operating 30 more mounted men out to South stamps on free milling ore Both of these arc Companies who have no for sale ami who con sequently are not At a new industry is growing up the manufacture of arsenic mother to us but troubles in the rig in has also been Eound in inex haustible quantities in Hastings and Renfrew burin IsifMl tons of pig iron wcre produced in Ontario valued at the nine months of this year tons a comparative increase of 36 per cent were produced valued at in quantity and per cent in value Mr Davis concluded with a reference to- the colonisation of Ontario It was too early to give complete re- in one district alone the fertile Temiykaming country over a hundred thousand acres of land had sold to is year An unusual number of inquiries had been received at the department from the mother Lately a number of young called at the Parliament buildings asking for ad vise as to where to locate Whether this is due to the visit of Premier to the old country or not is a question but the fact remains that the number of these young men riving here has increased very largely during the past month Mr Davis spoke till dusk aud his remarks were frequently applauded Lord save a farewell longlost money It was an agree able surprise all round and he got for his honesty Percy the elongated half back is the champion sprinter of the Argonauts and the possessor of the gold medal donated by Manager Fred Thompson captured the How To Keep Baby Healthy and trophy at Moss Park rink last Friday the Stalled Sooth- evening winning his heat and the of the 100 yards race quite handily nig Medicines the murder last week in this city the prisoner was fldviee to mothers mother is accompHce as to the health of her children and not everyone treats their tlwreb rendered himself responsible ibles in the right way so- the consequences called soothing remedies are still used aitogeUier loo much although gave a reception at Montreal to which Invitations were issued a boy of eight years was killed by a street car at It was his own careless ness y moment imagine there been en active the Fen ian raid and they were continuing to in at the rate of a Much misapprehension had Compare the Era vith any other weekly for home before the end of the license year the the of April and we availed our selves of the time at our to get full and accurate information pour During this time the were not day left In any doubt or ignorance as to arisen with regard to the scope of the what we intended to do for on the bill WMteWfS of February within to act week after the met I In- manner possible in W Interests the formed the Globe newspaper that an volunteers It would be seen from increase in the dues wae Intendedl I the number of applicant caused this to be given to the public mayxitude of the so that those affected might know in the shape what we were going to do and not Anally when the were rxh say that they were taken unawares had to be class fted and system That Spot Did you ever that little tickling spot your throat Felt as if you could almost touch it your finger didnt it How hard you tried to teach it but couldnt Its easy with you breathe It Theres nothing in the world equal to i for stopping these coughs and its pleasant too For asthma croup bronchitis catarrh and whoopingcough its the great remedy by A VptcrciolMib I physicians have preached it The fact that they put to sleep is no sign thai they arc helpful On the contrary soothing drugs are dangerous and distinctly harmful At the slightest sign ill health or disorders give the little ones Own Tablets This medicine is vegetable and guaranteed to contain no opiate or poisonous soothing iT For indi gestion sour stomach colic consti pation simple fevers diarrhoea the irritation accompanying the cutting teeth there can be no better no safer remedy than this Own Tablets are a sweet little tablet which any child will take readily and dissolved in water may given with absolute safety to the youngest in fant Mothers who have used these tablets cheerfully testify to the bene fit their Utile ones hove derived from them Mrs R Bris tol Que says In my estimation Babys Own Tablets have no emmLas a medicine for little ones In cases I of children teething would not be- without tltem on any account they keep my baby healthy and hap py Druggists sell hem but if you cannot find conveniently send cents direct to us and we will for ward a box by mail The Dr TOlliams Medicine Co mother should our val uable little book on tlie care of arid young children Sent free for the asking The sentence being reserved awaiting the result of a stated case before the Court of peal who will deckle on the fate of the prisoner was in the city last week on one his visits to pur chase British army remounts Since Col Dent came out last March horses have been purchased in Canada and sent to Great Britain the way to South Africa During November and December he expects to send mote that is each month to army In the case of Margaret Keenan a young girl who died while under an operation for goitre the jury found that the osteopathic treatment in question was unskillful and dangerous and expressed the opinion that a should be enacted prohibiting such and all similar practices Folio and Bold by Lehman druggist Newmarket Vro- Captured London Nov A despatch from Lord Kitchener dated Pretoria says Colonel during a night sur prise of Van Alberts laager about miles west of Pretoria capUired The turkey days are coming Next will find them hero a roast with pumpkin pie Thanksgiving time to cheer A Vie the undersigned do hereby agree to refund money a bat tle of Greenes Warranted Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold We also guarantee a bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded J Y Mr 10 of Centre writes I could not of doing without the We get more newa in it from home than we get any other way AT THE CHANGE OF LIFE This trying period in womans life usually comes between the ages of for ty and fifty years and is marked by irritability headache dizziness irre gular monthlies fitful appetites fore bodings evil palpitation of the heart and constipation- Dr Nerve Food is above all a womans medicine because it helps her safely through this trying period It en riches the blood strengthens nerves regulates the functions the feminine organs and tones and invig orates the whole body ta v i

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