V fliflTAi M BRANCH i i tit b r A in J NEWMARKET General BuMng TRANSACTED interest Allowei on DRAFTS ISSUE At AU and Americas Draft Manager INSURANCE 1 J Agent for d Lift to at Current Newmarket ft A Ramsey Insurance on Farm and Town Property Mrs- Simpson Main St PIABHLI Teacher of prepared to take more WtRk i at private or at home on tail AUCTIONEER Reiu Street Newmarket j Bolton Painter PaperHanger and House WHAT IB OX TOWN Era tall Christmas for Tell your xft Did boys- you pi it no lot this fail yet we- doubt not be many a plow faV tout defers wiiitet where a cov ering of will its blush for the of its own er V vX IT IS T j Paine Compound k CURED OF AND methodic CffreebutyV W Lloyd town circuit preached laffeastlKunday morning and evening and also tW School ofitbedisfcti duty in Miot Board this evening inXhecWrch Parlor for the ejection Stewards and other business Quarterly Sunday Xoye Feast at and Sacrament- at the dose 61 the momluz service liast Saturday- out attention was caited to the act that the winners the Composition on Ontario for J Davis prizes had not been pub lished in the Era We had ft for granted that the names were published in the Genera list Here they are and the girls deserve great praise Pupils under yrs 1st Mary Tay lor Aurora 2nd Greta New- market Pupils 1st Newmarket 2nd Newmarket It Matters Serious Vt Are l Great Com pound Will Permanently Cure You on sxH and Lloyd present following accounts were ordered to be paid A Howard Sebool Lesson Geo Nov TestSo us to number outdays that may apply our hearts unto wisdom Autumn months bring rapid weather changes disastrous to all who suiter from Rheumatism Pains and increase sevenfold and reaps his harvest from the ranks of season are a from any form rheumatism cast aside medi cines that you have too long experi mented with and test the virtues Paine s Celery Compound that great specific for rheumatism that has work ed such marvellous tuxes in all parts of our Dominion Mr tJeeninurj permanently cured after five years of suffering urges the to use the remedy that saved bis life He says For five years from sci atica and rheumatism at- times being so bad that wain or put my hand to my mouth It attempt ed to do any I be orippl- for weeks took medical treat ment patent medicines Turkish and mineral baths but all failed to meet my case I tried Celery Com pound and after using six bottles I feel like a new man and can do a hard days work and feel none the worse for it I have also gained in weight and can truly say I am per manently cured Corner Lane and of MARRIAGE LICENSES I At Era Office Newmarket Private a- Issued at private 4atfrS Police On the two charges of violation of the Liquor License against Richard Wells of Aurora were investigated before Jackson and J Woodcock J after a full hearing were both dis missed No doubt the Inspector who preferred the charges was clear ly misled in the matter In the case from in which judgment was to have been given last Saturday to meet the con venience of the legal men employed and also the Magistrates a further adjournment has been made until Tuesday the 12th insi at four oclock in the afternoon On Monday as Mrs of box Grove was endeavoring to shut the upper halt of a door in the stable loft the lower half not being fasten ed fell out flown to the ground a distance feet Her hip was dislocated arid she is to he seriously injured intern ally freights Waiter Society Walter ii i Pay Sheet No- The account or the Irving Specialty Co for 4750 and the re port of the boiler inspector were the EVAS L Com The from as to injury sustained by Mrs John was referred to The account of the Office Specialty Co amounting to was ordered to jtid The ft Coin were instructed to have a foot sidewalk on St opposite the new of Mr Joseph Millard also a crossing opposite the east dwelling The following accounts which had been referred to the L Com were recomjuerided to be paid AMcCulloch Co Can Gen Co 15965 Beadmore Co Manning Morrison Co 4132 The L Com were instructed to place a lamp at the east side Of Main St at the corner of Park Robertson introduced a bylaw to provide for the early closing of shops which was read a first and CHERRYS BAD HEART Put him down ftriclputMfar Dr for a man of him Heart weakness and family spells acute that f0w Sound second times The Council resolved itself into committee of the whole thereon which rose reported pro and asked leave to sit again at next meeting of the Council Mr Robertson introduced a bylaw to provide for imposing fines and penalties etc and to repeal bylaw No- Bylaw was read a first time On motion each was ordered to be paid to the Mayor Clerk and As sessor for selecting jurors Pharaoh that Josephs brethren had come for corn he was pleased and invited tte venerable Jacob and his tribe to migrate to Egypt but it was with difficulty that they persuaded that Joseph was alive sen tences selected for our study today give a fresh view of the nobility of Josephs nature- PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS- A guilty is easily been assure by Josephs word arid by ail his conduct smcetheday of reconciliation that sin more could hie say than be did say when he first made to them and gave best of the land to dwell in What is the reason we who have been jus tified freely by His are living in the full enjoyment of every in Christ do not fully believe him We doubt him ex actly as these brothers doubted Joseph To revenge is human to forgive is God like- It comforts one to see how God brings good out of seeming evil and makes even the wrath of to praise Him He who lives a useful life doing good to others will find honor here and sure reward on When a good man forgives an injury he- forgets so far as this that he does not wait for an to be revenged The Egyptian ruler Joseph with Canaan written on his heart and Egypt administered by his- hands is a type of what every Christian should be Went MRS TAYLOR VEN- A BARREL KSUEBOP MARRIAGE LATEST IN and Stones- Cassia Allan i rr LOOK We want to get your best on the photograph we make tor you We can do It by putting good In the posing and shutter at the right instant SMITH Said The The following article from Newmarket Era of Nov I will revive memories among the older residents of this locality and shows how significantly the day was celebrated years ago The memorable occasion of treason and timely discovery was celebrated on the evening of the of November at Holland Landing in grand style During the early part of the evening bonfires were lighted on the principal street while at the Hotels crowds were assembled to join in the celebration of the almost miravcutoMs deliverance wrought out by the discovery of the Gunpowder Plot Mr Hotel was the scene of much pleasure A number of friends had been- invited from Bradford Aurora and other peaces aria as each party drove turn they recei with of welcome About ten oclock pm the party assembled consisting of ladies and gentlemen adjourned to the large dining hall where mine host had set out in ample various fruits of the a display we have many a day Among those present we observed Messrs Gamble and Ramsay of Newmarket the latter acting as vice chairman on Br Hillary and Mr Sulli van Aurora Mr Councilman Ba con Mr Kenedy the Village Clerk Mr Clark and others Mr McCture read letters of apology from soine of the Bradford friends expected among Dr who was fng in a severe Illness ion After the removal of the mine host who occupied the chair gave the usual loyal were drank with enthusiasm Then followed The memory of Wil liam Prince of Orange associated with the evening they Drank with three times three The Vice Chair then gave In a few pleasant remarks the health of the Chairman Mr associated as any of i Sold by Lehman William Roland proprietor of the Hotel is sinking a gas well on his property If he is successful in striking a flow he will use it for lighting and heating the hotel A good flow natural gas has already been obtained here THiS WORK IS NOW EASILY AND WELL DONE BY The perfect coloring cotton and wool rags fox is eallly accomplishea when the cotton colors are 11 un fading dyes now before the ladies of are afa lovelyand brilliant and- so simple to that a child may dye you axe a homemade mats and rugs collect your cotton rags send to The Wells son Co Limited Montreal for pat tern sheet of Diamond Dye Mat and which will enable you to choose jour own of any re quired size When you have selected your design use the Diamond Dyes to color your rags as shades on mat or rug pattern Pattern sheets mail ed free to any address t Mr of West has purchased the acre farm of Mr Sproule Lot land Be as well dressed as you can aflord and its good advice W linS SBosteffi fabric more or less according to which Mr made a suitable reply The various other interests were toasted till almost around the board to reply and before the party separated the in to length of wear More or less according to the thoroness of the unseen work This in side part Is the lite of the garment it keeps It In shape and one of the features which determine Its appearance and neatness Call anil see us buy and paid therefor Ontario has strutted the interior Construction Co to at remove the gas pipe line from the bed the Detroit River This ends the export gas from the Ess to Detroit Niagara Fails Oct Annie Taylor fifty years old went over Niagara Falls on the side surviv ed a feat never before accomplished and indeed never attempted except in the deliberate commission of suicide Not did she suKive but she es caped without a broken hone her only apparent injuries being a scalp wound a slight concussion of the brain some shock to her nervous system bruises about the body She was conscious when taken out of The doctors in attendance itpon last night said that she was somewhat hysterical Her condition is not at all serious probab ly will out of bed within a few days Mis Taylors trip covered a mile ride through the Canadian rapids be fore she reached the brink of the pre cipice Her barrel staunch as a bar rel could be made was twirled and toppled and buffeted through those waves but escaped serious contact with rocks As it passed through the smoother swifter waters that rushed over into the abyss it rode in an almost posi tion its upper half out water As it passed over the it- rode at an angle of about de grees on the outer surface of the del uge and descended as gracefully as a barrel can descend to the white foam ing waters feet below True to Iter calculations the anvil fastened to the bottom of the barrel kept it foot downwards and so it landed Had it turned over and landed on its head Mrs Taylors- head must have been crushed in and her neck broken The ritfe the rapids occupied eighteen minutes was in what is known as the Maid of the Mist eddy and held there until it floated so close to shore that it was reached by means of a pole and hook and drawn upon the rocks at liU oclock seventeen minutes af ter it shot the cataract The barrel in which Mrs Taylor made the journey feet high and about three feet In diameter A leather harness and cushions inside protected her body Ait- was secured rubber tube with small opening near the lop of the barrel J P Whitney to speak at a in Owen Sound at an early date row People Escape The Torture of Piles And Dr Ointment la the There fa usually very in conaultlhs a regard ing a of plies nine cases out of ten he will a surgical operation may the suffering as wvitos expense treatment eiiills For this reason very many people are going about In misery with piles believing that they cannot cured except by means of the surgeons to such that this bring good news of Dr Ointment has never failed to cure piles It Is re cognized the world as absolutely the preparation that can be relied of IhlsfrJghU fully common ailment It seems strange that should suffer the wretched uneasiness and torture of burning Itching when it Is so easy to procure Dr Ointment Nearly every dealer In medicine keens Dr Chases Oint ment and you can apply It at homa without any Inconvenience If you prefer send t0 cents to Pates ft Co Toronto and a box will bo sent postpaid to your Ask your neighbor or druggist about remedy 1 Coal Bills are now a acrlous Item Then why burn coals for the weekly wash Some Soaps wont wash without polling but SUNLIGHT wise economy to buy the beat of Soaps- when by the quantity of coal used washing day can be Reduced per cent Burning- coat to lowpriced Soaps to wash liVo spending A centitraro fare to a articla for1 THE Mi Mr I- AND SHELF HARP WARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES TO PLEASE EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED GIVE US A CHANCE A J A ALLAN CO N I TELEPHONE CONNECTION in JACKS FOR HIRE 0 Is arriving daily and as usual we will tin- every house in the trade JOBBING HOUSE I AND CHEAPEST J J I x rtr truth than aid of Or vlu wee arrived The gratuitous given b7 McQluxe and long will fit be remembered by all present of Dr doses but tsrrori to riv out and you brain a bright oyo hand to on the The remarks McDongall ftCoars2irA5s were timely and had the ten to call the better May the event never and cure Ix celebrated In a Jess unbecoming cent foe co pills manner Sold Newmarket OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE AT THE ERA OFFICE iMre White at murdering her husband ftp i Out Oct Mr me this place had his left torn off white- feeding a machine Windsor Oct a farm laborer from Leam ington while boarding a moving train last night slipped and feljibeneaib nia nd rfebt leg below the knee was crushed The arm was am at trie elbow and the leg at the knee this morning He will pro bably recover Children Cry for CASTOR A By using SUNLIGHT cost ha of the used to lifcofjthe A j Sui a The Leading Shoe and Gents Furnishing Store Goods that are now in stock for fall and winter LADIES FELT LINED BOOTS LADIES FELT MISSES HEW LINED BOOTS FELT LINED BOOTS MENS FLEECE LINED UNDERWEAR MENS WOOL MENS HEAVY BLACK CASHMERE SOX MENS HEAVY WOOL SOX MENS SOX OF ALL KINDS MENS FALL AND CAPS MENS FALL AND WINTER GLOVES MENS HEAVY WORKING GLOVES AND MITTS We always it a point in selecting to make it for other to gob better This above all other reas ons for the immense we daily Ml ijoiXl Will do taore A wttart and do It thin two of common ttiJhjWfei why SONL t Uifcr- iop in lor Messrs Hr A Hunter hive par as j from St about a mile and a quarter north two months Red with a smalt vliite star In her forehead and horns turn ed In information leading to her recovery wilt be suitably rewarded EDWARD INGRAM Holland Landing P take Mason trails lor il branches Estimates at Short NoUce And guaranteed BOILER SETTING A SPECIALTY Carting and Teaming done on Short Notice HUNTER Timothy Street East ANDREW HUNTER Street and Provision Store Best Granulated Sugar Yellow Sugar lbs for a lbs for lbs Currants Bfit Tim fliscui Large Corn per cut Qooi Coffee per lb or Try our Tea 20 and per lb Varu6 ffiTown Fruit Biscuits Cakes Toilet Soap for Surprise Soap Coolant per peck Pickles regular itor25j prepared MusUrd i Mix W Bread and Cakes Have the waggon call and try KriowlESi