Si THE JNiSWMAkKRTvCJgg very con venient to attribute the disaster which us to fate But for the most part man is the arbiter of his own fortunes Business men arc struck suddenly by lightning- The verdict is generally heart failure His- heart vasWnfc It was fate or him to meet tins end put if we went behind the weak heart We should find a weak stomach prob ably and back of the weak stomach is careless eating at irregular hours When the stomach is diseased the organs depending on the stomach for Starvation means weakness of the body and its organs Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery diseases of the other organs of digestion and nutrition When these organs are cured diseases of liver lungs and kidneys by the diseased stomach are In the was Kinney- Vki l doctor be J heart trouble He nie medi cine it did me no good J then lnd differ cut of patent medicines but they roe a I t of Prov try Before fiM was I a Rene begun to wort not worked any for a year before J am well can eat now wttn the of ami loud- Doctor Pierces Pleasant Pellets cure biliousness around the Hub TO j The Harvest Home services at English on Sunday were well attended Rev A Watt of Bond Head was the foe the day and pleased everybody The collec tions to about Owing to the rushing business he is at present doing Mr has scoured an assistant clerk in the person of his niece Miss May Bond ie fait of was twlpiUtion of heart and a in my now Mr of Co TANDARD ASSURANCE GO The Company has now enter ed upon its year The following figures testify to its STABILITY LIBER ALITY POPULARITY Accumulated Funds usual Revenue Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid Curing year Policies were issued for Deposit jom Govt over STANDARD has investments in Canada amounting to Fifteen Millions Dollars J A Agent JAMES CLARKE District Inspector ENGINES FOR SALE Two Cornells Two Whites OneSawyer AND PAINTED ALSO Dick of Peerless ABATORS Arid belt Your choice of Full Rig tor 40000 On four years time Cheap at 600 GOLD cold It laflt winter and pure aparkilnjf water Engineer visited wort on Black River bridge passed judgment The steel workers are ex pected shortly to complete the job when we will have one of the best bridges in the county Mr Webster who has eon- ducted a general store here tor years has sold the business to his son Webster WO has done the buying and selling for some years suspended business to assist at ile nuptials of two of our prominent citizens arid Ethel The Royal visit to Toronto formed a part of the honeymoon of the couple Who have Udora peoples best- wishes for a long and prosperous life lalo for last week very pretty and interesting wed ding was duly celebrated at the resi dence of Mr and Mrs Cole of on Wednesday when their only daughter Minnie Adeline was united in marriage to Mr Wm of North To the sweet strains the Wed ding March played by Mrs WVlburne cousin to the bride the bride entered the parlor leaning upon the arm of her brother The groom was sup ported by Mr Milton Hamilton and the bride by Miss Annie Moulds the ceremony being performed by Rev D Simpson of Af ter ine ceremony fiftyfour guests down to the elegant wedding break fast About amid showers of rice and congratulations the happy couple left on their honeymoon trip to Toronto Following is the list of presents Piano fug Mr- and Mrs Morton De troit sideboard scarf Mr and Miss Stephens tablecloth Miss ton bed spread Mr and Mrs Green wood towels Glover table cloth Mr and Mrs spoon Mr H Hamilton pickle fork Jacob Hamilton silver nut cracker Fred Hamilton money Milton Hamilton pitchers airs Kellmgton lea set Mr and Mrs J Kellihton berry bowl Mr and Mrs Geo Cote moneyMiss Styles and Mr Johnson money and Sir Hamilton and Miss money Mr and Mis King and sons cake plate fruit dish and cake dish Mr and Mrs A Moulds flat Mrs Geo Moulds fiat irons and Flora Glover lemonade set Jiio A Cole and family lemonade set Annie Moulds tabic napkins Sophia Moulds tea set Mr and Mrs a Cote fruit dish Mr and Mrs W Cole water Mrs J no Cole Lace curtains Mr and Mrs tea spoons Miss and Mr- silver spoon holder Mr and Mrs A I Children Cry for- CASTOR I A Which la ami bow cheap it and will four your gull pinching 1n- Mop fcalr get Hood and andcuriej keep brought about the you Or No Miller Geneva- Herman Ill Jennie Ada Taylor Stanley Armstrong Sadie Burrows iUrik- Kay Alice Glover Alice Taylor Maurice Jessie Jr If Nettie Miller Her train May Smallwooil Maud Rus sell fhomas Norman Taylor Elmer Stiles Jr Kay Kay Charlie Owen Vera Thomas Sr Glover Olive Glov er Jr Tab Lloyd John Flora Pearl Thomas Ivan Kiddie Hoy Riddle Maggie Taylor is a sprinkling of hops in the brine jsset for pickling bacon ftdfls greatly to flavor and assists in preserva tion The inethod is one said to be practice in The acidulated the manure only make the manure more valuable there will be leas Toss of Manure and fertilizers always give re sults when used together Never depend- upon a single food lor an animal The cow a varied die and will give more milk her food is a kind to tempt to eat A good cow necessarily con sumes more food than an inferior one For a permanent pasture timothy red top and orchard grass axe gen erally as these grasses seem to hold out as as any Other kinds nifty be- added if preferred but the three mentioned should never be omit ted Clean oft the asparagus burn them and also burn the Surface of the bed by using any dry material in or der to kilt all insects or other enemies on the bed Cover the bed thickly with rolted manure allowing it to remain until spring of manure in the soil liberates carbonic acid which acts upon the soil cbemicaUy thus provid ing more available plant food from that existing in the soil When lime is used it serves to neutralize the soil acidity and promote bacterial activ ity early fall ja an excellent ti pie for seeding the bufcin do ing the farmer should use clean seed use it plentifully and scratch it in if possible One of the best plans to assist a pasture is to sow white clover seed on the bare places as it make growth where some seed will fail If the sod in the orchard is too tough and it is not desirable to plow it turn the pigs in and give them a free range They will always find something to root for and the re sult will be that they will break up the sod and benefit the trees At any time the hogs will secure a portion of their and keep in a thrifty condition Onions must kept in a dry loca tion dampness being injurious If they become should be kept so or slowly They should not be stored in boxes or bar rels but in shallow receptacles If spread out on the floor of the garret or barn loft and covered with hay or straw when frozen they should in sound condition until spring Station experiments show that the growth of turnips late in the season proceeds rapidly as long as the weath er is open and points to the advant age of allowing turnips to remain in the ground as long as is practicable especially if the seed was sown late If left too long however or until the ground is frozen the crop will be harvested with more difficulty Experiments that rye and win ter wheat will germinate in a soil the temperature of which is degrees barley oats peas and clover sprout at 35 degrees turnips the same carrots at and beans at decrees If these experiments have been carefully conducted they that some plants will sprout even below the freezing point farm hands arc worth all that may be them as intelligent is of more value sometimes than the actual labor performed far When an incompetent person is entrusted with particular work and mistakes are made the entire crop and the seasons preparation may be lost A skillful farm hand may demand higher wages but his work will be worth more than that of an incompetent person Fermented manure gives good re sults an it contain more soluble mat ter than that which not Corn sometimes fails because the manure does not have time to pose in the soil before the plants ma ture and the corn looks yellow there is an amount of available nitrogen in the soil Later in the season the crop may show a green Huge but It is then too late With the manure in proper condition when the seed is put i the crop se cures a good start Fruit trees are protected spray ing but rainy enemies of the tree are allowed to propagate outside of the orchard- In some communities cooperative effort is necessary to condition and feller r its carenil handlings L AWAY WITH CATARRH I LMftllf It Ra1I0f Our Secured Div Agnow Catarrhal Powder evidence of the and that wonderful remedy Pr Catarrhal Powder For years was a rtcira of Catarrh many but no cure was effected until I bad procured and used Dr Powder first lion gate me iosunt relief and id an short while I was absolutely cured James Headiey Sold by clear the trees of the enemies that are so numerous this fait- The calf be gently handled from the start The future disposi tion of the cow depends upon treatment when young gentle milker the calf should never a blow or a harsh word her To a re in or der that- it may have confidence in the attendants and it will not there after be nervous It should he rub bed petted fed from the hand and the teats and udder frequently han dled It is easier to break in a calf than to worry a vicious kicking COW- in plants induces growth BY day J dont believe I can ever be much of a Christian her mother Why her theres so much to be done wants to be good was the re ply One got to overcome so and bear so- many and all that You know how the minis ter told all about it last Sunday How your brother get all that wood into the shed last spring Dill be do it ail at once or little by LittJe by little of course an swered the little girl Well thats just the way we live a Christian life All the trials and burdens wont come at once We must overcome those Of today and let those of tbniorrow alone till we come to Of course theres a great deal of work to be done in the Christians lifetime- in the perfor mance of our obligations to God and the discharge- of the duties that de volve upon us but that work is done just as Dick moved the wood little by little Every day we should ask for When tomorrow comes ask again He will give all we ask for adds as we need it By doing a little today a little tomorrow and keeping on in that way we accomplish great things Look at life in its little by little as pect rather than as one great task to bo done all at once and it will be easy to face it TEST THE PINE- APPLE CURE in the or Antidote for every bodily Science found Stomach ftua acea in that of fruit medical science has Riven to mankind lhal pure and pleasant formula Dr Von Stans Pine apple Tabids Co be an everlasting never- failing healer to suffering humanity a quick and effective and so inexpensive the poorest sufferer in the land may use it almost as free One dose relief- to stomach distresses in any form Sixty Tablets 35 cents fc Sold by ffi Lehman It is estimated that the Boer war is costing at the rate of about daily Engineer John of Ni agara was injured in a collision at and had his leg ampu tated pip no wx Jt Aon mi a oojpjpum iSales of apples are reported in Orleans county New at from to per barrel the fruit to be packed just as it from the tree without sorting Mr Joseph McKays buggy was struck by a train at Forest One his two children was Killed and Mrs McKay was probably fatally injured Mr- McKay and his other child were severely injured table kept In goo4 A IS uae or our fixe conumedllo immense yard at Arkansas City containing ft of Cottonwood lutnoer cars at a lots of CATARRH CURE tent direct to diseased unbelt n lower Use ulcers kit cures iuj In pert mower VrCin Co Ho V Class Henry Clark Johnston Jr IV MyrUc Grant I Willi Clark Flanagan Floyd Cunningham Jr HI Jay ItFlossie Johnston Hob Cun ningham Jr Shanks Isabella Longferd Jas Max Clark May Grant Jr Tab yanlcy Shanks J L aro always Blood 1 We Jive by our on it We thrive or starve our blood is rich or poor There is nothing else to live on or by When strength is full and spirits high we are being re freshed bone muscle arid brain in body and mind with con tinual flow of rich blood This is health When- weak in low spirits no cheer no spring rest is not rest and sleep is not Bleep we are starved our blood poor is little nutri ment in it Back of the blood is to keep the blood rich When it fails take Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil It sets the whole body going againman and childT If no tried for aampla due will you l steins and leaves and gives be deep green color which indicates thrift Phosphoric acid assists in the devel opment of seeds Potash is essen tial for the woody portions of plants and increases the yield of fruit by promoting the growth of the fleshy portions giving quality It is be lieved that the proportion of sugar in fruit is largely increased potash to haw lb To have a perfect plant and to se cure I he largest yield therefrom the soil must be supplied with all these sttbstances- fodder that is not cut down until the leaves are yellow and then all winter in the fields where the shocks are blown over and the odder expo set to rains and is usual ly worth nothing instead of so doing it will he better to haul it to the barnyard let the cattle pick it over lief ore It loses value but it the fodder is cut- when and cared for the farmer will find that it is as valuable as the grain There is an loss of fodder in this country which not occur Many varieties of potatoes come and go and but for the continued in troduction of new varieties potatoes Would soon be scarce Hi is is due to careless selection of All the tubers of a crop arc sold for seed when only the best should be selected the largest tubers from the thrift test and strongest plants only are re tained for seed there would be an in tJic old varieties instead of deterioration in quality Hut as Jong as potatoes bring good prices there wUI be good and inferior seed used There is much to learn in to feeding The practise is to give the hay j and grain separately Experiments made to test the value of foods under different systems ol feeding demonstrate the best fiiilts are ybtaf the grain Is ground the hay cut into short lengths the food then and and mixed which is done by inkling the grain over the This mode more labor but at the present time grind ing mills and power feed cutters are cheap enough to within Uicreaoji of all mixed food Is Letter di gested relished and a saving Is ef fected In the quantity as- the careful preparation iMsena the waste Home fanners and gardeners have a compost heap for preying fine ma nure to flower plants- and tender Compost la yinirly fresh ma nure mixed with muck dirt or any fiorbant material that Is In fine Con dition The heap is kept under cover and If a large supply of material baa been- collected a bulky the and urine are thrown upon mass It roust be worked over so as to secure decomposition of all the materials and heats too more dry dirt must be added If the farmer would txeal all the ma nure made on his farm as bo much compost there a great sav ing of plant The val ue of compost is its fine mechanical Oiiiirnent A Food for the Skin All Which Prompt- ly All And and dare Every Form off Skin rjlaeaac ho extraordinary of Dr Ointment were thoroughly un derstood there would not be a In Canada that would bo without it In tbo for a day In first place It Is a food and for the akin pleasant to use that no lady will delay In applying It removes pim ples blackheads and all Sorts of and disfiguring akin In the severest of eczema salt rheuin scald head and other Itchliiy skin eruptions Dr Chases Ointment Install relief by al- the stinging sumuitlona and will permanently cure If aplleri regularly Dr Chasos Ointment ointment world over and is so vwiously successful to far surpass all your about It There is not a In j hut has eatea where this remedy has worked remarkable cents all dealers or Bates Co Toronto Whole Story In letter PaittKlUer P No MoQrwJ- us ittktA sod mtilona our I boaeaj- In i to near at Two and No or piping yet Ixats gas and Electricity Cheaper than oil Never out of order light which doe not rain eyes descriptive Write for it LIOHTCOm euctora carded a bylaw to raise by electric jlht and- Jfr8 Nelson Belleville aged was probably fatally burned by the explosion a coal oil lamp CASTOR I A For and Cbllrlrert W CforHaiBVipp la a for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops It contains Narcotic It is Its years by MlUioriB of Mothers destroys Worms and allays cafes and Wind Colic Teetliiwgr Troubles cures Constipation nod Flatulency assimilates the Food regulates the Stopiaeh hud Bowels of CtiUclreti giving liealthy and natural is the Children Panacea The Mothers Friend is a a medicine for children Mother repeatedly told of Ha good effect upon children Da ti 1 1 I flujcrior to known to A THE F ACSIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER cckmn tw For pure blood a bright eye a clear complexion a keen appetite a good digestion and refreshing sleep BRISTOLS SorsicvpeLriUa It arouses the quickens the circulation brightens the spirits acid generally Improves health proved It to BLOOD Alldmggisbi sell BRISTOLS nj British Columbia Red Cedar SHINGLES A Perfectly Clear Shingle and very wide also- PINE SHINGLES LUMBER LATH DOORS AND SASH OF ALL KINDS PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHESPINS THE WM CANE SONS MFG COY Of Newmarket Limited A Profitable Business Must be run in A Systematic Manner Humorous failures have been the result a loose operating system will be glad to assist you by aid of Our Filing Devices Office and School Desks WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND PRICES Co Limited Factory Out The Office Specialty Mfg BAY STREET TORONTO J r oh