Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 4 Oct 1901, p. 8

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OCT -iqotv- How many mothers realize that the babys advent fa expected they need strength for two Instead of one weak nervous just able to drag around find corifrooted with coming maternity They have cot strength enough for themselves how can they have strength to give a child We dont look for the birth of strong ideas from a mind Why should expect the birth of strong children from weak mothers The way to ensure health and strength to mother and child is to use Dr Pierce Favorite Prescription as a preparative for motherhood It brings the mothers strength up to the requirements of nat ure so that she has strength to give her child It nourishes the nerves and so quiets them It en courages a appetite and induces refreshing sleep- favorite Prescrip tion w makes weak women strong and sick women well- There is no alcohol in Favorite Pre scription and it is free from co caine and all other narcotics wish to let you know the great wife derived through taking Favorite Prescription write Mr Robert Harden or Brandon Bos her baby came bad heard so roucn medicine thai toy wife decided to try it I mar lay my are was and thU her fint chili She commenced to take five month be fore her child was We have a fine healthy cut and we believe that this was mainly owing fc the Favorite faithfully according We shall certainly rec ommend it wherever we can Dr Pierces Common Sense Medical Adviser paper covers is sent fret on receipt of onecent stamps to pay expense of customs and only Address Dr Pierce Buffalo the Hub AXD W34Ai- yUTO TO The East York and this week is a great success John Miller a well known breeder shorthorns recently filled a com mission for a carload shorthorn calves from a Texan rancher An other rancher has sent for a similar lot from the same state For- the first lot Mr Miller paid an average of 20 each The animals were about ten months old Ex Warden Slater recently plucked from a maple tree on his farm a leaf of immense site It is inches long inches wide and inches circumfererice measured with a straight line Mr Slater has been asked to present it as a memento to the Duke as a unique Canadian em blem j in- ASSURANCE GO The Company lias now upon its year The following figures testify to its STABILITY LIBER ALITY POPULARITY Mrs A Walker has been quite disposed from malaria lever Miss Martha and Miss Flossie were in attendance at the League convention at Aurora last week A of surveyors were in the locality last for a proposed railway line to run from To ronto It is the Canada National Railway and Transfer Company Mrs Dr Shirk and children have re turned to their home in after spending few weeks the guests of Mrs Pearson at Hill There were a large number of people this part oi King and the ad joining Township at the Newmarket Fair King Township plowing match will be held on Nov in this- vicinity welcome to the Old Boys last week was all that was arches spanned the streets The central arch bore a root to which meant A Hundred Thousand Welcomes The Fall Show was good and the Highlanders concert a grand John Donaldson is in jail here He has been wanted ever since Aug26th on several charges theft He is charged with committing a number of plundering acts with Mrs and her daughter- and James Hand as in the got sis months in the Mercer gillie was committed indefinitely- Donald son lias now been round ed up and handed to the authorities here- Mr Joseph Jones an old resident of this town died on the heart He was in bis year He had been a resident of since 7 Rev Father has returned to from his trip to the Old Country He visited England Ireland and Scotland A number this visited Newmarket on the Old Boys Day during the North York and report a grand time a court for the of the Voters- last for this municipality Monday Oct commenqing at are appeals to be heard about which are duplicates in Juno last as compared with tor the previous year The banner local Institute- is that of with a of Too late for last week Accumulated Funds Annual Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid 598000000 During year Policies were issued lor Deposit Govt over STANDARD has investments in Canada amounting to ever Fifteen Dollars J A Agent JAMES CLARKE District Inspector ENGINES FOR SALE i Two Cornells Two Whites One lawyer REFITTED AND PAINTED ALSO Dick Decker oi Peerless SEPARATORS And belt Your choice of Full Rig for 40000 On four years time Cheap at 600 THOMPSON market Nino thousand men and women work at British lacemaking produce six million pounds worth a year Children Cry for CASTOR I A Lady lost a bracelet valued at between Government House and the Senate Chamber on Monday night DR A CHASES OK CATARRH CURE ZOO a to it ilwaid clear sir Farmers pull their caps over their ears these cold mornings Five oclock comes early Mr McClellan was the guest of Miss Rate last Sunday Miss Sutherland is visiting her sisters Mrs Woods Point We notice that our mode farmer John Greenwood is earring oil a large number of prizes at the Jail lairs of Toronto was vi siting at Mr Jas last Sunday It seems strange that ail our teach ers should be Scotch now Probably it comes from having Scotchmen for trustees Mr J Kcllington who is serv ing on Grand Jury at Toronto was home last Sunday When a person will drive five miles to find a dollar bill which he thought he had lost but which had really been spent we conclude he had been drink ing something besides water We notice that Mr John Hodge sports a new carriage now Mr John left last Sat urday to accept a position in Toron to One of our sleepy old bachelors took quite a snooze in church Sunday even ing He was awakened too suddenly however for the good of his temper We are pleased to report that Mas ter Murray Smith has quite recovered from his recent illness He is a handsome boy Just like his daddy for all the world Mr Roy was a guest at Mr Win J Ryes last Sunday Miss Minnie was visiting friends at Pleasant last Sunday It seems that our young men have to take a back seat when that Bald win young man comes out this way You had better watch Mr Owl or Well have to give you a hint Miss Vina Rye is spending few days this week visiting jher parents Mr Hugh Pollock of Newmarket spent last Sunday visiting his parents We are pleased to report that our genial blacksmith Mr Jones is able to be around again A choir has been organized the Methodist Church here under the able leadership of Mr J Cole We have excellent material for a good choir Pollock had the misfortune to smash the top of his buggy at New market fair One of Newmarkets prominent ladles seems to be specially attracted to this place I wonder if Art knows why I wonder if that famous driver Dolly will be at Kali this year It will make or break the record Pompey Our correspondents items usually come one day too late This ac counts for the complaint made We will all have to take in the Worlds Fair at as it is looking up a little this year and go ing to have two days Mr John Greenwood feot a red ticket for his colt at Newmarket Fair Threshing buckwheat on Sunday In not a very good recommend for a church member What a pity there ale not more corn cutters around here If some enter prising person would make it a busi ness outside of farming it would be a laving investment as corn left standing after Frosted once becomes less valuable for ensilage Mr Geo Pollocks silo is completed whiie Mr fcj S Claras is progress ing favorably under the able manage ment of Miss Clark speaks in glowing terms of her visit to the PanAmerican The of Sept will long be remem bered by the party as they werenear- ing the entrance to the Music when they heard the report of pistol shots proceeding from the build ing Every effort was made to con ceal the fact from the swaying multi tude but in a few minutes the words were dropping from pale lips and tearstained faces The President is shot while grief and anger bitter ness and rage was depicted on every countenance- Little Ethel who has been- in the hospital three months has re turned much improved Mrs J McMillan and Miss Brown returned to their home in after a ten days visit with Mrs Clark Mr and Mrs have re- moved and Mr Geo Arnold has re turned to his old home has rented the pro perty on the north side of Main St and intends to cultivate- fruits and vegetables to a considerable extent A large attended the last week and Miss Edith started last Thursday on a three- week visit friends at Saginaw It is their intension to spend a few days at the Pan before returning Miss Olive eldest daughter Hoover of this- town intends to prosecute her studies in University College Toronto during coming session On Tuesday evening of last week- Mr and Mrs were agreeably surprised by members of the Methodist church choir and enjoyed a very pleasant evening Mrs for a prolonged visit home of her brother Mr Bond of Lexington Mich and other places On as Sang- ster and TruR were driving Sfain and wnen they got railway crossing the horse made a rapid backward movement and snap on the holdback broke Mr held the horse tight and nXr Trull was getting out the rig the a jump and he was thrown heavily on the ground but fortunately escaped with only a shaking up and a slight sprain of one Mr and Mrs Frank- OBrien and faintly accompanied by Oscar OBrien have returned to Chicago The farmers are very glad of the rain on Sunday It will help ploughing v Phillips who has reen work ing for Mr Frank Morton all left lor for the winter Mr Perry Morton had misfor tune to lose a fine cow The masons are Mr this A very small crowd at on Sunday Mr Frank Sour by has been visiting his grandmother Sennetfc and other relatives in this of THAT THE i FAOSIMILE SIGNATURE OF- Fat Institutes J an old resident of found dead in his garden Burglars robbed thfe sae of Man- sons general store at Shoal Lake of Forest fires are doing a lot of damage in the vicinity of Seventeen lives were tost in the ire- in the coal mine at British Columbia I more Canadians have received honors for distinguished vices in South Africa Co ot the Regiment United States Infantry were attacked by Filipinos while sitting at breakfast Fortyeight were kilted eleven wound ed and all their arms captured wife of Patrick was foundguilty of manslaughter at Montreal in the shooting of Timo thy Corbett brotherinlaw and sentenced to months in the common jail wr Apetfect Remedy for Sour StoTOChDiaxrhoea Sleep Simile Signature of IP ON THE WRAPPER 01 BOTTLE OF At months old Copy of wrapper is pot up la It not cold a balk allow to anything on Ihe plea It fc good will that get Slower Winnlke Sept Dr McKach chief Dominion veterinarian left night for Toronto and Montreal Sneaking of anthrax the doctor said there was now cause for alarm on account the outbreak being well under control The shoe factory is now pushing ahead There are at present about hands employed and more will be added as soon as machines can be put place A Normal Class for the study of the scriptures has been commenced in connection with the Methodist church The class meets every Thursday even ing at the close of the prayer service Drill Shed will shortly be ready Mr Graham had the contract for the repairs Mr Joseph of Smiths Kails was here recently visjting- his mother Mrs and her son George have gone to Chicago where George has secured a situation Three accidents have occurred in the shoe factory last week One of the employees had a finger taken oil in one of the machines another was struck on the head by a of a pulley which inflicting an ugly wound while a third was caught by the sleeve of with a set screw in a rapidly revolving shaft but was liberated by a fellow em ployee before sustaining much injury The High School intend holding their annual Commencement Concert on Friday October His Honor Judge Morgan will hold You Can to water but you cant make him drink You cant make him eat either You can stuff food in- to a thin mans stomach but that doesnt make him use it Scotts Emulsion can make him use it How By ing him hungry of course Scotts Emulsion makes a thin bodyhungryaUoven Thought a thin body was naturally hun gry didnt you Well it isnt A thin body is asleep not working gone on a strike It doesnt try to use its food Scotts Emulsion wakes it up puts it to work again making new flesh Thats the way to get fat Send for free sample Toronto Canada The valuable character of the work- done by the- Farmers Institutes in raising the standard of agriculture and encouraging improved methods of farming is generally recognized The report of Superintendent for last year has just been issued by Provincial Department Agriculture and contains a great deal of valuable matter embodying the latest conclu sions of specialists in every depart ment farm work It comprises in addition to a record of the progress of the movement a number ot ad dresses and papers read at Institute meetings with explanatory diagrams and illustrations Among the changes made in the system with excellent results so far is the transfer of the lecture work heretofore carried on by the Horti cultural societies to department of Farmers Institutes A number of the local bodies will in future hold their annual meetings at the nearest Fruit Experiment Station where they will have the benefit of practical in struction in grafting spraying etc The subject of poultry has received much attention Special poultry meetings have been held at which lead ing poultry specialists gave demon strations as to the best methods of killing and dressing poultry in accord ance with the requirements of the market A notable feature of the year is the striking increase in the number of Womens Institutes of which there arc now 32 in operation of them having a of over one hundred As- in previous years excursions have been mil to the Agricultural College giving many thousand farmers an op portunity to become familiar with the most modern process of scientific agriculture Action was also taken to promote the attendance at the Provincial Win ter Fair with the result that members representing Institutes were in attendance Seed Fairs have been established in connection with four Institute East York South Wellington Wellington and South Grey are held annually in March and tie farmers bring their best samples grain for sale A leading topic at the Institute meetings was that of cold storage re garding which a good deal of vaiuabti information has been furnished Dur ing meeting the Union the delegates visited cold storage plant at the Agricultural and received an insight into the process of refrigeration An important step in the interest of work was taken by the appoint ment Superintendent to the position of assistant secretary and editor of the Association of diah Fairs and Inhibitions which Will give additional opportunity for advancing the movement Very substantial progress was made during year covered by the report Later information- gives the total memlcrsblp of the Fanners and Weakness m t i Another Woman Who Tins r m m m Health Strcntftu mid Vigor la the JO Nerve Food To women especially Dr Chases Nerve Food la to be a very fenut So many women are Weakened and debilitated by overwork worries or diseases rvcullar to their sex and the assistance of just Mich a restorative as this great food cure Mrs A McCrea Tory Hill writes My system was nil run down when began to Dr Chases food I was weak and very nervous felt tired worn out that I could scarcely drag myself the house It Impossible for me to rest or Bleep at night and I felt that I was gradually growing weaker and more nervous and Irritable Since Spinning- the use of Dr Chases Nerve I feel altogether different It has strengthened my nerves and up my system wonderfully I well now and am being restored to health and strength I It the best medicine to be i the nerves Dr Nerve Food cents a for at all dealers or Co Toronto British Columbia Red Cedar SHINGL A Perfectly Clear Shingle and very COTTBOWKK AFTER SHAVING HEAtS THE EHA- THE MOST -TEH- FACE TO ENJOY A WITHOUT RESUtTS Hazel am S Extract hcK leaiily and contain wood alcohol a FALL TERM CENTS SECURES A GOOD LIVER AND GOOD HEALTH Am a blood all Bo that hard to or Nervous Headache clear complexion rid It eruption yellow coated etc Act easy never gripe and the after a Id cents fljcenti iuld by 15 Newmarket Now ojen in all Departments the- Central Business College TORONTO Young Men and Women are coming In from all parts of Dominion to attend our School j because they find with us very superior advantages Our Cata logue explains them for it ENTER ANY TIME W ILSilAVrYVrloolpAl A TORONTO J The officers are distrib uting just now throughout Ontario and the Northwest 220 children who have just arrived from England That pure oxygen may be made a successful antidote to poison Is the important result of experiments now in progress in Berlin at the Institute of Physical Diagnosis under the di rection of Dr a Russian medical scientist in conjunction with Dr Win Cowl of New York In numerous demonstrations unqualified cures poison by morphine strych- and arsenic have been made in the case of rata mice and guinea pigs affected ALSO- PINE SHINGLES LUMBER LATH DOORS AND SASH a OF ALL KINDS PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHESPINS THE WM CANE SONS MFG I i Of Newmarket Limited A Profitable Business Must be run in A Systematic Manner Numerous failures have been the result of a loose operating system We will be glad to assist you by the aid pi Our Filing Devices Office and School Desks WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND PRICES The Office Specialty Mfg BAY STREET TORONTO Factory NEWMARKET For pure blood a bright evea clear t complexion a keen appetite a good digestion and sleep BRISTOLS It arousea the liver the circulation brightens the spirits and generally improves health trfl Juts to BLOOD AM druggist sell BRISTOLS

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