Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 4 Oct 1901, p. 7

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THE NEWMARKET ERA QCT CHINA Clearing up sale of all Summer Shoes and Slippers Womens Misses Childrens at Specially Low Prices Wo do not look for profits We simply want them oat to room for Fall Goods which will be arriving Fancy Groceries CANNED MEATS AC FOR CAMPERS We have the Finest Quality Largest Stock and at Reasonable Prices Weeks WHAT IB QCiHa OH IN ABOUT TOWN Industrial Home The Commissioners met on Tuesday and passed accounts amounting to a pretty Dig surn but it in cludes the quarters salaries of the officers and the winters coal Gospel Meeting last Sunday conducted by the Salvation Army Mr in the chair and Mr A Hunter at The next regular business meeting will be held on Wednesday Oct 2nd when delegates will be appointed for the County Convention to be held in Newmarket on Oct and The last Gospel Temperance meeting was held on Sept trie President in the chair The principal feature of the evening was an admirable address on work and some of the rights we advocate by Mrs Cane the County President Miss Alice Winch and Mrs Rogers each contributed a beautiful solo One the organ Mrs sang signature to the pledge obtained and spoke of temper ance work in Dawson City The The annual Harvest Festival was brought to a conclusion at the Bar racks on Tuesday night and the soldiers over the target reached The Captain wishes us to thank all those who contributed towards its success Press ting The annual meeting of the Newmar ket Curling Club will be held at the Forsyth House on Monday evening at eight oclock Special inducements are being offered to all young men to Join and eflorts are being made have regular nights lor curling The Friends The visit of Rev John Linton and his wife here last Sunday was very greatly appreciated They spent five years as missionaries under the Friends in the Argentine Republic and the account of their Jabots was ex ceedingly interesting and inspiring CHINA In Dinner and Toilet Sets we have entirely New and Uptodate Patterns And Styles an close prices Police Court Tomorrow afternoon two young men who disported themselves Upon the public streets in a manner said to be contrary to the provisions of the bylaw enacted for the preservation of public morals will answer a com plaint before Jackson Those who dance must pay the piper The Leading Grow Telephone Grocery AND Fruit Market Boy The family of Mr John Spring and all neighbors were greatly excited last Friday evening over the disap pearance of one of his boys especially- when a search failed to discover his whereabouts He was hiding in the barn for fear of a promised strapping and returned to the house about mid night- Bill wont do it again Mr and Mrs Spring wish to thank the people for their kindness last Fri day evening Very heavy frost yesterday morning and the leaves are falling fast Somebodys horse pasturing on the corporation flats turned up its toes on Wednesday It should be removed at once before some unsanitary trouble arises Some repairs were made to the base ment of the Model School last Satur day i Masons are repairing the tenement of Mr Sutherland on Niagara St Repairs have been made to the residence of Mr George Wood on Queen street KESWICK On Thursday evening of last week Mr Walton Grand Scribe of the of gave an address in the Hall and reorganized the Division Revs Simpson and also gave stir ring addresses The following officers elected Sister A Morton Mrs S Jesse Council Alfred Morton Con Sister OSBro P Greaves Bro Norman Morton Chaplain Rev Dennen Organist Mrs The next regular meeting will be held next Saturday evening A Jtull attendance is hoped for The new officers will be installed by John Mrs Stephen Draper and eldest daughter are away on a two weeks visit with friends in the city of De troit We understand that Mr Alfred Mo llis residence to Mr of James Kitchen where he has sold Ira Crittenden one of our general merchants A lady clerk in each store now Business must he on the increase with our storekeepers Mr Van Van Norman has purchased the cottage of Mr Connolly on the Lake Shore and intends to fit it up for a permanent residence for himself E York assisted by Mr Warren both of Aurora conducted the service in the Methodist Church- here to a large and audience Last Monday afternoon while Thos Davis accompanied by Harvey were viewing the progress the work on the Schoniberg Aurora railroad they left their horse tied to a tree in the bush and on their return discov ered that the horse had freed itself and was making inroads through the thickly wooded bush dragging the buggy after it The top was badly demolished About 5 oclock Tuesday evening while Mr Kenneth was en gaged at clinching the in a horses hoof in Kitchens black smith shop an adjoining horse made a terrific kick with both feet presum ably at the one he was working at One foot caught him fair on the right side of his face between the eye and ear with such force as to land him out doors while the other foot grazed Mr Walter Davis abdomen and hip bone as he was holding the horse which was then facing the door Ken neth had only a few minutes before taken the shoes off the horses hoofs that dealt the blow and which enters the circumstances and avoided the re lating of a sad and sudden death As it was the unfortunate lad was knocked unconscious and remained so for some hours after Another pro vidential circumstance in his favor was the prompt response of Dr who was on his way to Noble ton and within hailing distance from the shop when the accident occurred When he arrived on the scene blood was streaming from the nose right ear and wound where it was found an artery was severed At the rate the lad was being drained of lifes blood a few minutes would have sufficed for him to bleed to death A stretcher was soon procured and willing hands conveyed him to his home the resi- v You Had Any Yet Sausage 10 cents a pound Fresh Bulk Oysters cts quart KETTUCBY Baskets Grapes this week Buy now before they get nipped with the Quinces Pears Peaches Tomatoes Oysters Sweet Potatoes lbs for 25c Fatal Disease Lloyd Veterinary In- cannot drink tlic for this District was called to the farm in the Town ship of Whitchurch this week to ex amine the disease affecting his horses He found all the horses on the place badly affected with cerebrospinal meningitis Two valuable animals have already died and Hie death ol others is expected The symptoms this disease arc lack of power to swal low the food followed by extreme weakness The Col is satisfied that the cause in the above case is bad water The well is situated under the barn and has not been cleaned for two years Groceries Fresh and Glean Manitoba Family and Royal Patent Pantry Flour GIVE US A CALL mooting Another case of didnt know it was loaded occurred at the residence Mr Andrew Hunter St on Wednesday evening A visitor had Just arrived from Parry Sound and alter tea the conversation ran along the line of hunting and shoot ing A revolver was introduced and passing into the hands of the visitor he snapped the trigger A ball passed into the leg of Norman Bailey a young man boarding at Mr Hunters causing anxious excitement Medical assistance was sent for and the ball was removed in a flattened condition above the thigh- No serious consequences are anticipated It is another case of carelessly handling firearms and it is a good job the ball did not enter a more vital part The harvest is past the summer is ended and thanksgiving is now the order of the day Accordingly the churches have decided to tender the public a couple of hot fowl suppers The King Christian Church catered their hot fowl to the public on Tues day evening last and the Methodist people will on the evening of trie 23rd of Oct Full particulars next week A pleasing event took place on Sat urday last at 2 pm at the home of Mr and Mrs J Lloyd of the Concession when their daughter Miss Gertrude was united in the holy bonds of wedlock to fan Robert Wills Fox youngest son of Mr Fox of Home con cession On Saturday evening last being rally night in the Order the of T here a sumptuous repast was pre pared by the ladles and an intellectu al treat by the presence of the Grand Worthy Patriarch who is always wel comed by the members of the Order here We may say much fruit was devastated especially grapes If they wine they do have a special faculty for putting away the fruit so that an unusually pleasant time was spent Quite a number attended the King Council at Laskay on Saturday last anticipating some sport concerning the levying of the bonus tax but report that the question was not brought up therefore we arc informed that the bonus tax will not be levied The annual Harvest Home Festival of the Christian Church in King held Oct 1st virus a grand success The five oclock dinner served by the ladles was all that could 1e desired as the ladies of King are noted for adapt to occasions of this king At pm the chair was taken by Hon J Davis and an Interesting program was rendered consisting of singing speeches recitations and ventriloquism The crowd was im mense not more than half being able to get sitting room in the church Proceeds upwards of is doing as well as can be expected un der the Very best care and medical attendance Up to the time of writ- ing the physician has not been able to definitely ascertain the extent of the injury sustained hut is very hope ful as to his recovery he will be confined to his bed for some time to come A meeting of the officers and direct ors of Kins Plowmens Association was held at last Friday Judges were appointed and other arrangements were made for the match which will likely be held in the vicinity of The date of the match was changed From the to the 1st November Sentinel Grapes Peaches Pears Quinces Bananas Oranges Choice Cooking Apples 15 cts peck o You Like 100 lbs Star Brand Chocolate Creams reg price our price 12 lb f FANCY BISCUITS varieties 10c lb to lb Robertsons Old Stand GOODS PROMPTLY vric iucQ NOW TIME To Meyers Poultry Spice you want Eggs In the early winter For Sale at PEED STORE Opposite Forayth House Sale Register FRIDAY Oct Mr Hall will have an extensive sale of Horses Cattle Fowl Pigs and farm produce on Lot Con Terms for hay fowl pigs potatoes and all ot and under cash Mr Dennis had his mill thoroughly cleaned out this week Mrs John and two child ren Toronto are spending several weeks renewing old acquaintances in and around Accommodation and provisions have been secured by the chopping section of the railroad gang and meals will be served in close proximity to their work Miss of Chicago accom panied by Miss are at pres ent guests of Mr and Mrs Win Pink er ton Mable Hope of Toronto is spending several weeks renewing old acquaintances in Schomberg and vi cinity Again sneak thieves are busily en gaged in helping to stolen had School No Whitchurch V Class Harry Spalding Edgar Lat- Leslie Lottie Davis Delia Hannati Wright Ill Walter Edna Spald ing Elsie Penrose Pickering Stevens Levis II Colin Bertie Lauretta Willie Jr Eunice Littjohn Jess Penrose Clara Miller Penrose Herb Dawson Da vis Fogal I Ella Fred Reynolds Moss Gladys Penrose Kenneth Jr I Cora Muriel Van- Willis Gordon Ste vens 1st Tablet Lehman Harry Penrose Everett Mill er Clarence Oldham Frank Stuart Starr Albert Clarence May teacher of Plum Hollow was found dead on the road The Grand Trunk carpenter shop at was burned A Metropolitan car collided with a steam corn cutter at York Mills The agricultural machine was com pletely wrecked but the car received only slight damage Indian Head Oct A terrible acetylene gas explosion occurred here last night in the block occupied by Benson Co as a result of which two men were Injured and the Erins damaged to the extent of 57000 Whitby Oct While working a cuttingbox on the farm of Henry Mr Hall a young man years of age had his arm caught In the knives Medical aid was at once summoned but It was found necessary to amputate the arm above el bow too to may cured of croup whooping cough and cold by using VpoCroleno U People tell us we have the finest coffee in town We know that We can prove it by the quantity we sell If you want a cup of good Coffee Rich and Wholesome try our SPECIAL AT LP Main St Newmarket FINE GROCERS Servant Girl Yonjje Street to ANTED BLACKSMITHS Apply at inco preferred J Aurora Oat Wanted In family or Good Yorker preferred Apply to liner Toronto or Mr Martin at A Newmarket Apply to INGHAM Main Street of Jackson Hotel Bees for Sale FOR- or Hive of Usee for Sate Apply to M flhrlglcy Newmarket For Sale Farm for Sale AGUES Boll ttloh cultivation well watered Good building kind or to money on from the GEO Aurora GRAND T RAILWAY SYSTEM roughcast linltib with good alone foundation lot with Situated on Terms easy For apply to Farm for Solo COAL WOOD Nut Stove and Egg FLOUIUd feed In North lot In 3rd known Lake View Farm Very produc tive land well I fenced and round on the lake Kriqulro on JAMBS SMITH Route 1500 to a Week special Excursion Bums over Twelve months I fruits etc Hughes credit on approved joint notes or all her last Sunday per cent of for cash Sale Mr Is also oclock pm Smith fog the loss a quantity apples auctioneer grapes and other fruit Owing to the absence ot over Brown who occupied the pulpit in Tottenham Methodist Church Mr for OCTOBER From NEWMARKET To AND RETURN GOOD FOR DAYS Proportionately low from other an alia on All op BUFFALO with of Canadian cattle have won in prizes at Buffalo of Haiti monument opportunity of thanking cllltcnir of Newmarket and everyone who contributed In way to of tho our for Mich of honor for one life for his and Gauntry after fltfMtngiii mid Slit MBS BDHAINES DUE of YORK CELEBRATION And Military Review TORONTO From all aUtlona King Detroit Mich Niag ara by trains arrirmtf Oct 10th and to return until Oct Full information and tickets from agents Grand Trunk System A McCIjELLAN Agents Newmarket DICKSON District Passenger Agent salary lor an intelligent man or wo man In each town Permanent posi tion cents per hour lor spare time Manufacturer Box Hunter Hunter Have bought the patent right tor the County York for Granolithic Hoofing Cellar Floors and Sidewalk Pittsburgh ttooflng Persona desiring to have old repaired in a way which will prolong the life of the old shingles should con sult the above firm or write Cor in formation Models can be seen at shop on Timothy street TIMOTHY SEED for fall sowing J cor Main A Timothy GOLD Juat cold It lst winter and as water la that which A la oh how cheap try It and rod It will jour checks your broad ffht your quit pinching toenails get Rood and your hair row tblcx and and keep Its color AH brought about by you have for things that coin on after being kept In good condition by use of our Ice A J St J la wells from end to and at per foot Cistern Pumps complete for All New Work Warranted OLD NEW8P APSES- SALE AT THE ERA OFFICE NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Telephone Co of Canada Will issue a new subscribers rectory for the District East Ontario including the Town of Newmarket within a few days ORDERS or new con- changes of firm names Ac should be placed at once to insure appearance in this book STARH Local

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