Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 4 Oct 1901, p. 6

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V- 1 1 a i fcifc t Manufacturer of all kind Also a large stock etc on band promptly 4iCep4JtO ALBERT trowlandTyX Ontario Veterinary College door North of Lloyd Drag Store rf 1 MANAGER Reliable Insurance Liverpool London Globe assets Royal assets 4300OOOOOO Norwich Union capital Perth assets None but companies at lowest rates DAVIDSON Mount Albert PRODUCE MARKET There was an unusually large sup ply farmers produce at the market on Tuesday Prices as follows but ter to eggs to chick ens to ducks to BALDWIN BREEZES 1 WOORH Pays the Highest Price for Grain Seeds Potatoes etc WINDSOR SALT always on hand ALBERT TRY BLAME THE PRINTER Owing to an extra rush of work all wanted as quick as we can get it were unfoftAinately a week behind with the Prize Lists and post ers for the Fair We hope the cause of the delay will be put where it belongs LOST Between Mount Albert and Zephyr about two weeks ago a ladies heavy coat Reward at this office BLACKBERRY CORDIAL AND WILD STRAWBERRY For Djoenterr FLY PADS TANGLEFOOT INSECT POWDER your cattle from flics and get an the flow of Jlk by using our Cattle It will them Forrests Drag Store MOUNT ALBERT FURNITURE t fc You can save money by baying your Furniture at the PL Furniture Store A CAROBH STOCK THAN Bedroom and Parlor Tables Lounges Couched and Fancy Chairs We are agents for Pillow Sham and the celebrated Be ere Carpet Stretcher and Picture Framing a Specialty delivered free of charge when ordered in quantity ALLAN THEAKER WOOL MARKET Take your WOOL to the Mount Albert Woollen Mills and get the highest Toronto prices Cash Full stock Cloths Flannels Sheetings Blankets Yarns etc also a good assortment ot Suitings always on hand 2c extra paid for wool taken in ex change for goods Geo Sons ALBERT DRUG STORE Pure Paris Green In package by Poison Fly Paper TANGLEFOOT Wo alto carry a full Hoe of Patent Medicines among Kern- and Cure and Family Recipes re- attention or WTLLOYD Marked with paint on rump shoulder Any iotormation lead ing to their recovery will be received J PERSONAL Mr has from an extended trip thru Mani toba North West and British Colum bia Mrs Wallace has been fortunate in securing the services of Miss a firstclass milliner from the work rooms of J Toronto Mr Thos Rowland and brjde re turned on Thursday night from their wedding tour Mr J K- was home on a visit to his grandparents at Holt of Holt is ill having burst a Mood ves sel in the stomach CARD OK THANKS I desire to thank tfie many friends who were so kind and attentive dur ing the illness and death of my hus band an3 also those who assisted with the funeral arrangements MRS A Albert TOO A child is born the doctor in at tendance gets the editor gets It is christened and the minister gets the editor gets When it is married the minister gets and a piece of cake and the editor gets In the course of time it dies the doctor gets from to the minister perhaps gets another an undertaker from 25 to The editor prints a notice of death and an obituary two columns long besides lodge anil society resolutions a free card of thanks and a lot of poetry and gets FAIR The Annual Exhibition of the East Agricultural Asso ciation will he held In on Tuesday and Wednesday October and 16th The Officers and Directors have spared no pains to make this years Exhibition the best they have ever held and we hope their efforts will be rewarded with a large attend ance on both days of the Fair Pamphlets containing the rules and regulations and the extensive list of valuable prizes can be obtained on ap plication to the energetic secretary Mr Wight A grand Concert will be held on Wednes day evening October regarding which fuller particulars will be given next week The Hon Biilie Crawford of the Colorado State Legislature is visiting relatives- here is extremely popular with the fair ones especially the blackeyed ones The local boys havent a ghost of a show when hes in sight is a kodak fierniand has taken a shot at all local beauties and celebrities his Owlship Masters How and Crittenden had a party on Saturday and received some nice presents Four teen little folks took tea with them Miss Georgia Crittenden on day returned from where she has spent the summer season We take pleasure in recommending Geor gia as a most admirable young lady One evening we on a pretty blackeyed young lady friend who was entertaining a young gent knock was the signal for a hasty exit We found the fair one all smiles but where was the company Proba bly hiding behind the parlor door I hope he was highly edified by our One of our ladies had occasion to spend an evciiirg in a Quaker home an friend of ours Her atten tion was at once attracted by their quaint dialect What countrymen are they was her query j Reports say fifty game wardens have been appointed for the hunting grounds this season none too many as some of our hunters boast of hav ing violated law repeatedly name is prominent as an exhibitor of stuted birds Did Walter ever tame that Owl or did he stuff it That really is the only reliable way to tame them Liberty of speech like eating and drinking is a grand thing when not abused but when it becomes intemper ate it then is a menace to true liber ty One of the bulwarks of American Constitution is freedom of speech but when it comes to treasonable utter ances such as used by anarchists it should be frowned on Mr untimely death should be a death blow to Anarchism Population in Gum Swamp is rapid ly increasing Some how its citizens are strict in their obedience of the command given Noah when he came out of the ark A spotted Harrier dog like Johnnie followed Wesley from Newmarket last week Mr Miller has returned from Winnipeg much benefitted in health At present he is here at J A Im not much of a stickler for eti quette that is social hut there is that kind implanted in us by nature that every gentleman should possess But do think every loyal citizen every one possessed with pa triotism should when they look on the memorial erected to Private Haines take his hat in token of respect for valor and heroism Miss Aggie Barber is becoming very popular here quite believe some of our young men will want to adopt her as housekeeper bending to the ground With its heavi ly laden stalks The roan that tells the first tB stands no show in this land t Score another win for Hicks almanac It said storms between the and followed by cooler temperature You know that was the case -V- Health and weather keep your eyes peeled for the genuine and only Owl At Home at the Era office in a few weeks The Owl QUEENSVILLE Mount Albert Tennis Club sent two of their out here on Saturday last and suffered defeat in every point The following is the official score beat Rowland Crann beat Tinsdale Wight and Rowland and in doubles Dont forget on Oct and Queensville and Holland Land ing will play a championship football game on the first ifay the after noon There will also be other sports for children on the for which cash prizes be given Dont for get the Concert on the second night An excellent array of talent has been secured for the occasion Reserved seats for sale in Mount Keswick arid Newmarket Mr Robert of Toronto was calling on old friends in town a few days this week We are sorry to report this week the death of Mrs Cooper De ceased has been in poor health for some time and death was not unex pected when she was relieved of sufferings on Monday night last The funeral took place on Thursday to Pleasant Cemetery Toronto Mr Geo Fogg was in Toronto on Monday last and on Tuesday was con fined to his with intense pains in his side and back We are pleased to sea him around again now Painters and carpenters are rushing work on the hotel Mr in tends moving in next week Mr James Cunningham was united in marriage on Wednesday of last- week to Miss Grose Mt Albert- Congratulations The Highlanders band did not need to meet for the marriage receptions this week both the grooms came along and cashed up to the secretary but they did their account in full so the boys say Judge The choir is doing nicely Mr McDonald and his daugh ter Sadie have returned from their visit at Brechin Mr H had a serious time at his clover threshing Miss Sutherland is still Poplar Groves belle Mr J shepherd is Kept busy with the sheep Mrs Wallaces millinery opening on Tuesday was largely attended The trimming of Miss her new milliner is being highly spoken by the ladies Sunday was Childrens Day in the Sunday Schools here A feature was an address to the young by Rev Cameron l Typhoid has made its appearance in the village the victims being Mrs George and her young son aged six The cases are hot con sidered serious Mr Knowles barrister of Newmarket favored us with a call on Tuesday He stated that he will be here every Tuesday and will give bis attention to any legal business en trusted to him Mr Knowlcs is well and favorably known in this locality and will no doubt soon have plenty of clients The date the Library Concert has been changed to Friday October 25th Full particulars next week ZKPrlYu Mr Jesse Cook a deal for acres of timbered near and Intends putting a saw mil upon the land and cutting everything up right there Mr P Barker a young man from occupied the pul pit in the Methodist church on Sun day night and gave an excellent ser mon to a large congregation He is certainly away above the average young men as a speaker and is a credit to the ftfethodlsthurch Stan ley McLeod and A each sang a solo Mrs Geo and took in the PanAm week Miss Keller of Is visiting her old- schoolmates in town Herbert barber of was home over Sunday Herb says he is getting along fine and speaks well boys I think if the terrible Carrie were to visit Sutton she would find much secret encouragement from some for saloon smashing doubt if on the face of the earth there is another spot of similar portions that can get away with a greater amount of booze The scores of noble lives wrecked and blighted in those places of iniquity are a standing disgrace enough to tempt other women to make reprisals with a little hatcher Will Egos patch had son unwelcome guests Will is anil 1 wife is very liberal hearted they feel the visitors ingratitude all the more keenly Our Mrs prides herself on the fact that all her exhibits at the Fair were her own production There are those who have not such a clear conscience Evidently there are some who think father John would make a capital fa therinlaw Im of a similar idea At a recent threshing hereabout it was quite manifest that for profanity arid filthy tongues some of our fathers can fully equal the most debased of the slums of our great cities What an example for their families Sandy Queenaville paid his first visit to Baldwin last week Some of our ladies not so very young either shouldnt cast eyes at be too liberal with their love Wait till youre asked Then youll not be laughed at A Yankee professional nurse is vis iting in Gum Swamp of such liberal proportions in longitude and- latitude that the average man would have to stand on a to kiss her unless she were oi a condescending mood A wedding was pulled oft at last week Lack of space particulars Three strapping young Yankees sons of Darius Michigan arc visiting relatives here Ira Young is suffering an attack of Rheumatics go for the old folks Just one little tear of regret sparkl ed In my eye when I read the iist of Old Boys at the Banquet I fain would have been there some folks were to see Frank Kays crop of corn thered be less blowing He lucres and acres as good as Mount Albert scribe tells of 1 METHODIST CHURCH SHARON Anniversary Services On Sun ilny Service a and On e Hot Fowl Supper and An Excellent Program and To make room for FALL GOODS ARRIVING We are Clearing Out a few Lines of Summer Goods AT- HALF PRICE SEE THEM Preserving Kettles Fruit Jars Tea Kettles Tea Pots Tea Spoons Desert Spoons Table Knives CHEAP ROWLANDS Mount Albert SUTTON Mr Peter McClellan attended the Fair last Tuesday week Mr Johns pur railway conductor has moved from here to reside To ronto curing the winter The Star- Enterprise made a trip to Barrio a week ago Thursday to give parties an opportunity to attend the Fair of that place The Rev went to the city on Monday of last week and re turned on Wednesday The anniversary services were held in the Methodist church Virginia last Sunday and a tea on Monday even ing which was a great success Last Sunday being Childrens Day in the Presbyterian churches Rev gave a very interesting dis course on home mission work by stu dents in Northern Ontario- He show ed the difficulties that are usually en countered and the tact that is neces sary in order to win favor and ob tain a hearing He pointed out that as a rule the missionary met a cordi al reception and treatment but in order to touch their sympathy he roust dress plainly and not set himself up or as though he was a sort of superior being to themselves The held their annual meeting last Wednesday in the Metho dist Church which was presided over by Mrs IS Cane of Newmarket the County President Mrs addressed the meeting giving a resume of the work done during the past year in the lumbering and mining camps of New Ontario in the way of sending literature and useful and necessary articles for men in the isolated posi tion of camp life which gifts are much appreciated by them The employ two missionaries pay their salaries viz Rev John whose field of labor is in District at a salary of a year and Miss Agnes whose work is chiefly in the Rainy River District She gets a salary of a year An interesting program was rendered con sisting of music reading and recita tions various members taking part therein Two new honorary members were added to the Union A very pretty wedding took place last Thursday week at the home Mr Alex of daughter Lottie was joined in wedlock to Mr Joseph O Allan of Scott Tp The bride wore a white dress and carried a bouquet of white flowers Miss Bertha sister of the bride was the bridesmaid and the groom was assist ed by his brother The He v A P Brace of Sutton performed the marri age ceremony in the presence of about seventy invited guests- The bride was made the recipient of a large number of handsome and valuable presents showing the esteem in which she was held by her many friends The happy- couple received a very hearty send off who drove to New market and thence by train to the city to spend the honeymoon LOAN SAVINGS TORONTO CANADA Senator GEO A President ft WOOD and Director Capital Reserve Fund INVESTMENT BONDS No 5 I Shaw Martha Drooks Phil Hamilton Jas Barker Jr Shaw White Ill Jrva Stiles York Wiltord Mary Barker Lillian Johnston Lloyd Pol lock Held Hose Jr Hi Allan Shaw Stuart Moulds Nettie Anderson Gertie Hamilton 13 Glover Walter Linstead lUhcl Slaw Ross Glover Jr Vera Manuel Alex Hamilton Rich Fen- ton Norman Anderson Verne York Archie Pollock Wight Mortey Hamilton Micks Pollock Ross Stiles Stuart Wight I Hazel Shaw Albert Ste phens Verne Darker J Pollock Roy Pollock Jr I Hamilton Olga Shaw Ada Stiles Frank Edwards Present every Shaw Lil lian Johnston Stiles Allan Shaw Kthcl Shaw Stephens Albert Stephens Ada Stiles J Pol lock Roy PoUock Smith teacher No Sharon Morrison Jr- Ill A Watson Vernon Haines M Black Jr Simpson V Morrison Black lbSi J K Nichols Jr Morrison A Vernon Trent Black J Simpson Jr I Morrison Darker Nichols Tablet Simpson H Black L teacher Children Dry for CASTOR I A This Company accepts sums of and upwards issuing therefor its investment bonds payable to the order of party remitting the amount upon the conditions The Company agrees to pay interest able halfyearly The Company agrees to pay Interest from date of money to date of repay ment III The Company agrees to pay exchange on all remittances The Company agrees to cash the bond at any time upon receiving days notice from party Executors and Trustees are authorized by Ontario Govern ment to in the bonds of this 1807 chapter section 5G The Dominion and Ontario Governments accept the Bond of this Company as security to be deposited by life and fire insurance companies doing business In Canada Write for sample bond copy of annual report And for in formation- to W Assistant Manager Toronto Out Our Fall Stock IS NOW COMPLETE We are Showing Good Value in Ready D ALBERT Threshers Supplies ft Beltings Oils Lace Leather Anti- Friction Metals Water Gage Glasses Packings Goggles Belt Hooks and Rivets all at SUMMERFELDTS MOUNT ALBERT Rivieon London Oct A large British convoy which was leaving oo Sept was captured by tho Doers Six native police were killed The War OJUce has received the fol lowing despatch from Lord Kitchener dated Pretoria yesterday Since Sept Boers have been killed wounded prisoners have been taken and have surrendered In addition to the above tbe prison ers taken by the Boers in the attack on Fort on Sept and since released to that they saw 60 Boers burled in the enemys laager WE HAVE A Complete Stock New Fall Goods Time to Buy CALL AND SEE US MSKELLERS The Fashionable Taylor Mount Albert THE LEADING HOUSE SHARON GENTLEMEN We are prepared to please you in New Suitings style workmanship and price Now is the time to order New Suit- LADIES- Our stock of Staple Dry Goods is equal to anything you can buy elsewhere andjust as cheap See our new Dress Goods Groceries Always Fresh R H KENYON

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