Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 4 Oct 1901, p. 5

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a a ONTARIO BANK REST NEWMARKET- BRANCH I General Banking Easiness TRANSACTED interest Allowed on Deposits it CVBSKT BATES DRAFTS ISSUED At and American Drafts and Discounted Collections to Manager Simpson Main St Sundries nod Fancy Good Miss Teacher of KD prepared to take pupils private residence or at of Ave St Weeks -r- IS This Fait was announced to beheld and but the date has been changed to October and is the place where the show held 3 Not Done That We are inclined to opinion that toe Toronto what it was talking- about when referring to recent speeches of the leader the Opposition in the Ontario Assembly it said Ontario is not to be won for follow bad but pricing our stay in Rainy Rivet district it was delightful EDItdltlAIi NOTE The Dominion revenue derived Customs according to an Ottawa de- Mr J P Whitoey by hurrah boys I for the three months ending speeches to the effect that the Con- on the last day of Sept amounts to sedatives never failed to carry On- is an increase of AH i over the same time last Hooking for Office when they were united Such The days are fast Approaching when talk is historically inaccurate and has the man with a hankering for office is effect of American cousins are really wont to stand at public places listen- M of fads parties is for the whispering voice which toe shall first suggest thai he owes it to which imagines that the party are requested to come with the community to it in an bigger than the country Our their right hands securely bound up capacity- Now keep your then calls Mr Whitneys at- They must register their play to the fact that again and the piano make ail the gestures and eat with the assistance of the left hand eyes open NEWMARKET IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call Elsewhere Allan flg A meeting of the Directors of the above Society takes place at the Council Chamber Newmarket to morrow Saturday at pm tor de ciding appeals against prizes awarded at the Fair and for general business Those who have grievances to air or complaints to urge with regard to any matter or thing should put in an appearance at the meeting tomorrow and not go about making complaints of which the officials have no know ledge If you know of some one who has perpetrated a wrong on the Soci ety of obtained a claim upon its funds let the Directors know and thus throw blame where blame belongs dishonesty be exposed if such there be Our own impression is that a good deal of chatter about wrongdoing of exhibit ors and others is simply mere suspi cion and without foundation in fact LOOK YOUR We want to get your best expres sion on the photograph we make for you We can do it by putting good judgment in the posing and snapping the shutter at just the right instant SMITH BROS NEWMARKET omebody Be as well dressed as you can and its good advice But clothes cost money more or less according to quality of fabric more or less according to length pi wear More or less to the thoroness of the unseen work This in side part is the life of the garment It keeps it in shape and is one of toe features which determine its appearance and neatness Call and see us buy Co Partnership Messrs T Hunter and A Hunter have formed a partnership as ft Contractors Builders And are now la a position to take contracts tor all branches Mason Work at Short Notice And satisfaction guaranteed SETTING A SPECIALTY Pol ten for North York Dressing poultry competition was quite a feature at the Whitby South Ontario Fair and we commend it to the careful consideration of Directors of the North York Agricultural So ciety another year The exhibit of poultry here this year was the best and largest ever held showing a wide spread interest in the poultry trade which may be further stimulated and also an- attract ion worth more than a sideshow The Globe re port of Whitby show says in dressing poultry was a far more popular attraction at the Whitby Pair on Saturday than all the side shows in the opinion of Mr Robert of who called on Mr Geo yes terday The demonstrations included lessons in killing plucking and dress ing for the English market an in dustry which has progressed rapidly In Ontario County Police Court Three cases were disposed of on Saturday The first two were tried before Jackson and T J Wood cock J ana came from the other side Holland Landing Clar ence charged that Henry Curtis jr and Win Foster on Sun day night Sept visited his melon patch and that the former bad struck him with a melon It was a bright moonlight night and he was sure that he recognized them For the defence the defendants not only denied being on prem ises but proved by their parents that long before the hour that the was said to have been committed both were Home and in bed This alibi was accepted and the charge dismiss ed The second case was before Mr J Woodcock in which a person nam ed If- Peterson was charged with J The charge was admitted but defendant pleaded justi fication The court held however that there was not sufficient justifica tion for taking the law into his own hands and fined defendant A British naval force is the Conservatives united under Sir John Macdonaid to beat Oliver but got routed horse foot and artillery It is true they car- ried Ontario in Federal contests but this was only accomplished by the help of a gerrymander that robbed their opponents of power rightfully be longing to them by massing liberal voters We have only to afreet at tention to the way tie counties of Ontario York Simcoe and have been manipulated and interwov en to demonstrate the wrong perpe trated upon the people in order to compass just the intended result an ticipated by that gerrymander enact ment viz the triumph the Con servative party in Federal House But the gerrymander wont help any longer and as the Telegram observes they ought to know that the history of Ontario in dicates that this Province is not the chattel of any party The day has gone by to rush a contest to success ful issue on mere blather it takes votes to count at the polls and Con servatives must win voters from Lib eral ranks before being able to count on a victory a result they cannot possibly hope to accomplish by the mere glorification of party for the sake of party The policy of the Ross Government is commending it self to the electorate of the Province and unless Mr Whitney and his lieu tenants can present something better for the peoples consideration and ap proval all his fuss and feathers will be little more than sounding or a tinkling cymbal The Telegram says Fifty game wardens will be put on special duty during the deer season- this fail These deputy wardens will give their whole attention seeing that laws broken in any particular Game Warden Tinsley said that these special duty men would be in the deer country all the season and their instructions were to enforce the law Heretoforeless than a dosen special wardens were on duty while the remainder of the deputy game wardens simply stayed at home and if anything their way they would prosecute It is gratifying to note that Canada is making a splendid exhibit of sheep at the PanAmerican Mr A P secretary of the Ontario Live Stock Dealers Association re ports his belief that a large majority of tlie prizes will come to the Domin ion To a Toronto News reporter Mr stated that in the South down classes Mr John Jackson Addtngton and Senator of Montreal are heavy winners Messrs John Campbell and and J Ml Vernon have made a grand show in Shrophires The LinccJn and Lei cester awards will all be captured by Canadians as the Americans would not compete against them in these breeds through fear of falling far be hind their northern neighbors Mr says that there will be a thousand Canadian entries in the poultry exhibition and a goodly num ber for the horse show Ontario tetemfiowi Wesson Genesis- Oct JOSEPH- SOLD INTO EGYPT Golden Testa The patriarchs moved with envy sold Joseph into but God was with him INTRODUCTION Five lessons of this quarter will be about Joseph one of the most re markable men of history and one of the most suggestive types of Christ in the Old Testament PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS Joseph was the beloved son of his father but the one appointed to reign over all testifying that their works were evil Like Christ he was ready to go on this errand of love thoui he knew well his brethrens hate towards him The ingratitude and perfidy of his brethren in their treatment of him is nothing- to ours in our treatment of Christ They did not hinder the fulfilling of his dreams but furthered it by their plans to upset it just as the Jews furthered the exaltation of Jesus by their wicked schemes The pit was intended to be his grave but may be taken as a type of the death and burial of Jesus Joseph was betrayed by his breth ren for thirty pieces of silver It seemed as if God has forgotten Joseph but he had not It was part his plan As Jacob had deceived Ins father now sons deceived him The trial of the remaining direct ors of the Ville Marie Bank and the brokers charged with conspiracy will take place in Quebec in October Vancouver BC Sept The steamer City of Seattle has arrived from with passengers Crowds of people are now coming out from Dawson The steamer has 300 worth of gold Much excite ment is reported in the Allan district on account of the discovery of what is believed to be he mother lode of the district Amateur Book- Keepers pOH AM kinds of Carting and Teaming done on Short Notice HUNTER Timothy Street East ANDREW HUNTER Street Buggy For Sale Mikado style In good running order Cost cash Will be sold at a bargain Enquire at the Era assassin of President has been to tile in of Oct For Infanta- and Children trating In the Persian Gulf Philadelphia Sept 30 The cricket match between the Ail Philadelphia team and J Eng lish eleven which was begun on the grounds of the Merlon Cricket Club at on Friday ended in a vic tory for the Englishmen who won by a margin of runs Canton Ohio Sept 30 Private Be doing guard duty beside the vault in which the body of President McKinley rests was mysteriously at tacked last by two men Cap tain thinks an attempt was made to blow the vault to pieces as one of the men carried a while pack age While one of the strangers en gaged the attention of the sentinel by lodging about the trees the other struck over the head and also attempted to stab him The blow was so hard that was knocked down a small hill and was unable to gain his feet before the men disappeared in the darkness PAIN OVER THE EYES Headache and Catarrh In AttorneyGeneral Gibson and Pro vincial Secretary have just returned from a two weeks sojourn in the district known as New Ontario and in an interview with a Globe reporter both gentlemen expressed themselves as far from entertaining the pessimistic opinions to which cer tain sections of the Opposition press have given utterance During the last election campaign Hon Mr Strata- ton declared great faith in the future possibilities of that district and now on his return after making extended personal observations has this to say My opinions respecting this district as a part of New Ontario are to a great extent unchanged and what change has been made is in very em phatically strengthening the faith have long had in New Ontario and its great and varied capabilities de velopment had long felt that a vigorous policy of development ap plied to the greater resources north Ontario would be productive of important results to both new and old Ontario so that when Premier Ross formed his government and form ulated his great policy of advancement I was ready as were all my col leagues cooperate heartily in its application and in our visit to the north we saw ample evidence in vin dication of tills policy and the effect It has already produced and in tike promises greater good re sults in the future I firmly that in ten years Premier Ross if his life is spared will have reason to re gard with pride the tremendous re sults in and advancement that have followed his policy of devel opment of new Ontario My prcvi visit to the Rainy River district had been confined to the towns and villages and with all my faith in the value of this district I was hardly prepared for the revelation which a direct visit to the agricultural land presented On the river alone was found a broad belt of agricultural land equal to the area of eight or ten counties in the Midland district and capable of sustaining a population of perhaps hall a million This belt ex tends along the whole river front the Lake of the Woods to Rainy Lake and it extends back miles from a splendid shore line well elevated yet capable of tillage to the waters edge- This waterfront is pretty well settled and the farmer who gives at tention to Mb business does well the best evidence of the of the soil to successful farming afforded by settler from old Ontario Many of their farms and surrounding re mind me of what can be seen in this line in old Ontario with a good leav en of Ontario farmers other settlers will have a model good methods It is reported whether wellfounded or otherwise we are not in a position to say that the recent distribution of lienors in this Dominion has led to a conflict between the an3 the Premier Taking it Tor granted that the report is true the Toronto Telegram remarks Aside from the constitutional aspect the quarrel Canadas sympathies are bound to be with the Prime Minister The exclusion of influences which are responsible for the awarding of hon ors to unworthy persons cannot be eliminated The same journal goes on to say tn the past the Crown in the distribution of royal honors has apparently been advised by its constitutional advisers in Canada the result was bad enough The worthy were exalted with the un worthy Now it appears that Lord wishes govern the home au thorities The result is worse A more absurd distribution of honors than that which marked the arrival of the Duke of York is not within the conception of the pettiest political in fluence in Canada It is a choice be tween the evil of political influence and the evil of court influence and if royal honors are to be accorded any respect in this country lesser of the two evils must be recognized Can have no right place in any business office The student who graduates from the Feder ated business Colleges of On tario with schools at Toronto Hamilton London Ottawa Berlin Gait St Catharines has the advant age of expert training in book keeping ana accountancy No better time tban now to enter British American Business College TORONTO DAVID Principal Thai doll wretched pain In over eyes Is of the the of Catarrh have sown and your which will make this district one of andauresl to the Beating in Ontario of dreaded Dr JjLUBttri ui nil ruin in ten for its is Catarrhal Powder will stop all pain In ten sea in fertility and cure on The Balmoral Motel at Britannia was destroyed by fire and inmates had a narrow escape Mr block in Truro including the opera house was burned Loss Joseph was found guilty of murder at Montreal for killing his landlady Mrs LefeBvre The conservatives Sim coe will meet on Oct to select a candidate for the legislature In Council Bluffs the yards were under two feet of water at one time and downtown cellars were flooded Natural gas in good quantities was struck on the ground of E Carpenter in the west end of town yesterday Ten Boer leaders captured since Sept have been banished by Lord Kitchener accordance with his proclamation Aug last Niagara though not the highest waterfall holds the record for size Thirtytwo million tons of water roll over the cliff In the course of a single Chicago Sept struck a at St Cloud Minn stunning the teacher and thirtysix pupils three of whom were badly burned Metcalfe an nounces that he Is In the for th vacant seat In the Commons for King ston caused by the appointment of Mr M to the Bench Jos Kennedy an whose body was found on the railway near Kingston had stolen a horse at Pie- Ion and In trying to escape pursuit Jumped on a freight train lie was Will Of God Liver Oil give you Ah appetite TONE YOUR MAKE YOU STRONG MAKE YOU ih Trot Ifoipiu or It Onus I Toronto CO Coal Bills annates aoa cure a this continent and as to Us ell- Sold by I- Newmarket do not know what weather killed while trying to alight now a Then why for Soqjo Soaps wont linen without boiling but SUNLIGHT SOAP its a wise economy to buy the belt of Soaps when by to the Reduced per cent to Inferior lowpriced Soaps to Is ting a cent tram fere to purchase a cent article for cents By using SUNLIGHT SOAP save Us cast In the cost of ihe coals un used not to mention the longer life of the articles washed A tablet of Sunlight Soap will do more work and do It Infinitely better than two tablets of common cheap do majority of the public soon find out the lines of economy why SUNUGUT SOAP Is asked for by three people to one asking foe any other In the world THE LEADING HARDWARE STORE STOVES The Latest AND Best Designs SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR FALL STOCK Is arriving daily and as usual we will un dersell every house in the trade TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE SEE the NEW FALL BOOTS In the Latest American and Canadian Styles HATS The Latest Blocks in English and American Soft and Hard Felt Hats Try Red School House Boots the Best School Boots in Can ada Sold at M J SOLID RUBBER Carriage Tires Will hard service An tire Every set guaranteed Can be fitted to any wheel KNOWLES Grocery and Provision Store Best Sugar lbs for Bright Yellow Sugar lbs for lbs Raisins Best Selected for lbs Currants Best Selected Tin Box Biscuits Large for Peas Corn Tomatoes per cam Good per lb or lbs for Try our Tea and per lb Best Value in Town Fruit pec Calces Toilet Soap for Eclipse and Surprise Soap Good Cooking Apples per peck Pickles regular Prepared Mustard Pickles Westons and Cakes Have the waggon call and try them 7

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