Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 4 Oct 1901, p. 4

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r Your fa breathe not Sat there may bo me trben tAnb bad Toucan breath through it Breathing through mouth always bad for tee tans wxl is especially so when their delicate tissues been weak- toed by the acrofatoas condition fctood which catarrh Alfred goffered from catarrh for years lb Pa His head felt bad there was In bit ears be not breathe through of clear bis bead trying eeTeral specifics from which be derived no be was completely cared to bis own by Hoods great radically and cedar by the op the J RobePtsoti Barrister Rotary Street to Loan on good Farm security T Solicitor Notary Public etc omCTDirlaloa Court Ontario Barristers Conveyancers c Choppin doors Bouth of Post Of fice Newmarket Herbert Aurora win Newmarket on Saturday Boss Co and Ontario Bank Aurora t X also be at and Banker p S Barrister Mooes to loan Block Main St Block to Loan A I Post Office Block opposite Methodist Church Satis action dr to Dr Opposite Drug dr R J sprott Crowded out week They Ptrofit by Strikes great steel strike June has ended and as the Independent observes Ended in the way labor crawls back to tbe trough A few tinsmith workers still hang unsatisfied but lei- lows who have gone back to work now call disgruntled kickers strikers simply boost agitators there would be greater se curity for honest and qualified precise terras of agreement between leaders of the Association and officers of the subsidiary companies and the strikers havenot yet been made public but from general information obtainable it is evident that the strikers have failed It is likewise impossible to correctly estimate the vast losses in curred the strike but loss of wages alone will amount to millions of dollars every cent of which is lost as it cannot be made The loss to Steel Trust too must be immense hut by advancing prices that corporation can partially recoup itself but this will entail toss to the general public as a result of enhanced cost of the Trusts pro ducts Hence it may fairly be stated that the strike been a losing game all round little or no gain to any body Connected with most strikes of any importance are many peculiar incid ents and facts some serious others humorous A prominent railroad man who has been mired up in strike troubles in many sections of tbe coun try talking about the recent steel strike to some friends presented a view of the conduct of strikepro moters not generally known He said Did you ever notice what a number of curious people are brought togeth er whenever strike occurs Wait ing for an answer seeing only that his friends expected a story he continued Yes there a number of There is the strike breaker the strike loafer and several others who have a class of own These individuals fairly live on strikes it is their one business in life to follow them up and they drift from ocean to ocean while plying their vocation Take the strike breaker He Is a sort of professional Having learned that a strike is in progress he immed iately puts himself in communication it and RHEUMATIC PAIRS OCT 9oi CAUSED BY AN IMPURE CONDI TION OF THE BtOOD If Neglected They Will Grow Worse and Serious Results Will Follow Can Be Cured The Toronto News observes Way not hare the Provincial November The de feat of the Government would cause general thanksgiving omitted to complete the last sentence I The following should be added to tbe Conservative party which been hankering Wmnwlnnlal century for tiie Provincial for a quarter of Correction of irregular teeth Special At ten I Km Old A From tie Telegraph Quebec Rheumatism is one of the most common and at the same time one of the most painful affections from which humanity suffer It affects the joints and muscles and is character ized even in its simplest form by a dull constant pain While it remains in tiie Joints and muscles is is suf ficiently painful and distressing but as it is liable to attack the vital or gans such as the heart the disease becomes a source of danger and in many instances it has proved fatal Dr Pink Pills possess qualities fox the cure of this disease which are unequalled by any other medicine Mr Cyrus a well known resident of Que bears testimony to the wonderful curative powers of these pills To a reporter of the Telegraph he the following story Until some three years ago I always enjoyed best of health but about that time I was attacked with what proved from the outset to be a severe case of rheumatism from which I suffered great torture I tried a number of the supposed cures for this disease but none them benefitted me I seemed to be constantly growing worse so I called in a physician but as this treatment did not give me re lief I sought tbe assistance of two other doctors but they also failed to help me My appetite left roe my strength gradually ebbed away one of my legs was drawn out of shape and was never free from pain I was in despair of ever being well again when one day a relative brought a box of Williams Pink Pills and urged me to take them He seemed to have such great confidence in the pills that deter mined to follow his advice Today I am happy that I did so for with the use of less than a dozen boxes of these pills the pain from which suf fered so much is all gone and I feel The Minister of Public Works- Otta wa during the past week received a telegraph message from Charle- son announcing the opening of the airCanadian telegraph lino to the Yu kon The tariff from Eastern Cana da is for ten words and 27 cents a word after Messages pass over the lines to Asherolt BC and thence over the Government line to Dawson with the capital end of it and lhan poses to go to work for from one rtirtB A eat for and Life Companies to at Current Office Newmarket R R Ramsay Fire Agent and Isolated Farm Town Property Shop AUCTIONEERS AUCTIONEER collected Newmarket PAINTING fiolton Practical Painter PaperHanger and Decorator HO Corn Street and Rhinehatfc PAINTER prepared to take contract for St experience Grammar School Lot Street MARRIAGE LIOEHSEB Jackson marriage LICENSES At the Baa Once at private If three weeks at regular wages but with a goodly sized bonus attached His position seldom lasts more than three weeks he does not want it to lor at the end of that time he finds himself possessed of a few dollars with which to go on a spree until he is ready to go to the strike centre But your strike loafer theres a character for you He has a scheme Tor Jiving without doing any work at all and at the same time finds him self voted a good fellow He has no trade and is anything hut a mechanic whether it be railroad hands machin ists garment workers what not on strike he is at home in any commun ity All that is for him to know is that a strike is in progress he will accomplish the rest in short order The first business of the strike loafer is to approach the agent who is looking for men to take the strik ers places It Is little trouble for him to obtain promise of employment and he is sent off to the field of ac tion Now is be begins his fine work On arriving at the shop he looks around takes his coat as he was going to work and then in a surprised way learns that a strike is in progress On goes his coat again and approaching the foreman he will immediately declare that he has been cheated adding that no man could get him to work in the place of a man who was striking in order to better the condition of the laboring classes Arguments are useless the man Is determined and out be goes directly from the shop to the strikers head quarter To ears he tells a story to how he was de ceived by the agent who engaged him and how thoroly against his principles it would be to work in a strikers place Incidentally he tells what an awful time be had in escaping from the shop where he declares even force was used to detain him Of course there is a hurry among the strikers who are ready to lionize the man He is care fully quartered and fed for a week or money Is given him to help him out until he can obtain employ ment He remains as long as there is a good living coming to him freely as soon as that shows signs of stopping he departs to look for an other soft In of a strike fore This I owe to Dr Williams Pink Pills and I would strongly urge similar sufferers to give them a trial Experience has proved Dr Wil liams Pink Pills to be without an equal as a blood builder and nerve restorer It is this power- of acting directly on the blood and nerves that enables these pills to cure such dis eases as rheumatism sciatica neu ralgia locomotor ataxia paralysis and all the ordinary diseases the blood and nerves These pills are sold by ail dealers in medicine or can be had by mail postpaid at a box or six boxes for by ad dressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Onfc The Hon Mr Ross Premier of On- had his attention drawn to a cablegram published several days ago stating that be bad made arrange ments for cheaper transportation for immigrants to Canada That is not true he replied I made no arrangements whatever regarding transportation This is a matter particularly within the scope of Dominion Mail and Empire calls at tention to the fact that the Prov ince of New Brunswick has adopted Ontarios plan of farmers institutes and this winter will carry out a pret ty extensive programme Two On tario speakers will assist the local men These are of Myrtle Ontario County who talks on dairy cows and hogs and Rose Hall Prince Edward County whose subject is live stook and general farming The Wilson Star gives warning of the latest swindle across the border and as this class of oper ators soon find imitators in Canada we call attention thereto It says this new swindle is worked by impos ing on the sympathies bereaved friends They watch when a person dies and in a short time send in a book to the express office purporting that the deceased had subscribed for it shortly before his death and asking the nearest relative to settle for it In the majority of cases they pay the hook without saying The Post Office Department has giv en notice that the summer arrange ments for the despatch of mails to Dawson and other places in the Yu kon District are liable to be brought to a close at any time and that when this takes place it will be necessary as in previous winter seasons to re strict mails to letters and a lim ited quantity of newspapers prefer ence being given to single papers ad dressed to private individuals The department cannot guarantee the transmission to the Yukon of any matter other than letters aft lis week that regulations governing grant ing of licenses to in the railway- belt of British Colombia been amended so as to provide that it shall all be manufactured within the Dominion before being exported The Scientific American gives this suggestion to persons who are timid during thunder storms ply put on your gum sbbes or rubbers and then stand so your clothing wont touch anywhere Whether you are in- doors or out of doors you are safe for rubber is a nonconductor and you are perfectly insulated This is worth re membering t Recent advices from Ottawa state that the Mines Branch of the Depart ment of the Interior is undergoing an important change and will now be come a useful branch of the public ser vice A bureau is to be formed and these will use their know ledge toward the exploration of the countrys mineral areas Dr will be at the head of the bureau Every three months a report will be Issued containing the latest and statistics bearing on the mines I Buy When buying a range before you buy and then you will buy a In buying a Happy Thought you have the unstinted recommendation of previous happy Range building is a specialty with us its not a side issue we leave no room for improve ment in our construction of the Happy Thought They are manufactured by THE BUCK STOVR CO Wtnited Brantford Write for BY A NEWMARKET The Globe of Friday last says After a fortnights absence in tour ing the northwestern part of Ontario where they saw much of our new growing regions and delivered a num ber of speeches at meetings in towns and settlements Hon J Gibson and Hon J yesterday returned to their respective offices They looked the better tor their trip and were high in their praises of pros perity and development as well asj the rich promise for the future which they found wherever they went AGONY of SLEEPLESSNESS Did you ever pass a single night in misery tossing and rolling in bed trying in vain to sleep and long ing for morning to come Can you imagine the torture of spending night after night in this way each succeed ing night growing worse and worse This is the most dreadful symptom of Exhaustion and You can be gradually and thoroughly cured of Sleeplessness by the up building influence of Dr Chases Nerve Food It cures in natures way by creating new nerve cells aod restoring lost vitality It is understood that during last week bushels of Canadian oats have been for oats have been purchased for to South Africa These con signments added to purchases Am ounting- to about bushels bought earlier in tbe month less ened the Canadian supply of the cereal by over a million bushels The filling of the orders has stiffened prices quite materially Omaha Neb Sept The heavi est storm of rain and bail for years struck Omaha and vicinity early to day Many telephones and electric light poles were blown down and the street cars were blocked Three men were badly shocked by coming in con tact with live wires but all will re cover Downtown streets were- like small rivers and wooden sidewalks were washed into the streets in a doz en places There was an almost con tinuous succession of lightning flashes which prostrated electric systems dur ing the storm MCMULLENS LONG TERM Imperial Oil Company Ottawa Sept Some import ant particulars have been added to the account of the explosion on the steamer at Quebec Hon J Israel Hon Borden and others of the party were badly burned but the wonder is that the re sult was not more disastrous It is now stated that it was not the ex plosion bombs alone that threaten ed the lives of passengers on the Fron The vessel which had been on harbor work was welt stocked with dynamite and it was from partial combustion of the deadly explosive that the accident occurred It is surprising that the explosion was not attended with more serious results In Eye Glasses that Dont Slip or Pinch A Russian medical man has decid ed that the electric light is least in jurious to the eyes He says that the the lids are closed the greater the fatigue and consequent in jury By experiments tie finds the would close with different illumina tions per minute candle light gas son electric ligjit 18 HOWS THIS We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure J Cheney Co Toledo O We the undersigned have known J Cheney for the last years and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm West Truajc Wholesale Druggists Kionan Mar vin Wholesale Druggists Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure is taken Inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces the system Testimonials sent free Price per bottle Sold by all Druggists Hails Family Pills are the best In reply to a press reporter last week as to what he had to say about Deputy Minister who was re sponsible for the invitations to the pavilion on Parliament Wll Ottawa when the royal party were there for not inviting any clergymen except those belonging- to the Roman Cath olic or English Churches Hon- Mr replied as follows That so far as he was concerned he wanted all religious denominations placed on the same footing on state occasions He had no personal knowledge of what was done in this case and he was not in any way for the invitations The murderer who assassinated President at last turned coward and showed white feather He thought to brave it out but failed When taken to Auburn prison after sentenced to death as in the case of all prisoners the officers immediately proceeded to strip and put on a new suit clothes During this operation cried and yelled making the prison corridors echo and reecho with evidence of his terror The prison physician Dr John Germ was sum- rhonw declared thai the man was suffering from fright and termor but that he was shaming to THE PAIN WAS KILLING revolt In writhing of Its victims until short or Its pans by South Anirtcfcn Our It relieves In six hours and euros in one to thrse days Mr Geo Smith of St Point St Charles from Rheumatism her joints pain was killing Doctor medicines temporarily deadened the but effected no relict She began taking South American Rheumatic Curi and when bad used four bottles was absolutely cured by Lehman Newmarket Auburn Sept 28 Mrs Mary Davis was shot and almost instantly killed at her home here this morning Her son and two companions were loading and unloading a shot gun in the when the gun was accidentally discharged Just as Mrs Davis entered the room tolls when American Kidney Cure him his liberty Michael read in newspapers of South American Cure doctors tried hard and had failed to him he the faith of prophet commenced oso of this greatest of Kidney bis own words Gravel and Kidney had been the of life for eight rears Thanks to American Kidney Cure I am a well man I wish I could every sufferer sound of tor voice for noah l tell Sold by Lehman Newmarket Caught Fife Victoria BC Sept Mr den manager of the mines at Exten sion about 10 miles- from Victoria reports in a telegram that a disas trous lire broke out this afternoon He says Fire occurred in No slope at No level which made such headway that in half an hour after ward it was away up the slope spreading into the airways and work ings of both No and No 3 mines I was obliged to stop both mines up after two explosions Have lost some men cannot say how many Hie latest report which has reached here from the burning mines says that from to lives were lost When we fit glasses thej fit firmly yet comfortably as near the eyes as the lashes will allow each eye exactly through the centre each glass Comfort assured Satisfaction guaranteed Atkinson GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co Jwlry Stori NEWMARKET OF in old man of was run over by a railway en at and killed Children Cry for CASTOR I A Kansas City Sept Armour the packer died at his residence here at six oclock this even ing Mr Amour suffered with disease and weak heart had been sinking gradually lor three days AND PUNY American Nervine Is the for Ills which by humanitys for an existence The eat and run way of living accountable for more mi the pinched and puny faces than any cause under the sun sick attache are prima for Nature foretold the strain that compelled to live under and that the favorite formula mi J Its dally W Cornwall and York will r created put back the bloom of In facts Prince Wales on is return to do toil land j Sold Newmarket EVERY must of ten act as a family physician Pain- Killer for all the little lite cuts and sprains well as for all bowel com- Is indispensable Avoid sub stitutes there is but one Perry Davis and Is Bystander In the Weekly Sun repiarka To enforce the keeping the Sabbath is neither feasible nor desirable Hut it is feasible and most desirable to enforce the keeping the Day of rest He on to deplore the fact that the legis lature of Massachusetts should have thought it necessary to pass an act permitting the Jews to open their stores on Sunday The professors logic is peculiar It Is not feasible nor desirable to enforce the keeping of the Sabbath he says but it is both feasible and desirable to enforce the keeping of a Day of Rest Nay more he deplores allowing Jews to do business on Sunday and yet considers it neither feasible nor de sirable to enforce keeping the Sab bath II is feasible and desirable to enforce keeping a Day of Rest why is it not and desirable to en force keeping the Sabbath If Chris tian nations believe the the Is binding why should not the authorities of tttosc nations enforce keeping the Sabbath as the Day of Rest which the Professor ad mits is both feaMblc and desirable WHAT IS TO YOU you are a victim of piles as one person In every tour la you suffer keenly from one of most torturing ailments known to man and may well wonder if life la really worth liv ing Certain and ultimata cure it awaiting you by means of Dr Chase Ointment It has never fail ed to cure piles Painless and natur ally it allays the inflammation heals the ulcers and thoroughly cures wretched Washington Sept Leaders who have conferred with President Roose velt predict that the dominant note ol his administration will be ism and that he will make no import ant move without being assured of the backing of Congress Ottawa Sept The third action against J Booth the lumberman for dumping sawdust in the Ottawa was withdrawn in the Police Court to day on Mr Booth promising to erect a burner at the end the season HEARTS OH STRIKE The motor of Human falters In rninos of Ito lawful till overwork JUeaM lava hold on It then It aoea on and rightly Dr for the Heart greatest of agents medical has discovered as a heart helper No of Heart Disease It will not spy out and relievo and euro almost like magic What arc your symptoms Suffoca ting fluttering palpitation acute pains thump ing nervousness rMtleisaess Try this great never fails 7 Sold by Newmarket A YOU LOSING WEIGHT The Emulsion will always help and build you up Restores proper ingestion and brings back health Manufactured by the Davis Lawrence Co Ltd Save Fighting in DETAILS OF THE OF BOTHAS London Sept 2D Gen Kitchener telegraphs to the War Office that Gen Hamilton has inflicted heavy losses on the Boers at Zulu- land The enemy attacked in force He is now pursuing them Pretoria Sept A portion Gen Bothas forces believed to be under command of and elaar have gone to the southwest They attacked two blockhouses on the Zulu frontier but were repulsed with heavy lose The main body the Boers now in the Mountains The trial here of the accused of traitors has resulted In their conviction One was sentenced to penal servitude for life three to five years imprisonment four to years and others to smaller terms Doers recently blockhouse miles east of here with a white flag A sergeant went to meet them and was told that they wanted to see an officer Mei er went to them when the shot him through the stomach and him Tho Whole Story In letter vj From Polled No Montreal Dans stotn- rktvTatinn tfttt and all which sll men no hesi tation that it but to hays near at hand Externally Two BUM and bottle King Christian after a struggle lasting for over thirty years with the liberal party in Denmark during whole of which time he has persisted in intrusting the conduct of the Gov ernment to Conservative Cabinets in spite of the fact that the Liberals possessed overwhelming majorities in lower house of the national Legis lature at length thrown up sponge metaphorically speaking and for the first time in his reign has con fided the reigns of power to an admin istration that is not merely Liberal but Radical Dreadful Kidney Pains Gould Not Rest or Sleep A Conductor lie Wow Uvea Dr Clues KldncyLlYe Fills Credit tor the Car Mr Conductor on the writes I years and for ten Buffered from a sever case Kidney and Backache a trouble common to railroad men It used ma all up to walk and waiktna- up Wit I would to lift down to get relief my back so bad I could not sleep than half the then didnt stem to get any rest I had used all aorta of medi cines and was pretty badly discouraged when I heard of Kidney- Liver After using two boxes of treatment I found it helping me and five boxes have made a com plate curtr I now reat and sleep well my back strong and old trouble has entirely disappeared Many peo ple to whom J have recommended these pills have been cured Anyone wish ing further particulars write me The sale Dr Chases Pills far exceeds of any remedy trial enough to con vince anyone that this l the greatest family medicine that money will buy One pill a cents a box at all dealers orlfcimanflon Bate Co To ronto

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