Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 4 Oct 1901, p. 3

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I r V jt Weeks Itoeal Hems Reserve the took out lor something good on This is the date I tie School Cojiencement JJS Local talent will be assisted Owen A Smiley who is Jurpassed as an impersonator and sketches axe original bright Further particulars next ffeek splendid Mr Well of Toronto old boy photographer Scene here on Sept If Copies on view at Watsons and axe greatly admired The is a bare been lef there Presbyterian Church Last Sunday was Flower Day and the was prettily c addressed the pupils of the School in the morning and The evening the local Orangemen tended service in a body when Rev preached a good There was a splendid attend ance Convention at The Executive of York County met in Toronto on Saturday last to arrange for their annual con vention to be held in Newmarket on Oct 1Mb and A very fine pro tram is being arranged and it is hord ed that all Unions in the County will te represented Fuller particulars in weeks paper Rates Excursions on all lines are announce to Toronto nest week on account of the Dukes visit The city is more elaborately decorated than ever be fore and the occasion will be one long to be remembered The will run a special train from Toronto to on Friday night leaving the Union Depot at oclock and at The members of Co No Regiment will parade to the Presby terian Church nest Sunday afternoon at accompanied by the Citizens Band when the Chaplain of the Regi ment Rev A will de liver an address It is expected that the Volunteers will leave for Toronto on Tuesday to take part in the Grand Review before their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York it School now with more to follow- twentyfive axe taking typewriting and over forty have begun the study of shorthand- Tuesdays dailies publish a list of successful matriculants and among them we notice tie name of J Robertson as having passed Part of Matriculation The school promises its patrons a good time on the evening of October Another Bad Poll This is season of the year when much climbing is done in the orchards and people should take warning about being careful Last Friday AUord son of Mr of this Town fell out of an apple tree and was nearly- killed He was in bed for three or four days on ac count of his injuries rib bones were broken and is now getting around again Onion meeting The prayer service in all the churches was withdrawn last night in favor of the Lords Day Alliance when Rev J Shearer the energet ic Field Secretary was to give an ad dress in Methodist Church It was expected that there would be a attendance at this union meet ing as the importance of the work of this organization cannot be overesti mated and Mr Shearer is a very forcible speaker The Newmarket held their annual meeting at the home of Mrs Hughes on Tuesday last When reports of work done during the year were brought in As the York County in tend holding their Annual Convention in Newmarket on October and a special meeting was called for Tuesday next at oclock at the home of Mrs Hughes to for it also to elect of Departments lor the coming year All members particularly requested to be present the Ladies Aid of the Christian Church has decided to bold their an nual Hot Fowl Supper on of November Owing to the festivities in Toronto J next week at which a number of our have signified of attending Harvest Home Impressions of a Visitor ft i The editor of the Era and wife had the pleasure of couple of days in Acton last week the guests of Mr and Mrs P Moore whose palatial surrounded by a most beautiful wellkept lawn which furnishes an object lesson to the citi zens generally and must have an im portant reflex influence the general with the Methodist Church tidiness of the corporation The has been postponed till Tuesday Oct grass is a velvet carpet bordered by over flowering geraniums and 100 canas with an artistic fountain in tbe rear and the whole surrounded by a low cedar hedge a town of its site Acton is one of the most progressive in the pro- The population only about but they have a elec tric light civic service streets bet ing well lit by some and upwards of a mile of granolithic sidewalk gives an uptodate appear- The latter is put down by the cor poration on the frontage plan the cost being per square foot and over twenty Clubbing NOW is the Time to Subscribe We have completed arrangements to sup ply the following papers for 1902 the balance of this year Free to those not receiving either paper Cash to accompany all orders Bra and Weekly includ- Premium Picture Era and Farming World- gtui NEW ARRIVALS Broken Mrs Lloyd of Whitchurch met with a very painful accident on the tax being extended day of week She was walking j years Newmarket needs something across the floor when foot turned like this it is a long way cheaper and she fell breaking both bones of than lumber in end and gives a hex right limb just above the ankle substantial aspect Mrs Lloyd has been very poorly all summed which makes her case all the more pitiable She suffered a good deal but has been more comfort able the last two days Good Shots The following volunteers from New market and Aurora attended the Rifle Hatches at Toronto garrison last Friday and with one exception all won prizes viz Lloyd Adj Allan Paymaster and Lieut Howard of New market Major Hillary and Lieut of Aurora The weather was fine and there was a good attendance flcuoitlng Development V The development of a peat industry at is causing quite a stir in the northern part of Ontario Coun ty and awakening considerable in trade centres of the Province The Ontario Government whose mem bers take a lively interest in any and every enterprise calculated to develop Ontarios resources sent Mr Car ter secretary of the Bureau of Mines to last week where Mr Alex Dobbin is producing eight to ten tons per day of peat The whole of his product is locally con sumed Mr Carter brought back a number of samples for analysis and from a cursory examination is well pleased with the peat as a fuel The Peat beds along the Holland river should now attract the atten tion of capitalists The home trade would consume an extensive output as the analysis already made proves that the peat is of excellent quality Here is a chance for some enterprising man with small capital to start a sure thing to make money Royal Visitors The special train carrying the Roy al Visitors is expected to pass thru Newmarket during the noon next Thursday- It is said that intend to decorate the station Everybody in Town should have their flags floating that day The Council should get the train to stop long enough if possible for our citizens to catch a glimpse at the future King of England The masons have commenced foundation of a new house for Mr J E Cane which he proposes to erect for Mr It is on the cor ner of Huron street and Prospect ave a splendid building lot and the house will show to advantage Wa ter wjrks connection was also made this week Mr Keiths residence has been by a new coat of paint Mr J has removed the fence in front of his residence and made a general clearance drug store has been en larged by the extension of theshclv- ing twenty feet to the and other improvements Fancy French Flannels in Polka Spots and Stripes Home Spun Cloths and Tweeds in all the Latest Colorings Mens Underwear frum the Cheapest to the Best HOSIERY Our stock of Hosiery never was so complete before LADIES WINTER UNDER VESTS Price starts at 15c up to 1 Black Saxony Wool per oz At BRUNTONS It was too bad that the people stay ed away from the Rally on Sun day morning on account of the rain Mr Fred of gave a splendid address and also preached an excellent sermon He is a chip off the old block and when he finishes his College course a bright future before him Messrs Wesley and Lehman also spoke at Rally The pastor Rev J fcveringham preached in the even ing fit Home The a very en joyable At Home last Monday even ing in the Lecture Room of the Metho dist Church The President Dr Richardson presided with Mr Jackson as organist During the evening solos were well rendered by Miss of Buffalo who also sang a with Miss A very hour followed giving the new students at the Model and High Schools an opportunity to get ac quainted with the young people of the church including an autograph game in which Mr David headed the list They all say they had a good time and Very market last Saturday Butter firm from to a pound but eggs jumped up as high as a do The buyers started at He but the local demand at once raised them to Quite a lot poultry Dressed chickens to per pair live Dressed ducks a pair live Live turkeys per lb Pigeons pair Vegetables in abundance Potatoes CO to per bag Pumpkins and each Onions peck Carrots Cooking turnips a bushel Celery cabbage cauliflowers Ac as usual more plentiful Apples from to basket and from to per barrel Crab apples a peck Pears to a basket or a bushel and each Double Wedding We clip the following from the Mercury of Sept 27th While the present month has been very fruitful in weddings one that possessed a character all its own was that celebrated at on Thurs day afternoon at the residence of Mrs James Wright Norwich street It was a double wedding when Miss Rachel Wright became the bride of Mr Joseph To veil and Miss Agnes Wright was united to Mr Herb Connie The marriage was celebrated in the parlor of the residence which with the rest of the house had been very prettily decorated with flowers ever green and hunting The ceremony was performed by Rev Dr Cornish It is a peculiar coincidence that Rev Dr Cornish was also the officiating clergyman when Mr Herbert Wright brother of the brides and Mrs Wright and Dr and Mrs were married this also being a double wed ding About fifty guests witnessed the ceremony for the most part rela tives of the contracting parties Among those from a distance were Mr Mrs Jackson New market Mr Isreal Kelly and Mr Ernest Kelly West Miss Clarke of Woodstock Mr and Mrs Watt Salem Miss Nellie Wright Mr and Mrs Dun- das and Mr and Mrs Gall During the entry of the brides Mr Edgar Jackson of Newmarket play ed Mendelssohns March and at the conclusion of the ceremony and coni Departure March The brides were given away by their brother Mr Wright After the ceremony a dainty luncheon was served the diningroom nephews and cousin of the brides acting as waiters brides were remem bered by their friends with a large number and costly gifts Instrumental music was also render ed while refreshments were being serv ed by Miss Clarke of Woodstock Miss of and Miss Sun- Icy of this city Mr and Mrs Tovell and Mr and Mrs left- by the evening trains on their wcddfng tours after which they will return and take up housekeeping the city Rest On Wednesday afternoon an old re sident this place away in the person Mrs Daniel who was iri her year and whose husband died over years ago The old lady has been very poorly for over a year and was very attentively cared for by her maiden daughter She has been gradually growing weak er and a few days ago fell to the in crossing the bedroom Wheth er this hastened her death or not is purely conjecture as there was noth ing to show that she received any injury She was a faithful member St Pauls Church The funeral will take place at oclock this after noon interment at Newmarket Ceme tery Last Saturday was an epoch day the history of Acton when the citi zens sealed their loyalty and recog nized the bravery of one of her sons Gunner Moore of Battery who died in South Africa by unveiling a mas sive granite monument suitably en graved in the presence of peo ple which included the artil lery two companies volunteers the Georgetown military band and the Acton citizens band Appropriate addresses were delivered by military officers members of parliament and others The monument is placed at the entrance to the Cemetery and is another tribute to the influence of the Free Press the cost being provided by voluntary subscriptions thru its columns The Cemetery is corporation pro perty and is under the control of the Council The site is a wise choice nature having done much which will add to its future beauty There are acres enclosed and a natural grove at the rear at a high elevation forms a beautiful background It is only or years since it was surveyed but there has been great development and the public take great interest in it as manifested by the numerous flowers and wellkept grass plots last Saturday which should he an incen tive for an annual Decoration Day not yet established by the Acton people We also commend to their considera tion the adoption the Statutory Permanent Care of Lots Fund as are told that already number of burials have taken place and no friends remain to look after their graves This ensures perpetual attention where ever adopted and a Cemetery which today is such a credit to Acton should use every facility for its future repute CORNER Baking Powder is Absolutely Pure The Cheap Store 21 Departments Try us for what you want and get our Prices and Miss Jackets and liive New York Fall Trade Letter Regarding Mantles Regular meeting of Town Council next Monday evening Council meets at Sharon on Saturday the Slim attendance at the churches last Sunday morning on account of wet weather The lime has surely come when ladies should insist in having- pockets in their dresses They have been victims of a foolish style long enough By the time they have all lost a purse or two they will wonder why they submitted to the decree of fashion so long Another fancy sign lit by electric ity has been suspended in front of Hardware Mrs Wismer has the thanks the editor for a large bouquet of the most handsome dahlias we have seen this season This is the last day Fair fnethodiBt There was a fair attendance at the Rally on Sunday afternoon and it proved a very Interesting session Rev John Linton a returned mission ary from South America gave a splendid halfhour talk to the children regarding his work On Sunday evening Mrs Linton gave an account of her experience as missionary In South America which was listened to with very great at tention She left many impressions in favor of missions with the audi- Next Sunday morning the tegular monthly Fellowship Meeting will ake place commencing at oclock It is hoped that will be a large attendance The Pastor who has the honor of being Chairman of the Bradford Dis trict this year fa to preach at Shar on at next Sunday morning and Rev J Simpson of villc quite a gifted young man will supply here Mr to be back lor Sunday School and evening The trade in export cattle in Toron to this week was brisk The quality was not extra but supplies were not equal to the demand- The general run prices lor exporters was to with a few of the best up as high as Import bulls sold at S3 to and feeding bulls at to Good heavy feeders would bring about to Good light are to with heavier ones up to Offcolors Jerseys etc are to Good butchering cattle arc in keen demand at to with possibly as high as in some cases Dry cows arc to with as high as 350 for good Calves are very high running up to per Mi- Milk cows are in active demand at to for good ones Sheep are easy at about to with bucks and lambs to 1 each or about per lb The hog market is a little easier with selects at to 7 374 with second quality at Oct wheat per bushel oca White Wheat Goose Wheat per bushel J to CM bushel Oata per ft Rye per i 0 i Ifl 1M Hogs per a fore a a per pair a Duck per a Turkey per a Local Manufacturers are all at sea as to the style trend for this season Some are enthusiastic in their Ultra Long Garments some pin their faith to Threequarter some oracularly declare that there will be nothing in it but 40inch Garments while others are equally confident that and inch Jackets will constitute the Bulk the Seasons trade One prominent is radical enough to advocate a 19inch Garment and making his strong play thereon Trade Exchange We Have Them All a fl a a a a DM to OH The inch 36 inch 33 inch 30 inch inch 25 inch inch 21 inch inch UPWARDS OF Direct importations from Berlin Germany the Worlds Fashion Centre of the Mantle Trade All Garments 33 Different Prices Banging from 3 to 127 INVITATION a HOI barrel a CO White Wheat per Q a Wheat per a Buckwheat a Barley per per m Butter per ton per bag W a a a a a a a We will bo pleased to hate you me and inspect our Stock In fact we Specially ana invite you to come that we may show how well We can serve you with Right Gar at Right time Won about the Right Prices Newmarket Ont

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