Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 27 Sep 1901, p. 7

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9 THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY sept 7 Weeks J WHAT OX IK ABOUT up sale of all Summer Shoes and Slippers Womens Misses Childrens at Specially Low Prices We do not look for profits We simply them out to make room for Fall Goods which will soon be arriving Fancy Groceries CANNED MEATS FOK CAMPERS have the Finest Quality Largest Stock and at Reasonable Prices In Dinner and Toilet Seta we have entirely New and Uptodate Patterns and Styles an close prices RA The Leading Sellable Grocer Telephone GDI Hollers Grocery AND Fruit Market Harvest Home The Harvest Home in connection with St Pauls Church Newmarket will be held on Wednesday Oct Appropriate Gift The handsome picture of the late Haines that adorned the ei- Direct ftfrica goers published in the Era by permission being driven close to our lines and it Aug 9th was expected they would break thru Parents Brothers Sisters account of my not writing sooner but Mbit of Smith Bros at the Fair was tte re is we are away out now presented to the Public School Board whatever and being week by Mr Smith to be of writing material I could not In Model School The portrait is any until now I have received 20 inches or try to do so I was on first lief at our post which was from to I know you will be very anxious on at night It was very dark and Too much A man from West Gwillimhury who came to one had to trust to his ears as see ing was impossible So about oclock hang bang came from the on our tight then from toe post on our which was answered from the front by the Boers they could not be seen they got it hot from all sides I can tell you it is great music to hear those Lee in that be fell horse went home without him man had to foot it home next The morn- letters up to No and also three Eras The last one had the Life of a Pail written by Jones I can tell you it just seemed as if I was home again to see the Juliets and the Boer Mausers whistl- the Fair on Thursday spent Era at hand and read all the the darkness of the Town and started for home home news hut sorry to hear of some However things soon cooled just after dark He was so boozy j changes that have taken place since I any casualties on our out of the buggy and the have been away side are safe in our I am as well as usual and contented easily keep off a large as possible Since I wrote you last j help arrives we have moved a good many times Yesterday the August was ana are all out on outpost duty now day for the Boers and they There is a line of the between exp to be delivered today but I 60 and miles long stretching from think can see the finish to their Elands river to Springs and all the I dont see how they can troops are divided up into squads of longer as they have seven men and these squads are placed such hard time getting anything to i of a mile apart in a blockhouse or covered trench and we are constantly a great up here for on the alert for the columns axe mines they are driving the Boers down to us andwe working now and everything is are to stop them getting thru There are several gold ine mining shafts close to us awl we so We advance about miles every one to get wafer or so and I can tell you we are it is coming spring here now kept pretty busy for we have to dig ate still very chilly but a large covered trench and then can notice the ing room besides Just about the time we get everything down to per fection we have to pull up and move and dig up another place I think The melon Season Two young men residing the neighborhood of the Soldiers Bay in East will appear before E Jackson J P tomorrow after noon on a charge of unlawfully visit ing Clarence melon patch- including also a charge of assault in the case of one of them Sometimes nightprowlers get into unexpected trouble Alteration in Pouter The Office Specialty Co is making quite a change in the water riant Since enlarging the Factory they find that the small waterwheel is of very kittle service and workmen are engag ed this week taking it out altogether and placing the other two wheels to better advantage This accounts for the water in Fairy Lake being so low at present Current While on duty at the Power House the electrician Mr Kitchen is put ting his spare time to good advant age He is constructing a permanent Testing Board for lights suf ficient room to enlarge to 60 lights if necessary It will be placed at the south end of the Electric Light Sta tion and will be used in examining meters and incandescent lamps to see that tiey are correct to be felt in proper style Orders have come out to the effect that- hostilities are to cease this month and that rneh are to we are trying undermine the Trans- home If that is correct I guess The Rev John Linton a missionary for five years in the Argentine Republic South America will be in attendance at the Friends Church St accompanied by his wife next vaal We have a very snug little place to live in at present A large trench over feet deep well covered in and made bullet proof then a covered trench leading in to our liv ing apartment which is 12 ft square and over ft deep so we are quite secure There is a lot of firing going on around here and burning of We got special orders last night to keep a close watch as the Boers were we will move into some barracks and thengo out on police duty think I have told you all the news for this time not forgetting to thank the Editor for sending me the Era and remember me to all inquiring friends From your loving son BROCK No No Troop A C Eastern Division Heidelberg South Africa Idle around the Hub AND COlt RESPONDENTS FIND TO resident of Mr and Mrs Simpson of Thornton were visiting at the Parsonage last week I Mrs was visiting in Albert and Port Perry last week Mr J McFarland has been indis posed with asthma for a couple of weeks but we are pleased to see him Endeavor bath morning and evening The evening service will be principally de- about thirty in number gathered voted to giving an account of his Morton Park on Saturday for a Newmarket also missionary labors in that country presented Mrs Morton AH are welcome and a cordial invita- chair and an address A pleas- M of Toronto were ant time was spent in spite of it be- also Misses ing cool weather tion extended WANTED A Large Quantity of Crab Apples by the Barrel Peaches Plums Almost done for this season Buy this week Your last chance Choice Concord For Wine and Preserving York Board Met on at the Inspectors office All members present Appli cation of W T accompanied by petition of more than a majority of the electors of Polling Division No 3 of East Gwillimbury was placed Our Sunday School was favored last Sunday by having Mrs dick speak a while on the lesson It being Temperance lesson she made it very interesting T Union held their annual meeting on Sept with election fore the Board No counter petition presented The Board by motion of officers and Supts as follows granted a Tavern License for the President Mrs H A Winch COME IN and see the nice we are selling so cheap We do not ask fancy prices Have you used the SOAP It is a labor our window display premises known as Queensville Hotel to Nichols for remainder of License year Board adjourned to the call of the chair fit liQSt Danford Roche Gos direct impor tation from Berlin of German Tailor Made Mantles that they expected a month ago arrived on Wednesday The delay was caused by the Manu facturers in the Worlds Fashion Cen tres not being in accord as to connect lengths of garments for this season This point has now been settled and Roche invites the public to inspect their stock of the Newest Uptodate Stylish Gar ments RAISINS This Have you tried the New Break fast Foods BISCUITS LIFE CHIPS FLAKES Choke Dairy Butter H Old Stand GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY NOW IS THE TIME To Meyers Poultry Spice you want the early winter For Sale at FEED STORE Opposite Forsyth House A fractious horse on Prospect Wednesday of last week broke the shafts and dashboard of the buggy to which it wad attached Mr Waters expects to leave for Cal ifornia next week He Is shipping there some articles he got hold of that came out from the Old Country or years ago There is quite a craze in California for oldfashioned furniture The Industrial Home Commissioners meet next Tuesday The only change in the Live Stock Market this week is an advance of in hogs We printed extra papers last week but they were all gone on Mon day Mr Jamea Kavanagh and Mr Asa Phillips St have the of the editor and for baskets of beautiful green corn on Wednesday Fair Sept and for complimentary Vice Mrs Rogers Mrs Mor ton Mrs Secretary Miss Winch TreasuxeorMiss Morton Auditor Mrs Rogers A Evangelistic W Winch Press Mrs McCordick Mrs A Winch Journal Mrs Railroad Mrs McCordick Lumbermen Mrs Purity Mrs Rogers Scientific Temp Reports from Secretary Treasurer Railroad Press Evangelistic Journal and Lumbermen were given by those in charge of the work When it way learned that Mrs Mor ton had permanently removed from Belhaven to Morton Park it was felt that some recognition should be made the appreciation felt her fellow- workers of the active part taken by her for so many years in and WCTU so on Saturday last a number of her friends held a picnic at Morton Park When about to leave the table Mr King brought out a handsome Rattan Chair was presented to Mrs Morton by Miss Winch Mr Winch for the Mrs for the Mr for CE and Mr King for her friends generally each spoke a few words expressing the sense of loss felt at Mrs Mortons removal from amongst them and the hope that she might long be spared to labor for the good of others Mrs Morton re sponded thanking those present for their kindly feelings towards her well as for Its tangible expression Press gem I Nothing better than a nice dish of Porridge made from our famous Pan Dried Rolled Oats The finest goods manufactured Rich nutty flavor If you have not yet tried them do so Once tried always used in Our Grocery Cream Sodas 3 lb tins Bars Soap 25c 1 lb tin Baking Powder 15c Grapes Peaches Pears Tomatoes Bananas Melons on Main St Newmarket I FINE GROCERS Fresh seasonable fruits received daily Love of Aurora and Miss Williams of Newmarket were visiting at Wights on Sunday Mr and Mrs Jackson of Ont were visiting at J I Moores a few days this week MissAlice Low was visiting in town on Sunday Mr Kavanagh is visiting in a few days week The Methodists intend holding their anniversary services either on Oct or Oct later Next Sabbath is Childrens Day in the Presbyterian Church Special childrens service will be conducted by Rev Arthur A very pretty house wedding took place on Tuesday last at the home of Mrs A Eves when her youngest daughter was united in holy bonds of wedlock to Mr Bond The ceremony was performed by Rev A Brown of Miss Sarah Bond sister of the groom was bridesmaid and Mr Harry Richard son of Toronto was groomsman The bride wore a beautiful gown of white brocaded lustre and carried a bouquet of white asters About forty guests were present being only the immedi ate friends and relatives of the con tracting parties The presents were numerous and costly including a beautiful clock presented by the crolr of the Church of foth the bride and groom were members The happy couple left for a short honeymoon after which they will re side in Judge be Our adversity should often spelled perversity Forty mounted police will go from j Mr J Turners a few days Calgary to act as an escort for the week Mr Alex and Mtss Emily are visiting friends In Ltstowel Ont Mr and Mrs also Mrs Ash- ton of Rat Portage were visiting at this Miss Penrose of Thornbury is visit ing aunt Mrs James Bain of Cornwall in Victoria and Vancouver Mrs MoMMIan a second victim of the St Catharines carriage at Mr Wright Foggs dent is dead and a third lady is still older residents will critically ill Sole MONDAY Sept 30 Mr Freeman Toole will have an extensive and unreserved credit sale of farm Implements and household furniture on lot in the rear of Con of Whitchurch months credit on sums over except for pigs and roots or per cent of for cash Sale at oclock sharp Smith auc tioneer WEDNESDAY Oct Davis Mc- will have an extensive sale of stock and implements on lot in the Con of North bury Terms mos credit on sums over Sale at 1 oclock harp W Kavanagk KETTLEBY A time is expected at the Harvest Home Festival of King Christian Church next Tuesday even ing Tea will be served from 5 to oclock after which a very attractive program will be rendered including singing by Mr and Miss of King City and Mr J McKay of Newmarket ventriloquism by Mr of Newmarket speeches by Revs of Freebury and of Lloydtown and of Newmarket besides read ings and recitations Hon J Davis has kindly consented to pre side Mr Geo Pearson of and Miss Andrews Aurora were calling on old friends here last week Miss Dais of Michigan is visiting with her uncle Mr J Davis Mr is spending a holiday with relations in section Mrs M and daughter Mary have been- visiting in city the past ten days Mrs David Terry is so seriously ill as to require medical aid and special nursing Railway men consider tills village a dry one but nature sullies all the liquid element needed for quenching their thirst Mr and Mrs Levi Watson Mrs Williams of Nebraska and Miss Lihbie White of Aurora drove to Gladstone on Saturday last a dist ance of about miles to visit Mrs nee Alrneda Hmbleton Mrs Ellis of Is visiting with her sister Mrs of the line On Thursday evening last Mr left for Mich on a visit to Dr Watson Ed note Balance crowded out as copy only reached here yesterday fore noon WANTED Young or middle aged woman for general house work wages per month faro paid Apply Mrs Richard Baker borough Ave East Toronto to Rent Apply to 8HAHPB Main Street one door south of Hotel Coal for Solo In Apply to O J WILSON The Cedars Newmarket Bees for Sale Apply to i M VKUNON Newmarket For Sale Durable roughcast flntsb with good foundation lot with stable shade trees Situated on south aide street Terms easy For par- tloular apply to Newmarket WANTED A Cook Apply at Thomas John the Mrs of is visiting thirteen-year-old- son of Mr Alex Some of the Anderson South Dorchester fell on remember Mia his bicycle on Saturday broke bis as Miss Rose Watson a form- neck and was instantly killed ROYAL HOTEL Ladys Gold On Fair around tat day of the show Finder win bo rewarded by leaving same at this Farm for Sale In North lot In the 3rd known as Lake Vtcw Farm Very land well and lake shore Enquire on the JAMK9 SMITH Ladys Lost Left on a window sill at the Jackeonllouso IssrHaturday Finder will be rewarded by It office WEN TELEPHONE DIRECTORY The Belt Telephone Co of Canada Will issue a new subscribers di rectory for the District of cm Ontario including the Town of Newmarket within a few days ORDERS for new com changes of Arm names should be placed at once to insure appearance in this book STARR Local Manager WESTERN EXCURSIONS SEPT 26 I From NEWMARKET To Port Huron Mich Detroit Mich Saginaw Mich 835 Bay City Mich Cleveland Ohio 875 Grand Rapids Mich 1030 Columbus Ohio Chicago 111 Cincinnati Also to St Paul or Minneapolis Minn All Rail via Chicago or North Valid to Return until Monday Oct RimROAD DAY Tickets to Buffalo on all trains on September the Returning by all regular trains Sept Fair from Newmarket Full information and tickets from agent of M DICKSON DiHtrict Passenger Agent FOR COAL WOOD Rescreened Nut Stove and Egg FLOUR FEED TIMOTHY SEED for fall sowing J cor Main A Timothy I Just as cold It last winter and as pure as sparkling spring water la that whioh A Is supplying and oh Just try it and red It will cheeks your shoulders broad and straight corns quit plnoblnir in growing toenails stop hurting your hair get good and glossy grow thick and curler Keep Its color All brought about by tao you have for things that on the tab after being kept in such pood condition our Ice A I

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