Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 20 Sep 1901, p. 9

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THE NEWMARKET ftflfr- FRIPAY jfpyjl 1 Fine Procession Unveiling of the memorial flight I The Maple Leaf Everybody in Town was- astir early yesterday morning and the tten the Royal tor a beautiful day were very anJ Bat- Band united People the country lowed by prayer by Rev A pour into Newmarket about vray The Mayor then called upon Mr walks were lined with visitors A big crowd went to the depot to welcome the Special Train from Toronto which Speeches and music continued till after oclock when the visitors made a rush for the depot We have not room lor anything further The report will be complet ed in next issue when we will give the entire list of quests at the Banquet Notes The decorations were a surprise to everybody Forty young men of the Town wait ed on tne tables to perfection Covers were set for guests but there were not more than present The badge worn by the Toronto Old is a handsome souvenir- of the The engineer fireman and brakesman occasion The tables looked handsome There was never such a setout in Tl also the baggageman years ago The engineer fireman and brakesman were also the oldest men on the road Clearing up sale of all Summer Shoes and Slippers Womens Misses Childrens at Specially Low Prices We do not look for profits Wo simply want them out to make room for Fall Goods which will boon be Fancy Groceries CANNED MEATS CAMPERS We have the Finest Quality Largest Stock and at Reasonable Prices arrived about 1030 and just as it came to a halt the Town Band struck up Home which was exceedingly appropriate and duly ap preciated by the 500 on board A procession was at once formed in the following order Mounted Lloyd Band of toe Royals Toronto Aurora Newmarket Volunteers 12th Bat Band The Old Boys Citizens Band of The Boys Highlanders Band THE BANQUET The crowning event of the Fair was before The ladies deserve great praise for In Dinner and Toilet Sets we have entirely New and Uptodate Patterns and Styles an close prices Ik The Leading Reliable Telephone Hollers Grocery AND Fruit A Big Consignment of Crawford Peaches Pears Plums Grapes SATURDAY AND FAIR DAYS We want a share of your Grocery Trade Look out for a Bargain in On Fair Days HNOLL Robertsons Old Stand GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY now time Meyers Spice If you want Eggs In the early winter For Bale at FEED STORE Opposite Forsyth House It Was indeed a fine Military Pro cession The soldiers formed a hol low square around the Monument on the Water Works Lawn and the fol lowing took seats on the platform Hon J Davis Sheriff Widdifield I J Gould Robert Sutherland of Windsor Rogers A exMayor Toronto L of Toronto Junction County Mayor ville of Aurora Reeve Boyd of East J A KC Titus Robinson and Alex Millard of Toronto also the Haines Family including Mrs Israel Haines years of age and grand mother of the hero of the day His Worship Mayor Cane called the immense gathering to order and read the following Address Welcome Mr President Irving Officers and Members of the Association of Old Boys of North York I have been requested on behalf of the citizens to you welcome to our midst and can assure you it gives the greatest pleasure to be called on to perform so pleasing a task Personally would have preferred going amongst you and greeting you with a hearty and cordial welcome but the number of you pres ent and the limited time at our dis posal will not permit of it The formation of this Association was a grand idea many old acquaint ances who have not met for years will have the chance meeting again and ot renewing old comradeship To many of you doubtless the changes you will notice will bring feelings of sadness faces you have known memorials of old times have passed away causing feelings of re gret mingle with those of joy on your return to the neighborhood of your old homes still we earnestly trust that the joyous feeling of the present will predominate amongst us all as we renew old friendships with those who are spared and form new ones You have come back to the homes of your birth and childhood and your stay amongst us be brief we hope to do all in our power to make it pleasant for you and to give you reason to in after life with feelings of pleasure your first official visit to North York The Sons of North York have been amongst the foremost in all the walks of life and have reflected honor and credit on their birthplace Today we are gathered together to do honor to the memory of one Son of North York who gave his life for his Queen and Country This Monument is erected as a mark of respect to him and you will be as sisted in its unveiling by two other North York Boys who fought on the South African veldt Wishing you all a very happy visit and trsuting that you may meet old friends and acquaintances I beg Mr President on behalf of the Citizens of Newmarket and North York to ten der you in the fullest sense of the term a hearty welcome to our Town and our homes and I hope that this gathering shall prove to be a forerun ner of many similar reunions of the Sons of North York Rule Britannia was then played by the Highlanders Aemilius Irving Esq KG Presi dent of the Old Boys Association made a very suitable reply assuring the citizens of Newmarket that the cordial welcome to their old home was heartily accepted As the home of their youth North York is dear to them all and he reminded the gather ing that some of those who have oc cupied the highest positions in the land were North York boys Hon Chief Mr Mackin tosh Mr Baldwin Sir Edward Wil son James Joseph Hart- man Sir Louie La Win Mulock and J Davis In closing ho expressed the hope that this gathering would not lie the last in tact that it might be the beginning of an annual affair where old friendships may be renewed new ones made Unveil the Haines Memorial when he delivered fine patriotic speech He referred to the stirring events ot two years ago when young Haines a and good young man inspired by the love of his country did not shrink from hardship or bitter toil and the Monument which has been erected in commemoration of his death not only bears tribute to his patriotism but testifies to the public spirit and humanity of this commun ity as well as affectionate sympathy to the To the call for aid by Canada he was among those who were ready to risk their lives for the sake of attaebjuent to the British crown and preservation of the British Empire The speaker then gave an outline of the work done by our Canadian soldiers whose gallantry are commenced the world over refer- ing to the fact that Walsley Haines was in several engagements before he succumbed to the dreaded fever of the country notably the days cam paign at Paardeburg and three severe battles In the first battle on the Feb there were Canadians killed and 63 wounded On this oc casion the Canadians forded the der River up to the armpits about a mile from the enemy They fought all flay until joined by the when at half a mile distant they rush ed on the Boer trenches with fixed bayonet but the enemys fire was so severe and the loss of life so great that they were halted at yards and had to lie down The second battle was on the of Feb when four Canadians were wounded The 3rd battle was on the when the Canadians at in the morning ad vanced silently in two ranks the first with rifles and the second with spades and pickaxes The fire of the enemy was so severe that the first rank had to wait the second rank throwing up a slight trench till day light appeared- tin this movement 11 were killed and 36 wounded At day light the Boers began to give up and soon the whole of army magnificent and stupendous the abundance and quality of the Banquet tendered the Old Boys of pastry and salads furnished North York in the Skating Rime last night It was a pretty and the welcome was sincere His Worship Mayor Cane presided and he congratulated all concerned on the decided success of the occasion He hoped the visitors would all enjoy themselves and read telegrams from the following who regretted ab sence Messrs Walter Crone Van couver Samuel Spink Winnipeg Toronto and Hon William Ottawa The latter reads Sept 19 Mayor Cane Have just returned to Ottawa from Quebec Regret extremely prevented from attending unveiling monument today erected in memory of Late Private W Haines who laid down his life for his country May his patri otism be held in grateful memory by Canadian people and may the monu ment ever seem as another reminder that a soldiers is one of the noblest of deaths Most heartily approve of reunion of boys of North York and trust that the occasion may be an an nual one when all of us may meet together forgetting all differences cementing old friendships and making new ones WM MULOCK The Mayor then proposed the toasts to His Royal Highness King Edward also the Duke Duchess of York which heartily received Mayor of Aurora then pro posed The Dominion Parliament which was responded to by a native Newmarket of whom we have every reason to proud Robert Suther land MP for Essex and I J Gould for West Ontario Mr Sutherland made a capital speech He referred to the pleasure it gave him to be present at the ga thering in a constituency so ably re presented as no other Constituency is in the Dominion in the best Post master General the country ever saw The order was bad during the speaking Awlul rattle of dishes and chatter in the Ladies Gallery The delf cutlery etc was supplied by Webb of Toronto together with six professional gentlemen to take charge The gallery was crowded with the elite of the Town and the gay attires of the ladies added beauty and effect to the general appearance Two of the members of the Grena diers Band of Toronto that gave such an appropriate program of music last night were old Newmarket boys James and Some idea of the quantity of pro visions required to feed such a gather ing may be formed from the follow ing large hams roasts of beef 15 lbs to 20 lbs each break fast rolls and 60 loaves or bread layer cakes dishes of salad heads of celery baskets of fruit and lbs of butter Continuation of Prize Winners DAIRY PRODUCTS crocks Beat lbs Butter Huntley Crock or Butter lbs J Crock or Firkin Butter Iba J Butter lbs J Huntley Beat lbs Butter in lib rolls J Huntley Crock of Butter 10 Huntley Beat 10 Butter roIleVm Willis Beat 10 lbs Butter In rolls Win Willis man 2nd Mrs p grosser Chocolate A A 2nd Mrs Leh man recommended J McCaffrey Cake any other kind Mrs J heller 2nd Mrs Lehman Home Made Biscuits Mrs I Pros- set 2nd Mrs 3rd John Home Made Bread John Pair Fowl dressed for market J Huntley- Dressed Chickens pair J Hunt ley 2nd Stephens Vinegar home made J David- eon 2nd Mrs Haw tin Collection Baking J eon 2nd J Kennedy Judge It E Bingham Light conk 1st 2nd Hare Hoover Light hen Hare Hoov er 2nd Lee any color 1 Hare Hoover Red Caps hen 1st and 2nd A Hill Red Caps breeding A Hill any color lien Bros Barred Plymouth Rock Hoov er 2nd Bros Barred Plymouth Rock lien J Deans 2nd John Burred Plymouth Rock breeding pen Win- White Plymouth Rock cock 2nd A Hill White Plymouth Rook hen If 2nd Bros White Plymouth Rock peu of 2nd Hare Hoover Buff Plymouth Rock hen J Plymouth Rock pen of any variety cock- Hoover any variety Hoov er Lee any variety peu or Bros lien pen of W Lee 2nd any variety cock Hare Hoover 2nd Bros Dorkings lieu 1st and 2nd Bros Dorkings of Bros White Leghorns conk Hoover 2nd John White Leghorns hen John 2nd Floral tor Table enour 2nd Miss J Simpson Funeral Design Miss Forsyth 2nd Basket Cut Flowers Jos Newton 2nd Willis Plants in Pots Begonia Geo 2nd Mrs W Mann Begonia collection Mrs J- Smith 2nd Mrs Jones Cacti single specimenMoses Vern on Trivett single Mrs Jones Geranium double Mrs Jones Foliage Plants Miss 2nd Mrs Jones Hanging Specimen PlantsMrs Jones 2nd John House Plants Miss Forsyth 2nd Mrs Jones House J Partridge 2nd Mrs D Prosser House Plants J Partridge 2nd Martin rendered to the British Thru all test Minister of Crown Lands these fights Haines bore his part Province ever had It was a man and when weakness fell on inspiration to follow in their him he strove and persevered until it may be said he walked himself to the grave This alone is sufficient for the erection of this Monument to the memory of one we all have reason to be proud And one word more throughout the whole of his service footsteps He referred to the pro gress and liberty under the British flag and predicted a great future for South Africa when instead of the Dutch domination the freedom and of British laws are given to that country It was a great there was not a mark against his con- honor to be a member of the duct in any way his record was an ion Parliament now when great absolutely clean sheet Of all that matters are causing the nation can he said this is the greatest solace grow more rapidly than ever be- to his bereaved parents lie stood speaker incidentally re- test of trial and temptation and Queens Jubilee soldiers are now a vast body tendering our South Africa and other imperial Best 10lb Roll Beat lO-lb- Roll Willis Best Exhibit of Us Best Roll of Butter John of Butter Butter of Butter sympathy to his relatives and ex pressing our heartfelt estimation of his worth He died in Hospital apart from comrades away from his dearest associations and we may he sure his last thoughts were of home and mother He thought that his native home would have poured out in such great numbers to impcr- record his humble name whose courage conduct and love of country had honored the Canadian people Applause Mr Irving then requested Ptc of Newmarket who was a comrade that passed thru all engage ments without a wound and Corp Mills who was one of the Horse but was shot In the arm and permanently disabled also Bugler Wil liams who sounded the call for the to assist veiling the Monument As the Union Jack was run up the temporary flag staff all the bands united in paying God Save the King and the ceremony ended after Mr Irv ing presented the MonumeriC to the perpetual care of the Corporation which was accepted by the Mayor who also remarked that Mr Irving had two sons serve in South Africa which he omitted to mention A vcty handsome Floral Wreath from the Haines family decorafed the base of the Memorial Mr Jack Wilson carried the stand ard for the Old Roys He Is noble specimen physically of a Newmarket boy Many the Old Roys were pretty feeble In the march but the greetings of old friends seemed to renew their youth Do you remember was a frequent expression used by them Mr one of the Old Boys from Toronto was born on the lot on which the monument Is erected Mr John of Toronto was here yesterday with the Old Boys Excursion He was the first Con ductor on the old Northern Hallway The conductor on the train yesterday was engaged by him 34 years ago and matters which have directed attention to this country of magnificent re sources which are only commencing to be realized attracting capital here for investment and trade increasing by leaps and bounds We are no longer a hand of scattered homes but a vig orous nation and if we are hut true to the traditions of the past ami sink ing all racial difficulties become a united people Canada will continue to remain the brightest gem in the Brit ish crown The assembling together in this local way is a good plan to foster this feeling and while it is pleasant to meet so many old friends there is a tinge of sadness in the re membrance of those who were always active on such occasions hut have now departed this Hie He referred very kindly to the late Wm Cane and also his father the late Donald who was reeve of Newmarket when the Prince of Wales now the King of England visited this place and- he lid the honor of reading the address of the citizens on that occa sion The sure everyone would carry with them pleasant memories of this occasion and con cluded amid applause Mr Gould prefaced his remarks by stating that he attended Grammar school in Newmarket years ago when Mr Thomas Nixon was the teacher and H Smith the secre tary of the School Board His own grandfather was also one of the pioneer settlers in Newmarket and he could therefore claim to be an old NorUiYork boy also He extended congratulations on the magnificent success of the whole Fair Referring to parliamentary matters he could say that a9a body the representatives will compare favorably with amy other body of men In any other country Our municipal institutions are equal to any In the world and our people are continually advancing Sympa thetic allusion was made to the loss the American has just sus tained by the hand of the assassin but he was proud to think that the heir apparent to the British throne was Just as safe in Canada as In his own castle Applause VEHICLES ETC Judges J J J Terry Bingham Team W Keith Keith Single Buggy Humes Keith Single Coupe Harness Keith Bedroom Suite J Parlor Suite J panel Door Door Window frames with shutters Cane Sous Horse Shoes J 2nd Boots and Shoes Wright Leather Mitts and Gloves A Blnus Organ Piano Display of and Shoes Wright Display of Hardware A Stoves and Furniture A Office Furniture Office Specialty Collection Wooden ware Win Cane Sons Farm Wagon J It Single colored- A 2nd J It Double Seated Carriage A Wid dlfleld Democrat Wagon A Cutter J 2nd A Widdifield DOMESTIC PRODUCTS ETC Judge Mrs J Elliott Wine Francis Wine any other kind J Par tridge 2nd Tomato Catsup Millard 2nd Mrs preserved Pears 2nd J Preserved 2nd Mrs Prosser Preserved Cherries J Greenwood 2nd Preserved Apples Mrs 2nd J Preserved Red Raspberries Mrs Prosser 2nd Mrs WlddlHeld Preserved Plums J 2nd Mrs Preserved Gooseberries Mrs 2nd J Davidson preserved Tomatoes Mrs Tom- 2nd Mrs J Davidson Preserved red Mrs 2nd preserved Currants J 2nd Mrs Orange A Collection Canned Fruits Mrs 2nd Loo Collection of Jellies Mrs 2nd Mrs Mustard PicklesMrs Widdifield 2nd Mrs Martin Cauliflower and Onion Pickles Mrs 2nd Mrs E Mixed PicklesMrs 2nd him Sauce J McCaffrey 2nd Mrs Martin Governor Sauce W J Deans 2nd Mrs Pressor Maple Molasses Gilbert Johnson 2nd Mrs Hoover Extracted Honey Johnson 2nd Moses Vernon Honey in Comb Moses Vernon 2nd Johnson Lemon Huntley 2nd Jos CHILDRENS Scrap Album Laura Watson 2nd Collection of Buttons on String Ethel Jane 2nd Flossie Collection Butterflies Moths and McDonald 2nd V W Martin Best Dressed Doll by girl under Gil Johnson 2nd Lee Square Wooden Box made of Hand Dressed Pine Lumber McDonald 2nd McDonald Penmanship hoys or girls under Edgar Willis 2nd Velma Ironside Penmanship boys or girls under Marion 2nd Marguerite Penmanship boys or girls under Lilian Lush 2nd Ada Haines Colored Map of Dominion of Cana da Russell Collins 2nd Web ster Painting in Oil any subjectNora Fletcher 2nd Proctor Drawing pencil or crayon Maude Tench 2nd Webster Best Pair Darned Stockings Delia 2nd Florence Pair Knitted Socks 2nd Ethel Jane Six Worked Button Holes in Cotton Florence 2nd Mary Huntley Three Hemmed Handkerchiefs Flor ence Willmot 2nd Mary Huntley Yard Crochet Cotton Lace Ruby Skinner 2nd Florence Three Pieces Fancy Work any kind- Florence 2nd Clarice Bouquet Wild Flowers 2nd Flossie Loaf Home Made Bread special Mary Black Half Tea Biscuit Minto Oil man 2nd Mary Huntley Layer Cake any kind Cane 2nd Mary Huntley Pafer Kile Herbert 2nd L Stephens HORTICULTURAL Cut Flowers Annuals Mrs 2nd William Willis Asters best collection Mrs 2nd R Carnations Mrs Geranium Mrs 2nd Jos New Con Nasturtiums Mrs Jones 2nd Mrs BalsamMrs J Smith 2nd Willis Mainprise 2nd Wil lis Hollyhocks Jos Newton Marigold J Partridge 2nd J Newton Pansies Willis 2nd Mrs Mc- Phlox Miss Forsyth 2nd Mrs Petunias Mainprise 2nd Mrs Lynam Verbenas Mrs Lynam 2nd M Mainprise Stocks Airs 2nd Charles Mainprise 2nd Willis Sweet Peas Mrs 2nd E Martin Sweet Peas Mrs J Smith 2nd Hand J Rushbrook Table J Rushbrook 2nd Mrs Brides Martin 2nd Sweet Peas A MignojiettcG Martin 2nd Mrs McOco to Jet Rich The Democrat has following good story The other evening we heard of a man who smokes cigars- a day and chews cents worth of tobacco say that ho was too poor to take the local Of course this is economy as he views it Now we happen to know that this same economical genius takes one of the numerous cheap story papers published in Maine and the rest of the story came to us second- handed hut probably none the less true He learned from this paper that by sending a dollar he could get a cure for drunkenness and sure enough he did It was take the pledge and keep it Later on he sent fifty twocent stamps to find out how to raise beets successfully He found out The answer was just take hold and pull Being single he wished to marry and sent thirty- four one cent stamps to a Chicago firm to learn how to make an impres sion When the answer came it read Sit down in a pan of dough This was a little tough but was a patient man and thought he would succeed The next advertisement ho read was how to his money in six months He was told to convert his money into bills fold them and see his money doubled But he was bound to get some very useful secret by which he could make money so ho sent to find out how to write with out a pen and ink The answer Try a lead pencil Then he sent dollar to learn how to get and the an swer came work like the devil and never spend a cent This was dis couraging but he decided to try once more and sent a dollar bill to learn how to live without work and was told to fish for suckers No sermon ever bore fruit that had not been buried in the preachers heart Toronto TORONTO Sept Wheal per bushel a White Wheat Goose Wheat per bushel bushel per bushel I M bushel per bushel tO perbap Sheepskins Wool per lb per Beef fore hind per pair per pair Turkeys per lb dressed 17 IOC 0 Jo no W If OH a a a a a ft 0 Oft 13 13 Oft I flew 120 Farm for Sale North tot 8rd known a Lake View Farm Very produc tive bush and cstnplnsr the lake shore Enquire on farm SMITH to a Week salary for an intelligent man or wo man In each town Permanent posi tion cents per hour for spare time Manufacturer Box delphla NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY The Bell Telephone Co of Canada Will issue a new subscribers rectory for the District East ern Ontario including the Town of Newmarket within a few days ORDERS for new corn changes of firm names Ac should be placed at once to insure appearance in this book STARR Manager j J j

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