i Weeks SeoTs ON TOWN Regular meeting of the next Wednesday evening members are attend Rather- One day Jacks horses took sick aid died anil on day morning of week the span attached to his newdelivery yah ran away on Church street during the temporary absence the driver and broke the tongue of toe wagon pine be stove Everybody who attended lecture in the Christian Church last Friday evening was greatly delighted The of the Holy Land were magnifi cent and the description by Rev ff Hainer very entertaining and It was regretted that the attendance was hot larger 1 Garden Party King Mission School- have been forced to postpone their garden party until Wednesday Aug be ing unable to obtain the services of a band until that date The Newmar ket Citizens Band have been engaged for the occasion Addresses will lie delivered during the evening by prom inent Sunday workers- The Friends William a minister from England visiting the Friends Churches America will deliver a free lecture this Friday evening at oclock at the Friends Meeting House George Fox his times and his mis sions All are welcome He was expected to hold a gospel meeting at the same place last evening A Ride A little fellow named Walter Tay lor about 1 years of age secured a free passage from North Toronto to Newmarket and back last week at the expense of the Metropolitan Railway The hoy wandered to the track from his home and boarded the car He was taken as a child of one of the passengers for some distance but when it was discovered that be was lost the only thing left was to take him thru and return him to the city On toe return to the city the little traveler was handed over to the po lice and by them to his mother who had been making anxious enquiries for some hours more Electrician Kitchen is still ept busy with new work Five lights were connected In Mr house on Mondays Lyons confectionery and Soda Water Fountain have new lights Mr Broughton is having an sign and Mr James has given an order for lights in his residence Go The Minutes of the June Session of York bounty were sent to all municipal clerks last- Friday The work was done at the Era within days of the receipt of the copy rif0pri8if i Piquet Skirts 100 Now at AT Hughes at bake The weather lurried out rather dis agreeable on Thursday afternoon of last week- the picnip of St Pauls would have been very en joyable Therje was a good attend ance Tomorrow afternoon employees of the Office Specialty have a picnic at the Lake and numerous prizes have been donated for games wishes to go with them can have the advantage of the cheap rate Farm and Garden- There was not a very big market last Saturday The ruling prices were as follows butter to per lb eggs and lie per cherries per pail currants per quart wild raspberries per basket cultivated raspberries per basket cabbage 5 to each beets per bunch carrots per bunch green peas per peck new potatoes to per peck green com per doz i The new machinery at Starrs Bak ery is now in good order and besides making a better quality of bread the workmen are saved a great deal of hard labor The machine for rmsing the dough does in or minutes what two men would take threequarters of art hour to do They use five bags of flour at a time and three or more batches every day for bread only A gasoline engine does the heavy work and is also used for making ice cream s Newmarket Voters Lists are out but the work is not to be compared with that done at the Era office last year I Airs and Mrs Geo Wood sent handsome bouquets to the Home last Sunday which were greatly ap preciated by the inmates A The On Aug in the Barracks on Queen street Adjut ant Kenway of Woodstock Oat will conduct a special meeting Subjects My Prison Days Everybody should hear the Adjutant who was imprisoned in Nova Scotia for the works sake Ice cream and cake win he seryea at the close Office from J- Band SeFeridtJe As usual a big crowd enjoyed the openair Concert by the Band at the North last Friday night and the boys were treated to cigars at the close by Messrs Stewart and which kindness was duly appreciated The following program will be rend ered on Friday evening it the Public School grounds by the Citizens Band March Hall Island Garden is so Good to the Old Folks Overture The Caliph of Bag dad tv Patriotic A Greeting to the King Godfrey March Senate Waltz My Wild Irish Rose Boef m m One day last week Mrs Ross wife of Major Ross serving in South Africa received three cases of curios ities from Africa containing rifles captured from the Boers eleven native spears two beautiful swords a number of native war clubs pair of fine horns each one measuring four feet in length and several pairs of an telope horns and of other animals There are also two fine sterling silver prize cups and many other curios whole collection a very attractive display for the North York Fair and we would recommend the Directors to secure it Albion J Ord Hume A 7000 Estate I The will of the late Andrew of Newmarket was filed this week The estate consists of in per sonal property and 2050 in real The testator directs that his wifewho survives lam be given use pi the family residence at New market and an allowance of a year until her death when the estate will be divided among the sons and daughters of the deceased A brick bouse and lot on street worth goes to bis daughter Florence J Lewis a house on the same worth and in cash to another daughter to an other Hutchinson to another in cash and 250 in notes The are the dates so far as known of the Fait which the people of this section are specially mterested Industrial at Toronto Aug 26 to Sept NORTH YORK at NEWMARKET Sept to Sept 20 V Central Sept 25 to Sept East York at Oct to Oct NG at Sutton Oct aid 11 Usbridge Sept and The JUaSt Tuesday evening the following officers of Pyramid Lodge were duly installed Lehman t Vice Bro Hughes Sec J Hughes Financial Sec Louis Bogart Treasurer Bro Warden Ross Chaplain John Warren Bro Bro Geo Holmes LSSUBroi F Jones I Bro Rep to Grand Lodge J H J Stock In Toronto this week there was demand lor eiport those offered the mark Prices went from to Good butchering cattle from to Dry cows are to Good light are bringing to and Calves are bringing to per ft Good milkers are still wanted at to each In sheep good stock at J to with bucks at sold at to each There is a slight drop in the price of hogs which was anticipated Se lects from to 750 lights and fats at pihpino Exodus tpdapati Regular Flood Alter the continued hot and dry spell which the weather clerk had been giving us ifc was not surprising that we should have considerable rain but really Newmarket has been given more than its share- The heavy rain on Sunday afternoon was followed by a regular downpour about five oclock on Monday water courses were unable to carry the water fast enough and lots of piauj were ine water rose to a depth four feet in the ditches thru lumber yard and over sowed the roadbed on avenue like a Cellars that were never to have water in them were flooded The diningroom the Jackson House could used and the pumps bad to be started at Canes Factory to keep the water out of the engineroom but the most damage was done to the goods in Mr A cellar The water overflowed the ditch at this corner and pouted into the cellar to the depth of two feet A big was washed out Timothy street road near the Works and numerous corporation required ftlling oh Tuesday morning A great deal of the growing grain in this vicinity was laid flat by the heavy rain Considerable lightning accompanied the rain and the Town electric light system suffered The central line was burnt out also two transformers- one at the comer Park avenue and Church street and one at the corner of Prospect avenue and Queen street On Tuesday morning when men were going to work the top of the electric pole on the corner of Prospect avenue and Water street was discovered to be on fire Word was to the WaterWorks and it was extinguished pine Yarns AtC Hughes this week No Dodging the liquor case of Inspector- Hughes vs Jackson House Newmar ket a few days ago a very impor tant point was established tho the case against Jackson was dismissed It is this When a person is found the worse of liquor notice being served upon dealers not to that person can be put into the wit ness box and be made to tell where he got the liquor or else go to jail for contempt of court The party the liquor is also liable to a fine of from to 550 This should be a warning for who sometimes think it smart to override the official notice of the Inspector The advice of the County Crown At torney has been obtained on this point Remarkable No need of going to Lake for sport when a fish a yard long and weighing lbs can be caught right at home Last Tuesday morning Mr ffm one of the Specialty men caught a carp In the creek near the railroad bridge on Timothy street that the above bill Looking out of the window he noticed some children near the creek and lust then he saw a large fish In the- low water He darted out of the factory and down to the stream in doublequick time Picking up a stone he struck the carp in the head and having stun- it he ran into the water arid pick ed up the fish with his hands The fish was weighed at the market and Was viewed with by many of our residents who would scarcely be lieve such a large fish could be found in this vicinity Yokohama July A notable fea ture the time is Fili pinos who are now arriving in large and increasing numbers They are mostly of the better class and seem to be for the educational ad vantages Japan Al ready they are winning high praise for their behavior and eagerness to learn Another sign of the times is the movement on foot or the teaching the Russian language in the empire It is felt that events are rapidly shap ing themselves to bring Russia into closer contact with all national and commercial relations here it being re cognized that the northern power is to be the most important factor in Ori ental politics and trade The growth of the Jiji the leading journal of the metropolis well Illustrates how tlioroly western es pecially American ideas are ing th country The editions of the paper on special occasions and days rival the leading Journals of New York The latest enterprise inaugur ated by it is the adoption of the fresh air fund movement and large numbers of children from the of the capital are now being sent in to the country for outings The celebration of the of July transformed Yokohama into a verit able American town and the scene at noon when the warships in the har bor joined in the salute responding to the shore festivities was a most inspiring one The financial situation is slowly but steadily improving London July The War received the following despatch Lord Kitchener Kitchener after along chase of Ben Viljeons commando w it A sharp fight sued We captured a pompom and wagons and took prisoners The British had wounded Durban Details received here of what at first an ordin ary skirmish between a British column and a Boer commando near July show that a hard allday fight occurred in which the British narrowly escaped the loss of a gun of the Field Battery Four hun dred Boers repeatedly rushed the Brit ishposition killing Major Edwards and Gunner Carpenter The gun was Umbered up and taken at a gallop for three miles under heavy fire Five British were killed Cape Town July A despatch from on the boundary be tween the Transvaal and the Orange River says commanding a post at eight miles to the northwest of this place took fifty Canadians with a 7pound mountain gun to some Boers who were known to make a farmhouse at 3 miles to the south of their rendezvous Sixty Boers were in the house and they are said to have suffered severely as they exposed themselves a heavy fire it is estimated that they lost twelve men killed London July The supplement ary civil service estimate asks for of is re quired by the Colonial as a grant in aid of the Transvaa and Orange River colonies Three mil lions of this will be considered an ad vance to the colonies to be repaid out of trie first loans issued by them Following the recent engagement be tween British and Boers in Swaziland when was captured it is now unofficially reported that there has been a sharp encounter near the British defeat ing Boers There were losses on both sides The Daily News regards the fact that the Boers are operating in native territory as serious It suggests that they are trying to raise the Zulus and Swam against the and says that if they are trying to do so they may justification as the British authorized the to arm The papers fear new and repulsive de- velopfnenta in the South situ ation number of Boers taken prison ers or who have surrendered since the is officially plac ed at Out of officers and men who re mained behind from the different Ca nadian contingents for further service in Africa were by the Boers London In the House of Commons today proposing a resolu tion for the granting of to Marshal Lord Roberts for his services in South in accord ance with the recommendation of King Edward announced In the House Lords by the Premier Lord Salis bury on Monday last Mr A J Balfour the Government leader in the Mouse of Commons today paid a eulogy the field marshal t whom he compared with such men as Nelson and Wellington- He said there was no doubt- thafcj but for Lord Roberta daring and strategy and the rapidity with which his plans were carried out and would have fallen A British would have been starved into submission Ladysmlth and there would have been a general rising of disloyalists in South Africa The measure was passed by the House of Commons by a vote to 73 I M Fancy Plaid Ginghams per yard Fancy Plain regular 8c Fancy Colored French Sateens for Ladies Black Cotton Hose fast color per pair 6c Crash Roller Towelling Clearing Sale of Remnants of all kinds at Half Price Canned Goods at Prices Canned English Brawn Canned Ham Loaf Canned Sliced Beef in Canned Goods Canned Coin 6c Canned Peas 6c Canned Tomatoes 7c I We carry nearly everything known CORNER STORE The Cheap Store 21 Departments Try us for what you want and get our Prices I T H E Dont fail to read our advertisement each week Startling Bargains are the order of the month Bargains in Ladies Shirt Waists Were 50 cents 39 CENTS and Print Percale and Lawn Modes Your choice 59 CENTS White Lawn Colored Muslin Piques Were and in Prints c Your choice CENTS Were 145 and in Fancy Piques Colored Muslins White Muslins Black Muslins Prints c c Your choice Auk- iki Floor per barrel a BO fl per bushel 0 per bushel Hurley per bushel per bushel H Peeper Pells Wool per lb Kay pair per Shorts old per the World In Montreal July the lournalist who Montreal on May to circle the arrived here last night Prince accomplished the feat in 64 days 10 minutes which it is claimed Is the shortest time in which the feat has ever accomplished by ordin ary methods traveling Toronto Markets TOROBTO Aug 1001 per bushel White Wheat per bushel CO Wheat per bushel per bushel bushel- Bye per bush per lb Potato per bug Wool per lb Pressed per Beef bind pair 13 w 0 or 10 in Neck Ribbons basket plain and fancy Silk and Satin Neck Ribbons values up to choice yard plain and Silk and Satin Neck values were up to yard your choice yd A Brussels Carpet Bargain a yard Am yards extra Brussels Carpet five patterns to choose regular value 125- your choice yard Bargains in Ladies Shoes SHOE FOR Ladies Black Kid Oxfords McKay sewn kid lined lat est style price for SHOES Ladles ftne Kid Chocolate Shoes turn fancy vesting top coin toe reg price for BOOTS FOR Ladies patent kid lace boots top Goodyear welted soles latest American toe price or Newffi Ont V