The Era J z ij ity Paper amy ft T Ji I a 1 I Qlxe me the liberty to taiow to utter mm frtdy to itoa otter liberty PAGES No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance No Single Copies Cent Each Aug 1 per annum I if paid in advance Fanny j-k- SINGER WITH A SJ HEART- General NEWMARKET ONT 1 I I Choice Fruits rf j For GET OUR PRICES BEFORE Try our Ice Cream- Fred Jacks Bakery Newmarket x The Sectional Book Case Complete but Finished Absolutely handsome convenient and cheap- You add units as your books increase MADE ONLY The Office Specialty Mfg BAY STREET TORONTO Factory NEWMARKET Out 4AAJ For Torpid Liver Flatulence Constipation Biliousness and Headache TAKE Safe Mild Painless do not weaken and always give satisfaction A most 1UM Medicine can be at any by Adult Children All By subject or this sketch sjiould be introduced to out readers as Fanny Vn Alstyne but it was as that she won her is the signa ture she still her correspond ence Bom in South East Putnam Coun ty York in she has just passed her milestone a bright active and responsive old lady whom her intimate friends caressingly call and who refuses to consider her blindness as a calamity or even a limitation fine social qualities she gathers about her a host of friends and keeps herself in touch with the world about her in many ways Loyal and con fiding she trusts her friends and flies to their defense whenever they are as sailed Gratitude that surest brand o a noble nature is one of her char acteristics and those who know her say that never- forgets a favor Sympathetic and unselfish her heart has long led hand to liberal giv ing and prompted to beautiful ministrations especially at the bed sides of the silk For the larger fields her gift has made room for her in on platforms address churches missions arid Young Mens Christian Association meetings in the various interests of her Mas ters cause But above all she has reacted for good upon the Christian world through the medium of her gospel hymns It is thought that her hymns are more widely known than any living have i pen though these have not all been set to music They have wing ed their way into all lands wherever the English language is spoken and many of them have been translated into foreign tongues Like King Davids leaders in music and song she- is a spiritual seer She prophesies in the words of God and belongs to the great tem plechoir of our immortal King My hymns she writes- have been born of a deep Christian experi ence God has led me in paths that I knew not and has tuned my harp to strains that I could not have uttered but for His Inspiration Not a hymn from her pen is set to the min or key Her spirit is ever buoyant and hopeful and yet she says havent gone through life bed of roses I couldnt write and talk to people as I do unless I had sufieredV Losing her sight but when six weeks old through the application of hot poultices that destroyed the optic nerve she has lived in outward dark ness for over fourscore years Hut there is no memory of the world of light and so in her blindness she is spared the pain of contrast So as sured is she that her blindness is a blessing that she even goes so far as to say if the gift of sight were offer ed her she should prefer to remain as she is When fifteen years old she entered the Institution for the Blind in New York city where she was educated and afterward taught for eleven years it was here that she first met Mr Van and the at tachment sprang up between them that at length resulted in marriage was one of her pupils blind herself but endowed musical ability and able to the shadowed world with her In a congenial and happy union that terminated in his death many years ago Fanny in common with many others who have lost their sight finds a measure of compensa tion in the increased of other faculties The ear the touch the spirit are more discerning The hummed tune of the composer con veys its message to her soul and is mated with her verse the In tricate pattern of her knitting Is seen through her finger tips and the char acteristics of those with whom she comes in contact are read with mark ed sagacity Her memory Is some thing remarkable When but a child she committed the first three or four books of the Bible and the four pels After she became a hymn writ er Philip Phillips once gave her the titles to forty hymns asking her to write the words and she retained the titles In her memory and composed the hymns without recourse to the pen until all were finished She then dictated the whole to her amanuensis The nightingale of sacred song she gives rein to her gift In the hushed hours of the between and 3 j when all the household are asleep With a hymn book pressed to her forehead and looking up to Him who song in the night she her message and gets it ready for the pen of hfer secretary The latter is Mrs a clear friend of her mothers who has now been at heir side for twentythree years it was during the teaching period above referred that- Fanny Cros by first the- public ear through her songs became very popular The older readers of this sketch willr recall the pleasure with which they used to hear Hazel Cell There isVMusic in the Air- in conclusion- My message into the church Is thou faithful unto death and God will give thee a crown of Temperature Unless It is Just Right Churning is Apt to be a Laborious and Disagreeable We frequently are asked why it so to churn at times The most recent of this nature is a faxiner boy summers He does the churning at home anil as tie has to the machine for Rosalie tjie Prairie Flower The tatter was such a versa favorite that the profits on its Kale yielded to authoress the neat little sum of 3000 Hut it is for her gospel hymns that she will longest be remembered Many of these wrought their im mortal work in human hearts and I African Cape Colony July The western border of the railway is now well protected by block houses Lord is harassing the 1 scattered of Boers His forces have killed or captured a considerable number of Hie work is very difficult but the results thus Jar are encourag ing one of their laagers y captured men and women are to be in rags FOUII aNERALS KlUUm iily 38U6er killed on and hours at a time bringing the butter to know what day while to cross the be should adopt to put an end line to such an task dairyman is one have the churning to do to aHJdfthem we hope Will test and report on One of the most common causes of slow is in J pi v will reveal their ripened fruit in Uiei the cream too cold great day at right hand cold or- too pa tire tic incident is related in which- on shouM she chanced to hear the of dairy thermometer which will cost Pretoria July Garrett has had skirmish near Ve- His force captured Boers rand a number of cattle and wagons From July to July the number of Boers captured wounded or rendering was Caves tliatiweiceupiedbV Boers sable to get stiff discovered in the of exercse on Sunday and the Old Soys This is the time of year when many farm horses after working hard all the week are allowed to go out on Sunday for a long ramble over the beautiful drives hereabouts Nothing like being merciful to the work horses yon know it would be cruel to beep them confined in a stuffy barn or contracted pasture all day Sunday when there are so many beautiful things to be seen all around and horses axe great admirers of nature Besides a horse that has been work- have one of her converts and afterward about cents Ordinarily the burg district They were hurriedly sboulders become tender and the were Keep the farm horse moving tNo sword bites so fiercely as an they both clasped bands with tears of temperature of cream for churn- vacated their occupants when loving Rescue ljlrJitfiW degrees had been sung at a and the latter in cold j furnished and stocked with meeting where she was and a of silks and man arose and told how it WAS be mbified to suit other tins were also found in them and it strolling one night hungry and a cold supposed that these were looted the streets when he teard warmer- other- from stores the sound fiinglpg IplBib 1 A military census taken on hall his ear caught the words of this J from different cows and July hymn and his miSiUih varies with respect to London 28 Telegraphing was just ready perish he churning Jersey from Pretoria under date of July but that the grace of God cream as a rule requires a cbmpaia- Kitchener reports to the War saved me i high temperature The char- Office as follows A number of these Minns have of the feed will modify the a detachment of personal history that adds a flavor of churning temperature It is said occupying was of a- romantic interest for those that have that excessive feeding- of cotton seed evacuate July by a su- Repentance is the golden key that opens that palace of eternity Mil ton census bulletin giving the population totals will be issued not later than Aug Kansas City dealers are filling an order for army mules for the British Bennett learned to love them The inspiring W south makes a very higji force of Boers probably the cent of the Way My Saviour temperature necessary to commandoes from and Leads Me gift- of degrees Sweet Relief The fought died from injuries received in the re- its 1 miles losing about ten killed wounded and a few missing Venice ectedly- dropped into the hands of cream must a lower author j temperature than that well ripened Mrs Knapp one day played rich cream lower than and said Fanny what does that- things being sound lite It sounds like bless- Then the on of the assurance was the reply and and amount are once the seedthought of this blessed determining the -churn- hymn began to grow j temperature Another important j fine day her musical friend H called upon her and said I have forty minutes in which Ho catch and must have my and I want to take with temperature 1 centuries past the waters of the Adn- me the words to this mudc Huowj hoi important itlsi been encroaching on the mJng the melody he asked Can you lne temperature cream sAircasc itis put churn and Palace of the Doges which formerly thingi about ft a disembarking place for hour her favorite to be able Passengers now complete- hymn Safe in the Arms Jesus temperature to suit the A of little She says It was an A few years since she repeated one of service of another man way to a dTstonce to re- turn him if conditions were changed is a piece of impudence In a row at Forest City Park Cleveland on Saturday Otto led the manager of the park fatal ly shot one man and seriously injured another her poems on the platform of the Nor thfield Bible Conference and at the close Ira said to her 11 Keep that hymn as a permanent pos session something to have for your self But a reporter had already it down and Saved by shortly after appeared in the Christian Mr then had it set to music and It became one of Moodys favorite hymns A writer who visited Fanny Crosby a year ago in her present home at Bridgeport Conn found her sitting In a sunshiny room in a big arm chair busily knitting on a white bed spread a kind of fancy work of which Ke seems to be especially fond She remarked might get into mischief if I didnt have something in my hands I have knitted as pres ents for my friends seven bedspreads the last four years some of a more elaborate pattern than this with deep lace borders Oh I knit many I dont have to count my stitches as seeing people do I feel the pattern I could teach you poor seeing people many things I If you go into a dark room you may stum ble when I would not I can sense It when I am approaching a solid body the air between me and the ob ject becomes compressed I can do many things I can make up a bed as well as any house wife My grandmother made me make beds for her three days before I got one to suit her For thirty years she has maintained by her pen and for a long time has receive a regular salary from her publishers In church affiliation Fanny Crosby is a Methodist but in sense she belongs to the church universal She has sung her way the hearts of at large and we are all indebted for the helpful ministry islands in the lagoons have also com pletely disappeared Venice is slowly but surely sinking Into the mud Philosophy of ppost The only way to find happiness in Natural gas was struck at Whit tles here worlds to etch it with ye a M drilled in the park If fortune dont your way King raedaJs the only thing to go yeomanry at the Horse Guards I heard a feller say that fail- Friday Thirtytwo only help a wise man to success missioned officers and men refused to Maybe the reason some folks attend claiming their pay was get richer every time they fill arrears and their families suffering The feller complains the most destroyed about he victuals gearalJys the one eats the most earl w A mule that minds his is better a balky boss of Notre Dame was among Theres many a feller that dies for love drink Faults the easiest thing In the world to find ye try Its climbhr hills they dont never come to makes folks old afore their time Friendships like a china plate a the important buildings that fell prey to the devouring element more we study the more we discover our ignorance Shelley Lightning destroyed the barns and outbuildings of a farmer living near on Sunday when its busted kin sometimes hole crop hay mend it but the was as well as a number of implements and some fowl Theres always plenty tools to Ripley July cheer another on the root of John Eels barn on Theres as much in how to the con of Huron on Friday rest as there is in how to in attempting catch a hammer that had slipped There aint many men so great him lost his balance and slid they dont care what other folks down the roof falling a distance of think them 1 or feet receiving a severe Some folks busiest times meal wound on the temple dislocating his time and breaking his left arm in two There wasnt no saints tilt they places He also received internal dead j Juries which proved fatal death Theres some folks spend their f Wevlng him of his sufferings at seven time how the world man- oclock Sunday morning agedto git along afore they come in- The pauper has many important to lit an how itll keep after advantages over ordinary men He they leave owes nothing pays nothing fellers first love thing When hungry all he has to do the physical exhaustion so often ex perienced in warm weather A lady saw an advertisement in an American newspaper offering ten or twelve yards of silk remnants for ten cnets She sent ten cents and received half pieces of silk thread Tottenham July A case of smallpox has been located at Rich Hill a few miles southeast of this village A doctor arrived this morn ing from Toronto to look after the patient John the yearod son of Mr S Richardson of was run over by a bus trampled under the horses feet and died a few hours later from the juries received Aden July 28 In a fight between the Mad Mullah and the British July the former was routed losing killed The British casualties were Lieut Fredericks and men killed and Lieut Dickson and men wounded Belleville July Welling ton Young was today sentenced to 5 years in the penitentiary for burglary Italy July Three Eng lishmen and three guides while climbing Mount fell down a chasm and all were killed The heavy rains of Saturday even ing and Sunday caused several very bad washouts on the branch of the between and Ell- wood They were so heavy that the trains on the branch had to be can celled A large staff of men repaired the damage Monday his pants he soon outgrows It is to open his and somebody comes and feeds him People are your- motto be Lie steal kind to the pauper and ink ami swear you He let that Is the reason that the class has drink f her evangelical and anointed pen it he down to pleasant dreams when become so numerous Storms have In a personal letter to the writer you steal let it from no effects upon paupers because they of this sketch she says It may be associates I when you Irink let it are always comfortably housed No Interesting to you to know that the be nothing stronger tban weak tea matter whether the country has good seven years of my life were when you swear swear that will bad times large crops or small spent among the Friends I was patronize your home paper pay your crops or no crops at all the pauper customed to use the plain language subscription promptly and not send must be provided for under all and even now it Is very dear to me f your fob printing out of town cumstances Something Boy Should HOW TO MEASURE LUMBER A toot of lumber is a solid contain ing cubic inches A piece of board a foot square and an inch thick is said to be a board foot If cut into four equal and these are placed on top of each other to make a block six inches square and four inches thick it is still a hoard foot To find the solid contents of such a block we multiply the length and breadth and thickness together that is which gives us The student will note then that a foot of lumber Is cubic inches of lum ber no matter what shape the wood may be