Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 12 Jul 1901, p. 5

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THE JULY ONTARIO MARK CAPITAL hud Indent General Weeks hoeHtea IB OK I A Written for the Era The Reign of Chaos NEWMARKET BRANCH General TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits it ftXTUfV DRAFTS ISSUED AT rolKTB Manager St and newmarket LATEST DESIGNS IN Head Stones- Ordering BUY YOUR AT Seed Store Opposite pofyth The Best ate Reliable Mothers and no about Games The following prize winners were cidejntally omitted from list thai was published last week regarding life on the 1st July Climbing Greasy PoleJack Jane Picking Feathers ofl Fait turning Complaints are made that some parties have been cuttiog and carry ing ofl Sowers from plots in the The Directors intend to pun ish all according to law and have given instructions to keep a Sharp lookout fc Big As specimen of what can be grown in Canada Mr brought us in a stalk of rhubarb that measured three feet long and five inches around The leaf attached also measured three feet across Can anybody beat it log up MediumWeight Farm Produce There was only a small market last Saturday Eggs were firm at and and butter at and with choice at old potatoes to a bag live turkeys to per lb live spring chickens to 50c live hens to live spring ducks to Overcoats Everyone should possess one Its a good investment lor theres years of service In them and the price paid be beyond anybodys reach Spring Overcoat light to weight light In colorsheavier in weightdarker in color from any Overcoating material that you fit- moderate In price correct in everything over patterns to choose from Visit to in market On Saturday last two classes of young ladies in the Street Methodist Sabbath School Toronto taught by Mr A Cunningham and Mr J Butler chartered a car on the Metropolitan brought a picnic of seventyfive to Newmarket Atter taking in the Town they returned to Bond Lake lor refreshments before leaving for home Thunder Storm a During the heavy thunder storm that passed over this section on Fri day night of last week Metropoli tan car that should arrive here about was struck by lightning and burnt out tbe works underneath the car The passengers were consider ably frightened but nobody hurt Re pairs had to he made and the car did not arrive here till alter oclock Bappie Cheese At the meeting of the in on Thursday of last week boxes were offered and all sold except at prices running from The Liverpool cable Showed an advance of over the previous meet ing Five buyers werein attendance Newmarket Factory sold 175 boxes at the highest figure Only one other Factory got the same price Messrs Hunter and A Hunter have formed a partnership as Contractors And are now in a position to take contracts for all branches Mason Work Estimates Given at Short And satisfaction guaranteed BOILER SETTING A SPECIALTY I TEAMS HIRE- All kinds of Carting and Teaming done on Short Notice HUNTER Timothy Street East ANDREW HUNTER Qorbam Street Out Some farmers wives will feel like dropping tbru a it they lose all their batches of butter on the market some of these days It is re ported that a week ago last Satur day one the hucksters bought rolls of butter and each roll was supr posed to contain a pound When they were delivered in Toronto tbe 63 rolls weighed just 60 lbs Those who sell butter should be careful to give full weight not only because it is right to do so but because the Inspector has a legal right to confis cate what is found to be light in weight and send it to the Industrial Home This has often been done to the disgrace of the buttermaker Every care should be given not only in the manufacture of butter but al so in giving good weight- BY A BANKER Looking fown the Ion and vista of the past right on to that dim and remote era lone ere the dawn of terrestrial form and beauty which saw the birth of time we see this globe of purs as seething body in space its hulk mostly formed of partially liquified rocks and metals in a state of violent agitation and surrounded with a dense and heavy gaseous en velope J which totally obscured the light of the parent luminary and caused Utter and Cimmerian darkness to reign over the void- As the long ages roll on and the outer surface gradually cools down the plutonic vapours by degrees be come more and more attenuated until at length the influence of the suns rays becomes apparent and with the diurnal revolution of the earth the alternations of light and darkness commence the image of the sun itself is not yet discernible through the mists that is not to be until long aeons have slowly passed away And now a thin solid crust forms upon the heated molten surface a vast bulk upon the surrounding gases com bine some forming water some form ing air the one covering the face of the newlyformed crust the other sup porting the mass of lowering clouds which still envelope the entire earth in a dense Now ensues an epoch of uproar and confusion The cooling earth shrinks and contracts causing the rocky crust to wrinkle and fracture Vast sec tions are thrust upwards great As sures and chasms are cleft in all di- mountains are forced up and valleys are rent out of mass And as the enveloping crust which has imprisoned the raging internal fires is split and torn tbe pent up fury of those mighty flames bursts forth and a stupendous contest between fire and water ensues As a continent is raised up displacing the superimposed ocean from Its surface the covering waters are furiously heaved off into the valleys mighty rolling cataracts meeting midway with terrific impact ither opposing masses of foaming bil lows whole oceans hurled with over whelming might Into the newly form ed depressions while the entire wa tery surface is torn into gigantic up raised breakers furiously rolling hith er and thither At length the shrinkage of the rent and disturbed earth ceases thedefta through which issued those mighty glowing flames have tor the most part again closed up the dry lamd is ready for the reception of trees and herbage the wide waters have settled down into allotted stations the dark reign of terrestrial beauty and has And just so with ourselves Until we acknowledge the rule of the Prince of Peace chaos reigns supreme in our hearts we are agitated with uncer tainty as to where we shall spend the hereafter and we look forward with to the Day when the Great Judge will call upon us to render an account of our life But if we ac knowledge the Saviour as our Re deemer who died on our and serve Him truly then that chaos of contending doubt gives place to a peace and confidence glad altogether beyond expression T Sunday School Lesson f fry THE LEADING Haying is One job crowds the other now Wheat is beginning to turn color This is great sugar making weather Dont let the beets sutler for the want of cultivation Does the team in the field drnV as often as you do Do you think to give the chicks some fresh water several times a day April and May hatched pullets make profitable winter layers and those hatched in March begin laying in the When the cattle are put on grass do not leave them to take care of selves even though the grass may be plentiful should see that cattle have an abundant supply of good water and that they are supplied with salt regularly It pays to keep an eye to the stock frequently Keep the growing It takes lots of good sound grain to make large chickens They will pick up a great many bugs worms and seeds themselves but we cannot expect fine poultry without plenty of feed Inferior animals should be weeded out of the herd every year Do not sell them at a low figure for breeding purposes but fatten and send them to the block We must aim to raise the quality of tbe herd every year The highest record eggs laid by on- a Michigan experimental farm this year is fiftynine eggs in months by a white Wyandotte hen The best year egg record in was also by a white Wyandotte which laid one hundred and fortyfour We need educated men on the farm There is work for the educated and intelligent farmer Our advice to the young boys is to educate themselves and stick to the plantation The farmer is the backbone of the country That broken everything is ruined The coming hay crop promises to prbve a heavy one especially in the east where there was some deficiency last year Whatever its size farmers must use all energy and skill in har vesting and housing this most impor tant crop The old year is going out with stocks well reduced and pros pects for a good consumptive demand months to come After you have laid the loss of your little chickens to the weasel the mink and the skunk suppose you watch that old house cat When she gets on to the trick of the businessman old tabby can clean out a brood of young chickens as slick as any wild animal known Gen 3 July Golden Text Where sin abounded grace did much more abound INTRODUCTION Into this lesson are compacted the mystery and the pathos of the moral of humanity Discussions con- the historic of the story are clearly put of place in a Sunday school class That it is the closest account of the facts which men in all ages could understand we may well believe Satanic deception sin punishment and redemption thus standing at the gateway o human history are typical of all that fol low PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS- It is a mistake to trifle with the command of God Disobedience will lead to sin and sin will bring penal A curiosity to know evil should be restrained for many a one has been led into sin thru being thoughtless An evil conscience makes one fear ful of detection and leads to much If God calls us thru conscience we should not try to hide but confess the sin and seek that pardon which God is willing to give STORE Do intend purchasing- a Bicycle this season you do call and see the 1 1 i THE BEST on the market for WHAT IS LIFE TO YOU If you are a victim of piles as- one person in every lour is yon suffer keenly from one of the most torturing ailments known to man and may well wonder If life is really worth liv ing Certain relief and ultimate cure it awaiting you by means of Dr It has never fail ed to cure piles Painless and natur ally it allays the inflammation heals the ulcers and thoroughly cures this wretched disease AH kinds of Bicycle Repairing and Cleaning done on shortest notice X We also keep a full line of Bicycle Sundries and parts When the road gets fit we will have a few Ladies and Gents wheels for hire We have the agency for the MasseyHafris Binder and Mower parts He Colieeted the Sill J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS HIRE w doc- Mm ftFULL VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY Thats what we like to each and every f it customer that deals with us sides those that are coming as we are doubling our trade each and every season Why because we do as we say So If you are In need of a spring Overcoat Suit Fancy Vest or Trousers call on us and you will be one of the many customers that go away well pleased In every respect a A pretty wedding took place at Clinton street when Miss Emma Corson of Toronto was united in marriage to Mr Dawson Port Perry The ceremony was per formed at the residence of brides brotherinlaw Mr Walter by Rev Johnston and was at tended by a large number of friends Including Mayor Cane of Newmarket The prevailing flower in the decora tions was the marguerite and the prides dress of silk organdie trimmed with applique lace and white satin ribbon was embroidered with the daisy in raised silk She carried a bouquet of white carnations The bridesmaid was Miss Lillian Butler who wore a Wasteful gown of cream silk grenadine with trimmings of applique insertion and her bouquet carnations Dr Macpherson of Carlton street was the groomsman and the Misses Maud Butler Toronto and Sylvia Dawson Port Perry filled the role flower girls with maidenly grace Mr and Mrs Dawson will their honeymoon in the Maritime Provinces and will at the Exposi tion before returning to take up residence in Port Perry We are advised that the Ontario Government has appointed Mr J W of Stratford as Ontarios representative on the Board of Judges for the cbeee exhibit at the Pan- American Exposition In last weeks issue we called at tention to the fact that Mr J Bell MP for had a stroke of paralysis He died at his home in Desmond on the 5th Mr Bell was years of age a con servative in politics and had repre sented Tor years He was once Warden of the United Coun ties of Lennox and A new election must follow There is more Catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other dis eases put together and until the last few years was supposed to be incur able Tor a great many years tors pronounced it a local ease and prescribed locJ remedies and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment pronounced it incur- Science has proven catarrh to bo a constitutional disease and there fore requires a constitutional treat ment Halts Catarrh Cure manu factured by J Cheney Co To ledo Ohio is the only constitutional cure on the Ft is taken in ternally in doses front drops to a it acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem They offer one dollars When I was a youngster of seven teen Said a successful Newspaper Collection Agency man I- got a job as a collector with a man who was about as strict a martinet as ever saw He insisted on everything be ing done just as he said and there were times when life was verily a burden but I stuck to him for six months then we had a difference It wa in this way One morning he called me up and handed me a bill on a man I knew and he said was to take it round and collect Its one of our standbys he said and every collector ever sent to him reported him absent or not or something Now you go and dont back here till you see him Do you mean that I asked as the clerks looked up You know me was all he said in reply and I went out after my man He wasnt home the people and wouldnt be for six weeks I stuck the bill in my pocket and went on up the country on a visit The old man sent after me a times but my folks could only tell l was out of and I raid any attention to a letter runt the boss hut went n my self Then I hack and had a visit some other friends and at the end of six weeks I called on man again with We I him at home and told what I had done and he paralyzed fty paying bill with interest Two rows WE ARE ALL SUMMER GOODS TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE Over on the Niagara peninsula an insect which attacks and destroys peaches has been found on a fruit and is said to be doing very considerable damage Fruit growers say this insect Is new to that part of the country It apparently pays no attention to leaf but attacks fruit it- soil eating out holes considerable size thus quickly killing the fruit The Insect flies easily is about one- quarter of an Inch In size somewhat like in shape and rather light between yellow and white in Samples have been forwarded to Ot tawa with a request tor Instructions lor stamping out before it makes fur ther headway Talk to Your Home Night Rates pm to am reduce expense for any case it fails to cure for circulars and testimonials Address J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio Sold by Druggists Halls Family Pills- are the best ft According to a Telegram Special from Ottawa a rumor is- current there that Hon A Blair will leave the Department of Railways and Canals in the fall and that Hon will take change of that portfolio and out transpor tation schemes Hon James Suth erlands name is mentioned in connec tion with Public Works It Is only a speculative When you want Groceries Go to a grocer But When Yon Want Grocery and Provision Store Drugs Send I stepped into II Turn There I said before he bad time to gather his wits Hie amount your bill and interest lie was out of town tor six weeks and I see him and I obeyed your lions I had a rattling time and the house owes me si weeks salary The old man gasped got tine in the face and thought he was jiofng to explode but he did o it all down and stuck out his hand Young man he voir to have been a soldier Im going to put you in charge of the collection de partment and double your salary And he did and- Medicines go to a DRUGGIST Rules Politeness in the eyes to them or A little son of Mr Oscar Match- lord of Lindsay was drowned in a well Children for CASTOR A PAINKILLER IS JVT THB nv deeded MEMBER needed That no charge is made unless we can connect who receives It and BOlI S Bell Telephone CO of Canada To to have a kind regard tor the feelings and rights of others as to your parents brothers sisters and schoolmates as are to strangers Look people airly when you are speaking speak to you Do not bluntly contradict any one It is not discourteous to refuse to do wrong Whispering laughing chewing gum or eating at lectures in school or at places of amusement is rude and vulgar Be doubly careful to avoid any rudeness to strangers such as calling out to them laughing or making re- marks about them Dp not stare at visitors- In passing a pen pencil knife or pointer hand the blunt end toward A von McIran Maripo sa while plowing a field that had been lately stumped plowed up ft containing in Mite Markham lost the game with the of Brampton at the latter place on Dominion Day thru lack of condition of of the players The Druggist can supply your Wants in the Drug line HIS DRUGS Are fresh and pure HIS PRICES Best Granulated Sugar 20 lbs for Bright Yellow Sugar lbs for 3 lbs Raisins Best Selected tor lbs Currants Best Selected Tin Box Biscuits Large or Peas Corn Tomatoes7 c per can Good Coffee per lb or six lbs for Try our Tea and per lb Best Value in Town Fruit Biscuits per lb 3 Cakes Toilet Soap for Eclipse and Surprise Soap Good Cooking Apples per peck HeinU Pickles regular for Prepared Mustard 15c Mix Pickles Westons Bread and Cakes Have the waggon call and try them KNOWLES punter Hunter Have bought the patent right for the County of York for Are low help He keeps experienced Granolithic Roofing Cellar Floors and you with the party asked J reciting do not raise your hand until after lie has When you pass directly in front of any one or accidentally annoy him say Kxcuse me and never fall to say Thank you for the smallest favor On no account say Thanks 1 IMPARTIAL CRITICS Science and Art are the fairy forces which combine to make pur Photo- graphs the admiration of all Our highclass Cabinet Photos can to obtained at a be too high SMITH BROS Newmarket Your Prescriptions Are filled by a Graduate In Dis pensing The Cheapest And Best Place to buy your Seeds is at Lehmans Drug and SEED STORE als Persons desiring to have old roofs repaired in a way which will prolong the life of the old shingles should con sult the above firm or write for In formation Models can seen at the shop on Timothy street Dont listen to what others say Come and See Compare the Era with any other weekly for home news ft r I 1 Buggy For Sale Mikado style In good running order Cost cash Will bo sold at bargain Enquire at the OLD FOR SALE AT THE ERA OFFICER 1 iOat JJV i

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