Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 5 Jul 1901, p. 7

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JULY wot CHINA I Weeks WHAT IB ABOUT The The Directors were to meet last bight to complete arrangements for the Horticulbiral Fair to be held in the Skating Rink on Tuesday and Wednesday and of July The prospects are very encouraging or a magnificent floral display Look over the list of prizes and see if is not something you can con tribute to make the Fair a success Boot and Shoe Snaps Several lines of Ladies and Misses were late arriving We bought others Now we have too many The result is we are going to give you a chance to buy GOOD GOODS AT SNAP PRICES Ladies for you can get a Turn Sole worth All Or fords reduced In proportion to clear out quick A patent leather slipper very neat and stylish for worth Misses Slippers nice and stylish at Close Prices Mens for good value at Mens Patent Leather for worth double Mens Slip Sole Goodyear Welts at 250 worth 350 COME AND SEE China Department Dinner Sets from for Sets to for China Sets Toilet Sets from up for 10- Sets NOW IS YOUR CHANCE to buy Good Goods at Snap Prices GROC CHOICE FRESH and RELIABLE Two More Interesting fetters FROM A- R A The Leading Telephone Pollers Grocery Christian Church Next Sabbath morning the pastor will speak on the question of Sabbath Observance In the evening will be given the fourth in the series of Peoples services Subject Restora tion and Rejoicing The quarterly business meeting of the church will he held on Monday evening in the vestry Next Wednesday is Decoration Day at Newmarket Cemetery There seems to be nothing in the way of the shirt waist for man except the name of the thing and its hick of pockets The Public School meets next Tuesday evening Messrs Allan have plac ed a very neat monument in the Hughes plot in Newmarket Ceme tery to the memory of the late Charlie Hughes The carpenters expect to get ihe roof on Mr Jos Millards second new house on Timothy street this week Toronto Boy missing The following despatch was tele graphed last Saturday from- Calgary to the Toronto press Frederick Sutherland a prosperous rancher at miles north of this place is missing He left on Wednesday to go to the and has not since returned His horse was found yesterday morning and the supposition is that he was drowned while fording Dog Pond River His father in Toronto has been notified Fred Sutherland the missing ranch er is a son of Mr Alexander Suther land deputy sheriff of York county who lives at Cowan avenue To ronto but formerly carried on the mercantile business here as one of the partners in the firm of Sutherland Bros Fred left Toronto two years ago for the west where he went in search of health He is years of age and prior to leaving Toronto studied law at Hall The fa ther of the young man has gone out West to make further enquiry Africa ox Published in the Era by permission of his parents Thursday May part where the fighting is going on Dear Parents Brothers and Sisters of now sit down in my tent for a while to let you know how I am get- come around There is a nice ting along J am still in the so navc health as I know you will all be glad gjit the to hear This climate agrees with uidst the country me OK so far we have about mining shafts are looming up all 20 men of our troop in hospital down- around us This will be quite a spot at with and fever but none of them are dangerous cam o Yeomanry As for me I have never been sick since aflvtrttetiuente I left home in fact I never felt bet ter We are going to leave here to morrow but dont know where we will be located yet I am sorry to leave here too as it is such a nice place We have lots to attend to for out of our total troop of 100 men we only have about 50 fit for duty We have not got our uniforms yet but are ex pecting them any day now and our small next to us Wherever we go we get lots of praise from the Englishmen who never tire of talking of the good work of the Canadians in this war They call us the blooming rough rid ers They think we never did any thing in our lives but shoot Indians and ride wild horses and we do not tell them anything different Well we have got rigged out in our new uniforms now and we look a great horses also Our Troop was out last deal smarter than in the Tommies Sunday escorting a convoy up the There is shooting going on around us country for about miles I see every night now and the sentries have lots Boers that have surrendered to be very careful I had charge of and there are thousands of their cat- the Guard last night and have it- tie and sheep driven in here some again tonight I have to take three days I was talking to some Boers men out every two hours through the lately They still think they are go- night and change sentries We will to win We do not see much of have lots of Guard to do when we the war just here Occasionally we get out to our new place As soon hear a few shots fired in the distance as the moon goes down at night large that is all I have to go on guard search lights are going all over the again tonight so goodbye all till I country and they will turn it on you write again From your son from three miles away and light Corp Brock everything up like day That is how we watch the Boers at night May I my dinner down Town yester- Mother and all at home day It cost I got some have moved from Heidelberg to first Africa I Boxsburg It is about miles from almost eat everything in the place our whole time is devoted to the buying and selling of the Choicest Goods to tickle the palate the Best Goods produced and sell at Lowest Prices giving our customers EXTRA VALUE If you have not yet confined your orders to our care we respectfully solicit the same We are positive you will he well pleased with the service we render you and he re paid in EXTRA VALUE Johannesburg We are in a very pretty part of the country and about of a mile from the Town I was in Town yesterday It is prettily situated near a lake about the size of Bonds Lake only much prettier with weeping wlows growing all around it The Town is kept very The next time I go there I expect to see a sign up No Canadians wanted here We have not received any mail yet I do wish we would soon get some as we are all anxious to hear from home We are in the mid- die of -winter- now It is about like our summer at home only the nights Royal Yeast package Canned Tomatoes per tin or dozen 25 lbs Yellow Sugar for 100 clean not a bit of dirt being allowed whle on the streets I was in a store and ground every morning had quite a talk with an English lady I dont know as have any more who has been out here for about three news this time only I am as well as Very Fine Smoked Shoulder Hams 12c lb Choice Roll Bacon 12c pound Breakfast Bacon 14c pound Long Clear Bacon 12c pound years We are going to move again tomorrow about miles farther out in the country where our boys are out digging trenches and getting ready We will be right in the ever Hoping this will find all at home remain Your loving son Brock Corp No No Troop Division Africa We are handling Mr Berries this year and we expect this week will practically end the berry Season the dry hot weather has made the Season very short We will have plenty of berries for Saturday Dont put off any longer or you may be dissap- NEW CABBAGE AND CUCUMBERS New Cheese Sharp Old Cheese lb We keep Sugar Cured Hams- Bacon Choice Fruits STRAWBERRIES PEACHES RIPE APRICOTS RIPE PLUMS PINEAPPLES RIPE TOMATOES We Keep Bread and Cakes They are Lovely Robertsons Old Stand GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY The Buffalo News of June 21 gives a lengthy account of the marriage of Miss Delia Olive Coates daughter of Mrs of that city to Mr John in St Steph ens Church The bride was gowned in white silk mull over Persian lawn with allover lace and tucked skirt She carried a bouquet of pink roses and maidenhair ferns The bridesmaids were gowned in white organdie with pale pink and blue rib bons and carried bouquets of pink and dark red carnations The maid of honor was gowned in white organ die with pale yellow ribbons and carried a bouquet of yellow carna tions A reception was given at the home of the brides mother Guests were present from Rochester and several otter towns in New York State also Boston Mass Joseph Mo and Toronto Can The happy couple are spending the honeymoon in The Is a cousin of Mrs Albert of Newmarket Council Special meeting last Monday even ing AH members present except Mr Hughes Following bills passed John Turand labor on electric line GTR freight on electric good Turand cleaning closets Walter labor at i i Can Gen Electric supplies 13 R E Manning blacksmith Albert carting 1 Atlantic Refining Co oil for concerning the collection of fines and costs in the Early Closing infraction cases and this on a general dis cussion The ByLaw was consider ed from every standpoint and the ly hope against repeal was for Mr to act as arbitrator be tween Messrs Knowles and Lloyd in the framing of a petition with cer tain exemptions and then have the Inspector present the same for signa ture to the parties interested and thus ascertain whether the three- fourths majority are for or against Early Closing- Mr Robertson consented to this and 10 dozen Select Brooms with Bamboo Handles worth 35c each pecial at While they last each Dont delay Light Station Council adjourned at J Water Is prepared to NEW PUMPS In wells front to and working Complete at pep foot Cistern Pumps complete All New Work Warranted Church At the congregational meeting on Thursday evening last week the following were elected representatives to the Quarterly Hoard Mrs Jackson Mrs M Hughes Mrs Messrs J Millard Maurice Hill McCauley flu Webb The patriotic sermon by Rev Geo McCulloch on Sunday evening was exceptionally good and excellent solos were also given by Miss Yorke Miss and Mr Walter Ste phens Regular monthly fellowship meeting next Sunday morning at ten oclock Sermon by Rev Mr of To ronto The Sunday School review service was very interesting Mr Coombs took up the Quarters Lessons in a brief practical and attractive manner by the use of the blackboard togeth er with the leaf cluster Besides the music led by the orchestra there was a reading by Lily Lush duett by Lily Lush and quartette by and Vera Clarice and The Honor Roll for the second Quarter contains the following names Intermediate Clarice Rheta Brock Cody Frank Pay Sheets y and 97 Pay Sheet Light The Clerk was instructed to ac knowledge the receipt of a cheque for being Legislative grant for the past year The first distribution of License Fund for was received The bill of from T ville for drawing hooks to fire false alarm was referred to the Inspector The report of the Property Com recommending that the hill of George for papering new Coun cil Chamber be paid was adopted Several persons were present to see what action the Council intended to take with reference to the Metropoli tan In response to the Mayors enquiry the Clerk stated that he had not re ceived any communication from the Company since the last meeting The President had slated to the Mayor that the arrival of the rails at Montreal is expected any day and as soon as information is received of their arrival the Clerk will be notified and the extension continued to the North end Mr thought that the Council was too lenient The Company has disregarded all agreements and ap pointments with the Council and the latter should compel them to remove their tracks off Main street The work was to have been commenced by the 1st of July The following was moved by Col Lloyd and seconded by Mr Road- house That the Clerk be and he is here by instructed to notify the Metropoli tan Co that inasmuch as the first day of July has now pass ed and no move has been made by the Company towards complying with the of this Council as shown the resolution passed by the Council on the day of May Metropolitan Co be required forthwith to remove their rajls from on Main street in the Town of New market and that the Council will consider the agreement between the as cancelled Lawrence Lily Lush Carrie Simpson Annie McDougall Velma Town and the Co Garnet Lily Dyke -Carried- Laura Lundy The Road Bridge Com McKay John Morgan Anna Chant- mended payment of the bill A Pearl Smith Wm Cane Sons Co for Primary Ethel Maw McCul- lumber Report adopted loch Carl Arthur Morgan The Inspector asked for Instructions Deaths in City MANY HUNDREDS York July Today was the hottest day with one exception in years The highest temperature and the lowest A series of sharp thunder storms began at this afternoon and ended between and in the evening which much relief Probably not less than people died tolay of the heat The exact number reported by the police up to midnight was but the list was not all in then Proba bly more were prostrated The police list was The morgue Is full of unclaimed dead at Penetang The worst storm seen in for years struck the town on Saturday alter four oclock in the af ternoon The rain came down in tor rents accompanied with heavy hail and the wind a perfect hurricane and in the midst of the tempest the lightning danced and quivered while the thunder crashed and rolled in a terrifying manner The sewerpipes would not take off half the water and flood raced down the street side gutters a foot deep The hail rattJed tattoos upon windows and walls trees were rent and overturned by the violence of the storm some buildings were damaged by the wind and a num ber of windowlights in various parts of the town were broken by the hail At the Reformatory and the guards houses upwards of one and window lights were smashed Herald A little son of Mr of Brougham died from the effect of a horses kick The Captain of the steamer Penn sylvania was fined for running a Sunday excursion from Buffalo Owen Sound July As a heavy thru freight train from Toron to on- the was approaching about noon today eight cars were thrown down an ment The accident Is supposed to have been caused by a turned rail BRADFORD Last Sunday Rev Brown preached his last sermons as pastor of the Bradford Methodist church and this week moved to His genuine christian character has been greatly admired here and many friends will regret the severance of the ties of the last three years Owners of cows in this town will henceforth keep them off the street as one individual who did not respect the bylaw was up before the magistrate on Monday and had to pay for the privilege of pasturing his cow on the public highway for a few hours Everybody with his uncles his cous ins and his aunts is preparing to come to Bradford on the and it is ex pected that fifteen hundred visitors will be here In order to supply this extra demand the ladies of Trinity church have undertaken to furnish din ner in the town hall Bouse For Bale Cheap box New market NEW STRAW HATS NEW BICYCLE PANTS NEW COLORED SHIRTS NEW OF YORK BOWS House and Lot for Sale On For particular apply inWCWIildincidor firSi JULY IO 1901 AT THE Cemetery Procession will leave the FIRE HALL at pm beaded by The Band The different Orders of the Town and all interested are invited to at tend The Mayor and resident Clergy have been invited to deliver short and ap propriate addresses JACKSON President Secretary J A Chairman Grounds Com J Latest American Pearl Grey Fedoras Ladies Oxfords the John make Fine Dongola Flexible McKay Sewn Soles Fine Turn Soles Fine Turn Soles White Kid Lined Misses Dong button or lace neat fitting extension soles Mens Boots shape large 1 regular Mens Boys and Youths Lacrosse Shoes and W COCHENOUR lH House to Bent Oh Mm FDuncan door from For House and Lot Good orchard and small stable For further particulars write Lock Box 331 Newmarket JiiBtas cold as It last winter and as aparklliiir spring water Is that which A supplying and oh how cheap try It and red It will your your shoulders broad and your corns quit pinching toenails stop your hair glossy grow and and keep An brought about by tie you for thing hat on the tablv being kept In such good condition by the use of our Ice A I J Mangel and Turnip Seeds SEED CORN Red Cob Giant Prolific Sweet Im proved Learning Early Butter White Cap Yellow Dent Longfellow and Early J cor Main Timothy St Farm for Bale Fop Sale to Close an Estate Mortgage for on acres In East bearing ft per cent Interest which Is punctually Apply to T J Newmarket WRBEU Teacher of PIANO AND ORGAN Is pupils at private or at homo on corner of Ave and Timothy St West End ol Lot in the Con King containing acres Farm and Buildings in Al condition situated about mile from Kettleby PO For particulars apply to WHITE Kettle to Lot And good garden on street Apply to Carl at Office

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