J fc a- Excuse Made by many a man for a at the bar is that lie needs a He feels weak his stomach is out of sorts and liquor makes him feci good The tired man who sits on a pin leaps up with new energy but no one say that this energy was deuce of the TO Mrs Davis and daughter Ada spent Tuesday last visiting with friends in Newmarket Mr and Mrs J Harris and son strength giving spent Sunday at St Georges- so whit me or was renewing old acquaintances in town Tuesday last Irwin of London came Tuesday last to see her mother Mrs Brown who is seriously ill STOTJFFVILLE The annual session of the District of the church- was held here im Tuesday and Wednesday of this week Mr has spent over a year of his time- ana -over- Council Met at Hall Ketlleby Saturday May AH members present Communications from the following Patterson Clerk appointing J induced by liquors They only spur the body on but do strengthen it Strength is made from food prop erly digested and assimilated When the stom ach is diseased there is a failure to extract the nutrition from food and the body grows weak The weak body needs strengthening not stimulating Pierces Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition so that the nutrition of food is perfectly traded and assimilated and the body nourished into health and strength There is no alcohol in w Golden Medical and it is entirely free from opium cocaine and all other narcotics Accept no substitute for Golden leal Discovery There is no other cine just as good for diseases of the stomach and allied organs your Medical Dr Catarrh Remedy have been or great to me Prof A CW Viola Fulton Co Art Before I used the abort mentioned remedies sleep was not digestion bad a feeling or I now feel like a new Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets regulate the bowels and liver of his money and will by the middle or June his factory in f illness from Samuel Mm running order There are men Clerk of Albion re town It work now placing the balance of to between Albon and Kg from the machinery viz callers singers A B- Armstrong re costs A W smolce house and automatic elevator King Township also re title to which rim front bameni to top Jtff Council from Mrs wife of John tor 1 ASSURANCE GO J Company has now enter upon its 74th year The following figures testify to its Stability Liber ality Popularity Too for last Mrs Draper and Mrs J Rog ers paid Mrs a visit Tuesday last Mr and Mrs John were re turning home last Tuesday when their horse became unmanageable and smashed the buggy considerably but the old people escaped being much hurt The horse got paid back well for Johns indignation waxed warm Endeavor was crowded last Sun day Where do all the young couples come from Rat The South York Teachers in session here last week passed the re solutions to be forwarded to the On tario Association not granted to persons under years of That the training term schools be extended to one year That the School of Pedagogy road purposes The following were ordered to be paid A Armstrong leys bill of costs re vs King ah Lloyd bill of costs re vs King Garten Pottage re pairs to road Jenkins repairing culvert between lots and be not permitted to teach in Pub- Albert shovel- lie schools unless have Model or B snow from road tajv Normal school training 4 I repairs Latin should not bo a compulsory snb- 650 A Foods about Annual Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid Daring year 1898 were issued for j- The STANDARD has investments in Canada amounting to over Fopr- teen Millions of Dollars J A BA8TED0 Agent JAMES CLARKE District Inspector basis d buildings and equipment average attendance amount of salary paid to teacher That the text book on history remodelled and the subjects treated by the great That metric system be a Jennings repairs to Jos Hillings pposite lot 33 for spade HH Ireland for bridge and repairs to road at gravel pit John for hilling worrying sheep John A Watson part of the curriculum of the Public balance to assessors salary 15 John A Watson equalizing union Df J of fit Toronto Specialist In Diseases of Women Diseases of Piles be consulted every Saturday at Plpher Newmarket Waiting room upstalra Summer School offers a splendid opportunity for teachers and others to develop increased earning power at a limited expense of time and money Write us about it OUR REGULAR WORK continues right along from month to month Students en tering In June or July finish a course in the Fall when many are just entering We have no vacations We do thorough work every month in the year and are constantly sending out young people into good posi tions Business College TORONTO A Four cases of smallpox have been discovered in the family of Mr John Hamilton CHASES CATMBH CURE AJty to teat direct to ditM4 Impnrtod it cleu l tott ttOp On Monday at am the dwell ing occupied by on the estate of the late Dr Hunter lot con caught fire from the chininey and with some the contents was consumed It was with difficulty that the barn was saved- The rain- r falling at the time helped to prevent the flying embers from setting fire to it There is said to be some insur ance on the house and contents A baseball club is organized here Hon J Davis is honorary presi dent The annual meeting of the for the election of officers and teachers took place on Monday evening The and assistant were reelected See Milton Cook Cook teachers Mrs -Win- James Miss J lemon Miss SI J White Jos Baker is in Toronto on jury Mrs White is spending a while with relatives in Toronto Miss Sister of ML Albert visit ed friends in this locality for a few days last week The Anniversary services will be held on Sunday the 2nd of June- Rev Mr Dewey will conduct the ser vices at oclock and at pm Sing ing by the children at each service The Hon E J Davis Commission er of Lands was around call ing on friends last week and address ed a meeting of his supporters in the schoolhouse after which an organiza tion for this division was formed with Mr John as chairman and Mr as secretary The total amount raised to is year on the Circuit for all mands is one thousaMtwo hundred and sixty dollars this is the largest amount raised on this circuit year and indicates a state of progress under the watchful care of the present pastor the Rev J Bowles A meeting of -the- North York County Orange Lodge has been called for Friday evening- June next to decide upon- the celebration of July Right Rro John McMillan of Toronto is expect ed to be in attendance at the meet ing The Council has decided to put down vitrified brick sidewalks iristcad of asphalt or pine the cost being the same and it is believed the will he much more durable The of England will hold their annual demonstration in the park here on Dominion Day July 1st In addition to theirusuai attractive pro gram of sports the Rand of the Body Guards of To ronto will be present and furnish mus ic during the day and give a concert in the evening A few weeks ago Mr Oscar Stevens who was at Fort Francis last sum mer and who spent the winter at his home here left again lor that point Unfortunately he was taken 111 on the road up and had to return home He reached here Saturday and has been to his bed since with a se vere attack of rheumatism Saturday evening a young man had a narrow escape from serious if not fatal injury at the Grand sta tion here On the arrival of the train going north he went on board to see a friend and remained until the train was well under way In attempting to get on the moving train stepped backwards and was thrown violently to the platform The steps the passing cars struck him on the forehead inflicting- a severe wound but fortunately throwing him further back on the platform instead of drag ging him under the train It was a pretty clpKe call anil should prove a warning Ho people not to attempt to alight from a moving train and also not remain on the train until it gets in motion Banner schools That literature and his- but not Physiology and temper- Mo King and be retained as subjects for enH Webb equalizing union trance examination to High Schools No King and Whitchurch J That all teachers submit subject repairs matter for a new primer to the Ontario Educational- Association to 3rd con Sunday COURT OF REVISION The following assessments were con firmed Jane of Anne J Gordon south east lot FIVE KILLED AND INJURED Con Albany May Electric cars raping for a switch while run- in opposite directions at the Graham lot Con new sur vey lot con off it being Government land Richard rate of miles an hour cost 5 lives lot Con and John this afternoon by a terrific collision while over prominent people some fatally and others seriously injured filled the accident wardsofthe vari ous hospitals with the possibility other deaths before morning The lobby of the local is filled with dead and wounded Hysterical Kinleywest part lot con 11 The following persons succeeding in getting- reductions on their assess ments namely IS lack lot Con reduced Mrs An nie Hunter part of west half lot Con reduced Peter east half lot Con reduced May The Empire State of the line Kingston met with a serious mishap hero this morning She was chartered to run an excursion from and iitermcdiato points to the Kingston Victoria Day celebration and on reaching here at oclock had about five hundred A large number of addi tional excursionists were getting aboard at the CPR dock when an excited conversation was noticed go ing oh between the and Allen as a result of- which the lines were quickly- cut loose and the steamer hurried away under a head of steam The river was very rough with tie wind blowing a gale from the east The captain was no ticed making an effort to swing the boat around and come into shallow water at the Rowing just east of his first land ing but the wind prevented it and he ran up the river He succeeded in turning the pier safely and steered the boat into a shallow bay where she was beached about feet from a dock The passengers then learned for the first time that some thing was wrong It appears that after making her first landing the passengers rushed to the the vessel making her list so badly as to put the port holes below water Her hold was filling rapidly and the engineer on making the discovery communicated to Allen is generally commended in taking the prompt did Had the boat been allowed to remain a few minutes longer she would have sunk almost immediately with a great loss of life A panic would have certainly ensued The steamer was beached on a mud bottom and is resting easy with first deck under water A little ex citement prevailed among the passen gers when the cause the beaching was learned but their fears were soon allayed and in a short time all were safely transferred to shore A Sluggish and friends surgeons administer ing temporary relief and ambulances racing thru the city taking the wound ed to hospitals were the early of the most terrible electric line accident ever heard of in this lo cality Scene of the Accident The scene of the accident was a point about two miles out of East on line of the Albany and Hudson Railway a justcomplete road of the third rail pattern The point where the cars met on the single at a sharp curve and fast were- both running and so sud den the collision that the motorman never had time to put on the brakes before southbound car No had gone clean thru northbound car No with human flesh for a bung on the a high bluff with load of shrieking maimed human ity One was pinioned up against the smashed front of tho southbound car with both tegs sever ed and killed instantly while the other one lived but a few minutes Heartrending Scenes women and children looking Stewart east half lot- Con fl reduced- The following persons were relieved tax they hayings killed their namely J- Alex Hurst Wells J Jar vis Geo Jefferson Black and widow yhropshires one dog to assess ment roll The following names were added to assessment roll as voters namely James Simpson John Watson John Wood Forsyth Stephen Austin Graham John Harper Lindsay Henry Albert Stew art Geo Harrison Potter Anderson Geo Neil William Egan to lab orer to- laborer Several alterations were made not effecting values merely substituting or changing exchange of property has place The Court then adjourned having confirmed the assessment rolls as Fully men women and children amended formed a huge struggling shrieking I The Council theri adjourned to meet pyramid mixed with blood detached j at fc Hotel Loch on portions of human bodies and the Saturday June wreckage of the cars of the more slightly injured of the men ex tricating themselves from the quiver ing mass began lo take people out of the rear ends of he two cars and al most everyone extricated In this way was badly injured The scenes were heartrending The few women and children who had escaped Injury and death were hysterical and added their cries to the shrieks of the dying- and mutilated Men with broken arms and dislocated joints and bloody heads and faces tried to assist others who were more helpless and there were many cases of philosophical bravery Torpid Liver When the liver gets slow and slug gish In action bile is left In the blood to poison whole system and rise to bodily derangements When there are biliousness constipation and Indigestion Dr Chases KidneyLiver Pills make you Well in a surprisingly short time Mrs A Smith Manning av enue Toronto states My daughter has had a wretched time of It for quite a while with- liver complaint causing among other troubles weakness of the stomach very sallow complexion and a most miserable state of reeling general ly My- husband had occasion to use Dr Chases Pills and spoke so highly their merit that T concluded to have her try hem and since beginning their she has markedly Improved in I can with confidence theretore Dr Chases KidneyLiver Pills One pill a dose cents a box Dr Chases KidneyLiver A despatch dated May says 200 Chinese were villed or wounded as a result of the explosion at the Kalgan Arsenal May 15th when Lieut Kummer of the German army and several German soldiers Co I were Wounded Hay free- All If you have neuralgia Scott Emulsion si Cod Liver Oil will feed the nerve that is cry ing for food it is hungry and set your whole body going again in away to satisfy nerve and brain from your food That is cure If are nervous and irri table you may only need more fat to cushion your nerves you are probably thin Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil will give you the fat to be gin with Cure so far as it goes Full cure is getting the fat you need from usual food and Scotts Emulsion will help you to that If yon It ead for free Us will SCOTT Torvoto iil Bd I signature la every box of the Laxative o remedy toll I In one day i Pay Census MINISTER WILL DEAL KINDLY WITH ANY OASES OP HARD- SHIP Hon Sydney Fisher has sent out several circulars respecling the pay of census enumerators Minister Agriculture points out that tho present rates lor enumerator are more liberal than those of ten ago by CO to per cent shown by the following comparative table of salaries For each person recorded- For each death recorded v For each farm recorded For each factory recorded 20 The rate for commissioners is also more favorable being one cent per head or over per hundred families Instead per hundred families in With respect to the cases of hard ship the Minister states I must now desire you as commissioner to proceed to make up the accounts of your enumerators on the schedule rates supplied If In any case you find that the full allowance of per day of eight hours has not been earn ed and you consider that the enum erators have exercised due diligence In their work I am willing that you should make a report of the circum stances which lead you to believe that they ought to have special considera tion or special allowance If with a statement of the facts and circum stances you make a recommendation for special consideration and if a fair case seems to be made out on which a special allowance can be based I am prepared to say tbat the depart ment will recognise It and make such special ajlowanco- of Success During the above period I sold besides several aratora have had no lawsuits or disputes of any kind and so far as I know my customora are well satisfied I yet several Good SecondHand Portable Engines for sale including Cornell A bell lean supply a full refitted rig at giving years time No cheap rig sold where it will interfere with my regular customers Trial given and customers satisfied before asking for settlement THOMPSON IPROMPTLY SECURED Write for our books tavBt you art fenduu roOKh or model of your tod opinion whether We an I fiel to prompt work and quickly ecure broad at the Invention t procured through St- Ma rion rtc4v special without in loo the Domtnlon Specialty Patent of MARION MARION A T What is J is for is a for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops and Syrups It contains neither Opium other It Is Pleasant Its thirty years use by Millions of Mothers destroys Worms arid allays cures Wind Colic- Castorla relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency Castorla assimilates tho Food regulates Stomach and Bowels of Infanta and giving healthy and Statural sleep is the Childrens Panacea The Mothers ain excellent for children Motlien repeatedly told me of its good effect children la so well adapted to children that recommend it as to any pre scription known to me A Brook signature of APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER IMC COM British Columbia Red Cedar A Perfectly Clear Shingle and very wide ALSO- PINE SHINGLES LUMBER LATH DOORS AND SASH OF ALL- KINDS ftffrj PAILS TUBS ARDS a- CO Limited The Office Specialty Mfg Co Limited WE SELL i Piorlor Suites Roman Board Room Tables Reception Chairs Parlor Tables Hall Chairs and Settees Bedroom Chairs Library Tables Arm Chairs Couches and Sofas Fancy Rockers Office Tilting and Arm Umbrella Stand and Card Re- Dining Chairs Morris Chairs Office Desks and Filing vices The Office Specialty Mfg Co BAY STREET TORONTO Factory NEWMARKET Ont MEN AND Women to travel old of solid nil payable la ak required Give refer aod enclose volnne Bid 0 E N T T Q 0 B 8 8 J 21 1 A FREE wilt rtwrd w ny who will correctly iftboviUtiert to three Canadian cities Use each butj one will the money away and yon may the more than correot thai i money win be divided equally For Initanea persona tend cornet iniwera each will receive ehould Ifl lend In correct aneweie each will twenty each We do loorfirm we handle possible SEND NO MONEY WITH YOUR ANSWER TbU lea A post card net who bet frost ether on CO- CANADA-wa-