THE NEWMARKET ERA yRIDAV JAN ix 9Qt If is out of order earning WOJiati Sick Headache bum or a Pills and tomorrow be rtU will bright active and re any kind of work Th experience it 5STlK HOODS a by aU At ROB A HAT WCDKAWATR a he funeral of the late Shrop shire of TOiitchiicch curred Friday mUM to Aurora The Tanning Company is in- filing a lot of machinery which Value horse blanket you do Parlies all the rage at pre win enable the company to still bed coining be a time of Joy nd aonlA pain a arranger f As the time bow often the increase large volume of business even trade paying in tames of depression any man ever succeed in ii Dont Miss A in price of Photos 3 Cabinets for 2HbK Cabinets Sunbeams beet work that can kohl hi Scotch ball at New Mr ng a cow into submission- ok of Tempenuwoviile who will be ice crop is to teun- School concert move J f evening of last week was a here the demands of the market success The hall was crowded to the from tests customers doors The drills choruses etc were t the l l0 rendered without members of the Masonic Order attend- but by actions tion as the encores indicated that the digestive The proceeds amounted to Stephen Leonard of Urn United sUte tod army who was killed in can afford to hire ill- in the Philippine Island and tempered help to look after cows whose body sent- home for inter- Plan to be on by the United States Cavern- Institute when J of this place has a lead pencil in your l interesting piece of parchment in ttuif and see how you her possession It is the crown we it Jot lot fiS in the concession of- can Pick up a lot good and Whitchurch The M taken out in January that by Andrew of aon LINTON A concert and taffy party was given in the school on Friday Mr A Stewart made a capital chairman The annual school meeting of Linton school section was held in the school house A large gathering of ratepay ers assembled and deep interest was manifested in the generally hand it is at the Farmers held in your Mr Perry was elected to Cllbinf am J see 0 T GRAHAM JONES OLD STAND Newmarket chair Mr auditor and Mr Stewart was reelected discussions were hearty and to the point each person good working for the welfare of the future material comfort of the scholars Lengthy and important discussion was given over the erection of a wood house the sinking of a well and the erection of a windmill STOUFTVILLE HSR CttaiUtolDtiwiiJce 1 Commssiioo Or nitty in a new The has printing press Mr and Mrs Randall friends at Newmarket this Jeitoejxdwdy- The of the Methodist Church fe53foSSS entertained at the residence- of WOCiHE CO Mr David Monday f The anniversary sermons of the Methodist church here were preached on Sunday last by the Dr and were largely attended On j Years night a lecture upon The Ideal Man was also delivered by Dr A A 1 Hunter lo a crowded house and was I thoroly enjoyed by eseoone The Dr as a lecturer has few equals and we have heard none who were his years ago who came te a At his death the property a rao Vff Wlt to more than his death to the late IS J and is held his widowers K raise grain to sell it to the J Clubine There are not ntanv farms er thus keeping in debt just be- in this section of the country which did Step up have remained in the family j If a cow can be depended upon when it is a poor year for grain crops a century 1 why not push her to the when is The Standard The Comp3ny has now enter- or while as a preacher he ranks at the ed its 74th year The following figures testify to its Stability Liber- Funds about Annual Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid During year 1898 Polices were issued for head- of Methodism in Canada The excellent choir of the church furnished roost enjoyable music under the cap able leadership of Mr Slouffer The a lecture netted a handsome amount which will be devoted to the building fund Mr and Mrs of New market spent New Years with her parents Mr and Mrs more Rev Mr Vickery has not been en joying good health for some time we regret to say and the official board of the church has granted a months vacation It is his intention to go to Clifton Springs New York a prosperous year comes and feed There was a large attendance at the Watchnight service held in the School 1 ashes contain little fertility or of the Methodist church to see I food but are when sifted good for the old year and century pass away dust baths for poultry They also and tiie new begin an excellent mulch for currants Thursday last was a red letter day raspberries and blackberries or around in the history of the Presbyterian con- or small trees as they gregations of Bradford and 2nd West- hold the moisture help to lessen Gwillimbury It was the occasion of ravages of currant worm and the induction of Rev Dr J prevent weeds from springing up Smith into the pastoral charge of these where there is a thick covering of two ashes On Thursday afternoon last the re- Horses are quick to detect an of who died tone of voice suddenly the previous Sunday at Pick- The horse that is so vicious by near Ste Marie Mich or so spoiled by training and were consigned to the tomb After a teasing as to develop into a chronic short service at the residence of the is a worthless piece of prop- deceaseds mother the cortege No person can aftord to keep an ceeded to Trinity church when Rev i animal who is liable to kick him to improved the occasion death when a by conducting a brief service The I The best feed care and housing will sad procession then its way up for the of to Coupons Hill burying ground City horses those that r wit goods arc generally cared for in the best possible way but they wear out with great rapidity The turkey is the king of birds This bird shines especially as a roast and is certainly very fine There is more difficulty in raising turkeys poor mother la nerverecked and fearing and almost suffer ing death It isnt right Nature Beyer it to be so the moth er were strong and well ln a voriianly way as she ought to be there- would be no danger and utile The time of parturition is made com fortable and safe by the use of Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription It- la medicine designed by a skilled physician a specialist in the disorders dis eases of and only purpose of putting the whole system into perfect vigorous It works directly on organs involved in babys advent and makes them strong healthful and flexible Taken during the whole period of gestation it Insures the perfect health of both mother and child Mr Grimes of Co Ala writes I three bottles of your one bottle of your little Pellets what in appetite they did give My is now three months old and weigh fifteen when sue was bom was ttie fattest tittle bby girl you tfti Sbe wis the larrit one of tabic and the birth had an ftud shorter time than I had I am stouter and healthier than I ever was I never will be with out your medicine May God you and your good medicines For constipation Pierces pleasant Pellets are the most perfect medicine ever devised They give comfortable permanent relief Solid Gold Gold Fill yis Gold Fill BesbGlas9e perfect OPTICAL CO Street Toronto- investments in Canada amounting to over Four teen Millions of Dollars BONUS YEAR now and secure a share of the profits GEO HUNT District Inspector J A A KENDALLS BLOW TO ATOMS The old idea that the body some times needs a powerful drastic purga tive pill has been exploded for Dr Kings New Life Pills which are per fectly harmless gently stimulate liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter cleanse the system and absolutely cure Constipation and Sick Headache Only 25 cents at Drug Store as a Sunday night he hurriedly journeyed to church and while stooping to take on a he fell to the floor nil sullenly expir ed It is thought his death was par tially due to injuries received to the head while playing hockey some two or three months previously from the effects of which he had never fully re covered Deceased was in his year Sl ton ira lUojt a InckSM It dote Dr a I a 1 fcU ft 1 U4 It J CO An explosion of 200 lbs of dyna mite occurred near the shaft being by Dominion Coal near Sydney Four men were and glass In houses broken Miss of Newmarket spent Christmas with her Walton and V A of this village At tlie close of the concert Christ mas evening an address read to Mr A Wilkinson by Miss Drown and a presentation made by Master Tom Davis on behalf of tlie P School Mr was presented with a coat as a slight token of the esteem in which he was Iteld by the pupils The proceeds of the en tertainment evening amounted to Mrs Geo K Reynolds and family have gone on a two weeks visit friends Kettlcby and Newmarket On Sunday Jan anniversary services will be held in the Baptist church con of King T Fox of Toronto will preach at a m and pm Special music will be rendered The funeral took place on Monday lo the Friends Cemetery of Ruth fourth daughter of Mr and Mrs Stephen Leonard Deceased tasted peacefully to her eternal reel j on Thursday last about pm in her year after buffering the pangs of consumption for over a year The funeral was very largely wtdch marked the high esteem in which she was regarded by all who knew her The father and and family have the sympathy of this en tire community during their trial of bereavement badly miles bxA car tor form of -v- have e llier IhJokpflt- You can to fiaiv fc tic Of It You can An in Jumaica has a plant for evaporating bananas ripe fruit Is placed In a heated oven for not more than forty- eight hours during which time the rffc llwS ftlx cur ai An expert that fie of at least counter of old master which are now hang ing In the private galleries of the United States and all of which were ii J originally In Europe at Dr Chases Ointment I The lacrosse club here provided beautiful wreath bearing the initials BLC and took charge of the funeral six of the members acting as pallbearers- Jim was quite a fa vorite among the boys and after leaving here somi ago Arthur he soon found new friends and also at later where he had launched into business for himself eaters but being great rovers and al ways foraging are not so expen sive as generally supposed Like other birds the turkey should be cooped to fatten The yearly waste of health from overworking is something enor mous There is no economy in forc ing work of three horses onto two horses The fanner who regularly practices this error will in the course of 30 years spend nearly twice as much for horses as he will have to spend if he keeps enough horses to do his work without exhaustive over working A good Collie dog is a good friend to have about Kite poultry yard He learns to take an interest in the fowls and no chicken thief ever gets around that he does not notify him that he Is there We had a Collie that discovered without any effort on our part that we would prefer to have the young fowls eat by themselves and he made it his business to keep the old ones away while the little ones were eating A good dog scares away rate and chicken hunting cats and an intelligent dog- is better com pany than a good many men Besides that a dog never pretends about his friendship If he says he likes you he does which is more than we can say of a good many men la responsible for every that has ever been made every advance toward higher tilings and every comfort or convenience we enjoy Still there are some contented people in the world Tlie tree that has ceased growing has begun bo de cay Wo must either go forward fall back Contentment Is lack of ambition It is something by another and more fitting word lazi ness Every farmer that carries on dairy ing to even a limited extent should provide for an Ice supply Where such a supply is to be put in this is the time to consider It ques tion of storage is not a difficult one to On most farms there is building or a part of building easily dralnable whore the ice may be stored The packing material Is cheaper for the farmers than for any other man whether it be chafT or hay as the prof man has to purchase these of the farmer No city family that can afford to buy Ice ever thinks of being without It and it la no more a luxury in city than in the country To the dairy man It kg exceedingly valuable if he is trying to make good butter for It him bo keep his ripening cream at a temperature where the befit flavors are developed and also makes it possible to keep the finished product in a condition where- it will not deteriorate- fee relumed if we fill Any out sending ketch and description of any invention will our opinion free concerning be patentability of same How to ObUiu a potent sent upon request Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense Patents taken out through receive without charge in Tub Record an Illustrated and widely circulated Journal consulted by Manufacturers Investors Send for sample copy FREE Address VICTOR J A CO I Patent Attorneys WASHINGTON Three Years of Success 9 1 I Jill T 1 t X I sJ A I 1 I This picture Is the trade mark of SCOTTS and is on every bottle of in the World which now to many millions yearly This great business has grown to such vast proportions the proprietors have always most careful in selecting the various ingredients used in its composition namely the finest Cod Liver Oil and the purest they have skillfully combined the various ingredients that the best possible results are obtained by its use Because it has made so many sickly delicate children strong and healthy given health and rosy checks to so many pale anaemic girls and healed the lungs restored to full health so many thousands in the first of Consumption If you have not tried it send for free you BOW Ha Chemists Toronto and If ad andrnaita During the above period I have sold engines besides several Sep- had no lawsuits or disputes of any kind and so far as I know my customers are well satisfied I yet several Good SecondHand Portable Engines for sale including Cornell Abel White and I- can supply a full refitted rig at giving years timo No cheap rig sold whore it will interfere with my regular customers- Trial given and customers satisfied asking for settlement fl THOMPSON PROMPTLY SECURED1 Writ for our Interesting belles Invent or Help and How you are awlndkd Send us a Pa ugh sketch or of your vention or Improvement add we will tell you Ire- our opinion as to whether It It probably applications often ill successfully prosecuted by us We conduct fully equipped offices Montreal and ihisqusllfles us to prompt patch work and quickly secure at das the Invention Highest furnished proctued through Ma rion rcotlv notice without charge in loo newspapers distributed throughout the Dominion Patent of and MARION MARION and I Atlantic t MS LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT We have just receiver a Car of 4 mi mm mum LES I Every Shingle of which is Perfect Call and see them We also have a full assortment of Pine Shingles PRICES BIGHT The Cane Sons Mfg Co limited NEWMARKET ONT Rubbers Made y he RUBBER GO Canadas oldest best Rubber Man ufacturers An extra thick protection hand pure rubber coming high on the upper see the cut Thick soles of pure rubber and taps and beds of extra strength and thickness These are soles that wear as long the uppers They are the strongest and best h rubbers in Canada Look for this mark on the solcr PAT Made by THE CANADIAN RUBBER CO TORONTO MONTREAL M ti LAMP LIGHT OP ONTARIO ENQUIRE OF DEALERS FOR IT The QUEEN OIL CO ROGERS TORONTU OUR VAST STOCK TO BE GIVEN AWAY Us i rca7MS a susVa OCR u MttiU 1 sol as TVS for this trvka will cat aw csa in Airtt j ass or flak st difist Ihsm st each a ta jo is Absotaielj ss am mM ffr u THE CO FREE CAMERA i In iaitsaMt v- ttisAindei