r iTHE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JAN JaB HALL Weeks flews IS OS IN ft V s Big Prise Mr Uriah Marsh just East of New market sold this week a Clydesdale colt mouths old for tbe sum of I vf COR- TO Boots and Councils first meeting for rawly elected municipal councils will take place next Monday at oclock am in the several corporations Cutting match President vs VicePrea will be played at the rink on Monday All Curlers in Town are re quested to be on the ice at when sides will be chosen Shoes i We want to say a few words about our Empress Fine Shoes for Ladies They give per fect Satisfaction for the lowing reasons They are uptodate in style They fit perfectly They are guaranteed to give Every the Wearer Have we Sold You a Pair Misses and Childrens fine or strong Shoes Mens and Boys coarse and fine Shoes The Depot Freight shipments the past week were Inwards cars rodse Z household goods timber pail wood Own bottles total Outwards car oats live stock barley household goods wheat total Quite an excitement at Mr T residence on Tuesday even ing for a few moments A big col onial lamp took fire A special meeting of the Town Coun cil of lauu took place Wednesday even ing to wind up the business of last year The report is crowned out this week The snowstorm yesterday morning on fair sleigrvng in Town but many of the country roads are blown bare Regular meeting of U at Mrs Henry next Tuesday af ternoon Tbe election of County Councillors went very tamely most of the day but- waxed somewhat warm towards close The absence of a local election was principally the cause of difference the Town Council has only the changes J Anderson and Rogers out and A and J J Davis in their places Dr Rutherford after serving on the board of High and Public Schools and sometimes both has retired he has rendered valuable service on both boards and carries with him the ap preciation of the ratepayers The Tanning Company have removed the plaster from their office and finished it in wood making a de cided improvement in They have also installed a new ma chine for smoothing their leather whereby the work of three or four men will be more easily done by one and much better Dr Coulter Deputy Postmaster Gen eral has placed himself on duty He is much improved in health hut not as well as he should be to assume work Or Stevenson received a severe shak ing several of his teeth loosened and some bruises in a street railway acci dent in Burial at Christinas time On hearing of the matter the Company sent a man who readily consented to pay the trifle asked by the Dr PINE ORCHARD- Mrs P Hunt has from To ronto in improved health after under going a very critical operation Municipal elections created more ex citement among our local politicians than the general elections Rev Air Rogers of Newmarket is I to exchange pulpits with Mr Thomp son nest Sunday evening Several from here attended the an- nual convention of Whitchurch S S Association which was held at Tuesday and Wednesday last man The convention was one of the most successful in the history ttlC test ation the attendance being large and toe speakers conversant with their subjects Mr Playter is in Toronto serving on jury Miss Edith Case- of Park spent New Years at home Messrs Sharp and Varcoe having completed their wellnoting at Ms and secured a well have left for A quiet wedding took place on Wed nesday Dec when Miss Kale Oldham daughter of Mr A Oldham of this place was united in marriage to Mr Elijah Rose of We extend our congratulations to the young couple Mr Ben Peterson of Albert has moved into Mr P Lujtdys house and is working for Mr J Spalding Master Harry Spalding has been suf fering from an attack of jaundice to the War Office under date January 6 Lord Kitchener says Yesterday engaged lareys commandoes at- The enemy was forced to retire to the north-west- Our casu alties have not yet been received but are reported slight- A Boer doctor ad mitted that twenty Boers were killed or Wouijded was taken prisoner It arrears from reports of the wounded who have arrived at Hell- that a detachment strong be longing to Knoxs command came in to with a superior force near I regret to Say that Lieut two other officers and fifteen men were killed and two officers and twenty men wounded Mm Our Breakfast Foods are worth trying PAN DRIED ROLLED OATS FW- mi MOLINA WHEAT -o- GRAM RUBBERS Our Snag Proof Rub bers the best on the market The President of Ladies Aid of the Methodist church Jack son having stated her intention to re tire from office the members of the Society to the number of twentyfive accompanied by the pastor of the walked into No Church on Wednesday evening and took possession of the place Having re moved their wraps the company assem bled into the drawingroom where lle following address was read by M Hughes Dear Mrs Jackson We the members of the Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Church here your home to spend Mr and Mrs Robert Pearson of social hour with you- and your family Newmarket were guests at Mr we desire to embrace the horns on Sabbath last of expressing our deep Quite a number of the fwends of cialion of the excellent servjees you j Mr and Mrs Robinson spent Monday of our evening of KETTLEBY We regret to report quite a number on sick list in this vicinity the past week among whom are Mr Wesley White Mrs E Fox Mrs Ed West Mr J Rogers and Mrs Pratt Mr TUson started for his home on Island a few days ago but found that the ice would not as yet insure crossing and returned to King The Misses Kendall of Toronto are spending their holidays with Mrs t Miss Alice Lemon has been visiting friends at St Thomas Miss Campbell of Cayuga Ont has been engaged to teach No for the ensuing year- j Mr Hairier of Georgetown re presenting the John Thresher Co and local agent Tommy Watson of called on Wednesday last China and Glassware Dinner Sets Toilet Sets and At Very Close Prices to reduce our large Stock Over Sets to Select from See our Stock in Store opposite Grocery Fine New Figs lb Fine New Selected Raisins lb New Citron Orange and Lemon Peels This Seasons Currants are scarce and price high -o- A The Leading Grocer Telephone have rendered as Society We feel that we have abundant reason to congratulate you and to congratulate ourselves on the general harmony and good will that have prevailed among us and the mark ed success that has crowned our unit ed efforts It Is now only a little over two years and a half since we undertook the formidable task of ting a new pipe organ in our church at a cost of and we now are proud to say that only of that entire amount remains unpaid The cheerful willingness unwearied constancy untiring energy and the marked efficiency with which all the important duties connected with your position have been discharged have contributed much to the general pros perity of our Society and reflect great credit on your character and ability and Have fllletf us with respect and ad miration for you and now that we arc approaching the annual meeting for the election of officers we indulge the that you will accept the poihtment to your present position for another year assuring you of our con tinued support and hearty cooperation in everything that is f or tie best in terests of our church with the sincere prayer that Gods Wearing which rich and no sorrow may ever attend you and yours Newmarket Jan The whole arrangement was a per fect surprise to Mrs Jackson but she replied in suitable terms an- was fol lowed by a speech from the pastor who congratulated the ladies on hav ing such a band of earnest and zealous workers for the church After a few remarks by the editor games were Introduced followed by which the ladles had provided and a very social evening was spent last week with them in commemoration of anniversary of married life Many handsome and useful pieces of Silverware were among the presents received Alto gether a very pleasant evening was spent Mr Jesse Tatton and his phonograph being the chief attraction the line of entertainment Reeve with a handsome ma jority again sits at the head of King Council for the ensuing year w attendance a- meeting on Monday evening was very encouraging The chief fea ture program was very aJle address by Rev of Keswick Topic Is the young man Absalom safe A strong appeal was made regarding the safety of the young men of today How readily comes tire response safety while the alluring temptation of strong drink is in our land and that so frequently encounter ed How is our fair land to be de livered How are our homes and our boys to he freed from this greatest of evils Nothing less than legislation can do We can have it if we will IMH1 is the only remedy But alas that this power has been abused A lack of principle from our voters To whom can we look for a better state of things Is it to be the wo mans vote is that to be the means to this end The speaker said em phatically Our politicians today are more afraid of the womens vote than they are of the whole Church of Christ Sisters let us look well to our duty if such in must be Shall quietly allow these vital questions to pass our most candid judgment We have too much at stake to shrink from what we believe to be our right ful duty And is it not part of our pledge to use all lawful means to hinder the traffic in intoxicating liquors A White Rihbonerv Ottawa Jan A fine big team of horses belonging to the Governor Gen era ran away last night wrecking the sleigh and throwing the occupants around generally The team was standing at Hall door pre liminary to a drive thru the city Lady Violet Eliot Miss Plowden Miss Guise and Mr Malcolm were in the sleign They were thrown out at different points on the grounds and es caped with slight bruises The horses were badly cut and bruised The sleigh was completely ruined Brandon Man Jan Three Cana dian Pacific trains were lost on the Areola branch in Western Manitoba A passenger train left Brandon hut- after passing became snow bound in the drifts which are to 20 feet deep A snowplow and an engine were sent out to bring the ex press It too was tied up with snow A third engine was sent to the rescue but met a similar fate The trains remained buried in the huge drift all the week and were not released until the farmers for twenty miles around had formed themselves into a shovel brigade This morning the wornout crews with their trains returned to the city For three days the mercury has been ranging from to degrees below No deaths have occurred hit hundreds of persons have frozen noses and ears FARINA dust MEAL Graham Flour Buckwheat Flour Flaked Rice Beans Peas quickly prepared Have you tried QUICK DAVISON CO J WE START ji 9 With a Slaughter Sale See our Reduced Prices w l TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE WANTED A KM General Servant Newmarket Apply to Mra A Mink Boa Pound On Chrlfidrtas fin Huron St at t Depot Home Work want tbo service of a of ind Co do knitting for us at home whole or spare time Auio uiatlc to supply yarn free and pay for work as sent In Distance no lilodmooe You Write at once Homing Syndicate Public Library 1 LEHMANS DRUG STORE -o- ions Are made from the Purest Drugs and Chemicals and you may Rely Upon Them They will bo sure to help you if you need them Coal and Wood Lime Hair Cements fl Flour and Feed delivered to all parts of the Town free J Huron r I REMOVED Jan per barrel per pel J Bill Word- per pfdr per pair Turkey per lb WW It osz 4 Ml A Rev Mr Livingstone an ex cellent sermon in the Methodist church last Sunday He is to preach next Sunday morning here again and his subject will be on the missionary worK in South Africa where the Dr spent five years previous to the war There should be a big turn out There was very Interesting meeting last Sunday evening The following are the officers elect for the ensuing half year PresidentMrs Win Vice Mr John VanNorman Cor Sec Miss Hose Gibson Mr John is expected to introduce the subject next Sunday Sec Miss The election very quietly in this Division on Monday last Mr Darker was the general favorite for Councillor only ballot that had not a cross opposite his name The ice on the bay is about inches thick now A few rigs have been across already Our school teacher Miss Karl Is on the sick list this week The children are having more holidays A big at the stores on elec tion night Some of the candidates treated the crowd to candies Mr John from the amused the crowd with his smart tricks He Is full of them Keswick Tent of the KOTM are preparing to hold a public installa tion and entertainment on Monday eye the at which a small bo charge will be made The lent have been at considerable expense In oj an outfit for their Degree Team It is reported that besides the installa tion which ceremony will be conduct ed by Trossler Deputy DO Mr New ton of Toronto son of Mr spent New Years under the parental roof Messrs Ira jr and Now ton mil visited at Mr Mullens Sunday Our burg was the scene of some citement on election day the Do you notice how many there are who wagered on the winning side beginning of the new century is being marked by a week of special prayercervices conducted by the popu lar pastor Rev Sargent assist ed by Rev Jos at church We arc pleased to see Rev I Howies back to his charge after spending Christinas with his wifes parents in Tara Mr John Dougherty is spending the holidays at the home of his fa ther Mr I On New Years night the residence of Mr and Mrs was the scene of a pretty and fashionable wed ding when their daughter Miss M was united in marriage to Mr Bradford Paisley After the ceremony the guests to the number of about partook of a sumptuous repast The bride was the recipient of many handsome and costly pre sents among which was an upholster ed Easy Chair the gift of the Christian Church Choir of which she had been a member for ycartf TIjc evening paused pleasantly In games and- music Several varieties of the latter being produced by a mer ry crowd of young men outside arm ed with guns horseAddles cow bells tin horns pans etc The Doctor has as yet reported no serious cases of Injury As a reward for their services the boys were treated to candles Giving three cheers for the bride and groom this part of the crowd dispersed to their homes la hereby given At heannual of Newmarket Public Library will at Council Chamber at Monday J- 1901 fur the reception of reports and elect I an ibe Board of Management for A full at tendance of requested president COOMBS Secretary TO THE ELECTORS OF KING Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil a Emulsion and White Pino and Tar Pulmonary Balsam Peorless Restorer Tablets Tonic Pills Kidney Pills Liver Pills Juai thing for keeping the body warm is a that in the Muniolfdl Council of King- iierirliybiK Co lifiiriy and election for lOul I lelrri to inyuitpr eclat fun of nut at ilia my clicllun and hope cmracn all will be In the public ami meet with their approval J can suit yon with iheie and them to you at a very Newmarket Cemetery Co Ontario choice recitations and murfc will be given by The chief features of the enter- will be lableatix by Team In their new address by ufc Commander look for a crowded house sure STORE Our teacher Miss Jan lives left Ecwfixd of bo Plcwedto thai there la at Mitncr haa jo euro In jit Hull yHtUrrb uhIIo1 oral or thceby dtiin UPTODATE Everything we carry and tin make is uptodate Suits Overcoats Or Pants We fit or Refund Your money We Guarantee a Saving in Clothing hot horn Call and Try Us ami bo your own Judge FurLined Coats A SPHGIAUTY J ft Annual of the Newmarket be In the Cemetery Company wit Temperance Hall ON Monday Jan 21 At for of and A full letidtudo of lot owners la requested Lot holders unablo to attend the Annual Meeting- tony obialh for voting by ap plying to J J Pearson Order RAILWAY SYSTEM THIS International Route Runs through Seven And two principal Provinces Natures highway- Delightful everywhere Try its undoubted advantages Roadbed that travellers relish Universally good No and best equipment its patrons confidence For apply to any Ayeat of Grand To A Agent Newmarket Passenger Aacnt Union Toronto TO RENT by any f and lit Its lprieior he Opposite House s cellar of the brick week in a which broke out the tonight tills so i horses poor workers i No occupied J Bon JOSEPH Twitching Eyelids for Indicate eyestrain slightest hint of it should not be neglected We tesl eyes free of charge recommend glasses onl when absolutely necessary L Atkinson GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co acres South Half of Lot Bast KaatQwllllmbury Inaoodalato of nun Apply on lot Bast MdVit Pouth of Pen lot 31 to Vlvlai of to Lot Main of J Si nth I ta