Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 11 Jan 1901, p. 6

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i i i ii iii i 7 V of all kinds of Also Urge stock of MOORE GRAIN MERCHANT I manager t i price for all kinos or ROWLAND OF TAB Ontario Veterinary College ALBERT door North Lloyds Drag Store For Si mere part or lot coo ff East Baft west or Landing being part of quick FURNITURE J You ran save money by buying Furniture at the A LARGER STOCK AN EVER OF Bedroom Parlor Abies Couch and Chairs- aw for Pillow Sham Holders and the cerebrated Carpet Stretcher end Picture Framing Specialty Goods delivered free of charge when ordered in quantity ALLAN THEAKER CEMtfrBltV PRODUCE MARKET A meeting of the directors of the There was a good attendance at the Mount Albert Cemetery Company was market on Tuesday Trices as in the office oh lows butter to cogs day evening The principal business I chickens 10 to geese turkeys BALDWtN BREEZES was making Hie arrange- to 10c ducks for holding the Annual Meeting- tie notice or which will be found in another column i SUNDAY SCHOOL The annual enter of the Presbyterian Sunday School was a most successful one There were cho ruses and soles by the children and solos by Mr and Mrs Miss Mar ion Armstrong and John Graham of Toronto and Miss Gordon of elated over it loud talk From -inveataga- I it will bo found that most Watch night services Were conducted of from minors Swamp on in families of church members Go New Years eve slowly have no iced with A little private watch service ministers as well as pedagogues if was held in also consisting vou to maintain order you must of songs readings with the hearers little cat naps and the consumption of Long experience has made our At the election on Monday two of luscious apples A stationary of pro- a ver popular grooms- citizens Messrs is appended- below when youre getting married and John Moore were returned as A solium occasion Died at him a call councillors for East- town on Dee as the bells Mr Cole is ill with poth gentlemen are shrewd business were tolling midnigjit The Nineteenth Miss Etta Davidson is filling men and are well qualified to fill the j Century aged years appointment during his illness position This is the first time we mass and The Dead March in little lassie Miss silent theses- ton Mr Past A joyous event Horn to Fattier Time at Oh New Years eve and Woodcock held a amid the joint meeting in the Town I fa if on J At five minutes to Madam Moon peeped from behind a dense curtain of cloud to see if had arrived but Warm Goods tor Cold Mens Fur Goats Ladies furLined Capes nd Storm Collars Felt Boots and Slippers New Currants and Raisins at old prices H D ALBERT J 1 1 have had two representatives and we Saul was whistled by the hoped to be excused for feeling a little watcher The Owl by PUBLIC MEETING HOME WANTED Some place of shelter should be pro vided for those who after the shades Thursday and addressed the of evening have fallen seem to have tors on Council matters no where to go but who wander into Messrs and Kiteley were present any business place where they see abv invitation and also distinguished retired on seeing the Owl light burning We have done our attendance was large I past lights wre shaxe in the way of sheltering these and considerable interest was sown Jinguished- After singing homeless ones but those present In view of the fact W j fii mother Future la of Frank Morton Esq is five years of age but has had only one birthday Born of Feb Miss Emma Arnold Virginia is vis iting her cousin Alice Arnold was lively on Monday polling day The Owl Goods are times both evenings and through that the fight is now over a more ex- m mi on when we would be obliged tended account would prove W Baldwin Onion were given privilege of doing as we treat of confecjtonery on New office Many people Years night instead of their usual the day for the on entering any PERSONALr V establishment to be stared at by a A P some very handsome calendars ilium- Geo Sons MM OF Collar Checks Blanketing Blanketing Sheetings Cloths Yarns etc OF- Tweeds Frieze Milton Grey Cheviots Always on hand to number of hangerson and to rencwimr old r themselves in an atmosphere thick porrrats with noiv enriched by the j mi officers in South African War vwui lODacto smo Hollmgsliead is choice aroma of tobaro his brother Mr lid- enticing that on a This evil is gen- I floodwl I the town the win- f i worthless ads offering gold place here such people can meet ffl out bringing a nuisance to en- W S have I p0t hmK M his in business lhe fot gaged in business nand for could No Youll find that like SUTTON I youve paid too dear HOLT I Stoves Roasting Pans Carving Setts Vegetable Scoops Scoop Shovels Potato Forks all at ALBERT Toronto lftttef Having been of one or two errors in Holt items last your correspondent has made care ful inquiry and learns that the young man referred toas being a leaguer was not a member in good standing according to constitution having miss- three consecration meetings before the quarrel Also the other young nun objects to being called an a fifth who Our reason for such remarks this watching for the doctors had warned not to A FASHION ABLE WEDDING first of the twentieth cen- for vour do any work or engage in any thing exciting So we learn that not all whose names are in the book are members nor all under the tors treatment invalids Was it not fine to have snow for our new members to slip in the Court- last Monday Wedding bells are By the falling of an elevator on S KELLER FASHIONABLE TAILOR time to save himself from being crush ed to death Divisional Court has dismissed Mayor appeal against the court in his libel suit against the Publishing Co tun- was a memorable one in the lives Jo fe A of at least two people- Era at Sutton and is author- hunters are after their hides occasion of the wedding of Miss Ann subscd tions c Crittendens hound after half a Jane Oldham youngest daughter days run caught one that hart taken the late Oldham to Mr promp attend- J refuge in an old building A game Allen Smith son of Alex Smith to bout Mr came out of The interesting on violenc ceremony took place at the residence of has claimed another of our from Crittendens boot Mr Jagger Oldham brother of je Brooks I see by dispatches from Essex that brother Mr Graham bride at Franklin and was performed wfao wells are weakening Wfol by Rev K A pastor of leaves a wife and three are Newmarket speculators doing on the Albert Methodist churcn cWWnfn to nroutn question Or do It is said Mr Macdonatd will now of to have his appeal carried to the our best families broken into sure follow Toronto run its municipal election largely on political lines and I lowland was elected The vote stood i WINTER WEIGHT it STREET SOUTH bride was beautifully attired in white James and wife left on thev get sufficient from the Owl organdie and wore white roses Miss Thursday thc 3rd for and Miss Ada Old ham m knot but so far as I Shaw Now that election day is over per- socialist- nominee haps our neighbors can find something else to talk about Military circles a rumor Miss Maggie who been very ill in Toronto is spending a few of commandmant of Royal Military College at Kingston in siccession to Col Kitson- are glad to that Miss John of Calgary Stephenson is getting better also Mr of Methodist Missions daughter Manitoba and the NorthWest lias been laid up for tho io past week with a lame back Hall was crowded Sunday GOODS AT- CLOSE PRICES Wedding Some friends went- from leave Owl has a capital pjcj on to grace his fine new residence Sterland- has been very ill for form It is rumored that a very young wlUl j The announcement is made of the dispensed in Knox church Sutton last man was sad when Tommy won a team of horses incorporation of a the Rev Mr of the- bride 1 new Syndicate in city Albert DRUG STORE For j Balm of Cough Syrup a General Powder for or for Ac use oar IMPROVED Condition Powder We crry a full line Patent them Prescript ions Family llictipea receive person l or W T LLOYD AND ilton of supported the j jday groom The bride was given awayg by her brother After ceremony Sacrament of the Lords Supper was the invited guests to the number of fifty sal down to a sumptuous repast The happy for Toronto and 1 Some lads having a little private will visit other places before they re- youngDst daughter grudge at Father Kill caught him out turn to settle down to the prosaic dark night and him most realities of life Miss was C0Urse of the with Some an- earnest worker in the Scho0 of Toronto swift true shots soon knocks his church and was very popular It McDonald was in head gear into a veritable cocked hat needless will be greatly Toronto last week on business tied to a house of refuge and was I Mr Lester Kemp of Toronto June- indeed a sorry spectacle his face all is home on a visit with parents plastered with snow just like Santa fence and damaged it considerably Jed capital This syndicate Miss Gertie is home again 0 attempt to swallow up after being absent all the fall at Hie all the banking establishments of the millinery business in Newmarket Scribe I and friends Glaus The searchlight failed to re- annual of the Public j Mr Geo Hawkins intends next veal the naughty scalawags You Library will be held on Monday even- spring to put a stone foundation boys cant you never behave next in town hall at eight I his dwelling house and make other j Mrs music pupils are All ticketholders arc invited improvements jing favorable progress so Im told to be present from near Under so excellent tuition they cannot Rev J Oliver will preach in the has taken charge of the 2nd depart- I very well fail in getting there if church every night next of our public school keep dinglongin away Mr Fred Lake who volunteered to Me Miller of is here fight for the against tho Boers on a holiday visit with his brother has just returned and Is visiting with I James vocal friends May his shadow never grow less Methods week except Saturday Whitchurch Township Sunday School Convention was held iu Methodist church on Tuesday and Wednesday Scott Township Sunday School con vention will meet in Zephyr on Wed nesday next A very pleasant party was held at Miss Is suffering from an home of Mr Robert tack of quinsy Monday evening Miss Frances Shaw of Sutton was Special Services are being held in married on thc 2nd to Mr city and carry on business under the name of The Model Bakery Kelson the waiter who J carbolic acid because a pretty waitress named Buck would not many is him died at the Hospital on Saturday Sir Wilfrid in companywith lion Charles trick arrived in the city on Tuesday morning and were make him a great favorite here Un fortunately there were 110 entertain- t n m r ALU I It op Presents rT AT ROWLANDS FOR SALE Two Milch also two Horned Apply to W Mount Albert the Methodist church this week and next All arc cordially at tend The regulation January thaw teems to be setting in at this time if will ing Thc Township Council will its first meeting on Monday next A very pleasant At Home was held at thc residence of Mr French on Tuesday evening the auspices of the Lades Aid of the Franklin Christian church A few cords of hardwood wanted at this office Those who enjoy seeing a good live ly municipal election campaign had their wishes gratified this time Give us a rest foranother year steady subscribers in this vicinity arc renewing their subscrip tions with gratifying punctuality trust thc few in arrears will favor us with a call shortly Thc and Weekly Globe for 175 a year and the Baily Star for a year are he favorites In this locality We regret to report the serious ill ness of Mr Wm We apologise for the scarcity of news last weeks tame People have been so busy they havent even liad time to meet with an acci dent Have excellent sleighing in this locality now It came- just In time to get the vote out on Monday an of Out The ceremony was performed by A Brace at the homo of broth er Mr Alfred Another of our citizens was united in bonds of wedlock on the vIk Edward Gating to Miss Cane of at the church The Rev J of Cold- water was here this week- on a to his mother Mrs Debbie who still remains quite poorly Mrs of Virginia is under doctors care She is from Thc result of the municipal contests has shown that whiskey and party combine a temperance candidate stands a poor show of election no matter how well qualified he may be tor the position Methodist congregation of Vir- to give him an opportunity to intend having a pie social for the sing he says is bubbling on the oer with musical talent Great or chestra there on a par with the best in Hub If Fish Inspector will search thc records of Ontarios early history hell find it recorded that early In past century our Inland lakes teemed with land locked Ive heard old timers relate that in spawning season the rivers would be blocked so great was multitudes Oh for those days again And why not Vital statistics show that the birth rate does keep pace with the death rate in Ontario You will have noticed that jit tills settlement a very prolific class of people exist January Mrs Arthur Arthur with another olive branch to the family tree Mr Johnson of North Dakota a former is over on a visit with relatives Twenty years residence Uncle Sam has made him look quite Yankeefied but I at heart he is still a Canuck and in i check match will be played here future hell be an Kra reader Thursday between Sutton Markham clubs visit to our mmtcl election rails at conducted in hla will one an of our advance In civilization The room will found filled with tobacco smoke and the floor covered with Mr Ben Tomlinson and family en joyed New Years day at Uncle Dicks Richard Young Union St Aunt Maggie had a grand dinner and a largo company to enjoy it Foremost amongst business men in Sutton stands our good friend George Cuttle For thirty years his integrity Mr Frank of Manitoba visiting at Mr Fred Miss of Toronto is vis iting with Mrs Cooper Miss Aggie was visiting her guests of honor at the Bar banquet cousin Miss May a few that evening Both returned to days last week Wednesday Mrs Rail ton of Indian Head Aids Sheppard Frame and Woods is visiting her brother Mr are mentioned as likely to be chosen Wilmofc Hill Controllers this year at least Mr of Churchill was in their names arc more frequently beard town election day at the Hall than others Two purchasers were here on A couple of members of the Man to day last trying to get of Provincial Government are in the hotel city this week ion Sale 1 We have a few Mens Heavy Overcoats J and Ladies Mantles left alter the trade which we intend clearing I out J LESS THAN COST Come early and get first I choice nauseous expectoration so that it is 1 and word have been known to trades painful for anyone riot a of people to be as good as tho Bank of that demoralizing habit to remain England consequently ho has built up oven a short time to record her a firstclass business of which he may vote i well fell proud There are complaints of some young folks having disturbed tho Free watch night service by laugbing and Severe cold has suddenly set thruout Europe in 1 A number from around here attended concert in Second Street on Friday night last Miss Hal tie Link entertained at tea one evening last week also Miss jorie Wigltt An old Qucensvillo boy is Mayor of Town of in the per son of Mr Isaac Silver The Qucens- villc old boys him a message of congratulation on Tuesday The School Trustees met on Wednes day evening to select a female teach er Particulars later The elections are all over Some people are quite pleased and are otherwise hope the new Reeve and Councillors will give satisfaction if not go out next January Master Don McKcnzlc spent hi holi days at McMillans corners Mr and Mrs Graham were in Sutton and Gum Swamp on Monday last the former to vote for North township representatives r Mount Albert Cemetery Co hereby given tkat the Annual Mating or above will bo held In the fllbetit Monday 2ist oclock pm for report other bloo9 A attendance is UCttll KwU Secretary 3 Talk the Unit on the long Distance Telepnone is hustling at Parlia ment buildings preparatory to session It is not expected however much important legisla tion will be proposed terin Donald McLaren who removed to this city fiomo time ago from Milton District to reside with a daughter was admitted to membership In Metropolitan Church on Sun day Ho is years old and has lived in centuries He has been a Methodist for over years The annual meeting of the Bible class of Central Presbyterian cburch was held Monday night and at its close a social reception was given to Mr J K County Treasur- TRY OUR OWN who is retiring from the position of Cod Liver Oil WR I WITH WILD CHERRY BARK Stephen Armitoge and Simeon Lemon of KlngTp and J of Sutton i Before Calling Central make a cote of all you wish to say and when you get the required connection TALK BUSINESS an excellent remedy for Coughs Colds NOTICE i the Annual Come- trry Company will beheld In a cor no Shop on Mtmaty evening fct on tho of fortbe of electing for ensuing wniOHT J An Boar will bo kepi hit of Lot 7 In the Bv61 AND LUNG i We keep leading property fit Forrests Pharmacy MOUNT ALBERT To Bowl Mm 9

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