Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 11 Jan 1901, p. 5

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A 4 A JL NEWMARKET BRANCH 1 General Banking- on tieppsiW- IT DRAFTS and and American Draft caught f WHIT GOING OH IK ABOUT r average circulation for the is sues of tie Era last year was jars Simpson Mala St and fl Stoaffep and Violin Tun of Pianos and all String Instruments A Beauty We beg to acknowledge the receipt of calendar from Messrs Barber Ellis stationers Toronto which is the most have seen Itiis season- It knocks all other calendars out and is an indication that the firm enters the new century great business enterprise Brigade The annual meeting of Newmarket Fire Brigade Is to take place next Wednesday evening for the reception of reports and election of officers Every member is expected to be pre sent us and a now drum was purchased which has given good satisfaction Several dur ing the season but their plum have The appearance of the was greatly improved by the purchase of new caps in June caps were not purchased with the band funds as each man paid for his own cap and it is therefor his personal property At present the Band is in a nourish ing condition and prospects are very bright for the coming season An effort sbouldbe made to purchase new uniforms for the Band this spring v NEWMARKET WORKS LATEST Monuments and Head Stones- WtBforeOrdenewhere SB Allan- SMITH PHOTOS FIBER and BETTER and see Them KNOWLES Retail Two Main St Large congregations last Sunday The fellowship meeting was well at tended and a real spiritual delight The choir was strengthened in its soprano by presence of Miss Elva Yorke The annual meeting of the Ladies Aid takes place afternoon at the residence of Mrs John Tile meeting of the will be held next Wednesday after noon at oclock at the residence of Mrs Manning A full attend ance is requested The Trustees are arranging for the anniversary sermons about the middle of February It is expected that Rev Dr Hunter of Toronto will be the preacher Installation of officers at Aim A Lodge next evtclng Tt annual the Library takes place next Monday evening for of re ports and election of officers The annual of the North jjj men York Agricultural Society takes place next Wednesday afternoon The annual meeting of Dairy Association takes place next Wednesday afternoon The daylight is beginning to in crease but not very rapidly A min ute a day is slow growth The slight fall of on Sunday evening made election day quite live ly You cannot compel the people to buy at home but you can perhaps convince the people that iney can deal to as good advantage at as abroad The only way you can do this is by spreading the news broadcast- and this is best done in the home paper v Contention The Sunday School Association of the Township of King has completed for toe ninth annual con vention which is to be held the Church King City on and Friday Ian and and the programs are week delightful convention is pro mised and tiie people of King City are doing everything in their power to make the visit of delegates pleasant and profitable Jos Oliver of a splendid At he above rnentioned Hon our bass drum flf Wait ixir rocket but very generously voted in the name of the Lord Christs triumphal entry Into Jeru salem was the Only public official de monstration- that he made all his life This temporary assumption of his royal prerogative is intended to throw into prominence a truth respect ing him that is often forgotten- He was a and came as a king he was Lord and Master as well as Saviour His public avowal of this hastened a decision in Jerusalem and prepared the wiy for his suffering and that was a part of his purpose too APPLICATIONS What a privilege to be able lo any suggestions as to the most j nisi anything that may supply A Supply a Week 1 Of Park Blackwell Laid o The host Mildest Cared Meta on Ihe odjr A yon Roiled Corn Meal Batter Corn Pickled Pte Ham Tongue Honey Bop fifffiity notice Thanks A complimentary item in Printer and Publisher for December escaped our notice until just the other day It says The Era con tains some very good work done for the local candidates at the general election It is difficult to decide What is a welldisplayed election for what would please the printer might not satisEy the candidate who inserts it Looking upon it as merely apiece of job work the arrangement is very good Trie only objection to be found that too many kinds of type are used The press work on the halftones liowevcr is faultless- It is seldom that such clean work is done on the ordinary newspaper Even coarse screen halftones are fre quently made a mess of in the print ing to say nothing of the fine screen engravings here this is a sample of what The Era usually does in printing halftones they are to be congratulated When it is considered that Printer and one who has had much success in the Toronto missions is to give the address on Thursday evening On Friday morning Rev A of Newmarket and Key A P Latter of to intro duce subjects for discussion The former A equipped and the latter Present re missionary work of call and reports of will also be heard on Friday morning On Friday afternoon of Aurora and Robinson ol City will give addresses of welcome Mr J A Arrrfcrfcrong of in troduce the subject for Would Lord Jesus Christ attend S from to 30 The Sunday School lesson for Jan will be taught by Rev Rogers of New market The Of Sun day School scholars is to be addressed by Mrs Rev of Newmar ket The Treasurers report will be presented and financial appeal con ducted by Rev W Amos of Aurora On Friday evening a Song Service will be led by the church choir The retiring President and President elect will give addresses and the Secretary present his annual report The ad- of the evening is to be given by Robert Atkinson pastor of Oak Street Presbyterian- Church Toronto Rev of will answer the question drawer and the suitable means of the neces sary funds for so doing will be thank fully received J Smith Sec report was adopted as very satisfactory The boys voted a Christmas box of to Mr McDonald in addition lo his usual salary A committee was also appointed to obtain estimates etc in connection with new uniforms and the boys in tend to push the matter The election of officers for the ensu ing year resulted as follows PresidentMr Hodge Secretary Mr Smith Treasurer Mr John Warren Trustees Mr T McDonald and Mr W Scott Auditors Mr J Smith and Mr Ontario Gazette gives official announcement of of Messrs J 15 Cane and John Yates as License for the district of North York Master need How is popular favor A great crowd shouts and hails him as their king and within a few days a great crowd is shouting Crucify him And many we doubt not were in both crowds Jesus is King of the human heart We owe him obedience and gratitude and acknowledgment and love His coming to Jerusalem was hut a type of his coming to our hearts He conies in meekness and simplicity and yet as King over all house of should be the house of prayer The house of prayer is also the bouse of healing and of mercy The temple where Jesus tow dwells is the hearts of his disciples We must let him cast wit all that is sin ful and set up his own there These little children teach us a The day is coming when all the world will join in the song EDITORIAL NOTES The Official Gazette at Ottawa con tains notice of application to Parlia ment next session for the charter of a road from Toronto to Georgian Bay and to operate a fleet of boats on the great lakes The of South Wellington purpose tendering a banquet to Mr Hugh Guthrie the newly elected mem ber for that Riding at on the inst Among the mailed quests we notice the name of Hon J I of Ottawa 1 The Dominion Government has de cided to have Canada represented at the Exposition at this year It is not intended to make an exhibition such as was made at Paris but an office will be opened on behalf of Canada Ontario and Manitoba will make displays as Pro vinces and Publisher is the standard critic session will close after the Resolution for newspapers in Ontario speaks well for the work don in the Era office 1 Annual Meeting or above Society will be held In the ON- I -I- Weinoaday 1901 t hour oil oclock for the recep tion and adoption of and other A attendance la requested A meeting of the existing Board will he held at theeauio place at lock am on the above date J JPrtfcldwit KBlTiL BccrcUry Clubbing Rotes Era and Weekly Globe including the beautiful picture of The Canadians at the Battle of Era and Weekly Mail Empire SO Era and Toronto Daily Star Era and Tanning World Era and Montreal 85 Era and Montreal Star NOTICE r Meeting Newmarkets Dairy Association held on Jan 18th 1001 In Council Chamber for th of general liy Order W M KocreUry J MA fco fit Toronto j Diseases of Women riles oay bo Saturday at Newmarket room Free Seed During the past twelve years sam ples of those varieties of which have succeeded best on the veral Experimental Farms distributed on application In 1lt bags free thru mall to farmers In all parts of the Dominion object in view in this distribution teen to add to the productiveness and Imjrove tlie of these important products the country by placing within reach Of very of most Vigorous and productive sorts This work has met with much appreciation and a large measure of success Under the instruction of the Hon Minister of- Agriculture another distri bution will be made this season Ow ing to toe very large number of plications annually received it is not practicable to send more than one sample to each applicanthehce if an individual receives a sample of oats he cannot also receive one wheat barley or potatoes and applications for more than one sample for one household cannot be entertained These samples will be sent only to those- who apply personally of from societies or individuals cannot be considered The distribu tion will consist as heretofore of sam ples of wheat barley field Indian corn and potatoes Applications should be addressed to Committee present its report and farewells are given ItwiHbe seen that the program is most instructive and practical and it is hoped- that every School in the Township will send delegates however must be sent to Robinson King City on or before Jan The singing during the ses sions will be conducted by a good union choir It is expected that this will be one of the best conventions ever held in the Township The pie of King City intend to provide dinner and tea in the basement of the church which will give the workers from all parts of the Township a chance to get acquainted with each oilier Into the Froze fa Ottawa Out Jan Mr who baa just returned from exploring the barren lands states that his party went miles fur ther north than any of the Hudson Bay posts they came across in their journey Travel was by dog sleighs canoe and He brought home with him six muskox skins out of eight- he succeeded in bagging He also kilted a Barren Land Bear thus proving the existence of that an imal had been disputed for one hundred years Caribou wolves and foxes abounded in the country party went about miles into the polar bear country In all from Edmonton to the time of return miles were traversed and during that time the only mishap was a canoe upset- in which he and two halfbreeds figured clung to the craft and were rescued by their companions Citizens Bond The annual meeting took place last Friday eenirtg The Secretarys re port which is very encouraging is- follows Tlie year just closed has been a very successful one and the Band has fully sustained its reputation as one or the best if not the best bands north of Toronto While bands have had to engage players in order to fill engagements we have been able to not only place a large band of home men In the field but also to make up two good bands when neces sary Our Bandmaster Mr McDonalji Mas proven himself a lender arid general of thd first quality and the standing of Band is due almost entirely to his untiring effort During the season hand has been before the public fortythree times in cluding ten openAir erls at differ ent parts of the Town and three patriotic demonstrations at one of boys had an opportunity of showing how they could stand fire Tlie action was short and ficrr Wing the amount of aiftnv red into our ranks our casualVes were light only With a view to encouraging the de velopment of a literary spirit in Cana da The Ladies Magazine Toronto is offering cash prizes for the best short stories by Canadian writers Particulars are given In the January number of the Magazine A gfaphic competition is also announced and cash prizes offered is made happy by the information received through Mr McCarthy the Commons member for North that the Dominion Government has given him assurance that the work on the har bor in that Town will be continued Several Cabinet Ministers will visit at an early date A despatch from Ottawa dated Jan I announces that the modus Vivendi by which United States vessels arc allowed to enter Canadian ports on the Atlantic coast for the purchase of bait ice seines lines supplies and the transhipment of the catch has been renewed by for the year This will no doubt save friction but it seems to us this privilege for consideration should be settled in some permanent way by treaty Father Sweeny mass in the church on New Years morning Rev Webster and Miss Web ster were home for Xmas holidays We were favored here splendid skating and iceboating on Christinas Day Following several weeks of revival services in the church here Mr on Sunday evening received the church six new members We are sorry to hear Mrs Webster has not been as well during the last week being again confined to her bed with rheumatism of the nerves- Mrs has been a few days with her mother Mrs who hoped to be able to lake home with her for the balance of the winter but was disap pointed as she found her not so well and unable to travel Weaving Inform the public he ha moved to Mr House on Co Loom with all the late to and la do Work In Carpel Call and Bend your riff In VKyk thai hi of which he dont closely In daylight and Wk of In the County of York are all In and he la anxious In and unit take the en Out Of Hi of tho the Director of Ottawa and may be sent any time be- small percentage of the of March after due wholly to the heroic which date tlie Hats will be dosed so mci1 that the samples asked for may all be whom was your humble out in good time for being unmarried men and Parties writing will please mention creforo having no wives or the sort of simple they would mown the loss and finding no naming or three different varieties P to without jumping In of their choice available the surging billows bumped stock of all trie varieties bo In skirmishing order and some other will be a wounded themselves saved sent Instead comrades from injury Mils samples of grim will be sent disheartened the enemy that early but potatoes be -irl- out of Led on until danger of transit our pliant general Ills Ms over may be Mac the position was again occupied era Genuine Patriotism Ladies of Canada While statesmen politicians the and trade within empire which they will do while Jaw displaces common sense settle this matter for yourselves Your brother of Ceylon and are growers of pure teas- Black and Green Canadian and United States Importers supply you with pounds annually of Japan teas yef know Japans are artificially colored and adulterated Let the know ledge of these facts and tho sentiment or patriotic sisterhood move you to help the planter Black teas hold the Canadian market Drinkers of Jafcan tea try the now coming oil the market and your dainty pal ates approve them Yes we hear your grocers excuses but insist Ladles can always get wgat they want how you ran your husband towell do they still think it Para dise They certainly will if you give them Ceylon and India green tea The Co are now packing it in lead packets Colonist Cobourg Jan of people were turned away from the Congregational church tonight when the pastor Rev Melville Shaver spoke of Wrongs in which must be made right The pulpit was covered with bottles of beer whiskey cigarettes cigars and tobacco which had been purchased at local hotels and stores by hoys The preacher delivered a sensational address in which he denounced the laxity of the license inspector and declared that liquor was after hours and on at every hotel town He also denounced the local shooting gal lery as an improper resort for young men and declared gambling was ram pant and on the Increase He gave no tice that tomorrow 27 cliarges of in fraction of the liquor law would before the Police Magistrate the pro prietor of the shooting gallery would be prosecuted and other charges laid The hotel men are almost panic- stricken tonight as a result of dis closure He referred to local po lice as kidnappers and urged them to do their duty i s Mil THE READING HARDWARE -i- A JBTPPjaiPE Get Winter e s v- Jv iT t a A Cook and Heaters FOR- Coal and Wood Are wanted now and we wish to draw your attention to our stock All the leading makes on hand Everything in the Line always in Stock Paints Oils and Glass A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET THE LEADING HOUSE SHARON a GENTLEMEN We are prepared to please you in New Suitings style workmanship and price Now is the time to order your New Fall Suit ladils Our stock of Staple Dry Goods is equal to anything you can buy elsewhere and just as cheap See our hew Dress Goods I Groceries Always Fresh R H i Jiffakes a Big Haul Tien Jan The ex pedition which started Christmas for under command of Col the capture of Krupp field guns and the destruc tion of rifles and large quanti ties of ammunition EXPCftlENCE Track Marks Ac A miss is sometimes better than a male Office seeking neither a trade nor profession i a disease to the Kami men listlgMreti hut still in the firing line sen free of calculated that the United States have ar rived in Canada this year bringing in money and SCROFULA THE CAUSE Eczema catarrh hip disease white swelling and even consumption have their origin in scrofulous conditions With slightest taint of scrofula la the blood there is no safety The remedy for this disease in all Its forma is Hoods which goes to root of the trouble and expels all Impurities and disease germs from the blood best family cathartic Hoods Pills Koine people wouldnt recognize the point of a joke if I toy sat down on it A Womans i Troubles Mr Keeling Owen Sound writes It la a pleasure to tell what benefit I have derived from the use of Dr Nerve food I am of age and about Ave years my lite was one or great ln- from nervousness weakness and extreme physical exhaustion I could not sleep and hot flushes- would pass through my body from to head I consulted our family physician and two other doctors but they told mo that about my time of lire I was likely to be doubled In this way I continu ally worse and despaired of ever being cured Dr Chases Nerve Food came to my notice and as we have Chases Recipe Book I had con fidence in the doctor I was so sur prised at help I received from the box that I bought three mire They built me right up and made me feel healthy and young again They have proven a great blessing to me and I hope this testimonial will be of help to some weak nervous woman as did- j Dr Chases Nerve Food The Virginia Methodist church will hold a social on Inst a sufferer from chilblains will dissolve a of salts in a little water and bathe the feet instant relief Will be obtained Brighton Jan This morn- about Ave oclock Arc destroyed a J farm house together with contents situated about five miles from this I place The house was owned by Mr Wesley Montgomery and occupied by Mr McLean Mr loo years old was burned to death There was no Insurance Jlnroaa seodlaf a and ion to iha Scientific A dr of New York fi DONT NEGLECT to write for our New Catalogue If you arc Interested or the Beat School In which to train for i The Central Business College Toronto employs regular owns CO Typewriting Machines and uses splendid rooms In work Its coureesaro thorough and practical and Its students and strong demand Winter term from Jan Enter any after that date Wo give splendid course BY for who cannot attend our School AW particulars cheerfully given Address 1 SHAW Principal A dentist says teeth are like verbs regular irregular and defective DR A CHASES OK CATARRH CURE IS tent direct to tha clean ale dropping Ciiirth Fever Co- r 1 M I r m

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