Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 11 Jan 1901, p. 1

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I a M gives ore boms hew every two York i be the lading NORTH me the to know to utter and to argue freely J i PJ j fa i 5 fa VJVi9 r 8 PAGES No paper sent outside York paid in jfW No Copies Each Newmarket Grit pet if paid in advance Beet Conducted places Ot and Under tte Direction of Guelph xo ox- Wrenches Clamps Bolts Nuts Etc NEWMARKET On September 25th a sample of ten beets taken from an average row as they came in the row was pulled from every one of plots of beets each of which was grown on a different farm lying about Newmarket York County within a radius of six miles of the town The same day as pulled the beets were sent to the Ontario Agri cultural College at which place they arrived at ten oclock the following day in a perfectly fresh condition ft Hi a- a ft 50c 125 and P 111 A v J f on the day of their arrival the aver- received from experimenters Gross Net Sep 13 35oz 30 13 Oct 142 Nov 1 16J 30 14 14 84 From the experimenters reports regarding cost have been re ceived which average per acre I Reports regarding cost have yet to be if the farmers would give a guarantee that they would follow the right method and that they would cultivate at least acres in the vicinity of a proposed factory capit alists would quickly erect factories in our Province- Farmers about Newmarket report the average cost of production to be twentyfive dollars and eighty cents per acre those about dollars and cents ana those about Welland thirty dollars and forty cents while the same farmers produced this year an average of tons pounds tons pounds and tons pounds per acre re spectively A beet sugar factory could not ex pect to obtain beets at lees than per ton Taking an evidently moder ate average yield of tons per acre at 4 per ton the gross return would be S48 per acre but our experiments of this year prove that this estimate too low we can count at o Women Oar Toronto tetter is 50c per pair up to 350 Pucks ShinGuards AnkleSupports Hockey Sticks Genuine nTrft and each The King Washing Machine Every machine guaranteed to give satisfaction Is very easy on clothes age gross and net weights of the from every plot were determined and the analysis made The process of analysis requires the roots to be made perfectly clean re duced to a pulp and the pulp express ed Toe juice obtained therefrom con tains from to per cent solidi held in solution to 90 per cent of which solids is sugar By the use of an instrument Called a hydrome ter the per cent of total solids su gar forming the greater part and by the use of another instrmenl called a the per cent of pure sugar contained in the juice is deter mined Knowing therefore the per rent of total solids in the juice ex pressed from the beet and also the per cent of pure sugar in this by a simple process of calculation the purity is determined for example should the per cent of pure sugar in the juice be equal to the per cent of total solids in the juice which is never the case it is perfectly clear that the total solids of the juice would be in such an instance entirely sugar in which case the purity would be but since the total solids of the juice Give this machine a free trial A BINNS Try our Coal Oils NEWMARKET ONT contain more or less nutrients which are not sugar the sugar forms less than per cent of the total solids of the juice The term Purity means therefore the per cent which the sugar forms of the total solids in the juice expressed from the beets and should not be less than 80 though it may vary all the way from to 90 In a similar manner samples were collected from the same plots upon the 9th October 23rd October and of November The table below gives a summary of tho results for kef reports regarding yield in tons per acre show an average of tons pounds of tared beets The highest yield in tons per acre of tared beets reported from is 24 tons pounds and the lowest tons pounds The percentages of sugar as given in the above tables are not to be averaged for the entire season They are to be taken simply to represent the average content of sugar in beets from a given number of plots upon given dates The difference in these percentages of sugar upon differ ent dates are influenced largely by two factors first maturity of the beet second tendency of a second growth to start caused usually- by a rain fol lowed by warm weather In a few days all the reports will have been received regarding cost of production and yield in tons per acre after which the entire experiment up on the cultivation of sugar beets in Ontario in all its details will be pub lished A careful comparison of the figures under Average Weight of Root in the- three that the beets least on tons net per acre which at the low price of per ton would realize for the fanner gross or about net profits per acre By the application of the most scientific and skilful methods of soil prepara tion planting cultivation and hand ling the Ontario farmer with his splendid soil and easily realize much more handsome profits than these A E Ontario Agricultural College SCHOOL DESKS Ml 0 CO CO The Office Specialty Mfg Co Limited BAY STREET TORONTO I NEWMARKET Out Net- 25 Oct 10 Nov Data are being collected in these ex periments regarding cost of produc tion and yield in tons per acre 31 of the about Newmarket have reported cost of production which averages per acre have not yet reported cost of produc tion of the experimenters have reported yield per acre which averages tons pounds of tared beets that is to say beets are taken to the factory less dirt and trimming which are deducted as waste by the factory Of 36 yields reported the highest of 25 tons pounds net weight and the lowest tons pounds AYLMKR From samples of beets were pulled and forwarded to the Ontario Agricultural College In the same man ner as above from Newmarket The following sumnurves the re sults of the experiments about Ayltner v a t una 04 Net 310 10 about Newmarket grew practically none after October while those about Aylmer grow steadily from Oc tober on till Nov and those about like those at Newmar ket grew apparently none after Oct These facts partly account for the percentages of sugar ln Newmarket and beets remaining fairly constant while those in beets tend to slightly decrease It was particularly dry about and during June and July then fairly- wet with high temperature during August and early autumn Such weather conditions are not so favorable for a firstclass sugar beet crop as warmth and moisture in spring and summer followed by fair cool weather in autumn Had the been grown as man golds arc in drills to 30 inches apart and to inches apart in the drill much lower percentages of sugar and a lower purity would certainly have resulted Among our Experi menters there were several who failed to cultivate according to directions but who adhered to the methods long practised by farmers and encouraged by pur exhibitions for growing large roots The following table shows the of such cultivation in compari son with the results of right cultiva tion which aims first for qualjty and second for size instead of size only of quality better from Maple County of Mr Jackson Newmarket Dear Sir Please find enclosed the sum of to pay for the Era for anotlier year and of all the spend get more satisfaction and real pleasure out of that one than any other and think that the Era still maintains the proud distinction of be ing one of the brightest and best local papers in the country The old adage that people will hov er lock the stable till Uie horse is stolen can be said of the little town of Hanover that suffered such a loss about a week ago when the magnifi cent factory owned by the Knechtcl Furniture Company went up in smoke The people- had been urged time and again to put in a fire protection but it was voted down every time and strange as it may seem by the very men who were making a living by working in the factories they have got their eyes opened at last tho at a terrible cost and we may expect to have a splendid waterworks system put in as soon as can be done Women now possess some form of suffrage every nation ex cept Greece Spain Portugal and dome German states in the con tinent the suffrage privileges are lim ited but it should lie borne in mind than they are likewise limited for men In Great Britain vote upon all except lite election of members to 1arliament and the signs indicate that even this restric tion will be removed in the fu ture In Asia women have similar privileges in British India while in New Zealand and other portions of Australia women enjoy full political equality with men In the United States wYsmezt possess some form of in twothirds of the States and full political rights in four Wy oming Colorado Utah and Idaho the above bristling array nasi its points of weakness there is no getting past the comprehensiveness of the final statement of all And as the official reports of the- recent battle are now fairly complete there iy a chance to estimate in the most practical way the political perform- of the women in the four States in question There seems no doubt that many of them took an active part in campaign both as speakers workers on committees and the other paraphernalia of an electoral cam paign Certain women stumpers showed- almost equal indefatigability and endurance with the men AS a rule they worked in separate grooves though on many occasions mass meet ings of men and women voters were addressed by men and women orators Women went also from these States to the national nomination meeting of either party How representative this campaign activity was of whole body of women voters it is hard to arrive at The vote polled how ever was undoubtedly conwderable In Wyoming women cast about of votes In Idaho and Utah they are getting credit for the fact that the elections were remark ably free from disturbances In Colo rado their vote increased from in to and according to the Denver News won victory for Mr Bryan Wyoming and Utah on the other hand went Republican whether on the womens account not is not stated Mrs and her article in Colliers Weekly sums up the present situation for equal suffragist In the past the place in politics of women was that of irresponsible sub ordination and her methods were ne cessarily cajolery intrigue or conspir acy The place in politics of the woman of the future will be that of a I responsible unit of and His Honor Judge to Windsor last week holding a sitting of Admiralty Court The orangernen of the NorthWest district of Toronto gave a banquet to Hon Clark Wallace Grand Master and Mr Clarke Grand Treas urer at the Temple on the even of the 3rd Mrs J K Macdonald presided witty J large acceptance at Mrs lecture last Friday evening in Gallery Confederation Life The lecture was given in aid of the li brary fund of the Womans Art Asso ciation lecUjre was given in aid of the lib rary fund of the Womans Art Assoc iation The Retail Grocers Association will hold their annual At Home on Feb 6th Another trenchant article appeared in Fridays Globe touching our gambling laws pointing out their in sufficiency and giving pointers to our lawmakers for next session of Par liament Christmas week has been one of re cord breaking business for Toronto post office This morning a thousand packages arrived by the English mails the heaviest in the history of the of fice They came in 37 parcel post bas kets The mails New were the heaviest the Toronto post office has ever known and the clerks were kept continually on duty hour stretches During month of December one ton of letters was sent to Great Britain and several tons of newspapers It is understood the Minister of Ag riculture will introduce a measure next session of the Ontario Legislature to promote cold storage fruit trans portation trade The subject was dis cussed last week with the executive of the Fruit Growers Association During the month of December just past the temperature was degrees above the average for years Snow fell on nine days to a depth of being inches below the average The mean humidity was below average The total number of patients in the General Hospital on the last day of was males females According to returns it appears the county magistrates committed prisoners to Toronto jail last year most of these were from the Town- towns and villages bordering on the city Mr J Ross Robertson is doing a and praise worthy work in aid of the Sick Childrens Hospital St 3 r THREE out of Every a A A 46 47 IK Nov New market Parity No of sugar Porliy Samples 227 in jaloe- that a sample contains 116 78 20 0 2046 66 to ten beets pulled from an aver- from cost of production an average of I Bakery families in Newmarket who buy bread buy ours because it is made of the best material that can be secured Our homemade Bread is pronounced by all who use it to Be the best to be had We would like to have YOU try it FRED JACK per ton have not yet re ported cost of corisoquent- this figure may be somewhat alter ed when the report which are expected are Included have reported yield In tons per acre the average of which is tons pounds The highest yield reported from tons pounds and the lowest tons pounds Similarly samples collected from the the results In the following build if he gets a loan of for ten years without interest and he will no doubt get what he wants as people will not let him leave if they can help it as he employs about 250 men over 100 being married which means about 700 people dependent on that factory for their living I had often read about fires but nev er saw one before and I never want to see another for it is impossible to de scribe the destruction of so much valu able property In so short a time The fire started about five oclock and in less than hours the whole block about feet frontage with a depth of about feet was one roaring furnace the flames leaping over 150 feet high and by ton oclock the walls had nearly all fallen Had there been any wind at least half of tho town would have burned as the factory was about in the centre hut there was no wind at all the night calm This has been a very good year for farmers The fall wheat was extra good but spring crops some on account the very dry summer Hut wo have had a very fine fall and pro- for a good crop year were never better Our township council have abolished statute labor and levied a rate of sixty cents for each days road work and the roads will be kept In better shape than before There is considerable opposition to the scheme in some quarters but I think the ac tion of the council will be sustained by the majority of electors Monday Wishing the and ye Editor a and prosperous Now Year re main Yours very truly Samuel Milter Mr- KnW has promised straightforward acts of a rational selfrespecting and respected citizen The present indicates a transition peri od and wo find in consequence three distinct types of women in There the type of the ancient wo man the irresponsible subordinate con tented with her and little dream ing or the world forces at work under her very eyes changing her entire rela tionship to society There is also the type of the wrAnan of the We find her in our suffrage so fret jo redirected by men so exalted by all society that in the exhilaration of her freedom she fails utterly to real- he struggle that is to fine But more interesting than either is wo man who no to be done in world and who no public spirit reads newspapers knows what is going on In politics espouses principles ardor composes ma jorities at political meetings marches in party processions and dons badges perchance may shrink with genuine revulsion from the suggestion that the opinion she holds should be counted in a ballotbox Her name legion and she is just now the most amusing embodiment of Inconsistency within the sweep of our vision Yes terday she was in a position of sub ordination to man tomorrow she will occupy a position of equality with him today she Is in process of evolution Upon the rapidity of her development depends the date of the coming of the future woman in poli tics Out liife Neustadt Jan A second fa tal chopping accident during this week occurred this morning on the farm of Conrad on the conces sion of about three miles east of this village Jacob and Louis Allensen were cutting down a dead tree which broke during the fall One piece was thrown back knocking Louis over and falling across his body His brother had to cut the tree in two be fore lie was able to release him The victim lived only a few hours after the accident remaining quite conscious but great agony until death relieved him He was about thirtyfive years of age and un married as they come in the row it will be conceded readily that the figures above represent the sugar producing quality or the two classes of viz those receiving cultivation as rccomrnimdod for factory beets those receiving the cultivation cotnmonly practised for farm should be something more feeding and exhiblUon The than a workshop be a fonner contain from to per and the more ridlt- more sugar and from to fully the business Is done ho greater higher purity than the latter i the profit lib is the former class of beets and Plenty of warm water is an latter that sugar beet to laying as to milch cows to save t Michigan will have acres devoted to sugar beets next season Mrs Thornton years of age was killed by the street railway in last Friday She was in a buggy with her daughter and in turning out to pass a load of wood was caught by passing car Not New Dont think our Vapo Creolene is new for it isnt For mom than twenty years it been extensively uBfid for all forms of bronchia and throat trouble Mrs BaUington The Ancient Order of- Work- Booth said of it years ago that men arc planning elaborately to family where there ate young were pulled and not latter that to the the neighborhood by the liquids as the solids of the manure quarters building at the PanAmerican VipicH oU Kxpoeition The Supreme WpjJI in Buffalo next year The of a hansom with rooms for rest and the upper floor a great balcony with easy chairs for all mem bers of the order who attend the Ex position Recommended and sold by Lehman druggist Newmarket I A 1 I c -r- j

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