Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 4 Jan 1901, p. 6

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J v I t ris t 1 -t- J kinds of ABO targo acock attended to ALBERT -if- JOHN MOOR GRAIN TB Heavy Warm Goods for Cold Weather V v J t GRADUATE OF THE Ontario Veterinary College Next door North of Lloyds Drug Store a- l For Sale- cod East west of k r 5 part of lot Bast of Holland Landing being part of lot Must bo sold quick DAVIDSON Albert Apply to FURNITURE PRODUCE MARKET attendance oh Monday wis fa- Prices as follows butter in bo eggs W to chickens 30 geese turkeys ft ducks pair MIDNIGHT SERVICE The congregation of the Methodist church held a service until oclock on Monday night Addresses were delivered by Revs and and Mr Lewis Toole SHARON Miss Pearson is visiting her Nomination for Reeve and Council aster Mrs in New to form the governing body of York was the here You can save money by buying your Furniture at the It F A LARGER EVER OF Bedroom and Suites Chairs We are also agents for Pillow Sham the Carpet Stretcher and a Specialty delivered free of charge when ordered in quantity ALLAN THEAKER LADIES AID A meeting of the Ladies Aid in connection with the Franklin Christian church will be held at the home of Mr J H French on Tuesday evening next at AH are cordially invited THIS IS WRONG Complaints have been made regard ing the manner in whit some of our King Street residents dispose of their coal ashes It is alleged that they are scattered on the road and have a ten dency to frighten horses or are thrown in the ditch Some other disposition of them should be made a few lays Geo Sons DENIAL As it is reported by some parties who wish to injure my election for County Council that I am running in league with candidate I want it distinctly understood that I am running alone and intend to let every tub stand on its own bottom- Kiteley PERSONAL Mrs is visiting friends in Toronto- where she will for a couple of months Misses Annie and Armstrong of Toronto are visiting friends in town Mr and Mrs Nichols of Toronto Eva Hamer Bradford the holidays at Mr Ay I wards The Misses terry of Keswick visiting at Mr J J Miss Noilly of Bradford was visiting at Dr Pearsons this week- Miss Spraue is visiting rela tives in Toronto Mr Clarence Pearson of was visiting at Dr Pearsons a few days this week Mr Wright son of Mr John Wright of St Louis was in town a of days week Milton went to South Africa with the 1st Canadian Contingent He was in all the battles with the Canadians and was- with them when surren dered Tie is looking hale arid hearty having come home without a scratch Mrs Bain was visiting in To ronto a few days last week Mr and Mrs spent New Years day in Buffalo Mr and Mrs Geo Fogg spent New Years at Mr Watson Weights on Second St Mr J of was visiting under the parental roof a few his week Born To Mr and Mrs Andrew Rose on New Years day a daughter Judge SUTTON Mr John M is Agent for the Era at Sutton and is author ized to receive subscriptions accounts etc Orders for all kinds of printing promptly attend ed to r m Mr James Rao has secured the Base line school for 1901 He is a gradu ate of- Port Perry Model School of are visiting at her fathers Mr- Alexander has been OF I WW AT Collar Checks Horse Blanketing Bed Blanketing Sheetings Cloths etc FINE SELECTION OF Tweeds J Serges Frieze Milton Grey Cheviots on hind to choose from Porter Miss Terry spent Sunday at the home of her sister Mrs at THAT DOG STORY We are asked to make a slight cor rection in our account of the execution of two a Jew weeks ago We principal for about twentytwo years Mr Leigh of Toronto was home for the holidays Mr Geo Hawkins has moved his business across the oft Monday The were as follows For J and Boyd For Haines Fair John Moore Horace Ramsden John Smith Alex Stewart Geo H and iv Vf V Mr resigned at once also Mr and there is a rumor that one or two other may do the same bub there will still be enough in the field to puzzle the electors to decide on which may fill the bill for the com ing year After the Nominations had all been and he legal time elapsed a meeting was convened when each of the Municipal aspirants aired his- particular views what they really were no person seemed to know except nearly all appeared oppose the coming Street Railway the only grounds aiirju for it were that our streets should not be given over to wealthy without a considetation as they would he of little or no benefit to this vented There area few people yet in our we are glad to say who will welcome all the modern improvements in rapid and more comfortable means of transit and if our Councils would in future devise proper means to enforce many bylaws which have but which arc almost inoperative they will merit the of their constituents in many ways East we are sorry say to be modern reforms whnh weoiice sister township to the South tfk- i4 action We refer to taking a vote on the of Statute Labor and also the abolishing of the office of Collector and we trust the incoming Council will make an to put our in uptodate order After the Municipal Meeting was concluded the candidates for County Council being present were given fif teen minutes each to air their views street into the shop recently occupied by Mr E matters pertaining to that Henry of Scott Tp enter- Messrs Woodcock and tenden returned on Friday from a de lightful family at Mrs Xmas day Thiity- seven guests present Old St Nick was back in as they say Company arrived last for the holidays at Taylors and Will Egos Will Taylors is a farm hand a regular bouncer Wm is a boy or a girl Im not positive which reckoned company will stay for good Charles and cousin Dana have projected a hunting trip In to the howling wilderness Wolves are their game Some of our boys state that there arc a limited number of Bob Whites quail in this section A brood of young ones was seen hear here They are fine game Miss Dunning has announced that through illhealth site is unable to fill her engagement in Gum Swamp A applicant has been engaged We read a great deal of kidnappers work May the fates send some body to kidnap a couple of our bad kids not cause any howl Mr Sandy Crawford has some of the finest views of Montana scenery it is possible to get up They are mounted on cards like a euchre Our good friend the should go over and inspect them and write them up be pleased to show lliftin to him But do be careful Charlie and dont into the ditch again ftrandpap Morton has taken a visiting tour among relatives in Michigan Grandma her eightieth birthday the first day of the first month of the first year in the Century Our old neighbor John around again after a years absence He was entertained by Miss Sally Hart last week Some of our critical ladies remarked how greatly improved in appearance he was Query wholl No be Nelson LaChapells talc He cap tured twelve skunks in one hole and in another A real nest of per fumery that Market on- Monday next as usual Mysteriously disappeared Satur- Mens Fur Coats Ladies FurLined Capes and Storm Collars Felt Boots and Slippers New Currants and Raisins at old prices ALBERT Stoves Roasting Pans Carving Setts Vegetable Scoops Scoop Shovels Potato Forks all at SUrVIMHRFELDTa ALBERT a large family party on Thurs- that one of the animals was about and ii coaxed into his owners stable and hung whereas the brute had been pre viously locked in the stable by his owner and was taken out and hung to a gate post by the obliging neighbor The have recently become fam ous owing to the fact that their de struction cost the township ten dol lars besides paying for sheep they are alleged to have killed Albert i v v DRUG STORE persons Such family reunions are always delightful events Mr McDonald stll remains quite poorly Mr Fred Brooks painter who is suffering from typhoid is reported very weak Misses Nellie and Cora Hawkins spent New Years with parents here Messrs and with drew from the contest for the County Council and consequently Messrs and Johnston were elected by ac clamation Mrs Stiles sr of Pleasant N Toronto lietteF 9 Lodge Ancient Order of United Workmen resolved at its last meeting to prohibit intoxicants at the meetings or suppers of the lodge So far the investigations of the Po lice go to prove the truthfulness of the story told McKendry a yearold girl who slates that while returning to her place of employment on Lombard street last Saturday about pm while opposite the Con federation Life Building she ed by a man who put a gag in her mouth and dragged her into a cab which was standing in the shadow of the buildings She fought for a time but Jinks she was chloroformed for after that she has no more recollec tion until she found herself wandering on William street half a mile away Dr Aikins reports the girl had been victim of a outrage She op EAST Your Vote arid Influence respects I fully solicited for gave short addresses defending their course during the past two years while Messrs and made I thats the word attack and took them roundly to do for mismanagement and wasteful ex penditure Sol it rests with the elec tors to decide the matter Darkness like a mantle of charily then covered the earth and the last Municipal Nom ination of the Century closed the day a bill from Joe Fosters pock- has borne a most estimable reputation Joe has strong suspicion James Kelly who has served two or The Free hot One of three terms in United States prisons our ladies contributed a turkey the was found guilty of pocketpicking on chipped in for he dollars and J eve from shoppers at the For Reeve for 1901 At the annual school meeting on Wednesday of last week Mr Rear was reelected trustee A fox was recently shot in the swamp not far from this village Geo was the fortunate huntsman Some people never seem to get their Mr is quite work done at the right time Only with a severe attack of lagrippe last Friday we saw two men busy BALDWIN is visiting in the village with her J daughter Mrs It is reported scarlet fever in village For BalmofGilead Cough Syrup yr a General powder for Ac IMPROVED Condition Powder Wo also carry a full lice of Potent them preicriptione and receive personal ftttootion or TLLOYD we shingling They did not appear to be enjoying themselves at- their task A pleasant social gathering was held at the home of Mr Edward Stiver on Friday evening Old Mr has recovered from his illness and is able to be about again Mrs it is hoped is on the way to recovery Rose of Toronto occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church on Sunday and look charge of the Bible Class in the Sunday School of K Means a change of Fall to Winter Clothes Call and See PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS Ill to Class Max marks marks required 288 Pansy Alex Wallace Edward 339 M Leek teacher to III Max marks marks required Alfca French Myrtle 311 Wesley Thcakcr Alice Case Maude Mitchell 282 Austin Vera Hogg Jr to Sr Max marks marks required Gertie Moore Ross 227 Vera Dark 212 Reekie Essie Jewell 176 Steeper M Nixon teacher rThe little daughter of Mr John Graham of was walded fa tally by falling into a pail of hot water Ernest Wallace was sentenced to years In the penitentiary at for maliciously driving Into Mr fit Out Winter Ovetrcootings pit to the Bent Keller Alberts Leading Tailor- Ti Boid Km ma Moored wagon and crip pling the occupant Hows This Dollars Reward for cannot be cured by Halls Cure lJCAKNEVCOProts Wo the J Cheney for and In nil nnnrcRlly able to carry out any by their flrrn Wholesale Halls Curo is uponibe blood mucous 6o per by Mr and Mrs Joseph Kay Tuesday morning to sec their son Geo who is a patient in the General Hos pital Toronto We congratulate Mr Park teacher upon having successfully passed his examination before the county board Municipal nominations At the nom ination here last Monday all the old members were renominated also three new men viz Messrs K Greenwood and Mr retired and Messrs John Camer on and James Taylor of old council resigned leaving Messrs Geo Kemp Cole Geo Vrooman and K Greenwood for the new council for Reeve was again elect ed to that position In North there will be a strong contest Mr J Lapp and wife of are visiting with their daughter Mrs of this village A Watchnight service was held the Methodist church on New Years eve fc The Hot Dinner held in St James tinder auspices of the Metho dist congregation was a complete suc cess in every way There was an ex cellent supper a good program well rendered and a large attendance The giving of so much in extras to the County Wardens has been subject ed to a good deal of adverse criticism and I think justly so The of a good salary with the expectation of obtaining an additional for extras without a doubt a potent reason why So many aspirants are so anxious lo get there I believe in officials Mr and Mrs Geo Arnold 5th con EG last week removed to Newmar ket Theyll be pillars of strength to the Meth congregation Give em a hearty welcome Youll like them when you know them I do The young men who were so inclined at the Egypt school entertainment have made amends Jon- and all is now sweet and love- is ill men sent all to their pastor to make merry on Tried to get a sub from of those newly wed chaps nut they had no money to burn What they hadnt Mowed out in their honeymoon they wanted to feather their nest The Owl eve Egos child The Owl the African tela paid for work done but not to make the office a sort of sine cure Our municipal councils are run after the same fashion A clerk is appointed to do the work of the mu nicipality but so much of the work is put In as extras that the amount of ten becomes nearly doubled There is surely room along this line for re form All the prisoners in the St John Jail were given their liberty as a New Years present- Mr Geo Wagner of was crushed to death under a while chopping in the woods The Sharon scribes remarks anent Captain struck a responsive chord in my mind is indeed a model young man couldnt well be otherwise considering his bringing up If you wish to know further regard ing Jims popularity I refer you to Sutton Co York Rangers Captain Jim has the best wishes of the Owl Sinclairs have had a rough of diphtherial They have disin fected arid cleaned up the house twice only to have a fresh outbreak John Millers have had a house- cleaning spell after a siege of scarlet fever The report was circulated by a busy body that there was an outbreak of contagious disease at the Travellers Rest Such is not the case Only a severe type of influenza and dis temper Somebody was raging round trying to have the house quarantined It is to be presumed Dr Charlie knows his dufles without interference of meddlers A very enjoyable family reunion was celebrated day at Mr and Mrs Geo Arnolds con Those present were Mr and Mrs Arnold five sons six daughters sonsinlaw daughtersinlaw and grandchildren to the number of fortythree One son Johnnie of Montana was absent On arrival the Quests passed under an archway of evergreens bearing the tok en Welcome In artistic design thence through an open doorway over which was suspended a dove bearing the emblem Peace A most de lightful menu spread consisting of eleven varieties of cake three of pie roast fowl English pudding and all the little etceteras that make an Ideal English dinner Grandma Arnold sent us a large sample box of the goodies not for advertising schemes We commend her thought- fulness Grandpa and grandma Arn old received many tokens of love from those present A pleasant feature of thooccasion was the presentation of a gown pattern to Mrs as a keepsake from her brothers and sis ters Such a meeting may never oc cur again j Pah n mob Mr and Mrs London Jan Gen Kitchener has telegraphed to the War Office as fol lows Pretoria Dec Gen Knox who has been followingup reports that he has captured some horses Ave wagons with supplies and 6000 rounds of ammunition Me has re leased and allowed lo go to their farms seventysix Boer prisoners who were taken at laager and who were being forced to Gen French recently captured prisoners and a large quantity of carts and cattle Among the prison ers was a despatch rider bearing a letter from Beyers for Smuts Cape Town Dec Col column has reached He captured horses much stock A train having on board to of the Prince Alfred Guards who re turning from the front and about passengers women and children was held up at Junction The Doers numbered 200 with supports that could be seen in the distance The soldiers defended themselves un til their small quantity of ammunition was exhausted when all were captur ed subsequently released The passengers had narrow escapes as the bullets of tho Boers perforated the carriages An and soldiers were severely wounded The railway has been stopped but Boers do not appear to have injured the per manent way altho they set Are to the trairu Meanwhile the invaders further north and westward of the Orange River and River Colonies arc busy and thriving They ambushed and captured miles from Kruman a British convoy of wagons loaded with military and other stores valued at It is stated that the es cort consisting of police made no resistance A were deprived of their horses and arms and were then re leased big stores on St and was sent to the Central Prison for months Three pocketbooks and a revolver were found on him when arrested Fire broke out last Friday night tho dry kiln of the picture frame fac tory of Messrs Adams Co Pearl St and before it was subdued dam age Was done to the stock and build ing to the extent of about At the Annual Meeting of the Cana dian Jersey Cattle Breeders Associa tion held here last Friday officers were elected It was also decided to amalgamate the Association with the Dominion Cattle Breeders Associa tion Five candidates are in the race for the Mayoralty this year viz Mayor Macdonaid exMayor Jno Shaw Aid and Controller Frank and the latter a Socialist nominee Judg ing from the way candidates are received at public meetings and the tenor of the city press Mr will be a winner by a decided plural ity vote ExAid Hall who was Indicted for perjury in connection with receiving certain moneys as commission in a corporation contract was acquitted this A well known citizen Mr Alex Jar- dine President of the Pure Gold Man ufacturing Co died very suddenly at his home Davenport on Sun day last Rev J A Rankin has done to Chi cago to visit his brother who is re ported to be dangerously ill nun op Presents AT ROWLANDS Two For Bate PO FOB SALE Two Miloh Cows also two Registered Short Horned Hulls youur Apply to DR Mount Albert Our Christmas Block is now complete lo Fancy Dry Goods Fancy- Glassware ind Chinaware and Fancy Groceries and Confectionery including Oranges Lemons Grapes Etc Etc mount No V Pearl Grose Annie Kelley Beatrice Roy Watson Wesley Pegg Jr HI Hilton Grose Myrtle Grose Salter Jr Alfred Norman Cur tis Dorothy Ross Curtis Minutes Talk Is the Unit on the Long Distance TRY OUR OWN Emulsion of Cod Oil WITH WILD CHERRY BARK Before Calling Central it make a note of all you wish to say and when you get the required connection TALK BUSINESS I an excellent remedy for Coughs AND TROUBLE keep of fit sndgusrsnieo them- res property Forrests Pharmacy MOUNT ALBERT

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